Awesome List Updates on Jun 20 - Jun 26, 2022
51 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Zig
Network / HTTP
- truemedian/zfetch (⭐60) - HTTP(S) client based on iguanaTLS.
- ducdetronquito/requestz (⭐116) - HTTP client based on h11.
2. Awesome List
Front-End Development
- React (⭐67k) - JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Relay (⭐277) - Framework for building data-driven React apps.
- React Hooks (⭐1.2k) - Lets you use state and other React features without writing a class.
3. Awesome Terraform
- Language-specific communities:
Tutorials and Blog Posts / Writing Custom Providers
- Writing a Terraform provider - Guide for creating custom providers.
Tools / Community providers
- tfedit (⭐100) - A refactoring tool for Terraform.
Managed Terraform Platforms 💲 / IDE
- Spacelift - Alternative to Terraform Cloud/Enterprise. Collaborative Infrastructure Delivery Platform for Terraform 💲
Editor Plugins / IDE
- Terraform-ls (⭐1k) (Terraform Language Server)
4. Awesome Django
Resources / Community
- Discord Server - Django Discord Community.
5. Learn to Program
LinkedIn Learning: Web Development, Web Design
Paid platform for video courses on web development and design
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, web development, web design)
6. Vertx Awesome
- Vert.x JsonPath (⭐9) - A very basic implementation of JsonPath using Vert.x’s JsonObject and JsonArray, mimicking their getX, containsKey, put and remove methods.
7. Awesome Digital History
Archives and primary sources / Germany
- Deutsches Zeitungsportal - Discover historical newspapers from 1671 to 1950.
More Awesome / Switzerland
- Digital Humanities - Tools, resources, and services supporting the Digital Humanities.
8. Awesome Jax
Libraries / New Libraries
- gymnax (⭐697) - Reinforcement Learning Environments with the well-known gym API.
9. Awesome Webaudio
Packages / Apps
- web-audio-mixer (⭐99) - An audio mixer built using Web Audio.
Resources / Community
- Web Audio Conference - International conference dedicated to web audio technologies and applications.
10. Awesome Testing
Software / Test Data Management
- Touca (⭐502) - Continuous regression testing for behavioral and performance comparisons.
11. Awesome Elm
Boilerplates / Outdated Boilerplates
- generator-elm-mdl (⭐0) - Yeoman generator for a simple elm application utilizing Material Design.
12. Awesome Svelte
- svelte-french-toast (⭐930) - Buttery smooth toast notifications for Svelte, inspired by React Hot Toast. Lightweight, customizable, and beautiful by default.
13. Awesome Jupyter
- Mercury (⭐3.9k) - Convert notebooks into web applications.
- nbconvert - Convert notebooks to other formats.
JupyterLab Extensions
- lineapy (⭐660) - Extension for transforming messy Jupyter notebooks to production-ready pipelines with two lines of code.
14. Awesome Vue
Resources / Community
Resources / Tutorials
- Intro to Vue 3 - Free course on Vue 3 with intuitive explanations from Vue Mastery
15. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Inductive Logic & Program Synthesis / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Program Synthesis with Large Language Models - 2021. [All Versions]. This paper explores the limits of the current generation of large language models for program synthesis in general purpose programming languages.
16. Awesome Go
- phuslu/log (⭐727) - High performance structured logging.
- slog (⭐423) - Lightweight, configurable, extensible logger for Go.
Third-party APIs
- goagi (⭐10) - Go library to build Asterisk PBX agi/fastagi applications.
Tutorials / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- CodeCrafters Golang Track - Achieve mastery in advanced Go by building your own Redis, Docker, Git, and SQLite. Featuring goroutines, systems programming, file I/O, and more.
17. Awesome Mysql
- data-diff (⭐3k) - Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
18. Awesome Electronics
Other Lists / Help
- delftopenhardware/awesome-open-hardware (⭐480) - Helpful items for making and learning about open source hardware projects.
19. Awesome Open Hardware
- Get your open hardware manufactured - Tips by Ian of Dangerous Prototypes.
- Haves and have nots must find a better way: The case for open scientific hardware - Paper by Andre Maia Chagas
- Open Labware: 3-D Printing Your Own Lab Equipment - Paper by Tom Baden, Andre Maia Chagas, Greg Gage, Timothy Marzullo, Lucia L. Prieto-Godino, Thomas Euler
- - A place to build and share electronics projects.
Training programs
20. Awesome Acg
- VOICEVOX (⭐2.6k) - 無料で使える中品質なテキスト読み上げソフトウェア、VOICEVOXのエディター. [日本語]
Data Sources
- anime-streaming (⭐78) - A curated list of worldwide legal anime streaming. [English]
- manga-platform (⭐29) - A curated list of worldwide legal manga reading site. [English]
- ojosama-web (⭐41) - テキストを壱百満天原サロメお嬢様風の口調に変換するWebアプリ. [日本語]
- marine_button (⭐47) - Play 宝鐘マリン's voice on web. [日本語]
21. Awesome Yew
- mb2 - A poker server with a Yew client. Click the
button and thenStart
to see the client.
- Puzzle Cube (⭐9) - Rubix Cube solver using Rust and Yew, Live Demo.
22. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Developer Utilities
- XCSnippetsApp (⭐165) - Explore, view, and edit Swift and iOS code snippets for Xcode.
Utilities / System Related Tools
- Time Machine Inspector (⭐94) - Find out what's hogging up your Time Machine backups.
- Pufferfish (⭐229) - Text Expansions for Fish
24. Awesome Tailwindcss
Starters & Themes
- 🚀 Vite + Lit + Tailwind Starter (⭐33) - Boilerplate using Vite, Lit and Tailwind CSS.
25. Awesome Inertiajs
Adapters / Client-side
Resources / Packages
- Page loader (⭐28) - Unplugin for loading Inertia pages from configured namespaces.
- Flash (⭐21) - Laravel package for sharing properties from anywhere.
- Dry requests (⭐206) - Generic Laravel package for real-time form validation.
26. Awesome Free Software
Software / Web Applications
- Healthchecks - Cron job monitoring service. (BSD 3-clause (⭐6.3k))
27. Awesome Vite
Vue / Transformers
vite-plugin-md-preview (⭐178) - Markdown code preview.
28. Awesome React Components
UI Animation / Syntax Highlight
- react-animatable (⭐38) - An animation library using Web Animations API.
- react-ts-typewriter (⭐35) - demo - Easy to use and customizable typewriter effect for any text.
29. Awesome D3
- britecharts (⭐3.7k) - Client-side reusable charting library [bar, line, donut, sparkline, step]
30. Awesome Openstreetmap
Maps / Web Maps
- OpenLevelUp! - An OSM based indoor viewer.(Wiki)
- AccessMap - A web map project to enable accessible, safe sidewalk trip planning for people with limited mobility. Currently rendering senveral cities in Washington State. (Source Code)
Maps / Mobile Maps
- Komoot - A route planner and navigation app specializing in hiking and cycling. (Android, iOS / Wiki)
31. Awesome Typescript
Libraries / Chrome Extensions
- 🐙 Typetta (⭐112) - Typescript ORM for Node.js that uses GraphQL as schema definition language | Supports all main SQL databases and MongoDB.
32. Awesome Neovim
Motion / Diagnostics
- abecodes/tabout.nvim (⭐781) - Jump out of brackets, quotes, objects, etc.
Formatting / Diagnostics
- cappyzawa/trim.nvim (⭐138) - This plugin trims trailing whitespace and lines.
33. Awesome Game Remakes
- OpenNox (⭐462) - Collaboration project extending the Nox engine.
34. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- ls (twopizza9621536) (⭐0) - Adds some more aliases for
- ls (zpm-zsh) (⭐100) - Colorizes the output of
- sudo (none9632) (⭐10) - Adds
as a prefix to the current command by typingESC
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- doom (⭐5) - Doom-inspired. Looks similar to powerline. Has customizable segments, decorators for
- ribbon (⭐0) - Reminiscent of powerline. Includes Python
35. Awesome Electron
Closed Source / Other
- RunJS - Playground for JavaScript and TypeScript.
36. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Jetpack-Compose
- Canopas/Intro-showcase-view (⭐489) - An android library to highlight different features of the app built using Jetpack Compose.
37. Awesome Falsehood
- Falsehoods about Online Shopping - Covers prices, currencies and inventory.
- Falsehoods about Geography - Takes on places, their names and locations.
- Falsehoods about Plain Text - Plain text can't cut it, which makes Unicode even more incredible for its ability to just work well.
- Falsehoods about text - A subset of the falsehoods from above, illustrated with some examples.
38. Awesome Home Assistant
Custom Integrations / Alternative Dashboards
- The Watchman (⭐149) - Keep track of missing entities and services in your config files.
39. Awesome Dotnet
- gRPCurl (⭐11k) - gRPCurl is a command-line tool that lets you interact with gRPC servers. It's basically curl for gRPC servers.
- gRPC UI (⭐5.3k) - gRPC UI is a command-line tool that lets you interact with gRPC servers via a browser. It's sort of like Postman, but for gRPC APIs instead of REST.
- F# Data - F# type providers for accessing XML, JSON, CSV and HTML files (based on sample documents) and for accessing WorldBank data
40. Awesome Newsletters
JavaScript / React
- This Week In React. Weekly newsletter for experienced React and React-Native developers.
- React Newsletter. The free, weekly newsletter of the best React.js news and articles.
- React Native Newsletter. Free occasional summary of React Native news, articles, issues & pull requests, libraries and apps.
- React Native Now. Hand picking the best React Native news, tutorials, libraries, articles, and videos.
41. ALL About RSS
RSS-Bridge / Outline Processor Markup Language
42. Awesome Firebase
Follow / Community
- 📹 Fireship - A YouTube channel by Jeff Delaney, a Google Firebase expert and creator of the famous "X in 100 Seconds" videos.
43. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Content Management Systems (CMS)
- Bludit
- Simple application to build a site or blog in seconds. Bludit uses flat-files (text files in JSON format) to store posts and pages. (Demo, Source Code (⭐1.3k))MIT
Software / Database Management
- Datasette - An open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data, easy import and export and database management. (Demo, Source Code (⭐9.9k))
44. Free for Dev
- InstaWP - Launch a WordPress site in a few seconds. A free tier with 5 Active Sites, 500 MB Space, 48 hrs Site Expiry.
Design and UI
- - Free tool to quickly generate custom cross-browser CSS gradients. In RGB and HEX format.
Remote Desktop Tools
- RustDesk - Open source virtual/remote desktop infrastructure for everyone!
Game Development
- Poly Pizza - Free low poly 3D assets
45. Awesome Humane Tech
- Ungoogled Chromium (⭐15k) - Chromium without Google integration, enhancing privacy, control, transparency
- Tracker Zapper
- A menubar app for Mac to remove link tracking parameters automatically.
- TBlock
- A system-wide, platform-independent ad-blocker written in Python and released under GPLv3.
Social networks / Wear our badge
- SponsorBlock
- Browser extension that allows you to skip YouTube video sponsors.
- Quetre
- A libre front-end for Quora.
46. Awesome Algorand
Languages / JavaScript & TypeScript
- perawallet-connect (⭐67) - JavaScript SDK for integrating Pera Wallet to web applications.
Nodes & Consensus Participation / Wallets
- Algorand Node UI (⭐27) - Terminal UI for remote Algorand node management.
47. Awesome Rust
Applications / Games
- gorilla-devs/ferium (⭐1.2k) - Ferium is a fast and feature rich CLI program for downloading and updating Minecraft mods from Modrinth, CurseForge, and GitHub Releases, and modpacks from Modrinth and CurseForge
Applications / Security tools
- Inspektor (⭐281) - A database protocol-aware proxy that is used to enforce access policies 👮
Applications / Text processing
- ruplacer (⭐462) - Find and replace text in source files
Libraries / Game development
- Raylib
- deltaphc/raylib-rs (⭐827) [raylib] - Bindings for raylib
Libraries / Logging
- rbatis/fast_log (⭐254) - Async log High-performance asynchronous logging
Libraries / Virtualization
- bytecodealliance/wasmtime (⭐16k) - A standalone runtime for WebAssembly
48. Awesome Integration
Projects / MaaS
- Huawei Cloud Distributed Message Service - Fully managed messaging service that ensures secure, scalable, and reliable communication between applications.
- Huawei Cloud Distributed Message Service for Kafka - Managed Kafka solution that simplifies scaling and management while delivering high performance and security.
- Oracle Cloud Streaming - Serverless, real-time event streaming platform with Apache Kafka compatibility for efficient data processing.
49. Awesome Blazor
2D/3D Rendering engines / Modal, Toast & Notifications
- Blazor.Sidepanel (⭐45) -
A powerful and customizable Sidepanel implementation for Blazor applications.
Videos / Others
- Test-Driving CSS Styles in Blazor -
June 20, 2022 - This video is about test-driving CSS styles in Blazor.
- Should I Focus on Blazor or ASP.NET Core? -
June 16, 2022 - Should I learn Blazor in more depth or should I better understand ASP.NET Core? Which one is the better one to learn well first? Should I bounce back and forth or specialize in one?
- Native client apps with Blazor Hybrid -
May 25, 2022 - Blazor uses the latest open web standards to enable full stack web development with .NET. But what if you need to build a native client app? Blazor is expanding beyond the web to enable support for building native client apps using a hybrid of web technologies and .NET. In this session we’ll look at the new Blazor Hybrid support in .NET MAUI for building cross platform native client apps for mobile and desktop as well as Blazor Hybrid support for modernizing WPF and Windows Forms apps.
Articles / Others
- Implementing RavenDB time series in a Blazor project - June 21, 2022 - Implementing RavenDB time series in a Blazor project.
Podcasts / Others
- Umbraco Heartcore and Blazor with Poornima Nayar - May 4, 2022 - In this episode we talked with Poornima Nayar about Umbraco Heartcore and where you might use it, Blazor, a little on GraphQL and how it fits very well with mobile apps which communicate with remote APIs. Duration: 59 minutes.
50. Citizen Science
Software / Publishing , Collaboration and Organization
- - links to 200 projects
- Zooniverse - website for zoo & universe projects
51. Awesome Readme
- NASA/ogma (⭐358) - Clear description. Feature list. Demo GIFs. Simple install instructions. Usage code samples. TOC for easy navigation.
- Prev: Jun 27 - Jul 03, 2022
- Next: Jun 13 - Jun 19, 2022