Awesome List Updates on Jun 13 - Jun 19, 2022
52 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Snmp
Libraries / Python
- Scapy (⭐11k) - Packet manipulation program & library. Scapy has a module (⭐11k) to build/dissect SNMP packets.
2. Awesome Broadcasting
Video Production
- AutoMix (⭐5) - Web-based control surface for ATEM vision mixers with automated camera switching, designed for visualised radio.
3. Awesome Alfred Workflows
- Emoji picker (⭐16) - Fast emoji input.
4. Awesome Playwright
- Playwright Test for VSCode - Official Playwright test extension for VS Code.
- Maestro for IntelliJ - Playwright plugin for IntelliJ.
5. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Health and Fitness
- WorkoutTracker (⭐94) - A Flutter app to help you keep track of workout sessions by Daniel Choi.
Contents / Media
- MovieLab (⭐419) - A useful and modern movie database app by Erfan Rahmati.
6. Awesome Ironsworn
Tools / Ironsworn
- Starforged Sectors Discord Bot (⭐1) - Display, create, and explore sectors in Discord
7. ALL About RSS
Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
😣 Services that have stopped supporting RSS / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
- every collection still has public RSS feed but Raindrop does not plan to support further improvements for RSS due to possible privacy issues. 399
Sponsors / Donators
8. Awesome Vue
Resources / Podcasts
Resources / Tutorials
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Vue E-Store Templet (⭐188) - An e-commerce template build with vue/vuex/vue-router and bootstrap4.
- Afterman (⭐49) - 🌕 Create beautiful docs in markdown and HTML from postman collection. Using Quasar Framework
Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites
- Fanmio - Meet your favorite celebrities through personal video experiences on Fanmio
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-simple-calendar (⭐895) - Flexbox-based Vue month calendar component; supports multi-day events, localization, holiday emoji, drag/drop. No dependencies.
- vue-advanced-chat (⭐1.8k) - Feature-rich and fully customizable chat rooms component. Support files, images, videos, audio, emojis, customised actions, etc.
- vue-input-facade (⭐183) - A lightweight and dependency free input masking library created specific for Vue, originally a fork of the famous vue-text-mask but actively maintained and with lots of improvements after there.
Components & Libraries / Integrations
- vue-cli-plugin-chrome-extension-cli (⭐307) - Vue CLI Plugin generate chrome extension template
9. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science
Lecture Notes / Monograph
- Tim Roughgarden. Foundations of Blockchains - The science and technology of blockchain protocols and the applications built on top of them, with an emphasis on fundamental principles rather than specific protocols. - See also Lecture Videos.
10. Awesome Cl
HTTP Servers / Clack plugins
- tiny-routes (⭐17) - A tiny routing library for Common Lisp targeting Clack. BSD_3Clause.
11. Awesome Dotnet
- gRPC (⭐4.3k) An RPC library and framework for .NET Core. Read more about it on Docs Microsoft
- CoreRPC (⭐83) - Extensible library for WCF-like RPC targeting netstandard1.3. Compatible with .NET, Mono and .NET Core.
- BloomRPC (⭐9k) - BloomRPC aims to provide the simplest and most efficient developer experience for exploring and querying your GRPC services.
12. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Virtualization
- UTM - UTM is an easy-to-use GUI for QEMU and can run ARM64, x64 and other VMs on M1 Macs.
13. Dive Into Machine Learning
Supplement: Troubleshooting / Easier sharing of deep learning models and demos
- 🐣 Replicate "makes it easy to share a running machine learning model"
- Easily try out deep learning models from your browser
- The demos link to papers/code on GitHub, if you want to dig in and see how something works
- The models run in containers built by
, "containers for machine learning."- It's an open-source tool for putting models into reproducible Docker containers.
- You can put models in containers with just Python and YAML.
- There's an API for Replicate to run predictions for you
14. Awesome Neovim
Utility / Diagnostics
- m-demare/attempt.nvim (⭐89) - Manage and run temporary buffers.
15. Awesome Cheminformatics
Libraries / Others
- Auto-QChem (⭐71) - an automated workflow for the generation and storage of DFT calculations for organic molecules.
16. Awesome Game Engine Dev
Learning / Engine Development
- Education Portals
- 📚 3D Game Engine Programming - Articles on graphics, physics, AI, I/O and more.
Learning / Game Development
- Awesome Collections
- 📚 Awesome Gamedev (⭐2.3k) - Collection of free resources for making games.
- 📚 GameDev-Resources (⭐3.8k) - Wonderful list of game development resources.
- 📚 Magictools (⭐13k) - List of game development resources to make magic happen.
- 🌎 Web Game Dev - Resources on techniques and tools around JavaScript game development.
Learning / Graphical User Interface
- 📚 List of Widget Toolkits - Gui frameworks across all platforms and languages.
Learning / Programming
- 📚 Big-O Cheat Sheet - Big-O complexities of algorithms used in computer science.
17. Awesome Ruby
- Fingerprinter (⭐257) - CMS/LMS/Library etc versions fingerprinter.
- haiti (⭐843) - Hash type identifier (CLI & lib).
- Pipal (⭐638) - Password analyser and statistics generator
- WhatWeb (⭐5.7k) - Website Fingerprinter.
- WPscan - WordPress vulnerability scanner.
18. Awesome React Components
Photo / Image
- react-photo-album (⭐471) - demo - docs - Responsive React Photo Gallery.
19. Awesome Readme
- httpie/httpie (⭐35k) - Description of what the project does. Demo screenshots. Project logo. TOC for easy navigation. Build badges. Quick and simple installation and usage sections. Includes an examples section.
- "Art of Readme - Learn the art of writing quality READMEs." (⭐7k) - Stephen Whitmore
- Common Readme (⭐392) - A common readme style for Node. Includes a guide and a readme generator.
20. Awesome Machine Learning
Clojure / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- (⭐221) - A idiomatic Clojure machine learning library based on with a unique approach for immutable data processing pipelines.
21. Awesome Vehicle Security
Research Papers
22. Awesome Roadmaps
Programming Language
- C++ Developer Roadmap (⭐3k) - Roadmap focuses on general competencies and skills about C++ in 2024
- Awesome Quality Assurance Roadmap (⭐1.9k) - Roadmap for QA and software testing learning curve which you might need to start the journey
23. Awesome Substrate
FRAME Pallets
- RMRK Pallets (⭐73) - Nested, conditional & Multi-resourced NFTs.
- A toml parser and checker to avoid common errors in Substrate projects.
24. Awesome Design Systems
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone:
Designers Kit: 👍
Source code *: 🐙 (⭐77)
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone:
Designers Kit:
Source code *: 🐙 (⭐291)
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone:
Designers Kit:
Source code *: 🐙
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone:
Designers Kit: 👍
Source code *: 🐙 (⭐134)
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone:
Designers Kit:
Source code *: 🐙 (⭐1.3k)
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone: 👍
Designers Kit: 👍
Source code *: 🐙 (⭐6.1k)
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone:
Designers Kit:
Source code *: 🐙 (⭐236)
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone: 👍
Designers Kit: 👍
Source code *: 🐙 (⭐30k)
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone: 👍
Designers Kit:
Source code *:
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone: 👍
Designers Kit: 👍
Source code *:
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone:
Designers Kit:
Source code *: 🐙
25. Awesome Osint
Domain and IP Research / Steam
- Azure Tenant Resolution by PingCastle - Search for Azure Tenant using its domain name or its ID
26. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Lua / PicoLisp
- Learning Lua ebook - Compiled from StackOverflow Documentation (PDF)
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- Modeling Creativity: Case Studies in Python - Tom D. De Smedt (PDF)
27. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Stoplight - Saas for collaboratively designing and documenting for APIs. The free plan offers free design, mocking, and documentation tools.
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- Dyte - The most developer-friendly live video & audio SDK, featuring collaborative plugins to enhance productivity and engagement. The free tier includes monthly 10,000 minutes of live video/audio usage.
Design and UI
- ColorKit - Create color palettes online or get inspiration from top palettes.
- CodeToImage - Create screenshots of code or text to share on social media.
- OnlineExifViewer — View EXIF data online instantly for a photo including GPS location and metadata.
- Sunrise and Sunset - Get sunrise and sunset times for a given longitude and latitude.
28. Awesome Swift
Images / Barcode
- Harbeth (⭐538) - Metal API for GPU accelerated Graphics and Video and Camera filter framework.
29. Awesome Vite
Tauri / Elm
- elm_vite_tailwind_template (⭐41) - Opinionated template for building Elm web apps using Tailwind CSS and Daisy UI.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- vite-plugin-optimizer (⭐37) - Manually Pre-Bundling.
Frameworks / Community
- Rakkas (⭐1.1k) - React framework inspired by Next.js and SvelteKit.
Open Source / Community
- Nhost (⭐8.2k) - Nhost is an Open Source Firebase Alternative with GraphQL.
30. Awesome Micropython
- micropython-pcf8591 - MicroPython driver for PCF8591 ADC/DAC, I2C interface.
31. Awesome Pokemon
Development Projects / Apps
- Who's That Pokémon? (⭐3) - Guess Pokémon from their silhouette.
32. Awesome Go
- go-email-normalizer (⭐66) - Golang library for providing a canonical representation of email address.
- EaseProbe (⭐2.2k) - A simple, standalone, and lightWeight tool that can do health/status checking daemon, support HTTP/TCP/SSH/Shell/Client/... probes, and Slack/Discord/Telegram/SMS... notification.
Go Tools / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- - Online tool to preview
templates live.
33. Awesome Esp
- Sming Framework (⭐1.3k) - Superb C/C++ IoT Framework with support for ESP8266 and ESP32.
- NodeMCU Flasher (⭐1.8k) - The official flashing tool for the NodeMCU OS.
Projects / Smart Home and IoT
- ESPEasy (⭐2.8k) - Easily turn ESP modules into multifunction sensor devices for home automation systems.
- DoorsignEPD (⭐94) - A smart doorsign with an E-Paper display using the ESP32.
- HomePoint (⭐533) - Control MQTT/HomeKit smart home devices from an ESP32-powered screen.
- openHASP - Control your home automation devices from a customizable touchscreen UI connected via MQTT.
Projects / LoRa
- ESP32-Paxcounter (⭐1.1k) - Wifi & Bluetooth driven, LoRaWAN enabled, battery powered mini Paxcounter built on cheap ESP32 LoRa IoT boards.
- Disaster Radio - A disaster-resilient communications network powered by the sun.
Projects / Music and Audio
- Alles (⭐113) - A many speaker distributed music synthesizer using UDP multicast over WiFi, modeled after the alles machine/AMY.
- ESP32-Radio (⭐839) - Internet radio based on ESP32, VS1053 and a TFT screen.
- ESPuino (⭐170) - RFID-controlled music player powered by ESP32.
- Knobby (⭐112) - A handheld Spotify remote that encourages you to explore unfamiliar music.
- PedalinoMini (⭐294) - A wireless MIDI pedal controller for guitarists, built with the ESP32.
- Squeezelite-esp32 (⭐413) - Streaming audio receiver with multi-room sync, AirPlay, Bluetooth, hardware buttons, display and more.
- ThingPulse esp8266-spotify-remote (⭐213) - Control your Spotify player from a ESP8266 with color touch display.
Projects / Smartwatches
- mutantW_V1 - An ESP32 based open source smartwatch with 1.7 inch display, WiFi, Bluetooth, NeoPixel and vibration.
- StickWatch (⭐73) - A smartwatch module based on the M5Stick, using the ESP32.
- Watchy - An open source e-paper watch with lots of options for customization.
Projects / Others
- E-TKT (⭐287) - An ESP32 powered DIY label maker that mixes both old fashioned and contemporary technology.
- FreeTouchDeck (⭐476) - Open source touch macropad and stream control deck with built-in web configurator.
- SmartSpin2k (⭐87) - Transform your spin bike into a smart trainer with automatic resistance knob control in fitness apps like Zwift.
- WirelessPrinting (⭐303) - Print wirelessly from Cura, PrusaSlicer or Slic3r to your 3D printer connected to an ESP module.
- WLED - Control many types of RGB(W) LED strips with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi.
Libraries / Others
- LVGL - An open-source graphics library providing everything you need to create embedded GUIs with easy-to-use graphical elements, beautiful visual effects and low memory footprint.
- ESP32-audioI2S (⭐549) - Plays mp3, m4a and wav files from SD card or stream via I2S interface.
- HomeSpan (⭐627) - A robust and extremely easy-to-use Arduino library for creating your own ESP32-based HomeKit devices.
- LedFx (⭐706) - A library for using audio input to create realtime light shows. LedFx can control multiple devices and works great with cheap ESP8266 nodes.
34. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- git-sync (⭐46) - A ZSH plugin to sync
repositories and clean them up.
- smartcache (⭐36) - Caches command output to speed up shell startup time.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- paxton (⭐0) - Inspired by powerline. Includes segments for
branch, time, last command exit status and current directory. Requires a powerline-compatible font.
- yellow-sea-diamonds (⭐0) - Includes decorations for
status, current directory, active python virtual environment, and the exit status of the last command run.
35. Awesome Gatling
Related / Awesome Lists
- Awesome Locust (⭐89) - Open-source scalable load testing framework written in Python.
36. Awesome Embedded Rust
Books, blogs, and training materials / Free and public materials
- Ferrous Systems' Embedded Training Courses: 2020-current edition (⭐249) A hands-on training course for beginner and advanced learners of Embedded Rust, based on Nordic Semiconductor's nRF52840 hardware. This training was given at Oxidize Conferences and by Ferrous Systems to corporate customers.
no-std crates / WIP
- drogue-device (⭐191): A distribution of tools and examples for building embedded applications in Rust.
- ector (⭐52): An async actor framework for embedded, based on embassy.
- embedded-update (⭐25): Pluggable firmware update protocol for embedded devices.
- embedded-tls (⭐181): A TLS 1.3 implementation that runs in a no-std environment.
Old books, blogs, and training materials / WIP
- Ferrous Systems' Embedded Training Courses: 2019 edition (⭐116) A hands-on training course for beginner and advanced learners of Embedded Rust, based on Nordic Semiconductor's nRF52 and Decawave's DWM1001-DEV hardware. This training was given at Oxidize Conferences and by Ferrous Systems to corporate customers.
37. Awesome Gdpr
Security (art. 32)
38. Awesome Deno
Modules / Database
- cotton (⭐138) - SQL Database Toolkit for deno
- dangoDB (⭐121) - A MongoDB ODM for Deno.
- deno_mongo (⭐509) - MongoDB database driver.
- deno_mysql (⭐258) - MySQL database driver.
- maxminddb (⭐8) - A library that enables the usage of MaxmindDB geoIP database files
- redis (⭐453) - An experimental implementation of redis client for deno.
39. Awesome K6
40. Awesome Blazor
Videos / Others
- Displaying Custom Reports in Blazor using Syncfusion -
May 20, 2022 - In the last video, we created a custom report using the Bold Reports Designer. We could use the provided Bold Reports Viewer to display the reports, but that does not always fit with what you want to accomplish. That is why today we will implement a report viewer in a Blazor Server application. That way, we can show our custom report to our clients directly inside of our site instead of sending them to a separate application.
- Creating Office Files in Blazor using Syncfusion - PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint -
May 13, 2022 - Creating office files in C# has always been a popular solution. You can generate reports in formats that users are comfortable with. With the Syncfusion file controls, you can not only create Excel files, you can also create Microsoft Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and PDF documents. In this video, we will look at the office file controls in Syncfusion and how to use them.
- Intro to Blazor Controls in Syncfusion -
May 11, 2022 - The Blazor controls in Syncfusion are pretty impressive. In this video, we will look at the DataGrid, charts, a Kanban-style board, a dashboard, autocomplete textboxes, context menus, signature pads, menu bars, toast messages, and more. There are so many controls to look at, in fact, that we are going to purposefully ignore the office file creation and display controls, as well as reporting. That way, we can spend more time on the other controls today and then focus on the office files in another video. The reporting will actually have two different videos dedicated to it.
- Intro to SignalR in C# Part 1 - using Blazor, WPF, best practices, and more -
April 25, 2022 - SignalR is an excellent way to connect two or more clients together for real-time communication. The best part is that this library is just a wrapper around web-standard technologies such as Web Sockets and Long-Polling. It just makes them easier to use. That means we can even use SignalR with other clients such as Java or JavaScript. In this video, we are going to learn how to set up SignalR and how to connect to it using web clients and desktop clients. Throughout the video, we will cover best practices, as well as how to use this in the real world.
Articles / Others
- What’s new in the Microsoft Fluent UI library for Blazor versions 1.3 and 1.4 - June 9, 2022 - The FAST team and friends have been hard at work not only on Microsoft’s core Web Components platform, but also on Fluent UI integrations for Blazor. This post will give you an overview of what’s new and changed in versions 1.3 and 1.4 of the Microsoft Fluent UI Blazor library.
- A Full-Stack Web App Using Blazor WebAssembly and GraphQL: Part 3 - June 8, 2022 - A Full-Stack Web App Using Blazor WebAssembly and GraphQL: Part 3. Part 1.
- A Full-Stack Web App Using Blazor WebAssembly and GraphQL: Part 1 - February 17, 2022 - This article shows how to create a full-stack web application using Blazor WebAssembly and GraphQL with SQL Server as our database.
41. Awesome Security
Web / Scanning / Pentesting
- Cyclops (⭐98) - The Cyclops is a web browser with XSS detection feature, it is chromium-based xss detection that used to find the flows from a source to a sink.
42. Awesome Ros2
Services / Cloud robotics
43. Awesome Scriptable
scriptable-pocket-widget (⭐13) - Shows unread or favorited Pocket articles.
44. Awesome Jmeter
Related / Other
- How They Load Test (⭐109) - A curated collection of publicly available resources on how companies around the world perform load testing.
- Load Testing Toolkit (⭐179) - Collection of open-source tools for debugging, benchmarking, load and stress testing your code or services.
45. Magictools
Engines and Frameworks / Voxel Editors
- 🎉 Screen 13 (⭐275) - An easy-to-use Vulkan rendering engine. Provides a render graph for Rust.
46. Awesome Vulkan
- Low Level
- Vulkan Memory Allocator (⭐2.5k) - Easy to integrate Vulkan memory allocation library from AMD. [MIT]
- [VulkanMemoryAllocator-Hpp] ( (⭐34)) - C++ Bindings for VMA, like Vulkan-HPP
- Fossilize (⭐34) - serialization format for various persistent Vulkan object types. [MIT]
- vk-bootstrap (⭐728) - C++ utility library to jump start Vulkan development by automating instance, physical device, device, and swapchain creation. [MIT]
- Google's vulkan-cpp-library (⭐245) - Vulkan abstraction library using C++11 for memory, resource management, type and thread safety as well as system independency. [Apache]
- FrameGraph (⭐399) - Vulkan abstraction layer that represent frame as a task graph. [BSD 2-clause]
- V-EZ (⭐856) - light-weight middleware layer for the Vulkan API targeting Professional Workstation ISVs. [MIT]
- Vookoo (⭐519) - Vookoo is a set of dependency-free utilities to assist in the construction and updating of Vulkan graphics data structres. [MIT]
- vpp (⭐262) - Modern C++ Vulkan Abstraction focused on performance and a straightforward interface. [MIT]
- VulkanSceneGraph - Vulkan/C++17 scene graph project, successor to OpenSceneGraph.
- Vulkan-WSIWindow (⭐106) - Multi-platform library to create a Vulkan window, and handle input events. [Apache License 2.0]
- Screen 13 (⭐243) - An easy-to-use Vulkan render graph for Rust. [MIT]
- Vulkan Memory Allocator (⭐2.5k) - Easy to integrate Vulkan memory allocation library from AMD. [MIT]
47. Awesome Db Tools
- DBHawk - Datasparc offers database security, database management, database governance and data analytics - all in one solution.
- DB Lens (⭐258) - Open Source Postgres GUI - Automatic ER diagrams, Internal DB Insights, Disk Utilisation, Performance Metrics, Index Usage, Sequential scan counts and more.
Schema / Design
- DbSchema - Universal database designer for out-of-the-box schema management, schema documentation, design in a team, and deployment on multiple databases. DbSchema features tools for writing and executing queries, exploring the data, generating data, and building reports.
API / Samples
- Remult (⭐3k) - End-to-end type-safe CRUD via REST API for your database, with fine-grained access control.
48. Awesome List
- SNMP (⭐134) - A protocol for collecting, modifying, and organizing information about managed devices on IP networks.
49. Awesome Typescript
Libraries / Chrome Extensions
- 🐙 diod (⭐140) - A very opinionated and lightweight inversion of control container and dependency injector for Node.js or browser apps.
50. Awesome Love2d
- cam11 - Camera library that leverages the Transform object introduced in love2d 11.0+.
51. Awesome Cpp
- Touca (⭐501) - Open-source regression testing system that you can self-host. [Apache2] website
52. Awesome Home Assistant
- Home Assistant Installation - The official installation guides.
- Compare Installation Methods - The available installation methods compared.
In case you need help / Other Communities
- 🇳🇱 Dutch Domotics Discord - Dutch Discord server with home automation enthusiasts.
Public Configurations / Other Communities
- Klaas Schoute (⭐135) - based, Intel NUC, Ubuntu Server, Docker and regularly updated.
Add-ons / Third Party Add-ons
- JupyterLab (⭐38) - Create documents containing live code, equations, visualizations, and explanatory text.
- EmonCMS (⭐8) - A powerful open-source web app for processing, logging, and visualizing energy, temperature, and other environmental data.
- CrowdSec (⭐18) - A next-gen collaborative IPS/IDS to protect you from intrusion.
Dashboards / Third Party Add-ons
- Dashboards Documentation - The official documentation.
Dashboards / Icon packs
- Hass Hue Icons (⭐183) - Additional Philips Hue bulbs and fixtures icons.
- simpleicons (⭐79) - Use the free icons from the simpleicons set.
Dashboards / Custom Cards
- Card Modder (⭐558) - Style your Lovelace cards.
- Atomic Calendar Revive (⭐214) - Calendar card with advanced settings.
- Vacuum Map Card (⭐937) - This card provides a user-friendly way to fully control Xiaomi (Roborock/Viomi/Dreame/Roidmi) and Neato (+ possibly other) vacuums.
- Raspberry Pi Status Card (⭐95) - Show status of your Raspberry Pis.
Dashboards / Alternative Dashboards
- Dwains Dashboard (⭐1.2k) - An fully auto-generating dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile.
Custom Integrations / Alternative Dashboards
- HACS - This is a manager for your custom integration (components) and plugin (lovelace elements) needs.
- Xiaomi Cloud Map Extractor (⭐810) - Presents a live view of a map for Xiaomi (Roborock/Viomi/Roidmi/Dreame) vacuums without a need for rooting.
- WebRTC Camera (⭐684) - View RTSP streams from IP Cameras in real-time through WebRTC or MSE with Pan/Zoom controls.
- Sonoff LAN (⭐1.8k) - Control Sonoff devices with eWeLink (original) firmware over LAN and/or Cloud.
- Spotcast (⭐440) - Start Spotify playback on an idle Chromecast device as well as control Spotify connect devices.
DIY / Alternative Dashboards
- Tasmota (⭐19k) - Firmware for ESP8266 boards and devices.
Online Resources / YouTube Channels
- Home Assistant - Official YouTube Channel where new launches and live streams are held.
- Everything Smart Home - Focuses on Smart Home, Home Automation, general tech reviews, guides, and step-by-step DIY projects.
Other Awesome Lists / Twitter
- awesome-selfhosted (⭐106k) - Curated list of awesome self hosted software.
- Prev: Jun 20 - Jun 26, 2022
- Next: Jun 06 - Jun 12, 2022