Awesome List Updates on May 23 - May 29, 2022

43 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Powershell

Commandline Productivity

2. Awesome Newsletters

VSCode / Svelte

3. Awesome Circuitpython



4. Awesome Lowcode


5. Awesome Cloudflare

Workers / Recipes

6. Awesome Sysadmin

Software / VPN

7. Awesome Tmux

Status Bar

8. Awesome Agi Cocosci

Complexity & Information Theory / Visual Complexity

Communications / Pragmatics

9. Awesome Vue

Components & Libraries / UI Components

10. Awesome Ros2

Packages / Containerization

Packages / Driver layer

11. Awesome Openstreetmap

Editors / Mobile Editors

12. Awesome Qr Code

CLI / File Transfer

13. Awesome Eosio

Block explorers, Voting portals / Mobile

14. Awesome Markdown

Tools / Editors

15. Awesome Social Enterprise

Institutions 🏫 / Articles

16. Awesome Plotters

Manuals, Ephemera, Papers, and Patents / Manuals

Manuals, Ephemera, Papers, and Patents / Ephemera

17. Awesome Cryptography

Books / Hash functions

18. Awesome Web Archiving


Tools & Software / WARC I/O Libraries

Tools & Software / Analysis

19. Awesome Kotlin

Libraries/Frameworks / Database

Libraries/Frameworks / Tools

Libraries/Frameworks / Misc

Android / Frameworks

20. Awesome Jmeter

Cloud Services / SaaS / Tutorials & Demo

21. Awesome Cpp

Machine Learning

22. Awesome Fastapi

Tutorials / Other Tools

23. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

Standard ML / Play Scala

24. Awesome Alfred Workflows


25. Awesome Substrate


26. Awesome Swift


Keyboard / Barcode

Tab / Barcode

27. Awesome Blazor

Videos / Others

Articles / Others

Podcasts / Others

28. Awesome Plone

Content and utilities for content

29. Awesome Db Tools


Data / Scripts

30. Awesome Machine Learning

Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning

31. Awesome Osint


Social Media Tools / Instagram

Social Media Tools / Telegram

32. Awesome Tdengine


33. Awesome Typescript

💵 Paid Courses / Chrome Extensions

34. Awesome Vite

Templates / Electron

Libraries / Community

35. Awesome Dotnet



Source Generator

36. Free for Dev

Security and PKI

Flutter Related and Building IOS Apps without Mac

Game Development

37. Awesome Ansible


Blog posts and opinions

38. Awesome Graphql

Elixir Examples / React

Posts / React

39. Awesome Zsh Plugins

Themes / superconsole - Windows-only

40. Awesome Privacy


Search Engines

41. Awesome Appsec


Securing The Stack

Bi-Weekly Appsec Tutorials

OWASP ServerlessGoat

OWASP ServerlessGoat is a deliberately insecure realistic AWS Lambda serverless application, maintained by OWASP and created by PureSec. You can install WebGoat, learn about the vulnerabilities, how to exploit them, and how to remediate each issue. The project also includes documentation explaining the issues and how they should be remediated with best-practices.



Qualys SSL Labs

The infamous suite of SSL and TLS tools.

Quickly and easily assess the security of your HTTP response headers.

A free CSP and HPKP reporting service.

Test and learn Clickjacking. Make clickjacking PoC, take screenshot and share link. You can test HTTPS, HTTP, intranet & internal sites.

Books and ebooks

PureSec FunctionShield

FunctionShield is a 100% free AWS Lambda security and Google Cloud Functions security library that equips developers with the ability to easily enforce strict security controls on serverless runtimes.

Awesome Electron.js hacking & pentesting resources (⭐602) (2020)

Released: June 17, 2020

A curated list of resources to secure Electron.js-based applications.


Clojure OWASP (⭐33) (2020)

Released: May 5, 2020

Repository with Clojure examples of OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities.

42. Awesome Cyber Security University

Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 1 - Tools

43. Awesome Libgdx

Resources / Visual Effects