Awesome List Updates on May 23 - May 29, 2022
43 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Powershell
Commandline Productivity
- Dotenv (⭐8) - Provides directory specific environments through .env files, similar to direnv.
2. Awesome Newsletters
VSCode / Svelte
- A Newsletter for News and Tips on VS Code & IDEs.
3. Awesome Circuitpython
- Tod Kurt's CircuitPython Tips and Tricks (⭐596) - A collection of tips and tricks for CircuitPython. Also available as an Adafruit Learn Guide.
- PewPew workshops - Materials, examples, libraries and hardware for running Python game programming and electronics workshops with a minimum of problems.
4. Awesome Lowcode
- Blink - No-code automation for CloudOps.
5. Awesome Cloudflare
Workers / Recipes
- Cloudflare Workers Starter Kit (⭐57) - - TypeScript template \w multiple CF Workers,
files, and local testing.
6. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / VPN
- Headscale (⭐21k) - Self-hostable fork of Tailscale, cross-platform clients, simple to use, built-in (currently experimental) monitoring tools.
7. Awesome Tmux
Status Bar
- tmux-plugin-playerctl (⭐13) Display MPRIS metadata in Tmux (Spotify, Clementine, VLC, etc)
8. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Complexity & Information Theory / Visual Complexity
- Identifying concept libraries from language about object structure - CogSci'22, 2022. [All Versions].
Communications / Pragmatics
- When Lingens meets Frege: communication without common ground - Philosophical Studies, 2021. [All Versions].
9. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue3-easy-data-table (⭐546) - A easy-to-use data table component made with Vue.js 3.x, referring to the API and UI of data table component in Vuetify 2.
10. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Containerization
- ros2-lxd - Install ROS 2 Humble in Ubuntu 20.04 or 18.04 using LXD containers.
Packages / Driver layer
- odrive_ros2_control (⭐188) - ODrive driver for ros2_control.
11. Awesome Openstreetmap
Editors / Mobile Editors
- StreetComplete (⭐3.8k) - App for improving OSM by answering simple questions. (Android / Wiki)
- Vespucci - Advanced full-data-model editor for Android. (Android / Source Code (⭐370) / Wiki)
12. Awesome Qr Code
CLI / File Transfer
- qrap (⭐6) - Generate a QR code payload for Wi-Fi access point credentials.
- spqr (⭐2) - Generate a QR code payload for initiating a SEPA transfer.
13. Awesome Eosio
Block explorers, Voting portals / Mobile
- - Blockchain data about accounts and tokens for several EOSIO chains.
14. Awesome Markdown
Tools / Editors
- Let's Markdown! - An online real-time collaborative markdown editor built on Rust.
15. Awesome Social Enterprise
Institutions 🏫 / Articles
- The Elisabeth Bruyère School of Social Innovation - Canada's first school of social innovation.
16. Awesome Plotters
Manuals, Ephemera, Papers, and Patents / Manuals
Manuals, Ephemera, Papers, and Patents / Ephemera
- Auerbach On Digital Plotters And Image Digitizers (1972) - A book about plotters and digitizers.
17. Awesome Cryptography
Books / Hash functions
- Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms and Source Code in C - This cryptography classic provides you with a comprehensive survey of modern cryptography.
18. Awesome Web Archiving
- Introductions to web archiving concepts:
- What is a web archive? - A video from the UK Web Archive YouTube Channel
- Wikipedia's List of Web Archiving Initiatives
- Glossary of Archive-It and Web Archiving Terms
- The Web Archiving Lifecycle Model - The Web Archiving Lifecycle Model is an attempt to incorporate the technological and programmatic arms of the web archiving into a framework that will be relevant to any organization seeking to archive content from the web. Archive-It, the web archiving service from the Internet Archive, developed the model based on its work with memory institutions around the world.
- Retrieving and Archiving Information from Websites by Wael Eskandar and Brad Murray
Tools & Software / WARC I/O Libraries
- Sparkling (⭐11) - Internet Archive's Sparkling Data Processing Library. (Stable)
Tools & Software / Analysis
- Archives Research Compute Hub (⭐15) - Web application for distributed compute analysis of Archive-It web archive collections. (Stable)
19. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Database
- pm-dev/kotlin-gremlin-ogm (⭐32) - Kotlin-gremlin-ogm is a type-safe object/graph mapping library for Gremlin enabled graph databases.
Libraries/Frameworks / Tools
- L-Briand/TT (⭐2) - A powerful key:value template processor.
- saveourtool/diktat (⭐545) - Strict coding standard for Kotlin and a custom set of rules for detecting and autofixing code smells.
- Kotlin/kotlin-interactive-shell (⭐591) - Kotlin Language Interactive Shell
- SonarSource/sonarlint-intellij (⭐612) - An IDE extension that helps you detect and fix quality issues as you write code.
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- mobiletoly/urlsome (⭐4) - URL builder library for Kotlin
- kotlin-telegram-bot/kotlin-telegram-bot (⭐853) - A wrapper for the Telegram Bot API written in Kotlin.
Android / Frameworks
- codenameone/CodenameOne (⭐1.7k) - Open source cross platform mobile development framework that offers write once run anywhere native development for iOS (iPhone/iPad), Android, Windows & more using Kotlin & Java
20. Awesome Jmeter
Cloud Services / SaaS / Tutorials & Demo
- Perforce BlazeMeter - Performance engineering platform with JMeter and Selenium support.
21. Awesome Cpp
Machine Learning
- ONNX runtime (⭐16k) - C and C++ library for training and inference ONNX models. ONNX is a standard that AI models can be converted into, regardless of the library they are trained with. [MIT] website
22. Awesome Fastapi
Tutorials / Other Tools
- Multitenancy with FastAPI, SQLAlchemy and PostgreSQL - Learn how to make FastAPI applications multi-tenant ready.
23. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Standard ML / Play Scala
- The Standard ML Basis Library - Emden R. Gansner, John H. Reppy (HTML)
24. Awesome Alfred Workflows
- JetBrains (⭐622) - Open project with one of JetBrains' products.
25. Awesome Substrate
- C++ (⭐4) - Maintained by Soramitsu.
26. Awesome Swift
- SwiftUI Atom Properties (⭐302) - A Reactive Data-Binding and Dependency Injection Library for SwiftUI x Concurrency.
Keyboard / Barcode
- ISEmojiView (⭐527) - Emoji Keyboard for iOS
Tab / Barcode
- TabBar (⭐440) - Highly customizable tab bar for SwiftUI applications.
27. Awesome Blazor
Videos / Others
- Build native apps for any device with .NET and Visual Studio -
May 25, 2022 - See how you can quickly and iteratively build modern, native and hybrid web apps for any device with Visual Studio and .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI). We’ll take you on a tour of the tools and frameworks that can speed up your development time to create powerful, native desktop and mobile apps for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android from a single codebase with .NET MAUI. We’ll also show you how to enhance your Blazor web apps with native device capabilities.
- Future Possibilities for .NET Core and WASI (WebAssembly on the Server) -
May 25, 2022 - WebAssembly is moving beyond the browser and is pitched to become a foundational element of modern cloud-native architecture. It lets any language compile to universal binaries that run on any OS or processor, robustly sandboxed and with great performance. This session covers a new approach to running .NET in WASI environments. You’ll see how your existing .NET code could be built into WASI-compliant modules, plus the opportunities this opens. This is experimental, not yet a committed product.
- Learn .NET MAUI - Full Course for Beginners | Tutorial for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows in C# - May 23, 2022 - Let's start our journey together to build beautiful native cross-platform apps for iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows with .NET MAUI, C#, and Visual Studio! In this full workshop, I will walk you through everything you need to know about .NET MAUI and building your very first app. You will learn the basics including how to build user interfaces with XAML, how MVVM and data binding simplify development, how to navigate between pages, access platform features like geolocation, optimize data collections, and theme your app for light theme and dark theme. This course has everything you need to learn the basics and set you up for success when building apps with .NET MAUI.
- Bringing WebAssembly to the .NET Mainstream - Steve Sanderson -
May 19, 2022 - Many developers still consider WebAssembly to be a leading-edge, niche technology tied to low-level systems programming languages. However, C# and .NET have run on WebAssembly since 2017. Blazor WebAssembly brought .NET into the browser on open standards, and is now one of the fastest-growing parts of .NET across enterprises, startups, and hobbyists. Next, with WASI we could let you run .NET in even more places, introducing cloud-native tools and techniques to a wider segment of the global developer community. This is a technical talk showing how we bring .NET to WebAssembly. Steve will demonstrate how it runs both interpreted and AOT-compiled, how an IDE debugger can attach, performance tradeoffs, and how a move from Emscripten to WASI SDK lets it run in Wasmtime/Wasmer or higher-level runtimes like wasmCloud. Secondly, you'll hear lessons learned from Blazor as an open-source project - challenges and misconceptions faced bringing WebAssembly beyond early adopters.
- Revisiting MVVM -
April 21, 2022 - Carl revisits the topic of MVVM with Blazor, clarifying your options.
- Queryable Repositories -
April 14, 2022 - Build a generic repository that the client can query.
- Managing App State with Fluxor -
March 31, 2022 - pp State Management using Fluxor, a Flux/Redux library for Blazor.
Articles / Others
- Mastering Blazor - Part 1: DOM Integration - March 31, 2022 - Mastering Blazor - Part 1: DOM Integration.
- Securing a Blazor WebAssembly Hosted Apps with Azure Active Directory - March 18, 2022 - Securing a Blazor WebAssembly Hosted Apps with Azure Active Directory. Part 2.
Podcasts / Others
- David Ortinau on .NET MAUI - May 27, 2022 - Jon Galloway talks to David Ortinau about .NET MAUI. Duration: 41 minutes. YouTube video.
- The Unhandled Exception Podcast: Microsoft Build 2022 - May 25, 2022 - Microsoft have just had their annual Build conference - which comes with a whole host of exciting announcements and discussions about hot programming topics in the Microsoft developer space. And each year, I long for a podcast episode to come out straight after Build, overviewing them! Well, this year - this podcast aims to do just that! In this episode, I was joined by both Scott Hunter and Gaurav Seth to chat about various topics. Check out the links below for a guide to what we discussed. Duration: 71 minutes.
28. Awesome Plone
Content and utilities for content
- dexterity.membrane (⭐3) - Enables content to be used as users and groups in Plone sites.
29. Awesome Db Tools
- Malewicz (⭐65) - Yet Another WEB client for DB schema exploring and performance analysis, but originally created specifically for hacking and extending.
Data / Scripts
- QuickTable - Empowers everyone to access, clean, analyze, transform, and model data with no code.
30. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Shapash (⭐2.8k) : Shapash is a Python library that provides several types of visualization that display explicit labels that everyone can understand.
- Eurybia (⭐206): Eurybia monitors data and model drift over time and securizes model deployment with data validation.
- Colossal-AI (⭐39k): An open-source deep learning system for large-scale model training and inference with high efficiency and low cost.
31. Awesome Osint
- doxbin - A dox style pastebin ran by hackers
Social Media Tools / Instagram
- Osintgram (⭐10k) - Osintgram offers an interactive shell to perform analysis on Instagram account of any users by its nickname.
Social Media Tools / Telegram
- Telegago - A Google Advanced Search specifically for finding public and private Telegram Channels and Chatrooms.
32. Awesome Tdengine
- tdengine_hivemq (⭐0) - HiveMQ to TDengine.
33. Awesome Typescript
💵 Paid Courses / Chrome Extensions
34. Awesome Vite
Templates / Electron
- electron-vite-vue (⭐4.5k) - Electron + Vite + Vue template.
- electron-vite-react (⭐2.1k) - Electron + Vite + React template.
- electron-vite-boilerplate (⭐205) - Support SerialPort, SQLite3 and node C/C++ addons.
- electron-vite-template (⭐444) - Electron 13, Vue 3 and TypeScript. Make your desktop development easier.
- fast-vite-electron (⭐203) - Vue3 + Vite + Electron with esbuild.
- fast-vite-nestjs-electron (⭐329) - Vue3 + Vite + Electron + Nestjs with esbuild.
- vite-plugin-electron-quick-start (⭐217) - Template for Electron projects.
- vite-electron-builder (⭐2.6k) - Electron apps using Vite for both back and front-end, with automatic releases.
- vite-reactts-electron-starter (⭐325) - React, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript and Electron.
Libraries / Community
- vavite (⭐491) - A tool for developing and building server-side applications with live reloading capabilities.
35. Awesome Dotnet
- Kevsoft.PDFtk (⭐37) - A wrapper to drive the awesome pdftk binary, which can fill PDF forms, get field information, concatenate multiple documents or pages, split documents, add or replace stamps, and can attach files to or download files from pages.
- NCrontab.Scheduler (⭐15) - Simple task scheduler library for scheduling NCrontab-based tasks
Source Generator
- Supernova.Enum.Generators (⭐185) - A C# source generator to create an enumeration class from an enum type. With this package, you can work on enums very, very fast without using reflection.
36. Free for Dev
Security and PKI
- DAS — Styra DAS Free, Full lifecycle policy management to create, deploy and manage Open Policy Agent(OPA) authorization
Flutter Related and Building IOS Apps without Mac
- FlutLab - FlutLab is a modern Flutter online IDE and the best place to create, debug, and build cross-platform projects. Build iOS (Without a Mac) and Android apps with Flutter.
- CodeMagic - Codemagic is a fully hosted and managed CI/CD for mobile apps. You can build, test, and deploy with a GUI-based CI/CD tool. The free tier offers 500 free minutes/month and a Mac Mini instance with 2.3 GHz and 8 GB of RAM.
- FlutterFlow - FlutterFlow is a browser-based drag-and-drop interface to build mobile app using flutter.
Game Development
- — Free/Paid assets like sprites, tile sets, and character packs.
- GameDevMarket — Free/Paid assets like 2D, 3D, Audio, GUI.
- OpenGameArt — OpenSource Game Assets like music, sounds, sprites, and gifs.
- CraftPix — Free/Paid assets like 2D, 3D, Audio, GUI, backgrounds, icons, tile sets, game kits.
- ArtStation - MarketPlace for Free/Paid 2D, 3D assets & audios, icons, tile sets, game kits. Also, It can be used for showcasing your art portfolio.
37. Awesome Ansible
- ansible-doc-extractor (⭐16) - A tool that extracts documentation from Ansible modules in the HTML form.
Blog posts and opinions
- Getting started with Ansible - Introduces Ansible, provides installation instructions and gives an interactive walkthrough of Ansible's basic functionalities, like running Ansible playbooks and installing Ansible content.
- Taking Ansible apart - Describes and shows how most commonly used Ansible components work.
38. Awesome Graphql
Elixir Examples / React
- hello_graphql_phoenix (⭐99) - Examples of GraphQL Elixir Plug endpoints mounted in Phoenix
Posts / React
39. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- cryo-long (⭐0) - Variant of cryo (⭐1) with added decorators for hostname and current directory.
- gal (⭐3) - Minimalist theme based on gallois (⭐177k).
- headline (⭐280) - A responsive ZSH theme featuring Git status information and a colored line above the prompt.
- majemoji (⭐1) - Adds a random emoji to each session's prompt. Includes
status decorations.
40. Awesome Privacy
- Nextcloud - The open source self-hosted productivity platform that keeps you in control. It has a Photos plugin to help you organize and visualize your photos.
- Immich (WIP) (⭐59k) - Self-hosted photo and video backup solution directly from your mobile phone.
- LibrePhotos (⭐7.2k) - Active OwnPhotos (⭐2.8k) fork. Self hosted alternative to Google Photos.
Search Engines
- librengine (⭐70) - Privacy Web Search Engine
41. Awesome Appsec
Securing The Stack
Bi-Weekly Appsec Tutorials
OWASP ServerlessGoat
OWASP ServerlessGoat is a deliberately insecure realistic AWS Lambda serverless application, maintained by OWASP and created by PureSec. You can install WebGoat, learn about the vulnerabilities, how to exploit them, and how to remediate each issue. The project also includes documentation explaining the issues and how they should be remediated with best-practices.
Qualys SSL Labs
The infamous suite of SSL and TLS tools.
Quickly and easily assess the security of your HTTP response headers.
A free CSP and HPKP reporting service.
Test and learn Clickjacking. Make clickjacking PoC, take screenshot and share link. You can test HTTPS, HTTP, intranet & internal sites.
Books and ebooks
PureSec FunctionShield
FunctionShield is a 100% free AWS Lambda security and Google Cloud Functions security library that equips developers with the ability to easily enforce strict security controls on serverless runtimes.
Awesome Electron.js hacking & pentesting resources (⭐602) (2020)
Released: June 17, 2020
A curated list of resources to secure Electron.js-based applications.
Clojure OWASP (⭐33) (2020)
Released: May 5, 2020
Repository with Clojure examples of OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities.
42. Awesome Cyber Security University
Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 1 - Tools
- Introduction to digital forensics - Intro to Digital Forensics.
43. Awesome Libgdx
Resources / Visual Effects
- gdx-graph (⭐46) - Provides a GUI to design your rendering pipeline and shaders, and a library to easily incorporate them into your games.
- Prev: May 30 - Jun 05, 2022
- Next: May 16 - May 22, 2022