Awesome List Updates on May 16 - May 22, 2022
58 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Open Hardware
- OpenMV (⭐2.2k) - Open-source, low-cost machine vision platform.
2. Awesome Yew
Crates / Components
- yew-oauth2 (⭐45) - A plain Yew OAuth2/OpenIDConnect component, not tied to any CSS framework.
3. Awesome Cyber Security University
Introduction and Pre-Security / Level 1 - Intro
- Welcome - Learn how to use a TryHackMe room to start your upskilling in cyber security.
- Intro to Researching - A brief introduction to research skills for pentesting.
- Linux Fundamentals 1 - Embark on the journey of learning the fundamentals of Linux. Learn to run some of the first essential commands on an interactive terminal.
- Linux Fundamentals 2 - Embark on the journey of learning the fundamentals of Linux. Learn to run some of the first essential commands on an interactive terminal.
- Linux Fundamentals 3 - Embark on the journey of learning the fundamentals of Linux. Learn to run some of the first essential commands on an interactive terminal.
- Pentesting fundamentals - Fundamentals of penetration testing.
- Principles of security - Principles of security.
- Red Team Engagements - Intro to red team engagements.
- Google Dorking - Explaining how Search Engines work and leveraging them into finding hidden content!
Free Beginner Red Team Path / Level 2 - Tooling
- Tmux - Learn to use tmux, one of the most powerful multi-tasking tools on linux.
- Sublist3r - Learn how to find subdomains with Sublist3r.
- Hydra - Learn about and use Hydra, a fast network logon cracker, to bruteforce and obtain a website's credentials.
- Linux Privesc - Practice your Linux Privilege Escalation skills on an intentionally misconfigured Debian VM with multiple ways to get root! SSH is available.
- Red Team Fundamentals - Learn about the basics of a red engagement, the main components and stakeholders involved, and how red teaming differs from other cyber security engagements.
- Red Team Recon - Learn how to use DNS, advanced searching, Recon-ng, and Maltego to collect information about your target.
- Vulnversity - Learn about active recon, web app attacks and privilege escalation.
- Blue - Deploy & hack into a Windows machine, leveraging common misconfigurations issues.
Free Beginner Red Team Path / Level 3 - Crypto & Hashes with CTF practice
- Crack the hash - Cracking hash challenges.
- Agent Sudo - You found a secret server located under the deep sea. Your task is to hack inside the server and reveal the truth.
- The Cod Caper - A guided room taking you through infiltrating and exploiting a Linux system.
- Ice - Deploy & hack into a Windows machine, exploiting a very poorly secured media server.
- Lazy Admin - Easy linux machine to practice your skills.
Free Beginner Red Team Path / Level 4 - Web
- OWASP top 10 - Learn about and exploit each of the OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities; the 10 most critical web security risks.
- Injection - Walkthrough of OS Command Injection. Demonstrate OS Command Injection and explain how to prevent it on your servers.
- Overpass - What happens when some broke CompSci students make a password manager.
- Year of the Rabbit - Can you hack into the Year of the Rabbit box without falling down a hole.
- DevelPy - Boot2root machine for FIT and bsides Guatemala CTF.
Free Beginner Red Team Path / Level 5 - Reverse Engineering & Pwn
- Reverse Engineering - This room focuses on teaching the basics of assembly through reverse engineering.
- Reversing ELF - Room for beginner Reverse Engineering CTF players.
- Dumping Router Firmware - Reverse engineering router firmware.
- Intro to pwntools - Introduction to popular pwn tools framework.
- Pwnkit: CVE-2021-4034 - Interactive lab for exploiting and remediating Pwnkit (CVE-2021-4034) in the Polkit package.
Free Beginner Red Team Path / Level 6 - PrivEsc
- Sudo Security Bypass - A tutorial room exploring CVE-2019-14287 in the Unix Sudo Program. Room One in the SudoVulns Series.
- Sudo Buffer Overflow - A tutorial room exploring CVE-2019-18634 in the Unix Sudo Program. Room Two in the SudoVulns Series.
- Windows Privesc Arena - Students will learn how to escalate privileges using a very vulnerable Windows 7 VM.
- Linux Privesc Arena - Students will learn how to escalate privileges using a very vulnerable Linux VM.
- Windows Privesc - Students will learn how to escalate privileges using a very vulnerable Windows 7 VM.
- Kenobi - Walkthrough on exploiting a Linux machine. Enumerate Samba for shares, manipulate a vulnerable version of proftpd and escalate your privileges with path variable manipulation.
- Pickle Rick - Rick and Morty themed LFI challenge.
Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 1 - Tools
- Nessus - Intro to nessus scan.
- Mitre - Intro to Mitre attack framework.
- Yara - Intro to yara for malware analysis.
- OpenVAS - Intro to openvas.
- Intro to Honeypots - Intro to honeypots.
- Autopsy - Use Autopsy to investigate artifacts from a disk image.
Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 2 - Security Operations, Incident Response & Threat Hunting
- Juicy Details - A popular juice shop has been breached! Analyze the logs to see what had happened.
- Carnage - Apply your analytical skills to analyze the malicious network traffic using Wireshark.
- Splunk Boss of the SOC V1 - Part of the Blue Primer series, learn how to use Splunk to search through massive amounts of information.
- Splunk Boss of the SOC V2 - Splunk analysis vol 2.
- Splunk Boss of the SOC V3 - Splunk analysis vol 3.
Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 3 - Beginner Forensics, Threat Intel & Cryptography
- Martryohka doll - Beginner file analysis challenge.
- Packets Primer - Beginner packet analysis challenge.
- Wireshark doo doo doo - Beginner packet analysis challenge.
- Wireshark two two two - Beginner packet analysis challenge.
- Trivial flag transfer protocol - Beginner packet analysis challenge.
- What Lies within - Beginner decoding analysis challenge.
- Illumination - Medium level forensics challenge.
- Introduction to Cryptohack - Medium level cryptography challenge.
Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 4 - Memory & Disk Forensics
- Sleuthkit Intro - Medium level disk forensics challenge.
- Hunter - Windows Disk Image Forensics - Medium level disk forensics challenge.
- Spotlight - Mac Disk Image Forensics - Medium level disk forensics challenge.
- Ulysses - Linux Disk Image Forensics - Medium level disk forensics challenge.
- Banking Troubles - Windows Memory Image Forensics - Medium level memory forensics challenge.
Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 5 - Malware and Reverse Engineering
- History of Malware - Intro to malware history.
- Malware Introduction - Intro to malware.
- Basic Malware Reverse Engineering - Intro to malware RE.
- Intro Windows Reversing - Intro to Windows RE.
- Windows x64 Assembly - Introduction to x64 Assembly on Windows.
- JVM reverse engineering - Learn Reverse Engineering for Java Virtual Machine bytecode.
Bonus CTF practice and Latest CVEs / Level 5 - Malware and Reverse Engineering
- Bandit - Aimed at absolute beginners and teaches the basics of remote server access.
- Natas - Teaches the basics of serverside web-security.
- Post Exploitation Basics - Learn the basics of post-exploitation and maintaining access with mimikatz, bloodhound, powerview and msfvenom.
- Dogcat - I made a website where you can look at pictures of dogs and/or cats! Exploit a PHP application via LFI and break out of a docker container.
- Insecure Kubernetes - Exploiting Kubernetes by leveraging a Grafana LFI vulnerability.
- The Great Escape (docker) - Escaping docker container.
- Solr Exploiting Log4j - Explore CVE-2021-44228, a vulnerability in log4j affecting almost all software under the sun.
- Spring4Shell - Interactive lab for exploiting Spring4Shell (CVE-2022-22965) in the Java Spring Framework.
- Most Recent threats - Learn about the latest industry threats. Get hands-on experience identifying, exploiting, and mitigating critical vulnerabilities.
Bonus Windows / Level 5 - Malware and Reverse Engineering
- Attacktive Directory - Learn about 99% of Corporate networks that run off of AD.
- Blue Print - Hack into this Windows machine and escalate your privileges to Administrator.
- Relevant - Penetration Testing Challenge.
Extremely Hard Rooms to do / Level 5 - Malware and Reverse Engineering
- Ra - You have found WindCorp's internal network and their Domain Controller. Pwn the network.
- CCT2019 - Legacy challenges from the US Navy Cyber Competition Team 2019 Assessment sponsored by US TENTH Fleet.
- Theseus - The first installment of the SuitGuy series of very hard challenges.
- IronCorp - Get access to Iron Corp's system.
- Borderlands - Compromise a perimeter host and pivot through this network.
- Jeff - Hack into Jeff's web server.
- Anonymous Playground - Want to become part of Anonymous? They have a challenge for you.
- Racetrack Bank - It's time for another heist.
- Python Playground - Use python to pwn this room.
4. Awesome Osint
Geospatial Research and Mapping Tools / Steam
- Worldwide OSINT Tools Map - A global map of databases and OSINT sources by applicable location.
5. Awesome Geojson
- 99boundaries (⭐11): Generate any maritime & land boundary in GeoJSON and other file formats or download directly from the web
6. Awesome Transit
Web Apps (open source) / Rust
- Bustime - Public transport real-time monitoring with WebSocket updates. Open-source on GitHub (⭐84).
7. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems
- Soketi - Simple, fast, and resilient open-source WebSockets server (drop-in alternative to Pusher). (Source Code (⭐5.1k))
Software / Games
- Word Mastermind (⭐185) - Wordle clone. A Mastermind-like game, but instead of colors you need to guess words. (Demo)
Software / Maps and Global Positioning System (GPS)
- Bicimon (⭐54) - Bike Speedometer as Progressive Web App. (Demo)
Software / Media Streaming - Audio Streaming
- LMS (⭐1.2k) - Access your self-hosted music using a web interface.
Software / Media Streaming - Multimedia Streaming
- Karaoke Eternal - Host awesome karaoke parties where everyone can easily find and queue songs from their phone's browser. The player is also fully browser-based with support for MP3+G, MP4 and WebGL visualizations. (Source Code)
Software / Miscellaneous
- WeeWX - Open source software for your weather station. (Demo, Source Code (⭐1k))
Software / Personal Dashboards
- Fenrus (⭐627) - A self hosted personal home page that allows for multiple users, guest access and multiple dashboards for each user. It also has "Smart Apps" which display live data for those apps.
8. Awesome Cpp
- rnnoise (⭐4.4k) - Recurrent neural network for audio noise reduction. [BSD-3-Clause]
- FakeIt (⭐1.3k) - Simple mocking framework for C++. [MIT]
9. Awesome Eosio
Courses, workshops, webinars, videos and others
- EOSIO Blockchain Developer Workshop - Free course on YouTube.
Libraries and Frameworks / History
- EOSIO/history-tools (⭐65) - Official EOSIO history API plugin.
- Hyperion History API (⭐127) - Scalable Full History API Solution for EOSIO based blockchains.
- EOSIO Light API (⭐55) - Historic information about EOSIO blockchain accounts and token balances.
Libraries and Frameworks / Testing
- EOSIO/eosio.contracts (⭐324) - Official C++ system contract test suite (notoriously difficult to use).
- Hydra - JavaScript framework for testing EOSIO smart contracts.
- haderech/vert (⭐7) - JavaScript EOS-VM emulation RunTime for WASM-based blockchain contracts. Run and test smart contracts.
Libraries and Frameworks / Services
- Liquid Apps - Smart contract services vRAM, oracles, cron, IPFS and ICB.
- DelphiOracle (⭐41) - A multi-party source of truth, designed to provide the near-realtime price of the asset pairs to other smart contracts or to external users.
Developer Tools / Services
- Blanc (⭐19) - A toolchain for building WebAssembly-based blockchain contracts. Currently, Blanc supports EOSIO and CosmWasm (experimental).
- manh-vv/eosjs-name (⭐10) - Convert an Eosio name to uint64 and back.
- blockchain-etl/eos-etl (⭐9) - Connector for Google's BigQuery Public Datasets.
EOSIO Ecosystem / Services
- EOSIO Ecosystem (⭐3) - EOSIO multi-chain ecosystem information.
Other in DApps / Services
- kesar/decentwitter (⭐37) - Decentralized Twitter on EOS.
10. Awesome Dash
- Charming Data YouTube channel - A channel dedicated to teaching Dash and Plotly with over 25k subscribers.
11. Awesome Algorand
Blockchain Bridges / Wallets
- ptokens - pNetwork Officially Launched Cross-Chain Bridges for Algorand.
Projects / Wallets
- algorewards - Free and unofficial Algorand governance reward calculator. Hosted on GitHub Pages.
12. Awesome Product Management
Articles / Obsidian
- Guide to building a product roadmap - By Hellonext, Inc.
Books / Obsidian
- Good Strategy, Bad Strategy - By Richard Rumelt.
- Crossing The Chasm - By Geoffrey A. Moore.
- EMPOWERED: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Products - By Marty Cagan, Chris Jones.
- The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business - By Charles Duhigg.
13. Awesome Mac
Communication / Collaboration and Team Tools
- Wavebox - A revolutionary and feature-rich Chromium browser that's built for productive working across Google Workspaces, Microsoft Teams, ClickUp, Monday, Atlassian, Asana, AirTable, Slack, and every other web app you use to get work done.
14. Web Development Resources
Coding Challenge Platforms:
- Website:
Freelancing platforms:
- Website:
HTML/CSS/JavaScript templates:
- Website:
15. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science
Lecture Notes / Monograph
- Blum. An Introduction to the Theory of Machine Learning. TTIC - The basic theory underlying machine learning and the process of generalizing from data.
- Tim Roughgarden. Complexity Theory, Game Theory, and Economics: The Barbados Lectures - A mini-course notes of two-fold goals: mini-course is twofold: (i) Explain how complexity theory has helped illuminate several barriers in economics and game theory; and (ii) Illustrate how game-theoretic questions have led to new and interesting complexity theory, including recent several breakthroughs.
- Eva Tardos. Algorithmic Game Theory - It combines algorithmic thinking with game-theoretic, or, more generally, economic concepts. The course will study a range of topics at this interface. The only prerequisite to the course is mathematical thinking.
- Chekuri. Topics in Algorithms: Algorithmic Game Theory - A broad graduate-level introduction to: auctions, existence and computation of equilibria in games and markets, algorithmic mechanism design, price of anarchy and price of stability, games relevant to networks and e-commerce. The emphasis will be on conceptual ideas and algorithmic aspects. No familiarity with game theory or economics will be assumed.
- Penna. Algorithmic Game Theory - The course discusses algorithmic aspects of game theory, such as a general introduction to game theory, auctions, mechanisms, the costs of a central control optimum versus those of an equilibrium under selfish agents, and algorithms and complexity of computing equilibria.
- Brown. Resources list for game theory - TAs based these notes in large part on the lecture notes and accompanying videos of Tim Roughgarden's CS 364A and CS 364B courses at Stanford, and Jason Hartline's Mechanism Design and Approximation textbook.
- Fang. Advanced Topics in Machine Learning and Game Theory - A graduate-level course covering the topics at the intersection of machine learning and game theory.
- Xu. Topics in Learning and Game Theory - A graduate level course covering topics at the interface between machine learning and game theory.
Other / Monograph
Books / Monograph
- Apt & Grädel. Lectures in Game Theory for Computer Scientists - Games provide mathematical models for interaction, and numerous tasks in computer science can be formulated in game-theoretic terms.
Workshops / Monograph
- Simons Institute. Economics and Computation Program - The intersection is motivated by applications such as large-scale digital auctions and markets, and fundamental questions such as the computational complexity of Nash equilibria and complexity and approximation in mechanism design. Also, To productively model and study the Internet and its novel computational phenomena, Models and insights can be gained from from game theory and economic theory. The computational point of view, on the other hand, is essential to understand a world in which markets are networked and the default platforms of economic transactions are algorithmic.
- Simons Institute. Learning and Games Program - The intersection is manifested by (1) Data input to machine learning algorithms are generated by self-interested parties, (2) Machine learning is used to optimize economic systems or acts, (3) Machine learning models used in critical systems are becoming prone to adversarial attacks, and (4) Several machine learning approaches can be framed as finding the equilibrium of a game.
- Eva Tardos. Learning and Efficiency in Games - How to quantify the impact of strategic user behavior on overall performance in games including traffic routing as well as online auctions.
16. Awesome React Components
Responsive / Syntax Highlight
- ant-design (⭐91k) - demo/docs - A UI Design Language from China. Individual components available.
- ChatUI (⭐2.5k) - demo/docs - The UI design language and React library for Conversational UI
- fluentui (⭐18k) - UX frameworks for creating beautiful, cross-platform apps that share code, design, and interaction behavior.
- geist-ui (⭐4.3k) - Modern and minimalist React UI library.
- grommet (⭐8.3k) - The most advanced UX framework for enterprise applications.
- Mantine (⭐25k) - demo/docs - A fully featured library with 100+ hooks and components with native dark theme support
- orbit (⭐1.4k) - Components for building travel oriented projects.
- radix-ui - Unstyled, accessible components for building high‑quality design systems and web apps.
- react-foundation (⭐602) - Foundation as React components.
- reakit (⭐7.7k) - demo/docs Toolkit for building accessible rich web apps
- semi-design (⭐8k) - demo/docs - A modern, comprehensive, flexible design system.
- shineout (⭐915) - demo - Chinese-friendly set of components: form elements, navigation, table, tree, tree select drop-down etc.
17. Awesome Privacy
- TypeBot - Open-source conversational forms.
- CryptPad Forms - Part of the Cryptpad end-to-end encrypted and open-source collaboration suite.
- FramaForms - Design your online surveys easily while respecting your audience.
18. Awesome Love2d
- nativefs (⭐43) - Read and write files outside of LÖVE's allowed paths.
19. Awesome Newsletters
Open Source / Svelte
- Console Weekly. Discover cool open-source projects and an interview with one of the developers every week.
20. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- amrbashir/nvim-docs-view (⭐155) - Display LSP hover documentation in a side panel.
Snippet / Diagnostics
- smjonas/snippet-converter.nvim (⭐179) - Convert snippets between the most common snippet formats and modify them using a few lines of Lua code.
Utility / Diagnostics
- ghillb/cybu.nvim (⭐316) - Displays a notification window with context when cycling buffers.
Formatting / Diagnostics
- lukas-reineke/lsp-format.nvim (⭐587) - A wrapper around Neovims native LSP formatting.
21. Awesome Security
Web / Development
- Security Checklist by OWASP - A checklist by OWASP for testing web applications based on assurance level. Covers multiple topics like Architecture, IAM, Sanitization, Cryptography and Secure Configuration.
22. Awesome Rust
Applications / Database
- Qdrant (⭐22k) - An open source vector similarity search engine with extended filtering support
Libraries / Network programming
- 1c3t3a/rust-socketio (⭐441) [rust_socketio] - an implementation of a client written in Rust.
- 1c3t3a/rust-socketio (⭐441) [rust_socketio] - an implementation of a client written in Rust.
23. Awesome Swift
Utility / Barcode
- SwiftBoost (⭐208) - Collection of Swift-extensions to boost development process.
24. Awesome Graphql
Tools - Miscellaneous / React
- microfiber (⭐34) - Query and manipulate GraphQL introspection query results in useful ways.
25. Awesome Computational Biology
Databases / Compound
- ChEBI - Chemical database focused on small chemical compounds.
Databases / Protein
- PROTEIN DATA BANK - Database of the 3D shapes of proteins, nucleic acids, and complex assemblies.
26. Awesome Math
Numerical Analysis / Stochastic processes
- 📝 Introduction to Numerical Analysis - Doron Levy (University of Maryland)
- 📝 Numerical Analysis for Engineers - Douglas Wilhelm Harder
27. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Driver layer
- Universal Robots (⭐254) - ROS2 drivers for UR CB3 and e-Series.
28. Awesome Executable Packing
📚 Literature / Documentation
📚 Literature / Scientific Research
- 📓 Towards paving the way for large-scale Windows malware analysis: Generic binary unpacking with orders-of-magnitude performance boost (October 2018) ⭐
- 📰 x64Unpack: Hybrid emulation unpacker for 64-bit Windows Environments and detailed analysis results on VMProtect 3.4 (July 2020) ⭐
📑 Datasets / Scientific Research
- FFRI Dataset Scripts (⭐10) - Make datasets like FFRI Dataset.
- RCE Lab (⭐42) - Crackme's, keygenme's, serialme's ; the "tuts4you" folder contains many packed binaries.
📦 Packers / Before 2000
- Morphine (⭐289) - Application for PE files encryption.
🔧 Tools / Before 2000
- DynamoRIO - Runtime code manipulation system that supports code transformations on any part of a program, while it executes.
- Pin - Dynamic binary instrumentation framework for the IA-32, x86-64 and MIC instruction-set architectures that enables the creation of dynamic program analysis tools.
29. Awesome Ada
Entry Point
- celebrating-ada - Ada history key moments.
Terminal User Interface / Apache License
- linenoise-ada - Bindings to the Linenoise line-editing library (patched to support UTF-8).
Format Readers, Writers and Checkers / Apache License
- uri-ada - URI and MIME parser & manipulation library.
Networking and Communication Middleware / Apache License
- tlsada - Bindings to the libtls TLS/SSL library.
Utilities / Apache License
- getopt-ada - Portable implementation of getopt(3) in Ada.
30. Public Apis
Cloud Storage & File Sharing
API: Filestack
Description: Filestack File Uploader & File Upload API
CORS: Unknown
31. Awesome Machine Learning
C++ / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- N2D2 (⭐152) - CEA-List's CAD framework for designing and simulating Deep Neural Network, and building full DNN-based applications on embedded platforms
Tools / Misc
- Qdrant – Qdrant is open source (⭐22k) vector similarity search engine with extended filtering support, written in Rust.
32. Awesome Plone
Content and utilities for content
- collective.a11ycheck (⭐0) - Reports accessibility issues to your site editors when a page is saved.
- collective.bbcodesnippets (⭐1) - Provides generic and extensible BBCode markup integration for Plone.
- collective.consent (⭐1) - Ask users for consent to different topics, before they can continue.
- collective.dexteritytextindexer (⭐9) - Dynamic SearchableText index for dexterity content types. For Plone 6 this was merged into Plone core.
- collective.documentviewer (⭐21) - Very nice document viewer that integrates DocumentCloud viewer and PDF processing into Plone.
- collective.easyformplugin.createdx (⭐5) - Creates Plone content objects from EasyForm submissions.
- collective.folderishtraverse (⭐3) - Traverse to first item in folder.
- collective.folderishtypes (⭐2) - Provides the types "Folderish Event", "Folderish News Item" and "Folderish Document" as replacements for default types. Those types are able to hold any other content, like a Folder.
- collective.geolocationbehavior (⭐2) - Geotagging for Plone content using LeafletJS.
- collective.glossary (⭐4) - Content type to define a glossary and its terms.
- collective.immediatecreate (⭐0) - Create content immediatly and skip the add form.
- collective.lineage (⭐12) - Subsites: Turns subfolders of a Plone site to appear as autonomous Plone sites. There is also a whole ecosystem off addons specific to subsites.
- collective.mailchimp (⭐5) - MailChimp newsletter integration for Plone.
- collective.mirror (⭐1) - A content type that mirrors the content of any other container.
- collective.mustread (⭐0) - Tracking user views on content that are marked as must-read.
- collective.remoteproxy (⭐1) - Proxy for remote content. All remote URLs for which a local proxy was created are replaced in the resulting content.
- collective.restrictportlets (⭐0) - Allows you to restrict the available portlets that non-Managers can add.
- collective.richdescription (⭐1) - Formatable description field for Plone.
- collective.workspace (⭐7) - Easily manage 'membership' in specific areas of a Plone Site. It allows to grant people access to areas of content using a membership group rather than local roles for each user, and to delegate control over that group to people who don't have access to the site-wide user/group control panel.
- plone.pdfexport (⭐3) - Generic PDF export functionality for Plone content.
- Products.EasyNewsletter (⭐28) - Powerful newsletter/mailing product for Plone.
- zopyx.ipsumplone (⭐1) - Creates demo content and demo images for Plone.
Searching and Categorizing
- cioppino.twothumbs (⭐14) - Rate content using up- and down-thumbs.
- collective.bookmarks (⭐2) - Bookmarks/ favorites/ wish-list for Plone.
- collective.collectionfilter (⭐9) - Faceted navigation filter for collection or contentlisting tiles.
- collective.elastic.plone (⭐3) - ElasticSearch Integration for Plone content.
- collective.searchandreplace (⭐6) - Find and replace text in Plone content objects.
- collective.solr (⭐22) - Solr search engine integration for Plone.
- collective.taxonomy (⭐19) - Create, edit and use hierarchical taxonomies to categorize content.
- eea.facetednavigation (⭐4) - Very powerful interface to improve search without programming skills. Configuration is done through-the-web and lets you gradually select and explore different facets (metadata/properties) of the content and narrow down you search quickly and dynamically.
- Products.PloneKeywordManager (⭐4) - Change, merge and delete keywords/tags/subjects).
- (⭐36) - Powerful and extendable editor that allows users to compose the content of a page with different tiles.
- collective.cover (⭐49) - Cover allows the creation of elaborate covers built around a drag-and-drop interface. Uses the same blocks/tiles ecosystem as but a different approach to editing.
- collective.contentsections (⭐9) - Offers a block approach for Plone 6 Classic based entirely on Dexterity content types.
- (⭐7) - A set of standard tiles used by Mosaic, but can be used from any other tile manager.
- collective.tiles.carousel (⭐0) - A slider tile for based on the carousel component of Bootstrap 5.
- collective.tiles.advancedstatic (⭐0) - A tile that shows html text (similar to the static text portlet), with some additional configuration like the possibility to add custom css classes.
- collective.tiles.collection (⭐1) - A tile that shows a set of collection results with possibility to choose (and develop) custom layouts.
- collective.easyformplugin.registration (⭐3) - Add a behavior to collective.easyform to manage registration forms for events.
- collective.fullcalendar (⭐2) - Display events in a nice calendar UI using
- collective.venue (⭐3) - Venue type with geolocation support for use with events or any other location specific content.
- collective.easyform (⭐13) - EasyForm provides a Plone form builder through-the-web using fields, widgets, actions and validators. Form input can be saved or emailed. A simple and user-friendly interface allows non-programmers to create custom forms.
- collective.fieldedit (⭐3) - A flexible form to edit selected fields of a content type.
- collective.honeypot (⭐5) - Honeypot protection for forms.
- collective.z3cform.datagridfield (⭐8) - A field with a datagrid (table), where each row is a sub form.
- collective.z3cform.norobots (⭐5) - A "human" captcha widget based on a list of questions/answers.
- plone.formwidgets.hcaptcha (⭐1) - HCaptcha widget to protect Plone from bots, spam, and other forms of automated abuse.
- yafowil.plone (⭐3) - Yafowil is a form library for Python. This is its Plone Integration package.
- collective.linguatags (⭐0) - Multilingual Tags for Plone.
- (⭐2) - Indexes optimized to query multilingual content made with
- collective.autoscaling (⭐1) - Automatic scaling of large images. Useful to reduce your database size when editors upload too large images.
- collective.behavior.banner (⭐3) - A behavior to create banners and sliders from banners.
- collective.lazysizes (⭐6) - Integration of lazysizes, a lightweight lazy loader, into Plone.
- collective.wavesurfer (⭐0) - Implementation of audio player for Plone.
- (⭐9) - Crops Images in Plone manually using cropper JS library.
- (⭐5) - Photo gallery view for Plone.
- (⭐2) - Adds a gallery view with a carousel made with slick.
- collective.explicitacquisition (⭐1) - Disallow access to acquired content outside the current path.
- collective.geotransform (⭐2) - Graceful E-mail Obfuscation for Plone.
- bda.plone.gtm (⭐2) - Google Tag Manager Integration.
- collective.behavior.seo (⭐3) - Adds extra fields used for SEO optimisation.
- pas.plugins.ldap (⭐13) - Provides users and groups from a LDAP directory.
- iw.rejectanonymous (⭐4) - Reject unconditionnally anonymous users from a Plone site, without any change in your security policy matrix or workflows. The basic use case is an extranet, where all visitors must be authenticated.
- pas.plugins.headers (⭐2) - Reads request headers and uses them for authentication. Think SAML headers that are set by a front web server like Apache or nginx.
- dm.zope.saml2 - Supports SAML2 based Single Sign-On.
- collective.impersonate (⭐6) - Allow administrators to impersonate another user. Useful for verifying workflow/permission set up on real content.
- collective.pwexpiry (⭐1) - Provideds methods for stronger user passwords in Plone and password attack protection.
- bda.plone.productshop (⭐7) - Flexible and modular e-commerce solution for Plone.
Export, Import and Migrations
- collective.exportimport (⭐15) - Export and import content and a lot of other data from and to Plone. The main solution for all kinds of migrations based on plone.restapi.
- collective.migrationhelpers (⭐14) - Helpers and examples to use during migrations.
- collective.jsonify (⭐12) - Export Plone content to JSON.
- collective.transmogrifier (⭐5) - A configurable pipeline, aimed at transforming content for import and export.
- (⭐6) - Tokyo Theme for Plone implements Bootstrap 4 into Plone, with an emphasis on keeping things as close to "default" as possible.
- plonetheme.grueezibuesi (⭐1) - A kitten inspired theme for Plone 6.
- collective.sidebar (⭐6) - A sidebar that consolidates toolbar and navigation.
- collective.editablemenu (⭐3) - A customizable navigation menu for Plone.
- Products.PDBDebugMode (⭐2) - Post-mortem debugging: open a pdb session whenever an exception occurs so you you can find out what is going wrong. Plus: By adding /pdb to a url you end up you in a pdb session on the current context. A killer tool for developers.
- plone.reload (⭐10) - Code and configuration reload without server restarts.
- Products.PrintingMailHost (⭐2) - Log mail messages instead of sending mail.
- experimental.gracefulblobmissing (⭐2) - Gracefully handle missing binary files in Plone.
- collective.relationhelpers (⭐7) - Helpers to manage, create, export and rebuild relations in Plone 5.x. For Plone 6 this was merged into Plone core.
- collective.catalogcleanup (⭐4) - Removes data from the catalog that no longer belong to an actual object.
- collective.fingerpointing (⭐5) - Keeps track of different events and write them down to an audit log.
- collective.ifttt (⭐2) - Enables any Plone site to play in the IFTTT ecosystem. For example when a news item is published, then tweet about it or post it on Facebook.
- collective.recipe.backup (⭐5) - Powerful and flexible backup/restore solution for Plone.
- collective.revisionmanager (⭐6) - Manage Products.CMFEditions histories that can bloat your database.
- collective.sentry (⭐7) - Sentry integration to aggregate errors and help finding their causes.
- dm.historical - Access any historical state of your database. Can be useful to find out what happened to objects in the past and to restore accidentally deleted or modified objects.
- haufe.requestmonitoring (⭐5) - Detailed request logging functionality on top of the publication events. Useful to find out what takes longer than it should.
Official resources
- Discord chat - Discord is the best way to chat with members of the Plone community.
- Plone support - Where to find help.
- Plone 6 Documentation - Official documentation for the upcoming Plone 6 (work on progress).
- plone.api - Documentation for plone.api.
33. Awesome Cmake
- version-from-git (⭐4) - Bake git information into your binary.
34. Awesome Preact
Contents / Testing Utils
- Preact Island (⭐210) - Render your Preact component as a widget on any web page with ease.
35. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Geekflare API - Geekflare API lets you take screenshots, audit websites, TLS scan, DNS lookup, test TTFB, and more. The free plan offers 3,000 API requests.
- DNSExit - Up to 2 Email addresses under your domain for free with 100MB of storage space. IMAP, POP3, SMTP, SPF/DKIM support.
36. Awesome Cl
Javascript / Isomorphic web frameworks
- sigil (⭐3) - A Parenscript to Javascript command line compiler and REPL. MIT.
- cl-react (⭐69) - Common Lisp (Parenscript) utilities for building web apps in ReactJs. MIT.
- Panic (⭐43), a Parenscript library for React. Not in Quicklisp. MIT. Its TodoMVC example (⭐7).
- Parenscriptx (⭐25) - Parenscript Macros to aid generating react code. MIT.
- jscl-react (⭐17) - A web framework for writing react components in common lisp using jscl. No license specified.
Matrix libraries / Third-party APIs
- magicl (⭐243) - Matrix Algebra proGrams In Common Lisp based on BLAS/LAPACK and Expokit, by Rigetti Computing. BSD_3Clause.
XML / Third-party APIs
- CXML - XML parser and serializer, with a range of extension libraries. LLGPL.
- 👍 has an incremental parser, allowing to parse big files.
- see the FXML (⭐32) fork, with fixes and new features. You should use it if your are parsing potentially ill-formed or malicious XML, or if you need to use Klacks with namespaces.
37. Awesome Open Source Games
Native / Strategy
- Stone Kingdoms - Real-time strategy based on the original Stronghold series.
- Zero-K (⭐701) - Open source RTS game with physical projectiles and smart units.
38. Awesome Go
Bot Building
- wayback (⭐1.9k) - A bot for Telegram, Mastodon, Slack, and other messaging platforms archives webpages.
Standard CLI
- carapace-spec (⭐21) - Define simple completions using a spec file.
Miscellaneous Data Structures and Algorithms
- go-rampart (⭐101) - Determine how intervals relate to each other.
- valor (⭐17) - Generic option and result types that optionally contain a value.
- H3 GeoJSON (⭐4) - Conversion utilities between H3 indexes and GeoJSON.
- H3GeoDist (⭐2) - Distribution of Uber H3geo cells by virtual nodes.
- async-job (⭐11) - AsyncJob is an asynchronous queue job manager with light code, clear and speed.
Workflow Frameworks / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- Dagu (⭐1.9k) - No-code workflow executor. it executes DAGs defined in a simple YAML format.
Other Software / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- Gokapi (⭐1.8k) - Lightweight server to share files, which expire after a set amount of downloads or days. Similar to Firefox Send, but without public upload.
39. Awesome Terraform
Providers / Hashicorp supported providers
- terraform-provider-aws (⭐10k) - Provider for Amazon Web Services.
- terraform-provider-azurerm (⭐4.7k) - Provider for Azure.
- terraform-provider-docker (⭐132) - Provider for Docker. 💀
- terraform-provider-google (⭐2.4k) - Provider for Google Cloud Platform.
- terraform-provider-helm (⭐1k) - Provider for Helm.
- terraform-provider-kubernetes (⭐1.6k) - Provider for Kubernetes.
- terraform-provider-vsphere (⭐634) - Provider for VMware vSphere.
Providers / Vendor supported providers
- terraform-provider-alicloud (⭐602) - Provider for Alibaba Cloud.
- terraform-provider-atlas (⭐58) - Provider for Atlas.
- terraform-provider-buildkite (⭐56) - Provider for Buildkite.
- terraform-provider-datadog (⭐411) - Provider for Datadog.
- terraform-provider-digitalocean (⭐516) - Provider for DigitalOcean.
- terraform-provider-env0 (⭐41) - Provider for env0
- terraform-provider-github - Provider for GitHub.
- terraform-provider-gitlab (⭐402) - Provider for GitLab.
- terraform-provider-graphql (⭐55) - Provider for GraphQL queries and mutations.
- terraform-provider-hcloud (⭐550) - Provider for Hetzner Cloud.
- terraform-provider-heroku (⭐100) - Provider for Heroku.
- terraform-provider-ibm (⭐342) - Provider for IBM Cloud.
- terraform-provider-linode (⭐72) - Provider for Linode.
- terraform-provider-scalr (⭐19) - Provider for Scalr
- terraform-provider-spinnaker (⭐143) - Provider for Spinnaker.
- terraform-provider-spotinst (⭐63) - Provider for spotinst.
40. Awesome Substrate
- Polkadot PANIC (⭐38) - Monitoring and alerting solution for Polkadot nodes by Simply VC, compatible with many Substrate chains.
41. Awesome Circuitpython
42. Awesome Blazor
Videos / Others
- ASP.NET Community Standup - Let's build an app with .NET MAUI and Blazor -
May 17, 2022 - Showcasing migrating a Blazor WASM PWA to .NET MAUI and Blazor Hybrid. Community links.
- Securing SPAs and Blazor Applications using the BFF (Backend for Frontend) Pattern -
May 10, 2022 - Modern web development means that more and more application code is running in the browser. Traditionally this has been JavaScript but more recently there has been the trend to use C#/WASM with Blazor. These modern applications typically also need authentication and single-sign-on as well as token-based security for calling APIs – in other words OpenID Connect and OAuth 2. There are different patterns for securing such applications and this session covers some of the pitfalls of the various approaches, especially given the ever-changing browser landscape. We will conclude with the “backend for frontend” (or BFF) pattern which has become the most secure and stable of these approaches.
Articles / Others
- Q&A: Deep Dive on Blazor - May 9, 2022 - Q&A: Deep Dive on Blazor, on Visual Studio Magazine.
- Syncfusion Essential Studio Release Enhances .NET MAUI, WinUI, Blazor and More - May 6, 2022 - Syncfusion Essential Studio Release Enhances .NET MAUI, WinUI, Blazor and More, on Visual Studio Magazine.
- Use the Query String to pass an array of selected values between Blazor Pages - April 28, 2022 - Use the Query String to pass an array of selected values between Blazor Pages.
- Conditional Blazor Styles (without the if statements) - March 24, 2022 - Conditional Blazor Styles (without the if statements).
- What's Coming for Blazor Hybrid in .NET 7 - February 10, 2022 - What's Coming for Blazor Hybrid in .NET 7, Visual Studio Magazine.
- Use Tailwind's new JIT mode when developing Blazor applications - January 19, 2022 - Use Tailwind's new JIT mode when developing Blazor applications.
Podcasts / Others
- ASP.NET, Blogging, Kuberetes, and more - May 10, 2022 - The Unhandled Exception Podcast with Andrew Lock ( He’s the author of the Manning ebook, ASP.NET Core in Action, Second Edition. This episode covers a lot - from the different flavours of ASP.NET, to Kubernetes, Blazor, gRPC, testing, Minimal API, MediatR and more.
43. Awesome Deno
Modules / Machine learning
- netsaur (⭐228) - Powerful machine learning, accelerated by WebGPU
- synaptic (⭐14) - Dependency-less neural network library ported to deno
Modules / Math
- neo (⭐67) - Matrix and other math, accelerated by WebGPU
44. Awesome Tailwindcss
UI Libraries, Components & Templates
- 📚 Xtend UI - Tailwind CSS components with advanced interactions and animations.
- 📚 Headless UI Float - Floating UI integration for Headless UI.
45. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-magnifier (⭐17) - Vue 3 image zoom component.
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- v-route-generate (⭐13) - A tool to generate routes for vue-router 4.x.
- @formkit/auto-animate (⭐13k) Add motion to your apps with a single line of code
46. Awesome Emails
Services / Misc
- Mailchimp - MailChimp provides email marketing for more than 15 million people globally.
Resources / Misc
- Mailchimp - Mailchimp Email Design Reference.
Statistics / Misc
- Mailchimp Research - Mailchimp's researchers are constantly analyzing data to help you make the most of your email campaigns.
47. Awesome Svelte
- svelte-formly (⭐254) - A good solution to generate and control a dynamic forms using core and custom rules with customize styles. (pre-v5)
48. Awesome Fastapi
Open Source Projects / Other Tools
- Bali (⭐268) - Simplify Cloud Native Microservices development base on FastAPI and gRPC.
49. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects / Open Source Art
- Alexandre Prokoudine, #2 - GIMP contributor, editor of Libre Graphics World online magazine.
- Andrea Ferrero - Developer of PhotoFlow image editor, maintains various Appimage packages.
- Duduf - Tools for animations and motion pictures production.
- Inochi2D - Opensource editor and libraries for realtime 2D puppet animation and rendering, e.g. VTubers.
- Marc Jeanmougin - Inkscape contributor.
- Morevna Project - Various contributions to open source animation tools and animated shorts sources released under CC.
- Øyvind Kolås, #2 - Lead developer of babl & GEGL libraries used in the graphics editor GIMP.
- Pablo Dobarro - Sculpting improvements for Blender.
- Tavmjong Bah - Working on Inkscape vector graphics editor.
- ZeMarmot, #2, #3 - 2D animation film project to be released under CC. GIMP contributions from Jehan Pagès, art and direction by Aryeom Han.
Open Source Projects / Hardware related
- Damien Maguire - Electric vehicle projects.
- Espruino - JavaScript interpreter for microcontrollers.
- Frank Buss - FPGA and other hardware projects.
- GitClear - Improved Linux support for touchpads.
- Hector Martin "marcan", #2 - Asahi, Linux support for Apple Silicon Macs.
- Nefarius Software Solutions - Windows drivers for the Sony DualShock controller and others.
- - Pinout diagrams for various microcontrollers.
- Professor Abrasive - Retro gaming.
People Doing Open Source Work / Hardware related
- Luke Dashjr - Author of bfgminer and other substantial contributions to Bitcoin.
50. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Methodologies for Experiments / Quantitative Analysis
- Two lines: A valid alternative to the invalid testing of U-shaped relationships with quadratic regressions - Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2018. [All Versions]. An alternative method to test the statistical significance of U-shaped relationships.
51. Awesome Vite
Get Started
- create-electron-vite (⭐202) - Scaffolding Your Electron + Vite Project.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Transformers
- @modyfi/vite-plugin-yaml (⭐81) - Transform YAML files to ESM with schema validation and error reporting.
52. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
DevSecOps / Service meshes
- Checkov - Static analysis for Terraform (infrastructure as code) to help detect CIS policy violations and prevent cloud security misconfiguration.
- terrascan - Static code analyzer for Infrastructure as Code tools that helps detect compliance and security violations to mitigate risk before provisioning cloud native resources.
- tfsec - Static analysis security scanner for your Terraform code designed to run locally and in CI pipelines.
53. Awesome Fiber
⚙️ Middlewares / 🌱 Third Party
- witer33/fiberpow (⭐12) - Anti DDoS/Bot Middleware with a customizable Proof Of Work challenge.
54. Awesome Lidar
Others / Object detection and object tracking
- Foxglove - Foxglove Studio is an integrated visualization and diagnosis tool for robotics, available in your browser or for download as a desktop app on Linux, Windows, and macOS.
- MeshLab - MeshLab is an open source, portable, and extensible system for the processing and editing 3D triangular meshes and pointcloud.
55. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Generic ZSH
- zephyr (⭐150) - Zephyr uses built-in Zsh features to set up better default options, completions, keybindings, history, and much more.
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- condaenv (⭐1) - Provides a
function which returns the currentconda
environment name.
- git-clean-branch (⭐2) - Cleans up dead
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- vorpal (⭐1) - Adds completions for some projects whose upstream appears dead, including duperemove (⭐868), optimus-manager (⭐2.3k) and pacutils (⭐112).
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- luceast (⭐0) - Optimized for
. Includes decorations for username, host, time & working directory.
- nova (⭐0) - Includes
status decroations. OverridesLS_COLORS
- promptor (⭐1) - Powerline-inspired. Includes decorators for
status, username, hostname, working directory and time.
- simple-chack (⭐0) - Works well with solarized terminal color scheme. Includes
status decorations.
56. Awesome Evm Security
- Simple Security Toolkit (⭐586) - Opinionated recommendations that the team at Nascent find to be appropriate, particularly for teams developing and managing early versions of a protocol.
57. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 3
- AutoColliders (⭐10) - Allows the automatic generation of colliders for Sprites, with planned expansion to handle 3D meshes in the future.
Modules / Godot 4
- GodotHook (⭐52) - A lite custom event system for Godot Engine. (Godot 3 and 4)
58. Awesome Gatling
Distributed Testing
CI / Miscellaneous
- run-gatling (⭐5) - GitHub Action to easily integrate Gatling performance tests to GitHub workflows.
- Prev: May 23 - May 29, 2022
- Next: May 09 - May 15, 2022