Awesome List Updates on May 02 - May 08, 2022
54 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Scriptable
citi_bike.js - Shows availabilities for NYC's bicycle sharing program.
2. Awesome Dash
Component Libraries
- plotly-resampler (⭐1.1k) - Wrapper for plotly figures that adds data downsampling (aggregating) functionality, enabling the visualization of large datasets.
3. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Platforms and Software Resources / Planning Management and Administrative Tools and Platforms
- Encode Plus - Software to help modernize planning and zoning ordinances and streamline county or municipal code and by-law management.
- MyGovernmentOnline - Digital government solutions for permitting and in-office processes designed by government for goverment (provider is technically a public agency).
- Digiplan - Provides software for fully integrated electronic plan review and intake processes.
4. Awesome Javascript
Spreadsheet / Runner
- Jspreadsheet CE (⭐6.8k) - Jspreadsheet is a lightweight vanilla javascript plugin to create amazing web-based interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with other spreadsheet software.
I18n And L10n / Runner
- attranslate (⭐344) - A JavaScript-tool for synchronizing translation-files, including JSON/YAML/XML and other formats.
5. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking
- Bear Writer - Beautiful, flexible writing app for crafting notes and prose.
- Craft - Notetaking and writing made beautiful.
6. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Books
- Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow by Aurélien Géron | Oct 15, 2019
Table of Contents / Courses
Table of Contents / Papers
Researchers / Datasets
- SANAD: Single-Label Arabic News Articles Dataset for Automatic Text Categorization - SANAD Dataset is a large collection of Arabic news articles that can be used in different Arabic NLP tasks such as Text Classification and Word Embedding. The articles were collected using Python scripts written specifically for three popular news websites: AlKhaleej, AlArabiya and Akhbarona.
- Referit3D - Two large-scale and complementary visio-linguistic datasets (aka Nr3D and Sr3D) for identifying fine-grained 3D objects in ScanNet scenes. Nr3D contains 41.5K natural, free-form utterances, and Sr3d contains 83.5K template-based utterances.
- SQuAD - Stanford released ~100,000 English QA pairs and ~50,000 unanswerable questions
- FQuAD - ~25,000 French QA pairs released by Illuin Technology
- GermanQuAD and GermanDPR - deepset released ~14,000 German QA pairs
- SberQuAD (⭐1) - Sberbank released ~90,000 Russian QA pairs
- ArtEmis - Contains 450K affective annotations of emotional responses and linguistic explanations for 80,000 artworks of WikiArt.
Researchers / Frameworks
- Maze (⭐218) - Application-oriented deep reinforcement learning framework addressing real-world decision problems.
7. Awesome Sre
8. Awesome Webxr
Standout Projects
- Prehistoric Domain - A Jurassic Park-esque experience in the browser, with multiple dinosaur exhibits available and more planned for the future.
- Exokit Avatars (⭐73) - A web-based avatar system that can load humanoid avatars in multiple different model formats and features arm+leg IK, facial animation via visemes, and more. The original repo is no longer maintained, but there is a more up-to-date fork available here (⭐8).
Companies and Cooperatives / Reddit
- Immers Space - A Distributed Cooperative Organization (DisCO) focused on enabling open and federated immersive web content.
Content Hubs / Reddit
- Extended Collection - A curated library of links to the Immersive Web maintained by vrhermit.
YouTube / Realms
- Sorskoot - Tutorials and other WebXR related content.
9. Awesome Privacy
Password Managers
- LessPass - Stateless password manager. Remember one master password to access your passwords. No sync needed.
- RethinkDNS + Firewall (⭐3.3k) - An open-source, no-root firewall and DNS changer, with anti-censorship capabilities for Android 6+.
10. Awesome Nix
Command-Line Tools / Discovery
- alejandra (⭐1k) - An opinionated Nix code formatter optimized for speed and consistency.
11. Awesome Go
- go-mail (⭐879) - A simple Go library for sending mails in Go.
Third-party APIs
- go-hibp (⭐8) - Simple Go binding to the "Have I Been Pwned" APIs.
12. Awesome Blazor
- Trains.NET (⭐242) -
2D game built with .NET and C# on a Twitch stream. Trains is available to play online at
- PresenceLight (⭐429) -
PresenceLight is a solution to broadcast your various statuses to a Phillips Hue or LIFX light bulb. Some statuses you can broadcast are: your availability in Microsoft Teams, your current Windows 10 theme, and a theme or color of your choosing. Blog post. Demo video.
13. Awesome Ant Design
- storybook-addon-customize-antd-theme (⭐31) - a Storybook addon help you visually customize an ant design theme.
Components / Themes
- antd-amiya (⭐136) - Page level components and with table and form.
14. Awesome Osint
Expert Search / Steam
- MuckRack - Extensive database of U.S. government public records obtained through federal and state public records requests. Automated tool that will make public records requests and follow up until records are obtained on your behalf.
- Patent Attorneys/Agent Search - Official listing of U.S. attorneys qualified to represent individuals in U.S. patent office proceedings.
Company Research / Steam
- EDGAR U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Filings - Periodic reports and extensive corporate disclosures from all businesses publicly traded in the United States.
- OpenCorporates - Global search of registered corporate entities and their associated individual officers or investors.
Domain and IP Research / Steam
- WiGLE - Wi-fi "wardriving" database. Contains a global map containing crowdsourced information on the location, name, and other properties of wi-fi networks. Software available to download to contribute data to the public infoset.
15. Awesome Substrate
- DotJobs - A job board for the Substrate and Polkadot ecosystem projects, maintained by Stateless.Money.
- Developer Hub GitHub - Substrate Developer Hub repositories.
- Ecosystem Projects - Projects and teams building with Substrate.
- Polkadot Stack (⭐973) - An
awesome list
maintained by our friends at Web3 Foundation.
- Builders Program - White-glove solutions and dedicated support team for visionary teams using Substrate.
- Stack Exchange - The best place for all technical questions.
- Official - Published by Parity.
- Base (⭐896) - Minimal FRAME-based node, derived from upstream (⭐8.4k).
- Frontier (⭐529) - Fronter enabled EVM and Ethereum RPC compatible Substrate node, ready for hacking.
- Front-End (⭐301) - Polkadot-JS API and React app to build front-ends for Substrate-based chains.
- Parachain (⭐211) - Cumulus enabled Substrate node, derived from upstream (⭐622).
- A template for a Substrate node that includes staking and governance capabilities.
FRAME Pallets
- Chainlink Feed Pallet (⭐141) - Chainlink feed token interface.
- Official in Substrate (⭐8.4k) - Large collection, Parity maintained.
- Open Runtime Module Library (ORML) (⭐434) - Community maintained collection of Substrate runtime modules.
- Sunshine Bounty (⭐43) - Distributed autonomous organization (DAO) for administering a bounty program.
- Sunshine Identity (⭐33) - Keybase-inspired identity management.
- Sunshine Faucet (⭐33) - Dispense resources for a development chain.
Framework Extensions
- Bridges (⭐265) - A collection of tools for cross-chain communication.
- Cumulus (⭐622) - A set of tools for writing Substrate-based Polkadot parachains.
- Frontier (⭐529) - End-to-end Ethereum emulation for Substrate chains.
- IntegriTEE - Trusted off-chain execution framework that uses Intel SGX trusted execution environments.
Client Libraries
- .Net API (⭐34) - Maintained by Usetech.
- Official Rust client.
- C++ API (⭐17) - Maintained by Usetech.
- Go RPC Client (⭐189) - Maintained by Centrifuge.
- Kotlin Client (⭐17) - Maintained by
- Polkadot-JS API (⭐1k) - Semi-official JavaScript library for Substrate-based chains.
- Python Interface (⭐232) - Maintained by Polkascan Foundation.
- Rust API Client (⭐246) - Rust client maintained by Supercomputers Systems AG.
- Fearless Utils Android (⭐19) - Android Substrate tools.
- Fearless Utils iOS (⭐7) - iOS Substrate tools.
- React-Native-Substrate-Sign (⭐25) - Rust library for React Native.
- Substrate infused with IPFS.
- A standalone JS bundle that contains Polkadot{JS} libraries.
- Simple CLI tool to launch a local Polkadot test network.
- A Prometheus exporter for Polkadot runtime metrics (modifiable for Substrate use).
- Another tool to launch a local Polkadot test network, with emphasis on the ability to run big testnets.
- GitHub actions to easily use thesrtool
Docker image to build your own runtime.
- Docker image to deterministically build a runtime.
- CLI to inspect metadata of a Substrate node as JSON.
- Breakdown the balances of your Substrate account.
- Create a graph of the token balance over time of a Substrate address.
- Graph the benchmark output of FRAME pallets.
- A set of useful JavaScript utilities for Substrate that uses the Polkadot{JS} API; Also deployed as a website.
- A basic front-end for the FRAME Society pallet.
- CLI to inspect a runtime WASM blob offline. It shows information, metadata and can compare runtimes. It can also help you fetch a runtime directly from a node.
- Command line tool for generating or upgrading a Substrate node.
- - Scalable, decentralized database, file storage, and computation services for Substrate chains and more.
- Archive (⭐197) - Indexing engine for Substrate chains.
- Dev Hub Utils (⭐4) - Unofficial utilities for working with official Substrate Developer Hub resources.
- Europa (⭐76) - A sandbox for the Substrate runtime execution environment.
- Fork Off Substrate (⭐110) - Script to help bootstrap a new chain with the state of a running chain.
- fudge (⭐22) - Core lib for accessing and (arbitrarily) manipulating substrate databases, including the building and importing of local blocks.
- Gantree Library (⭐12) - A suite of technologies for managing Substrate-powered parachain networks via rapid spin-up & tear-down.
- Halva (⭐35) - A toolchain for improving the experience of developing on Substrate.
- Hydra (⭐48) - A GraphQL framework for Substrate nodes.
- Jupiter (⭐55) - Testnet for smart contracts written for the FRAME Contracts pallet and ink!.
- Megaclite (⭐1) - Zero-knowledge tools for the Polkadot ecosystem.
- Polkadot Tool Index - List of tools available for your development with Polkadot and any Substrate chain including Block Explorers, Wallets, Network Monitoring & Reporting, Clients, Benchmarking, Fuzzing, Forking, SCALE Codec, CLI Tools and much more.
- Polkadot-JS Apps UI - Semi-official block explorer & front-end for Substrate-based chains.
- Polkadot-JS Extension (⭐947) - Browser extension for interacting with Substrate-based chains.
- Polkascan - Multi-chain block explorer maintained by Polkascan Foundation.
- Proxy Hot Wallet Demo (⭐18) - A demonstration of a secure, convenient, and flexible hot wallet architecture built on Substrate primitives.
- Redspot (⭐66) - A Truffle-like toolkit for smart contracts for the FRAME Contracts pallet and ink!.
- Sidecar (⭐228) - REST service that runs alongside Substrate nodes.
- Staking Rewards Collector (⭐76) - A script to parse and output staking rewards for a given Kusama or Polkadot address and cross-reference them with daily price data.
- Subscan - Multi-network explorer for Substrate-based chains.
- Subsquid - An indexing framework (SDK + infrastructure) to quickly and easily turn Substrate and EVM on-chain data into APIs and host them.
- Substate (⭐5) - 100% no-std/wasm compatible Substrate storage key generator library for Rust.
- Substrate debug-kit (⭐95) - A collection of tools and libraries for debugging Substrate-based chains.
- Substrate Docker Builders (⭐19) - A set of Dockerfiles and GitHub Actions to auto-build and push a Docker image for Substrate-based chains.
- Substrate Faucet Bot (⭐3) - Python-based faucet for development purposes.
- Substrate Graph (⭐32) - GraphQL indexer for Substrate-based chains.
- TxWrapper (⭐59) - Helpful library for offline transaction creation.
- VSCode Substrate - Plugin for Visual Studio Code.
Products and Services
- OnFinality - Free and paid services to shared Substrate based nodes.
Alternative Implementations
- Gossamer (⭐415) - A Polkadot client implemented in Go; from ChainSafe.
- LimeChain AssemblyScript Runtime (⭐12) - An account-based Substrate proof-of-concept runtime written in AssemblyScript; from LimeChain.
- Codec Definition - Official codec documentation.
- Haskell (⭐185) - Maintained by Robonomics Network.
- Java (⭐58) - Maintained by Emerald.
- Parity SCALE Codec (⭐238) - Reference implementation written in Rust.
- Ruby (⭐18) - Maintained by Itering.
16. Awesome Audit Algorithms
Papers / 2022
- Your Echos are Heard: Tracking, Profiling, and Ad Targeting in the Amazon Smart Speaker Ecosystem - (arxiv) Infers a link between the Amazon Echo system and the ad targeting algorithm.
17. Awesome Algorithms
Online Courses
- MIT - 6-006 - Well explained algorithms.
18. Awesome Readme
- "Elegant READMEs" - Yegor Bugayenko
19. Awesome Yew
- We-Come Monorepo (⭐1) - This is a monorepo for wecome KM ITB, Live Demo.
- Yew PWA Minimal (⭐58) - A minimal Progressive Web App using Yew.
20. Awesome Machine Learning
C++ / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- oneDNN (⭐3.7k) - An open-source cross-platform performance library for deep learning applications.
21. Awesome Db Tools
Schema / Changes
- Skeema (⭐1.3k) - Declarative pure-SQL schema management system for MySQL and MariaDB, with support for sharding and external online schema change tools.
22. Awesome Tmux
Status Bar
- tmux-split-statusbar (⭐26) Plugin for splitting status bar into 2 parts - window + left/right status
23. Awesome Cl
- CMUCL - An implementation from Carnegie Mellon University. Public domain. SBCL is a fork of CMUCL.
- Corman Lisp (⭐571) - a Common Lisp development environment for Microsoft Windows running on Intel platforms. MIT.
Deployment / Isomorphic web frameworks
- has Common Lisp support, so has OVH through their Web PaaS partnership.
24. Awesome Developer First
- AWS Step Functions - Visual workflow service to build distributed applications and automate processes
25. Progressive Enhancement Resources
Support Tables
- Project Fugu API tracker - Browser support status overview of web API's filling the "app gap".
26. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Forms
- Wagtail's built in Form Builder for general use cases.
27. Awesome Eosio
Courses, workshops, webinars, videos and others
- Learn EOS Blockchain Smart Contracts & DApps with C++, EOSJS - Udemy course.
- EOS Programming 101 - Ivan on Tech video course.
- Introduction to EOSIO for Developers - Free B1 Labs video course.
General / Mobile
Libraries and Frameworks / API libraries
- SwiftyEOS (⭐91) - Framework for interacting with EOS, written in Swift.
Libraries and Frameworks / Services
- Demux (⭐306) - Demux is a backend infrastructure pattern for sourcing blockchain events to deterministically update queryable datastores and trigger side effects.
Developer Tools / Services
- maxifom/eos-abigen (⭐4) - Typescript and Golang code generator for generating type-safe client and tables for EOS-compatible contracts.
Code examples / Services
- theblockstalk/eosio-contracts (⭐9) - Example smart contracts, dapps and system contract templates.
Block Producer tools / Services
- eosdetroit/nodesuite (⭐16) - Nodesuite is a tool to simplify the management and configuration of eosio nodes through the use of Ansible playbooks.
Other in Developers / Services
- clsdk (⭐52) - EOSIO smart contract C++ testing framework including in-contract debugging during wasm execution with VS code.
Blogs / Services
- Jack Tanner - Jack Tanner blog, EOSIO developer, education and related content.
- David Williamson - David Williamson blog, EOSIO node management articles.
Forums / Services
EOSIO Ecosystem / Services
- EOS infographic - Infographic for EOS ecosystem.
DApp directories / Services
28. Awesome Java
Date and Time / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Jollyday (⭐189) - Determines the holidays for a given year, country/name and eventually state/region.
29. Awesome Fastapi
Open Source Projects / Other Tools
- Nemo (⭐14) - Be productive with Nemo.
30. Awesome Css
Tutorials 🎬 / 2015
- All selectors in CSS - All selectors in CSS.
31. Awesome Productivity
Tools and Apps / Password Manager
- KeePass - A free, open source, light-weight password manager with auto-type, browser and plugin support.
32. Awesome Ansible
Playbooks, Roles and Collections / French
- DevSec Hardening Framework - The DevSec collection helps you harden your Linux Based OS as well as MySQL, NGINX and SSH Server/Services.
33. Awesome Vite
Templates / Vanilla
- vite-vanilla-ts-lib-starter (⭐305) - Starter for library (CJS, ESM, IIFE) with TypeScript, ESLint, Stylelint, Prettier, Jest, Husky + lint-staged.
Templates / Vue 3
- vue-vite-ssr (⭐27) - Typescript, Eslint, Stylelint, Husky, Lint-staged and Commitlint.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- vite-plugin-webfont-dl (⭐328) - Downloads and injects webfonts (Google Fonts) to improve website's performance.
- vite-plugin-babel-compiler (⭐25) - The plugin works with Babel compiler.
34. Awesome Kotlin
Links / Books
Libraries/Frameworks / Web
- MarioAriasC/KotlinPrimavera (⭐87) - Spring support libraries for Kotlin.
Libraries/Frameworks / Testing
- codecentric/hikaku (⭐197) - A library that tests if the implementation of a REST-API meets its specification.
- robstoll/atrium (⭐572) - Multiplatform assertion library for Kotlin supporting i18n.
35. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- cr (⭐1) - Includes directory, time, host name, last command exit status, and
status decorations.
- dyzsh (⭐0) - Based on astro (⭐103). Includes decorators for
branch & hash, current directory, user, host & time.
- pifabs (⭐0) - Minimal theme with decorators for
status, username, host and working directory.
- thm (⭐3) - Includes decorators for virtualenv, current directory and
36. Awesome Vue
Resources / Examples
- Maxim Web Chat (⭐14) - A chat demo using MaximTop's IM SDK (floo), 使用美信拓扑 IM SDK 实现的聊天 App 示例.
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Bagisto (⭐17k) - A Free and Opensource Laravel eCommerce framework built for all to build and scale your business.
Components & Libraries / Frameworks
- AgnosticUI - Accessible Vue 3 Component Primitives that also work with React, Svelte, and Angular!
- Ionic (⭐51k) - Mobile app development framework
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-material-design-icons (⭐170) - A collection of SVG Material Design icons as single file components.
37. Awesome Crystal
Processes and Threads
- (⭐49) - Simplified concurrency using streams/pipelines, waitgroups, semaphores, smores and more
38. Awesome Swift
UI / Barcode
- BottomSheet (⭐317) - Powerful Bottom Sheet component with content based size, interactive dismissal and navigation controller support.
39. Awesome Transit
GTFS Analysis Tools / Rust
- transit_service_analyst (⭐11) - A Python library to support transit service analysis.
40. Awesome Graphql
Miscellaneous / React
- schemathesis (⭐2.4k) - Runs arbitrary queries matching a GraphQL schema to find server errors.
41. Awesome Clojure
Dependency injection
42. Awesome Jupyter
- voila (⭐5.3k) - Notebooks as interactive standalone web applications.
- jupyter-viewer-xblock (⭐30) - Fetch and display part of, or an entire Jupyter Notebook in an Open edX XBlock.
- ipycytoscape (⭐261) - Widget for interactive graph visualization in Jupyter using cytoscape.js.
- ipydagred3 (⭐70) - ipywidgets (⭐3.1k) library for drawing directed acyclic graphs in jupyterlab using dagre-d3.
- IPySigma (⭐17) - Prototype network visualization frontend for Jupyter notebooks.
- ipyvolume (⭐1.9k) - 3D plotting for Python in Jupyter based on widgets and WebGL.
- ipywebrtc (⭐236) - Video/Audio streaming in Jupyter.
- ipywidgets (⭐3.1k) - UI widgets for Jupyter.
- jupyter-manim (⭐192) - Display manim (⭐60k) (Mathematical Animation Engine) videos or GIFs in Jupyter notebooks.
- Perspective (⭐7.7k) - Data visualization and analytics component, especially for large/streaming datasets.
- tributary (⭐431) - Python data streams with Jupyter support.
- ipyregulartable (⭐102) - High performance, editable, stylable datagrids in Jupyter.
- ipysheet (⭐538) - Interactive spreadsheets in Jupyter.
- jupyterlab_nbconvert_nocode (⭐18) - NBConvert exporters for PDF/HTML export without code cells.
Version Control
- databooks (⭐107) - A command-line utility that eases versioning and sharing of notebooks.
JupyterLab Extensions
- jupyter-fs (⭐191) - A filesystem-like content manager for multiple backends in Jupyter.
- jupyter-notify (⭐581) - Cell magic for browser notification of cell completion.
- jupyterlab-executor (⭐15) - Extension to execute scripts from the Jupyterlab file browser.
- jupyterlab-kyso (⭐2) - Extension to publish notebooks to the Kyso platform from Jupyterlab.
- jupyterlab-notifications (⭐54) - Customizable notebook cell completion browser notifications for JupyterLab.
- jupyterlab_autoversion (⭐75) - Automatically version notebooks in JupyterLab.
- jupyterlab_commands (⭐54) - Add arbitrary python commands to the JupyterLab command palette.
- jupyterlab_iframe (⭐105) - View HTML as an embedded iframe in JupyterLab.
- jupyterlab_miami_nights (⭐113) - Combination of VS Code's SynthWave '84 and JupyterLab's Neon Night themes.
- nbcelltests (⭐82) - Cell-by-cell testing for notebooks in Jupyter.
- sphinxcontrib-jupyter (⭐74) - Sphinx extension for generating Jupyter notebooks.
Hosted Notebook Solutions
- Kyso - Data science platform to publish and share Jupyter notebooks as data blogs and web applications.
Community Resources
- GitHub - Topics: jupyter, jupyter-kernels, jupyter-notebook, jupyterhub, jupyterlab, jupyterlab-extension
- Gitter - Jupyter Gitter Chatroom
- Mailing Lists - Jupyter General Mailing List, Jupyter in Education Mailing List
- JupyterLab - Your Personal Data Science Workbench (⭐16) - Talk about JupyterLab at Full Stack Quants London.
- The Littlest JupyterHub - JupyterHub distribution for 1-50 users on a single server; more lightweight than the Zero to JupyterHub setup.
43. Awesome Newsletters
C# / Svelte
- ASP.NET Core News. A weekly newsletter about everything ASP.NET Core, Blazor, SignalR, and similar.
Technology in General / Svelte
- Daily Tech. Daily Tech is a curated newsletter about technology, startups, product, and software engineering.
44. ALL About RSS
Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
- RSSCube 1164
RSS Feed Finding/Detection / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
- RSS Manager 1169
Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
RSS2WIDGET / For desktop
- Brave News 1180
RSS services powered by utilizing Notion / Outline Processor Markup Language
Smart Watch Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
- Watch Highlights 1203
Other Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
universally from / multiple sources
- RSSHub 300, 352, 405, 422, 428, 443, 471, 474, 610, 800, 836, 892, 962, 982, 983, 1038, 1040, 1091
- RSSbot (⭐35): connecting RSS feed generated by RSSHub and TTRSS 1337
- RSSbot (⭐35): connecting RSS feed generated by RSSHub and TTRSS 1337
universally from / webpage/html
universally from / search results
🔨 Blog Generator that Support RSS / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
- Typefully Profiles: Turn your Twitter Threads into blog 1177
specifically from (a certain platform) / Mirror
specifically from (a certain platform) / Wechat Subscription Accounts (微信公众号)
RSS2KINDLE / Docsify
RSS2MAIL / Docsify
RSS2Pocket / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Combine multiple feeds into one / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Retrieve old items from a RSS feed / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
TOC Support / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
- Simple Outliner: show TOC in Inoreader / Feedly @ Chrome 1186
🧩 API / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Telegram Groups / Channels / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Views / Discussions / Experiences / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
- Views / Discussions About RSS and RSS3 1187
Sponsors / Donators
45. Awesome Ironsworn
Hacks and homebrew / Ironsworn
- Ringsworn - Ironsworn rules grafted onto The One Ring dice mechanics
46. Awesome Zig
Misc libraries
- SasLuca/zig-nanoid (⭐28) - Battle-tested, tiny, secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator. Now available in pure Zig.
47. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems
- ntfy - Push notifications to phone or desktop using HTTP PUT/POST, with Android app, CLI and web app, similar to Pushover and Gotify. (Demo, Source Code (⭐22k), Clients (⭐605))
- Typebot - Conversational app builder (alternative to Typeform or Landbot). (Source Code (⭐8.3k))
Software / Communication - SIP
- Eqivo - Eqivo implements an API layer on top of FreeSWITCH facilitating integration between web applications and voice/video-enabled endpoints such as traditional phone lines (PSTN), VoIP phones, webRTC clients etc. (Source Code (⭐81))
Software / Pastebins
- paaster - Paaster is a secure by default end-to-end encrypted pastebin built with the objective of simplicity. (Source Code (⭐466))
Software / Time Tracking
- ActivityWatch - An app that automatically tracks how you spend time on your devices. (Source Code (⭐14k))
- Kimai - Kimai is a free & open source timetracker. It tracks work time and prints out a summary of your activities on demand. (Demo, Source Code (⭐3.6k))
- TimeTagger - An open source time-tracker based on an interactive timeline and powerful reporting. (Demo, Source Code (⭐1.3k))
48. Awesome Alfred Workflows
- VSCode (⭐299) - An Alfred 4 workflow opening files or folders with Visual Studio Code.
Text Manipulation
- VSCodeDiff (⭐25) - Show the diff of the last 2 items in clipboard history using VSCode.
49. Awesome Directus
Integration / Community
- Lite SDK (TypeScript) (⭐19) - Query builder for the Directus API (Browser, Deno, Node.js). Bring your own fetch.
50. Awesome Neovim
Completion / Diagnostics
- hrsh7th/nvim-cmp (⭐8.6k) - A completion plugin written in Lua. New version of nvim-compe.
- lukas-reineke/cmp-under-comparator (⭐192) - A nvim-cmp function for better sorting.
- SergioRibera/cmp-dotenv (⭐72) - Load environment variables from the shell or from your
Markdown and LaTeX / Diagnostics
- jbyuki/carrot.nvim (⭐26) - Markdown evaluator Lua code blocks.
Session / Diagnostics
- Shatur/neovim-session-manager (⭐560) - A simple wrapper around :mksession.
Preconfigured Configuration / Diagnostics
- AstroNvim/AstroNvim (⭐13k) - AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich Neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins.
51. Awesome Healthcare
Contents / Frameworks
- Blaze (⭐135) - A FHIR Store with internal, fast CQL Evaluation Engine
- Sushi (⭐131) - a reference implementation command-line interpreter/compiler for FHIR
Contents / Integration
- Google HCLS Data Harmonization (⭐195) - an engine that converts data of one structure to another
52. Awesome Geojson
- turf (⭐9.5k): collection of functions for spatial operations and analysi
- turf_dart (⭐73): a turf.js port for Dart and Flutter
53. Free for Dev
Source Code Repos
- — Unlimited public and private Fossil repositories
APIs, Data, and ML
- Hex - a collaborative data platform for notebooks, data apps, and knowledge libraries. Free community version with up to 3 authors and five projects. One compute profile per author with 4GB RAM.
- Supportivekoala — Allows you to autogenerate images by your input via templates. The free plan allows you to create up to 100 images per week.
- Rapidapi - World’s Largest API Hub Millions of developers find and connect to thousands of APIs, API Development using fun challenges (with solutions!) and interactive examples.
- — Built-in knowledge-based algorithms in the cloud.
- Befonts - Provides several unique fonts for personal or commercial use.
Web Hosting
- Free Hosting — Free Hosting With PHP 5, Perl, CGI, MySQL, FTP, File Manager, POP E-Mail, free sub-domains, free domain hosting, DNS Zone Editor, Web Site Statistics, FREE Online Support and many more features not offered by other free hosts.
IDE and Code Editing
- JSONPlaceholder Some REST API endpoints that return some fake data in JSON format. The source code is also available if you would like to run the server locally.
Browser-based hardware emulation written in Javascript
- Jor1k — an OpenRISC virtual machine capable of running Linux with network support.
54. Awesome Agi Cocosci
System 1 & System 2 / Dual-Coding Theory
- Different computational relations in language are captured by distinct brain systems - Cerebral Cortex, 2022. [All Versions].
- Rational arbitration between statistics and rules in human sequence processing - Nature Human Behavior, 2022. [All Versions].
- Prev: May 09 - May 15, 2022
- Next: Apr 25 - May 01, 2022