Awesome List Updates on Apr 25 - May 01, 2022
51 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Nix
NixOS Modules / Zig
- Stylix (⭐1.5k) - System-wide colorscheming and typography for NixOS.
2. Awesome Flask
Utils / Testing
- Flask-Reactize (⭐8) - Hides the Node.js development backend for React behind a Flask application.
3. Awesome Fastapi
Boilerplate / Other Tools
- FastAPI on Google Cloud Run (⭐196) - Boilerplate for API building with FastAPI, SQLModel, and Google Cloud Run.
- FastAPI with Firestore (⭐47) - Boilerplate for API building with FastAPI and Google Cloud Firestore.
4. Awesome Iot
Software / Operating systems
- Android Things - Note: Android Things is depreciated. Android Things extends the Android platform to all your connected devices, so they are easy to set up and work seamlessly with each other and your smartphone.
5. Awesome Vite
Templates / Vue 3
- vite-vue-proste (⭐16) - Pinia + Typescript + Vue-Router4 + Vitest + Vue-Test-Utils + Vue-Query + Sass + ESLint + Stylelint + Prettier +
project presets
6. Awesome Gbdev
Game Disassemblies / Syntax highlighting packages
7. Awesome Libgdx
Tutorials / Getting Started
- Scene2D.UI From the Ground Up (⭐435) - Covers the basics of UI design in Scene2D, libGDX's premiere scene graph and layout toolkit.
Tutorials / Advanced
- Introduction to 3D Series - A tutorial series on libGDX 3D using gdx-gltf.
8. Sublime Bookmarks
Things to Start From
- Unofficial Documentation — is a first link inside the official documentation TOC. It's a good starting point for noobs, as well as a detailed reference for proficient users.
- Shortcut Cheat Sheet for Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows versions of Sublime Text 3.
- Mastering Sublime Text by Dan Peleg (PACKT).
- Instant Sublime Text Starter by Eric Haughee (PACKT).
News and Tips
- Sublime Blog — official news.
- Sublime Text Tips — tips and tricks for mastering Sublime Text.
- Official Forum — general discussion, technical support, ideas and feature requests.
- SuperUser: version 2, version 3, and version-agnostic questions.
- Sublime Text 3 From Scratch by Jesse Liberty (Pluralsight).
- Perfect Workflow in Sublime Text 2 — 34 video free lessons at Nettuts+.
9. Awesome Developer First
CMS (headless)
- Sanity - Headless CMS, treat content as data.
10. Awesome Osint
11. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Tools
- Nebullvm (⭐1.5k) - Easy-to-use library to boost deep learning inference leveraging multiple deep learning compilers.
- Netron (⭐20k) - Visualizer for deep learning and machine learning models
12. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Feed Readers
- Tiny Tiny RSS - Open source web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator. (Demo, Source Code)
Anti-features / Wikis
- Depends on a proprietary service outside the user's control
13. Awesome Algorand
Crash Courses
- Algorand, efficient self-sustaining blockchain - Proof of Stake Blockchain Efficiency Framework.
- Algorand Efficiency - Understanding Algorand's working principles and its efficiency.
14. Awesome Lit
Component Libraries
- Dile Components (⭐76) - General use Web Components for websites and applications.
15. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- terraform-docs (⭐4.4k) - Quick utility to generate docs from terraform modules.
- tfaction (⭐314) - GitHub Actions collection for Opinionated Terraform Workflow
- tflint (⭐5.1k) - Terraform linter for detecting errors that can not be detected by
terraform plan
- tfsec (⭐6.8k) - Terraform static analysis tool that supports terraform <0.12 & >=0.12 & directly integrates with HCL parser for better results.
- validIaC (⭐228) - ValidIaC combines the best open-source tools to help ensure Terraform best practices, hygiene & security.
16. Awesome Ada
Questions and Answers
- gitter-ada - Ada channel at Gitter.
- libera-chat-ada - Ada channel at IRC.
- matrix-ada - Ada room at Gitter via Matrix.
17. Awesome Board Games
Rising Sun
Rising Sun is a board game for 3 to 5 players set in legendary feudal Japan. As the Kami descend from the heavens to reshape the land in their image, it is up to each player to lead their clan to victory. Use politics to further your cause, negotiate to seek the most profitable alliances, worship the Kami to gain their favor, recruit monsters out of legend to bolster your forces, and use your resources wisely to be victorious in battle.
Players | Min. Age | Time |
3 - 5 | 14 | 90-120m |
18. Awesome Scala
Books / Devops
- Zionomicon by John A. De Goes, Adam Fraser - Master the dark art of creating scalable, type-safe, concurrent apps with ZIO
19. Awesome Digital History
Archives and primary sources / Global
- Public Books Database - Open access academic literature.
Archives and primary sources / North America
- Digital Public Library of America - Discovery tool, or union catalog, for public domain and openly licensed content held by the United States' archives, libraries, museums, and other cultural heritage institutions.
- Digital Transgender Archive - Wide range of trans-related digitized historical materials, born-digital materials, and information on archival holdings throughout the world.
Archives and primary sources / Switzerland
- DigiBern - Bernese culture and history on the Internet.
Learning / Switzerland
- History Toolkit - History Toolkit for Students.
20. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 💼 Grid Areas (⭐140) - Adds
- 💼🔧 tailwindcss-webpack-plugin (⭐38) - Out-of-the-box Tailwind CSS, supports "Design in DevTools" mode and visualizes Tailwind CSS configuration.
21. Awesome Love2d
- love-fuser (⭐18) - Packages LÖVE Games using GitHub Actions. Supports Windows, Linux, and Android.
22. Awesome Decentralized
- SocialHome (⭐365): Federated personal profile with social networking functionality. Users can create rich content using Markdown and even HTML/JS/CSS. All content can be pinned to the user profile and all content will federate to contacts in the federated social web.
- Steemit: Blockchain-based social media platform where anyone can earn rewards.
- Ticktack ☠ (⭐56): Decentralized social platform for people to share knowledge and exchange value, with P2P messaging encrypted feature. Built on top of Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB).
23. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Onboarding / Negotiation
- The Most Important Performance Management Rule For Software Engineers - “Merge code every week. That's what you should be saying to your new Software Engineering hire.”
Meetings / Technical Debt
- Dear Manager, You're Holding Too Many Meetings - “Employee productivity was 71% higher when meetings were reduced by 40%. This is largely because employees felt more empowered and autonomous. Rather than a schedule being the boss, they owned their to-do lists and held themselves accountable.”
- How to have great meetings, according to 200 scientific studies - A roadmap for getting meetings right.
- Wadge's Law (of Meetings) - “Before every formal meeting there's a smaller, more exclusive, less formal meeting where all the important decisions are made.”
Meetings / Standups
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Standup - Author experienced 3 formats of stand-ups before ending with one working for his team, and concludes that “the details that make up a good meeting are subtle and the pursuit of an artificial standard of aesthetics will prevent you from doing the necessary experimentation to improve from an ugly equilibrium”.
- We Cancelled Standups and Let The Team Build. Here's What Happened… - Team felt burned out by long, daily status update meetings masquerading as standups. Eliminating these faux standups got the team back on track.
Project Management / Estimations
- Developers spend most of their time figuring the system out - “A hand drawn picture about the current system is a belief. Decisions should never be based on beliefs. Not in engineering. (…) As software is highly contextual we cannot predict specific problems. We can only predict classes of problems.” And that's why it is hard to estimate software projects: because developer's main activity is a long process of deducting the assumptions a system is built on.
Agile / Delivery
- Why do some developers at Google consider Agile development to be nonsense? - Because the short-term focused Scrum processes “seem suited to particular types of development, most notably consulting or contract programming, where the customer is external to the organizations, runs the show because they are paying for development, and can change their mind at any time”. Still, google engineers already practice a culture close to what looks like the original 10-points Agile manifesto. But that's it.
24. Awesome Shell
System Utilities / Directory Navigation
- btop (⭐15k) - Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor
- lsd (⭐12k) - LSDeluxe, rewrite of GNU ls with lot of added features like colors, icons, tree-view and more formatting options.
25. Awesome Db Tools
Schema / Design
- WWW SQL Designer (⭐2.9k) - Online SQL diagramming tool.
SQL / Parsers
- SQLGlot (⭐7.1k) - Pure Python SQL parser, transpiler, and builder.
26. Awesome Iam
OAuth2 & OpenID / Other tools
- ZITADEL (⭐9.9k) - An Open-Source solution built with Go and Angular to manage all your systems, users and service accounts together with their roles and external identities. ZITADEL provides you with OIDC, OAuth 2.0, login & register flows, passwordless and MFA authentication. All this is built on top of eventsourcing in combination with CQRS to provide a great audit trail.
- a12n-server (⭐472) - A simple authentication system which only implements the relevant parts of the OAuth2 standards.
27. Awesome Falsehood
Dates and Time
- The Long, Painful History of Time - Most of the idiosyncrasies in timekeeping can find an explanation in history.
- How to choose between UT1, TAI and UTC - Depends on your priorities between SI seconds, earth rotation sync, leap seconds avoidance.
- Critical and Significant Dates - From Y2K to the overflow of 32-bit seconds from Unix epoch, a list of special date to watch for depending on the system.
Software Engineering
- Rules for Autocomplete - Not falsehoods per se, but still a great list of good practices to implement autocompletion.
28. Awesome D
End-user applications / XML
- Inochi Creator (⭐796) - Tool to create and edit Inochi2D puppets
29. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
V / Deno
- V Documentation (⭐36k) - (Markdown)
30. Awesome Eosio
YouTube Channels / Services
- EOS Nation - EOS Hot Sauce, ENF, tech, and community content.
- Helios - Dedicated to growing EOS, interviews and spotlights.
31. Awesome Rails
Starters/Boilerplates / Other external resources
- rails_new (⭐165) - A thoughtfully designed template for building modern Rails apps. Get started in minutes instead of hours.
32. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- fluidsonic/fluid-pdf (⭐22) - Easy PDF generation with HTML & CSS using Chromium or Google Chrome
33. Awesome Deno
Modules / Utils
- fastest-validator (⭐1.4k) - Schema validator for all javascript platforms
- unified-deno-lock (⭐1) - Powerful and simple lock (mutex) library to handle race conditions with zero dependencies
Resources in Other Languages / Darija
34. Awesome Zsh Plugins
- No crashes or double plugin loading when re-sourcing
- Unlike other frameworks, Miniplug does not pollute your
- Unlike antigen (⭐8.2k), no ZSH plugin files (
) are required
- zpm runs on Linux, macOS, FreeBSD and Android.
- zpm plugins are compatible with oh-my-zsh.
- Keep track of and configure your plugins right in the
- Run the above actions in a single command
- Manages the Source Plugins of your installed Plugins
- zsh-quickstart-kit (⭐811) - A simple quickstart for using ZSH with zgenom (⭐381). This automatically configures ZSH to use zgenom (⭐381) to load a curated (but easily customizable) collection of plugins and periodically automatically update itself, the plugins, and the quickstart kit itself.
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- git-worktrees (⭐14) - Makes
worktrees more functional. Includes tab completions.
- zshange_directory_recent (⭐0) - Change to a recent directory. Requires fzf (⭐68k).
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- npm-scripts-autocomplete (⭐100) - Shows autocomplete suggestions from scripts found in the current directory's
. Works withnpm
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- bref (⭐3) - A simple prompt. It includes decorators to display
status asynchronously, a notification if thessh
session is remote, the battery level and the number of background jobs.
- daily-emoji (⭐1) - Shows random emoji at the beginning of each command depending on the day of the week.
- igeek (⭐38) - Displays system information when starting a new terminal session.
- winline (⭐1) - Async version of Greg Hurrell's prompt (⭐1.2k). Includes decorators for
status, duration of last command, current directory, nested shells, root status.
- zshify (⭐2) - A minimalistic, one command installation to customize your prompt. Requires npx.
35. Awesome Go
- GoLobby/Config (⭐363) - GoLobby Config is a lightweight yet powerful configuration manager for the Go programming language.
- nfigure (⭐8) - Per-library struct-tag based configuration from command lines (Posix & Go-style); environment, JSON, YAML
- goradd/maps (⭐47) - Go 1.18+ generic map interface for maps; safe maps; ordered maps; ordered, safe maps; etc.
Miscellaneous Data Structures and Algorithms
- slices (⭐20) - Pure, generic functions for slices.
SQL Query Builders
- sg (⭐6) - A SQL Gen for generating standard SQLs(supports: CRUD) written in Go.
- fp-go (⭐309) - Collection of Functional Programming helpers powered by Golang 1.18+ generics.
- slf4g (⭐3) - Simple Logging Facade for Golang: Simple structured logging; but powerful, extendable and customizable, with huge amount of learnings from decades of past logging frameworks.
Microsoft Excel
- exl (⭐31) - Excel binding to struct written in Go.(Only supports Go1.18+)
Dependency Injection
- GoLobby/Container (⭐574) - GoLobby Container is a lightweight yet powerful IoC dependency injection container for the Go programming language.
Morphological Analyzers
- govader-backend (⭐6) - Microservice implementation of GoVader (⭐46).
- golobby/orm (⭐159) - Simple, fast, type-safe, generic orm for developer happiness.
Query Language
- goven (⭐60) - A drop-in query language for any database schema.
- encdec (⭐9) - Package provides a generic interface to encoders and decoders.
- go-fasttld (⭐35) - High performance effective top level domains (eTLD) extraction module.
Third-party APIs
- fasapay-sdk-go (⭐2) - Unofficial Fasapay payment gateway XML API Client for Golang.
Web Frameworks
- golamb (⭐7) - Golamb makes it easier to write API endpoints for use with AWS Lambda and API Gateway.
Routers / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- GoLobby/Router (⭐22) - GoLobby Router is a lightweight yet powerful HTTP router for the Go programming language.
DevOps Tools / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- go-rocket-update (⭐105) - A simple way to make self updating Go applications - Supports Github and Gitlab.
36. Awesome Typescript
Offline / Other (Plugins || Cross-platform || OSS || Free)
- Coc (⭐25k) Make your Vim/Neovim as smart as VSCode.
Libraries / Chrome Extensions
- 🐙 Jest (⭐44k) - A comprehensive JavaScript testing solution. Works out of the box for most JavaScript projects.
37. Awesome Cakephp
Auditing / Logging
- Version plugin (⭐51) - A plugin that facilitates versioned database entities.
38. Awesome Jamstack
API / E-commerce
- Medusa - Medusa is an open-source headless commerce engine that enables developers to create amazing digital commerce experiences.
39. Awesome Graphql
Tools - Miscellaneous / React
- Blendbase (⭐23): Single open-source GraphQL API to connect CRMs to your SaaS. Query any customer CRM system (Salesforce, Hubspot and more) with a single API query from your SaaS app.
40. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Bayesian Modeling / Bayesian Induction
- The rational basis of representativeness - CogSci'01, 2001. [All Versions].
- Testing a Bayesian Measure of Representativeness Using a Large Image Database - NeurIPS'11, 2011. [All Versions].
- Constructing a hypothesis space from the Web for large-scale Bayesian word learning - CogSci'12, 2012. [All Versions].
Bayesian Modeling / Generative Model
- Score-Based Generative Modeling through Stochastic Differential Equations - ICLR'21, 2021. [All Versions].
Complexity & Information Theory / Theory
- A Mathematical Theory of Communication - The Bell System Technical Journal, 1948. [All Versions]. Shannon's original paper on Information Theory.
- From Algorithmic to Subjective Randomness - NeurIPS'03, 2003. [All Versions].
Analogy / AI Assisted Research
- Skip-Gram − Zipf + Uniform = Vector Additivity - ACL'17, 2017. [All Versions].
41. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Select Star - is an intelligent data discovery platform that automatically analyzes and documents your data. Free light tier with 1 Data Source, up to 100 Tables and 10 Users.
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- Gather - A better way to meet online. Centered around fully customizable spaces, Gather makes spending time with your communities just as easy as real life. Free for up to 10 concurrent users.
- Livecycle — Livecycle is an inclusive collaboration platform that makes workflows frictionless for cross-functional product teams and open-source projects.
- — Send up to 9,000 Emails for free every month, up to 300 emails daily.
- — Email API, SMTP, 3,000 emails/month free for transactional emails
42. Awesome Swift
- FLCharts (⭐273) - Easy to use and highly customizable charts library for iOS.
43. Awesome Zig
- Arwalk/ChipZ (⭐3) A simple Chip8 emulator (library and executable).
Parser / Package managers
- Arwalk/zig-protobuf (⭐253) - Implementation of Protocol Buffers v3 leveraging Zig's comptime.
44. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / E-commerce
- django-salesman (⭐402) - Headless e-commerce framework for Django with Wagtail modeladmin integration.
Apps / Media
- Wagtail CLIP (⭐13) - A module for searching the contents of Wagtail images with natural language queries.
Apps / Translations
- Wagtail Localize (⭐228) - A translation plugin for the Wagtail CMS, allows pages or snippets to be translated within Wagtail's admin interface.
Tools / Templates & Starter Kits
- Wordpress to Wagtail migration kit (⭐47) - Import WordPress blog content from an XML file into Wagtail.
Open-source sites / Lists
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (⭐293) – The source code of the Wagtail-powered is available here on GitHub.
45. Awesome Productivity
Tools and Apps / Knowledge Management
- Scribe - Automatically create step-by-step guides for any process. Simply hit “record” and Scribe will generate a detailed guide complete with screenshots based on your actions, ready to share with colleagues, customers, and friends.
46. Awesome Tdengine
- Taos.Studio (⭐80) - A GUI tool for viewing and editing data for TDengine.
- balloonfish (⭐8) - Electron + Vue3 + Vite2.0 based TDengine time-series database visualized management tool.
- tdengine-client (⭐3) - A simple TDengine interface.
- DG-IoT (⭐264) - DG-IoT platform industry application extension plugin.
- dgiot_tdengine (⭐1) - TDengine adapter plugin.
- node-red-contrib-tdengine (⭐10) - TDengine connector plugin for Node-RED.
- sqli (⭐1.9k) - ORM SQL Interface, Criteria, CriteriaBuilder, ResultMapBuilder.
- TDengine ORM Framework (⭐3) - ORM framework of TAOS Data's time-series database TDengine.
- IoTSharp.EntityFrameworkCore.Taos (⭐154) - Entity, Framework, EF, Core, Data, O/RM, entity-framework-core, TDengine.
- tdengine-orm (⭐9) - TDengine ORM based on tdengine-restful-connector & php-tdengine.
- crown (⭐34) - crown is a simple and small ORM for TDengine.
- PDO_TAOS (⭐40) - TDengine driver for PDO.
- yii2-tdengine (⭐0) - TDengine for yii2, pdo_taos needed.
- php-tdengine (⭐64) - PHP extension of TDengine, supports Swoole.
- tdengine-restful-connector (⭐14) - PHP extension of TDengine, support Swoole.
- imi-tdengine (⭐4) - Encapsulated TDengine connection pools, used in imi framework.
- pytaos (⭐2) - Python RESTful API of TDengine.
- NestJS TDengine Driver (⭐2) - NestJS TDengine Driver(RESTful based).
- taos-rs (⭐0) - TDengine Java RESTful Client.
- TDengine Rust bindings (⭐7) - It's a Rust bindings project for TDengine.
- TDenginex - TDengine Connector for Elixir.
- NewLife.Core (⭐1.6k) - NewLife.Core Database core.
- NewLife.XCode (⭐34) - NewLife.XCode Database Middle-ware.
- rsyslog plugin for tdengine (⭐1) - rsyslog plugin for TDengine.
- HiveMQ TDengine Plugin (⭐7) - HiveMQ TDengine Plugin.
- hivemq-tdengine-jdsl-extension (⭐0) - HiveMQ TDengine JDSL Plugin.
- HiveMQ-TDengine-Extension (⭐1) - A TDengine extension for HiveMQ.
- tsarchive (⭐3) - Consume data streams from a Kafka topic, archive the data packets into the TDengine time series database.
- YoMo x TDengine (⭐1) - Streaming high frequency logs to TDengine.
- TDengine cluster for kubernetes (⭐16) - TDengine cluster for kubernetes.
- tdengine-client-macos-unofficial (⭐0) - Unofficial compiled TDengine client for macOS.
- Unofficial TDengine Windows (⭐1) - Unofficial TDengine Windows client & server package.
- auto_taos_cfg (⭐0) - Auto generate TDengine log/data/cfg.
- Sentinel Console (⭐0) - Sentinel-Dashboard with TDengine.
- Davinci (⭐4.6k) - Davinci is a DVsaaS (Data Visualization as a Service) Platform.
47. Awesome Capacitor
Learning / Community Tutorials
- Automatic build and release - Create your own CI/CD pipeline with GitHub actions for free, to deploy your app every time you push to main.
Demo apps / Case study
- capacitor-updater-plugin-demo (⭐3) - Simple Ionic Vue app to demonstrate the use of OTA updates.
Community / Case study
- Proposal (⭐74) - Official repo for plugin and platform requests.
48. Awesome Rust
- shuttle (⭐6.4k) - A serverless platform.
Development tools / Build system
- Fleet (⭐2.4k) [fleet-rs] - The blazing fast build tool for Rust.
49. Awesome Privacy
Link Shorteners
- MagLit - An encrypted and privacy respecting Link Shortener service that also supports Magnet Links.
Alternative Frontends
- Feetter - Create, sync and manage Nitter feeds without registration from any device.
50. Awesome Cpp
Inter-process communication
- iceoryx (⭐1.8k) - True zero-copy inter-process communication framework for safety critical systems with bindings for C, Rust. Runs on Linux, QNX, Windows, Mac OS, FreeBSD. [Apache2] website
- fccf (⭐368) - A command-line tool that recursively searches a directory to find C/C++ source code matching a search string. [MIT]
51. Awesome Neovim
Markdown and LaTeX / Diagnostics
- frabjous/knap (⭐363) - Plugin for creating automatic updating-as-you-type previews for markdown, LaTeX and other documents.
Fennel / Diagnostics
- udayvir-singh/tangerine.nvim (⭐214) - Tangerine provides a painless way to add fennel to your config.
- udayvir-singh/hibiscus.nvim (⭐109) - Highly opinionated macros to elegantly write your config.
Tree-sitter Based / Diagnostics
- ziontee113/syntax-tree-surfer (⭐472) - Navigate and swap Tree-sitter's AST Nodes. Step into, step out, step over, step back.
Scrolling / Diagnostics
- declancm/cinnamon.nvim (⭐375) - Smooth scrolling for any movement command.
- Prev: May 02 - May 08, 2022
- Next: Apr 18 - Apr 24, 2022