Awesome List Updates on Apr 18 - Apr 24, 2022
45 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Sre
2. Awesome Typescript
Runtime / Playground
- SunTori (⭐10) - A JSON de/serializer to ensure everything is safe at runtime.
3. Awesome WSL
Supported Distributions / Ubuntu
- Windows Store Link for Ubuntu 16.04. Supported through April 2021.
- Windows Store Link for Ubuntu 18.04. Supported through April 2023. Very stable but some packages and libraries may be older.
- Windows Store Link for Ubuntu 20.04. Supported through April 2025.
- Windows Store Link for Ubuntu 22.04. Most recent update. Newer packages but more likely to encounter bugs. Supported through April 2027.
Supported Distributions / Oracle Linux
- Windows Store Link for Oracle Linux 7 Update 9.
- Windows Store Link for Oracle Linux 8 Update 5.
Supported Distributions / AlmaLinux OS
WSL Tools / WSL Utilities
- wslu (⭐3.3k) - A collection of utilities for Windows 10 Linux Subsystem, such as enabling sound in WSL and creating your favorite linux GUI application shortcuts on Windows 10.
- wslpy (⭐70) - A Python3 library for WSL specific tasks.
WSL Tools / Miscellaneous Tools
- setup-wsl (⭐103) - A GitHub action to install and setup a Linux distribution for the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
Intellectual Property Notices / Miscellaneous Tools
- Ubuntu® and Canonical® are registered trademark of Canonical Limited in the United States and/or other countries. *
- The AlmaLinux OS Marks are trademarks of AlmaLinux OS Foundation. *
4. Awesome Capacitor
Other plugins
- Firebase
- AppCheck (⭐7) - Allows usage of native AppCheck tokens.
- Dynamic Links (⭐22) - Firebase Dynamic Links.
- Push (⭐29) - This Plugin it used for Firebase Push Messages. It support Data.
- Photo library (⭐3) - Get all the images from system album.
Tools / Incompatible
- Docgen (⭐12) - Docs Readme Markdown and JSON Generator for Capacitor Plugins.
- Plugin generator (⭐86) - Create a new Capacitor plugin.
- Assets (⭐527) - Local Capacitor icon/splash screen resource generation tool.
Learning / Offical guides
- How Capacitor Works - Capacitor takes a modern web app, and then packages it up to run on iOS, Android, and PWA.
- Creating Plugins - This guide will help you get started creating a shareable Capacitor plugin which will be published on npm.
- Creating Splash Screens and Icons - Use cordova-res to generate resource images for native projects.
- App Deployment and Realtime Updates - Update your Capacitor app remotely through the app stores.
- CI/CD for Capacitor Apps - Adding Mobile CI/CD to your Capacitor App development process.
- Data Storage in Capacitor - Storing small to large amounts of data in Capacitor.
- Security Best Practices for Capacitor - Security best practices for your Capacitor apps.
- Using Push Notifications with Firebase - Learn how to get Firebase Cloud Messaging working on iOS and Android.
- Saving Plugin Calls - How to save plugin calls in Capacitor.
- Mocking Capacitor Plugins - How to create mock objects for Capacitor plugins.
- Build Mobile Apps with Tailwind CSS, Next.js, Ionic Framework, and Capacitor - A very popular stack for building responsive web apps is Tailwind CSS and Next.js by Vercel.
Learning / Community Tutorials
- Appcenter migration - Migrating from Microsoft App Center to Capgo in just a few simple steps.
- Update app seamlessly - Set up Capacitor-updater into your app to seamless releases update to your users.
Learning / Case study
- Native React Apps Without React Native - React Native is not a web environment, so it's not possible for teams to take their web-based React to deploy native apps, with Capacitor they can.
Demo apps / Case study
- capacitor-testapp (⭐36) - The Capacitor TestApp is used to develop new features and verify bug fixes in Capacitor and the official plugins.
- capacitor-plugin-demo (⭐102) - Simple Ionic Angular app to demonstrate the use of certain Capacitor plugins.
- capacitor-firebase-plugin-demo (⭐15) - Simple Ionic Angular app to demonstrate the use of certain Capacitor Firebase plugins.
5. Awesome Nodejs
Resources / Tools
- RunKit - Embed a Node.js environment on any website.
6. Awesome Graphql
Type / React
- pothos (⭐2.4k) - Pothos is a plugin based GraphQL schema builder for typescript. It makes building graphql schemas in typescript easy, fast and enjoyable.
7. Awesome ad Free
Alternatives / Web Apps
- bundlejs - A quick and easy way to bundle, minify, and compress (gzip and brotli) your ts, js, jsx and npm projects all online, while returning the final bundle file size.
8. Awesome Tdengine
- TD-Spark (⭐0) - A java project, read from TDengine and write to TDengine on Spark.
- airQuality (⭐4) - 3000+ District air quality metrics: CO2, CO1, PM2.5, PM10 and so on.
9. Awesome Terraform
Tutorials and Blog Posts / How-To
- Tutorial: How to Use Terraform to Deploy OpenStack Workloads - Illustrates how easy it is to use the OpenStack Terraform provider to deploy a web server.
10. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Booking and Scheduling
- Rallly - Create polls to vote on dates and times (alternative to Doodle). (Demo, Source Code (⭐4.1k))
Software / Content Management Systems (CMS)
- WinterCMS - Speedy and secure content management system built on the Laravel PHP framework. (Source Code (⭐1.4k))
Software / File Transfer - Single-click & Drag-n-drop Upload
- PicoShare - A minimalist, easy-to-host service for sharing images and other files. (Demo, Source Code (⭐2.5k))
11. Awesome Flutter
Top / Game Engine resources
- Spotube (⭐35k) - A lightweight free Spotify crossplatform-client with no Spotify premium account requirement by KRTirtho
12. Awesome Executable Packing
📚 Literature / Documentation
📦 Packers / After 2010
🔧 Tools / Before 2000
- Capstone - Lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework.
- PANDA (⭐2.5k) - Platform for Architecture-Neutral Dynamic Analysis.
- ShowStopper (⭐197) - Tool to help malware researchers explore and test anti-debug techniques or verify debugger plugins or other solutions that clash with standard anti-debug methods.
13. Awesome Appimage
AppImage consumption tools / Package managers
- ayy (⭐16) - Package manager for AppImage. Single, static, dependency free binary. Written in Go.
14. Awesome Gatling
Trainings & Courses / Miscellaneous
- Gatling Courses - By Udemy.
- Performance Test Automation 101: Gatling, Lighthouse, & Jenkins - By Educative.
15. Awesome Ebpf
Articles and Presentations / Generic eBPF Presentations and Articles
- Beginner's guide to eBPF (⭐1.7k) - A set of live-coding talks and the accompanying code examples, introducing eBPF programming using a variety of libraries and program types.
16. Awesome Microservices
Storage / Scala
- Citus (⭐11k) - Distributed PostgreSQL as an extension.
17. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- FAIRshare (⭐77) - Sharing biomedical research data and software according to applicable FAIR guidelines
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- apollo-vue-devtools (⭐20) - Apollo integration for Vue-Devtools to inspect GraphQL queries in the vue-devtools timeline
18. Awesome Dart
- isolator - Isolator offer to you a simple way for creating two-component states with isolated part and frontend part of any kind - BLoC, MobX, ChangeNotifier and others
19. Awesome Tmux
- tmux-menus (⭐347) - Popup menus to help with managing your environment.
20. Awesome Ruby
Authentication and OAuth
- API Guard (⭐274) - JWT authentication solution for Rails APIs.
21. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Testing
- winterbe/expekt (⭐172) - BDD assertion library for Kotlin.
Libraries/Frameworks / Serialization
- fluidsonic/fluid-json (⭐31) - A JSON library written in pure Kotlin.
Libraries/Frameworks / Tools
- Kotlin/kotlinx-kover (⭐1.4k) - Gradle plugin for Kotlin code coverage agents.
22. Awesome Bioinformatics
Sequence Alignment / Pairwise
- DIAMOND (⭐1.1k) - An ultrafast protein aligner for
like searches. [ paper-2021 ]
23. Awesome Video
Learning, Tutorials & Documentation / Webinars & Conference Talks
- Demuxed 2018 - 2018 Demuxed talks & presentations
- Demuxed 2019 - 2019 Demuxed talks & presentations
24. Alternative Internet
Search Engines
- Searx is a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine.
25. Awesome Fp Js
- functional.js (⭐223) – A lightweight functional JavaScript library that facilitates currying and point-free / tacit programming.
- fp-multik - JS/TS lightweight value-multimethod util
26. Awesome Transit
GTFS Realtime Validators / Rust
- gtfs-realtime-validator (⭐45) - A GTFS Realtime validation tool originally developed by the Center for Urban Transportation Research at the University of South Florida and now maintained by MobilityData.
27. Awesome Javascript
Game Engines / Runner
- A-Frame - Make WebVR.
- Cocos - Open Source Cross-Platform Game Development Framework.
- Impact - Impact - HTML5 Canvas & JavaScript Game Engine.
- GDevelop - Free and Easy Game-Making App.
- Kaboom.js - A game programming library that helps you make games fast and fun.
- Matter.js - A 2D rigid body JavaScript physics engine.
- melonJS - Open source HTML5 game engine that empowers developers and designers to focus on content.
- Phaser - Phaser - A fast, fun and free open source HTML5 game framework.
- PixiJS - The HTML5 Creation Engine.
- PlayCanvas - PlayCanvas WebGL Game Engine.
28. Awesome Swift
Layout / Barcode
- Scaling Header Scroll View (⭐1.2k) - A scroll view with a sticky header which shrinks as you scroll. Written with SwiftUI.
29. Awesome Playcanvas
- Solar Games Mentorship - Premium PlayCanvas training and mentorship services.
AR/VR/XR / YouTube Playables
- Raw: Paralympics XR - Webby 2022 nominated WebXR 360 video experience.
30. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Explainability / Trustworthy AI
- CoCoX: Generating Conceptual and Counterfactual Explanations via Fault-Lines - AAAI'20, 2020. [All Versions].
Explainability / Strong Machine Learning
- Beneficial and harmful explanatory machine learning - Machine Learning, 2021. [All Versions].
- Deep Forest: Towards An Alternative to Deep Neural Networks - IJCAI'17, 2017. [All Versions]. [Project (⭐934)].
31. Vertx Awesome
Build tools
- Apache Camel - Apache Camel component for bridging Camel with the Vert.x event bus.
- Vert.x Effect (⭐2) - Pure functional and reactive library based on the IO Monad to implement any complex flow. Full support for retry, fallback and recovery operations.
- Knative (⭐4.6k) - An example application on how to use Reactive Extensions Vert.x (⭐147) with Knative.
- Chime (⭐29) - Time scheduler working on Vert.x event bus allowing for scheduling with cron-style and interval timers.
- Vert.x Scheduler (⭐11) - A lightweight plugable scheduler based on plain Vert.x core without any external libs for scheduling with cron-style and interval timers with a detail monitor on both sync and async task.
- User Group - Discuss all user issues related to using Vert.x.
- Developer Group - A group for Vert.x core developers and contributors.
- Discord Server - Chat about any Vert.x-related topic.
- Issues (⭐37) - Vert.x core issue tracker.
- Wiki (⭐193) - Contains useful information about Vert.x.
- Blog - The official Vert.x blog containing many tutorials and other information.
32. ALL About RSS
specifically from (a certain platform) / YouTube
🦾 Others / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
33. Awesome Math
Learning Platforms
34. Awesome Cl
- file-select (⭐19) - A library to invoke the native system file dialog to select or create files. Zlib.
XML / Third-party APIs
- Plump (⭐120) - A lenient XML parser. zlib.
- xpath (⭐10) (homepage - Implementation of the XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0. BSD_2Clause.
- xmls (⭐20) - A small, simple, non-validating XML parser. 3-clause BSD.
- cl-feedparser (⭐27) - A Common Lisp (RSS, Atom) feed parser. LLGPL
- Buildnode (⭐19) - A common lisp library to ease interaction with CXML-dom, such as building Excel spreadsheets. BSD.
Emacs / Third-party APIs
- slime-star (⭐42) - a SLIME configuration with extensions pre-installed, with also some custom utilities and menus:
- the Lisp system browser
- SLIME doc contrib (⭐21) - enhance the default help buffer.
- Quicklisp systems (⭐28) - Search, browse and load Quicklisp systems from Emacs.
- Slime breakpoints (⭐18)
- Slite (⭐54) - a test runner for FiveAM.
- Quicklisp-apropos (⭐10) - Perform
queries across libraries in Quicklisp (full-text search on symbol names, classes, documentation…). - slime-critic (⭐10) - the lisp critic gently critiques your code for bad patterns.
35. Awesome Developer First
- Mintlify - NextJS-based, AI-powered platform for documentation sites.
36. Alternative Front Ends
Overview / Spotify
- librespot (⭐3.9k): Requires Spotify Premium Account - librespot is an open source client library for Spotify. It enables applications to use Spotify's service to control and play music via various backends, and to act as a Spotify Connect receiver. It is an alternative to the official and now deprecated closed-source libspotify. Additionally, it will provide extra features which are not available in the official library
37. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- def (⭐11) - Allows you to specify and run a default command in any directory of your choice.
- exa (todie) (⭐1) - Integration and completions for exa (⭐24k), a modern replacement for
- git-prune (diazod) (⭐35) - Allows you to delete all branches that are already merged in your local
repository and/or that were merged in your remote origingit
- git-prune (seinh) (⭐35) - Plugin that simplifies deleting merged branches in a
- kubectl (⭐6) - ZSH plugin for managing
- nhl-schedule (⭐1) - Retrieves and displays the NHL schedule.
- skaffold (⭐1) - ZSH integration and completions for skaffold local kubernetes development environment.
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- bosh (thomasmitchell) (⭐9) - Tab completion for BOSH (⭐2k).
- gstreamer (⭐2) - Tab completion for GStreamer.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- al-magic (⭐1) - Clone of the oh-my-zsh af-magic (⭐177k) theme with the time added at the right of the prompt.
- skill (asafaeirad) (⭐15) - Includes decorations for working directory,
working branch, working directory status and tracking branch status.
- skill (frontendmonster) (⭐15) - Optimized for a dark terminal, displays
status decorations.
38. Awesome Godot
Templates / Godot 3
- Godot FPS Template (⭐67) - A free first person game template for the Godot Engine.
Plugins and scripts / Godot 3
- AntialiasedLine2D (⭐140) - Higher-quality antialiased Line2D and Polygon2D drawing compared to the default Godot implementation (GLES3 + GLES2, all platforms).
- GodotNotificationCenter (⭐59) - A notification center.
- Godot VirtualJoystick (⭐16) - A simple vitual joystick for mobile devices.
- Scrolling Background (⭐29) - A scrolling background node. (Godot 2 and 3)
- SimpleGodotCRTShader (⭐364) - A simple Godot shader that simulates CRT Displays. (Godot 2 and 3)
39. Awesome Security
Other Awesome Lists / Other Security Awesome Lists
- Security Acronyms (⭐17) - A curated list of security related acronyms and concepts
40. Awesome AutoHotkey
Networking / Web
- Rufaydium WebDriver (⭐42) - by Xeo786 - Webdriver Library to support any Chromium based browser only requiring webdriver (no selenium/websocket) - Forum link
41. Awesome Rust
Applications / Blockchain
- electrumrs (⭐1.2k) - An efficient re-implementation of Electrum Server.
- rust-lightning (⭐1.2k)
- Bitcoin Lightning library. The main crate,
, does not handle networking, persistence, or any other I/O. Thus,it is runtime-agnostic, but users must implement basic networking logic, chain interactions, and disk storage.po on linking crate.
Libraries / Audio and Music
- Serial-ATA/lofty-rs (⭐210) [lofty] - A library for reading and editing the metadata of various audio formats
Libraries / Cloud
- Multi Cloud
- Qovery/engine (⭐2.3k) - Abstraction layer library that turns easy application deployment on Cloud providers in just a few minutes
Libraries / Network programming
- bytebeamio/rumqtt (⭐1.7k) - A library for developers to build applications that communicate with the MQTT protocol over TCP and WebSockets, with or without TLS.
- rmqtt/rmqtt (⭐637) - MQTT Server/MQTT Broker - Scalable Distributed MQTT Message Broker for IoT in the 5G Era
- bytebeamio/rumqtt (⭐1.7k) - A library for developers to build applications that communicate with the MQTT protocol over TCP and WebSockets, with or without TLS.
42. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- vite-rtk-query (⭐140) - React, TypeScript, Redux Toolkit, RTK Query, TailwindCSS, MSW, Jest, React Testing Library, ESLint, Prettier.
- React-PWA (⭐617) - React v18, TypeScript, Vite, React Router v6, MUI v5, Recoil, PWA, Eslint, Prettier, Husky, lint-staged, https localhost and more.
Tauri / Others
- chrome-ext-template-preact-windi-vite (⭐82) - Preact, Windi CSS, TypeScript, Prettier, ESLint, GitHub Actions and Chrome Extension Manifest v3.
43. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- onsails/lspkind.nvim (⭐1.6k) - The plugin adds vscode-like icons to Neovim LSP completions.
- scalameta/nvim-metals (⭐496) - Neovim plugin for Metals, the Scala language server, using Neovim's builtin LSP.
Motion / Diagnostics
- ggandor/leap.nvim (⭐4.6k) - A refined successor of Lightspeed, aiming to establish a widely accepted standard interface extension for moving around in Vim-like editors.
44. Awesome Lit
Tools / Building
- esbuild-plugin-lit - ESBuild plugin to import CSS, SVG, HTML, XLIFF files as JavaScript tagged-template literal objects.
45. Awesome Cpp
- lazycsv (⭐80) - A fast, lightweight and single-header csv parser for modern C++. [MIT]
- Prev: Apr 25 - May 01, 2022
- Next: Apr 11 - Apr 17, 2022