Awesome List Updates on Apr 11 - Apr 17, 2022
44 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Prisma
🦺 Community Prisma Tools
2. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Public Data Resources / Transportation
- Accessibility Observatory - As part of the Access Across America series the Accessibility Observatory at UMN evaluates multiple modes of transportation accessibility in major U.S. metropolitan areas. Reports are published annually, and select data sets are available through the University of Minnesota's Digital Conservatory.
- TIGER - The Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) database consists of boundary, road line, and boundary information pulled from the US Census's master address files.
3. Awesome Stock Resources
Icons / Icons Packages and Collections
- Doodle Icons - ©️ 400+ handcrafted icons free for your next project.
4. Awesome Rust
Applications / System tools
- orhun/systeroid (⭐1.3k) - A more powerful alternative to sysctl(8) with a terminal user interface
Applications / Web Servers
- orhun/rustypaste (⭐853) - A minimal file upload/pastebin service
Development tools / Web Servers
- git-cliff (⭐9.7k) - A highly customizable Changelog Generator that follows Conventional Commit specifications
5. Awesome Tensorflow
- Tensorflow-Probability - Probabilistic programming built on TensorFlow that makes it easy to combine probabilistic models and deep learning on modern hardware.
- Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Methods for Hackers (⭐27k) - by Cameron Davidson-Pilon. Introduction to Bayesian methods and probabilistic graphical models using tensorflow-probability (and, alternatively PyMC2/3).
6. Awesome Tailwindcss
IDE Extensions
- Tailwind CSS Highlight - Highlights utility classes in Visual Studio Code.
7. Awesome Ada
Algorithms, Containers and Protocols / Apache License
- chests (⭐4) - Chests are bounded containers.
8. Awesome Humane Tech
- Misskey
- A forever evolving, sophisticated microblogging platform.
9. Awesome Executable Packing
📚 Literature / Documentation
📚 Literature / Scientific Research
- 🎓 Building a smart and automated tool for packed malware detections using machine learning (June 2020)
- 📓 DexHunter: Toward extracting hidden code from packed Android applications (September 2015)
- 📓 Experimental comparison of machine learning models in malware packing detection (September 2020) ⭐
- 📓 Malware obfuscation through evolutionary packers (July 2015)
- 📓 OmniUnpack: Fast, generic, and safe unpacking of malware (December 2007) ⭐
- 📓 Prevalence and impact of low-entropy packing schemes in the malware ecosystem (February 2020) ⭐
- 📓 Renovo: A hidden code extractor for packed executables (November 2007) ⭐ ⭐
- 🎓 Robust static analysis of portable executable malware (December 2014)
- 📰 SCORE: Source code optimization & reconstruction (July 2020)
- 📓 A study of the packer problem and its solutions (September 2008) ⭐
📑 Datasets / Scientific Research
- MaleX (⭐42) - Curated dataset of malware and benign Windows executable samples for malware researchers containing 1,044,394 Windows executable binaries and corresponding image representations with 864,669 labelled as malware and 179,725 as benign.
📦 Packers / Before 2000
- AINEXE - DOS executable packer (part of the AIN Archiver suite).
- Crunch - File encryptor for COM and EXE files.
🔧 Tools / Before 2000
- ChkEXE - Identifies almost any EXE/COM packer, crypter or protector.
- PEview - Provides a quick and easy way to view the structure and content of 32-bit Portable Executable (PE) and Component Object File Format (COFF) files.
- REMnux - Linux toolkit for reverse-engineering and analyzing malicious software.
- TrID - Utility for identifying file types from their binary signatures.
10. Discount for Student Dev
Web Hosting
- InterServer [FREE] - Standard Web Hosting Package for Free for the first year for students.
11. Awesome Tdengine
12. Awesome Fiber
⚙️ Middlewares / 🌱 Third Party
- darkweak/souin (⭐751) - HTTP cache, RFC compliant, alternative to Varnish available as a middleware.
13. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- kvrohit/rasmus.nvim (⭐176) - A dark color scheme written in Lua ported from rsms/sublime-theme (⭐200) theme.
Utility / Diagnostics
- nkakouros-original/numbers.nvim (⭐36) - Toggle relativenumber whenever it makes sense.
14. Awesome K6
- Load Testing Your API with Swagger/OpenAPI and k6 - Generate k6 load test scripts from OpenAPI specifications.
15. Awesome Mac
Security Tools / Audio Record and Process
- ParetoSecurity - A MenuBar app to automatically audit your Mac for basic security hygiene.
Utilities / Menu Bar Tools
- MenubarX - A powerful Mac menu bar browser, pin webpage like an App.
Utilities / Productivity
- BetterMouse - Smooth scroll, cursor acceleration prohibition, and powerful button/gesture remapping in one utility for 3rd-party mice. Aims for replacing those bulky and intrusive official drivers.
Utilities / System Related Tools
- AlDente - Charge limiter app for MacBooks to keep your battery healthy even longer.
16. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Reinforcement Learning
- DI-engine (⭐3.2k) - DI-engine is a generalized Decision Intelligence engine. It supports most basic deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms, such as DQN, PPO, SAC, and domain-specific algorithms like QMIX in multi-agent RL, GAIL in inverse RL, and RND in exploration problems.
Tools / Misc
- milvus – Milvus is open source (⭐32k) vector database for production AI, written in Go and C++, scalable and blazing fast for billions of embedding vectors.
17. Awesome Composer
Plugins / IRC
- Composer-Skrub (⭐86) - The plugin helps to remove junk from Composer installations and trim build sizes.
- Composer-Curl-Plugin (⭐5) - The plugin uses
for downloading packages.
- Composer-Locator (⭐58) - Provides a means of locating the installation path for a given Composer package name.
- Composer-Plugin-Exclude-Files (⭐40) - A plugin for excluding files required by packages using the 'files' autoloading mechanism.
- Composer-Link (⭐63) - Adds the ability to link local packages for development.
- Composer-REPL (⭐102) - The plugin provides the
composer repl
command, which gives you a PHP language shell (read-eval-print loop).
- Composer-Diff (⭐160) - Compares
changes and generates a Markdown report for usage in a pull request description.
Scripts / IRC
- Composer-Substitution-Plugin (⭐50) - A Composer plugin replacing placeholders in the
section by dynamic values.
Registry Manager / IRC
- (⭐560) - The plugin helps you to switch between different composer repositories.
18. Awesome Game Engine Dev
Game Engines / Specialty
Libraries / C
- 📚 Learn C Programming - Excellent tutorials that will guide you to learn C programming.
Libraries / C++
- 🌎 C++ Papyrus - Basic to advanced topics with modern C++ examples.
Libraries / C#
- 📚 Dot Net Perls - Reference for the C# language.
Libraries / Dart
Libraries / Haxe
- 🌎 Haxe - Produce cross-platform native code. [GitHub (⭐6k)]
Libraries / JavaScript
- 📚 Eloquent JavaScript - Modern JavaScript programming, with examples.
Libraries / Ruby
- 🌎 Ruby - Dynamic programming language, focused on simplicity / productivity. [GitHub (⭐22k)]
Libraries / Rust
Libraries / Zig
- 🌎 Zig - General-purpose language and toolchain. [Docs | GitHub (⭐0)]
Specialty Topics / Fluid / Smoke
- 📚 Fluid Simulation on the GPU - GPU Gems Chapter 38 - Fast, stable fluid simulation on the GPU.
Specialty Topics / Particles
- 📚 Particles - Article by LearnOpenGL.
Specialty Topics / Physics
- 📚 Fix Your Timestep! 🔥 - How to keep physics stable with variable fps.
Specialty Topics / Scripting
- 📚 Adding Languages to Game Engines - Story of adding scripting to a game.
Tools / Software / Animation Software
- 💸 Cascadeur - 3D animation software for physics-based character animation.
Tools / Software / Audio Tools
- Music
- 🆓 Ardour - Record, edit, and mix. [Source (⭐3.7k)]
- 🆓 Audacity - Multi-track audio editor and recorder. [Source (⭐12k)]
- 🆓 Bosca Ceoil - Easy to use tool for creating music.
- 🆓 Cakewalk - Complete music production package.
- 🆓 FamiStudio - Music editor targeted at chiptune artists and NES homebrewers. [Source (⭐1.5k)]
- 💸 fmod - Popular (Hades, Celeste, Untitled Goose Game) audio software for games.
- 🆓 LMMS 🔥 - Cross-platform music production software. [Source (⭐7.8k)]
- 🆓 PixiTracker - Quickly create musical sketches, chiptunes and sound experiments.
- 🆓 Sound Box - Compose synthetic music in your browser, good for small demos. [Source (⭐427)]
- 🆓 SunVox - Powerful modular synthesizer with pattern-based sequencer (tracker).
- 🆓 ZzFXM - Music generator for use in tiny JavaScript apps. [Source (⭐414)]
Tools / Software / Color / Palettes
- 🌎 Colormind - Color scheme generator, can learn color styles from photographs, art, etc.
Tools / Software / Image Editors
- 🆓 GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program, open source image editor. [Source (⭐4.6k)]
Tools / Software / Materials / Textures
- 🆓 ArmorLab - Generate PBR materials by drag & dropping your photos. [Source (⭐167)]
Tools / Software / Modeling Tools
- 💰 3DS Max - Classic software for 3D modeling and rendering.
Tools / Software / Particle Tools
- 💸 Particle Designer - Powerful particle effects editor designed for macOS.
Tools / Software / Pixel Art
- 💸 Aseprite - Animated sprite editor and pixel art tool. [Source (⭐27k)]
Tools / Software / Vector Editors
- 🆓 Inkscape - Cross-platform, open source vector graphics editor. [Source (⭐2k)]
Video Game Assets / Graphic Assets
- 💸 Flaticon - Quality vector icons and stickers.
Video Game Assets / Material Assets
- 🆓 AmbientCG - Public domain materials for physically-based rendering.
19. Awesome Postgres
Contents / Backups
- wal-e (⭐3.4k) (obsolete) - Simple Continuous Archiving for PostgreSQL to S3, Azure, or Swift by Heroku.
20. Alternative Front Ends
Overview / YouTube
- YouTube.js (⭐2.6k): Full-featured wrapper around the Innertube API, which is what YouTube itself uses
- oleksis/youtube-dl-gui (⭐1.2k): Cross-platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython
Overview / Google Translate
- Crow Translate (⭐1.4k): Simple and lightweight cross-platform translator that allows translation using LibreTranslate, Lingva, Google, Bing, and Yandex, as well as text-to-speech using Google
Overview / Mastodon
- Sengi (⭐473): cross-platform multi-account Mastodon & Pleroma desktop client
- TheDesk (⭐260): cross-platform Mastodon & Misskey desktop client
- Tusky (⭐2.2k): lightweight Android Mastodon client
- Pinafore (⭐1k): Alternative web client for Mastodon, focused on speed and simplicity Unmaintained
- Hyperspace (⭐178): cross-platform Mastodon client for the fediverse written in TypeScript and React In maintenance mode (⭐178)
Overview / Telegram
- Telegram-FOSS (⭐2.2k): Unofficial, FOSS-friendly fork of the original Telegram client for Android
Related projects / Other services
- / 12ft Ladder: 12ft Ladder is a free service for reading news articles. Prepend to the URL of any paywalled page, and we'll try our best to remove the paywall and get you access to the article. It is similar to which is not available anymore.
- Note: The source code of 12ft Ladder is not available under a free/open-source license.
21. Awesome Transit
GTFS Converters / Rust
- transit_model (⭐58) - A Rust library to convert to/from the following formats: GTFS, NTFS (for Navitia, see Software for Creating APIs), TransXChange (UK specification), KV1 (NL specification), NeTEx (EU specification).
Software for Creating APIs / Rust
- Navitia (⭐436) is the opensource engine behind the live API.
Proprietary (non-standard) vendor APIs / Rust
- - REST API for journey planning, stop schedules, isochrones and lot more on US and EU. Navitia (⭐436) is the opensource engine behind the live API.
22. Awesome Vue
Resources / External Resources
- Notes on Vue - A personal guide to Vue development.
Resources / Podcasts
Resources / Tutorials
- Heartbeat (Vue + NW.js Desktop app Video series) by Axel Martínez (2017 - 2020)
- Meteor + Vue Youtube playlist by Axel Martínez
- Introduction to Vue (Spanish) Scrimba mini-course in Spanish.
23. Awesome Openstreetmap
Changeset Tools / Web Services
- achavi - Augmented change viewer. (Source Code (⭐41) / Wiki)
- Osm Change Viz - Changeset visualizer displaying information about added/modified/deleted elements in different panels.
- changeset-map - Map visualizing changes in selected changesets. Used in OsmCha. (Source Code (⭐34))
- OSM History Viewer - Changeset visualization. (Source Code (⭐9))
- Who did it? - Map highlighting recent edits per tile. Provides RSS feeds for watching changes in custom bounding boxes. (Source Code (⭐69) / Wiki)
- Osm Change Tiles - Map highlighting recent edits per tile. Provides RSS feeds for watching changes in custom bounding boxes.
- Analytic OSM Tracker (⭐38)[^selfhosted-only] - Tracker for changesets in your region.
- Suspicious OSM Changesets - Find suspicious OSM changesets.
- Changeset Text Search - Filter OSM changesets by comment.
- Latest Changeset Discussions - Show latest discussions on OSM changesets.
Maps / Web Maps
- osm-livechanges - Near-real-time display of edits in the OpenStreetMap database. (Source Code (⭐28))
24. Awesome Pokemon
Resources & Others / Communities
- Pokémon GO Raiders Discord - A Discord community for raid hosting and joining with discussions about Pokémon GO.
Resources & Others / Others
- PVPoke - A PVP ranking and moveset for Pokémon GO.
- Pokémon GO Calender - Pokémon GO calender events with Google Calendar and timezones support.
- Poke Genie - A free raid hosting and joining app for iOS & Android with PVP functionalities.
25. Awesome Incident Response
IR Tools Collection / Evidence Collection
- UAC (⭐590) - UAC (Unix-like Artifacts Collector) is a Live Response collection script for Incident Response that makes use of native binaries and tools to automate the collection of AIX, Android, ESXi, FreeBSD, Linux, macOS, NetBSD, NetScaler, OpenBSD and Solaris systems artifacts.
26. Awesome Algorand
Official Resources
- Algorand Discord - Official Algorand Discord server.
Projects / Wallets
- AlgoWorld-Contracts (⭐30) - Collection of all smart contracts used by AlgoWorld, written in PyTeal.
27. Awesome Alfred Workflows
- Mailsy (⭐22) - Quickly generate a disposable email.
- Slack (⭐327) - Alfred workflow to interact, and perform various functions with the service Slack.
- TemporaryEmail (⭐2.4k) - Get a temporary email inbox.
- AWS Console Services (⭐313) - Quickly open up AWS Console Services in your browser or search for entities within them.
- Bootstrap Icons (⭐20) - Quickly look up Bootstrap Icons and add the desired one to your clipboard.
- (⭐12) - Rust feature support and version info from
- Timing (⭐33) - Interact with the Timing app.
Other Lists
- PacMax – Pacmax was assembled as a way for Alfred lovers to find and share their favorite workflows, snippets, and themes.
28. Awesome Video
Learning, Tutorials & Documentation / Books & Courses
- Circles of Confusion - 2009-01-01. Roberts, Alan.
29. Awesome Kotlin
Links / Blogs
- Kt. Academy Medium - Blog that teach about Kotlin
- Kt. Academy - Publication with regular Kotlin posts.
Links / Books
- Kotlin Coroutines: Deep Dive - A practical book dedicated to Kotlin Coroutines, common use-cases, best practices and deep understanding.
Libraries/Frameworks / Testing
- permissions-dispatcher/kompile-testing (⭐70) - Testing tools for kotlinc and kapt.
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- sandjelkovic/kxjtime (⭐8) - Lightweight Kotlin extensions for java.time API
Libraries/Frameworks / Graphics
- java-opengl-labs/learn-OpenGL (⭐38) - port of tutorial (lwjgl)
- kotlin-graphics/bullet (⭐43) - bullet port
30. Awesome Directus
Integration / Community
- PHP SDK (⭐26) - PHP SDK to provide easy access to the Directus API.
31. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Data Miner - A browser extension (Google Chrome, MS Edge) for data extraction from web pages CSV or Excel. The free plan gives you 500 pages/month.
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- Teamhood - Free Project, Task, and Issue-tracking software. Supports Kanban with Swimlanes and full Scrum implementation. Has integrated time tracking. Free for five users and three project portfolios.
Issue Tracking and Project Management
- Lucidchart - An online diagram tool with collaboration features. Free plan with three editable documents, 100 professional templates, and basic collaboration features.
Analytics, Events and Statistics
- Uptrace - Distributed Tracing Tool that helps developers pinpoint failures and find performance bottlenecks. Has a free plan, offers a complimentary Personal subscription for open-source projects, and has an open-source version.
- Cronhooks - Schedule on-time or recurring webhooks. The free plan allows 5 ad-hoc schedules.
32. Awesome Microservices
Enterprise & Verticals / Scala
- Medusa - Headless open source commerce platform.
33. Awesome Developer First
Reports Generation
- PDFBlade - HTML to PDF API usage-based pricing.
34. Awesome Zsh Plugins
- Configuration to use Hyper.js as a ZSH terminal with a Windows Subsystem Linux on windows 10, with Oh My Zsh and the Powerlevel10k theme (⭐7) - How-to for getting Oh-My-ZSH running on WSL.
- iTerm2 + Oh-My-ZSH: Supercharge Your Mac Terminal - Catalin Pit's tutorial on getting started with Oh-My-ZSH on macOS.
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- nodo (⭐12) - This plugin helps you prevent
directories from filling your iCloud storage by un-syncing the directory or can save even more space by removing allnode_modules
directories within the chosen root directory. This is particularly useful for cleaning up a project that has multiplenode_modules
- omz-git (⭐1) - Oh-My-ZSH's git (⭐177k) plugin re-packaged to be standalone.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- biratime (⭐3) - Based on the bira (⭐177k) theme, but displays the date instead of the username in the prompt.
- ortiz (andres-ortizl) (⭐3) - Fork of eriner (⭐22) with decorations for the interval between commands and k8s context.
35. Awesome Lowcode
Flow-based programming
- - Extendable workflow automation.
- Structr - The visualization of the data and program structures as a graph accelerates the development and makes the results easily comprehensible for everyone at any time.
Online database creator apps
- Hasura - From your databases to a unified GraphQL API in just one minute.
Visual programming
- Appsmith - A powerful open source framework to build internal tools.
- Appwrite - Secure Open-Source Backend Server for Web, Mobile & Flutter Developers.
- Plasmic - The visual builder for your tech stack.
36. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite (⭐3.1k) - React + TypeScript + SASS + Prettier + ESLint + GitHub Actions + HMR(Hot Module Reload) + Turborepo + Chrome Extension Manifest v3.
- vite-react-proste (⭐18) - React + TypeScript +
+ Recoil + SASS + Testing Library +react-query
+ ESLint + Stylelint + Prettier.
Electron / Integrations
- electron-vite (⭐4k) - An Electron CLI integrated with Vite.
37. Awesome Privacy
- Whoami Project (⭐2.1k) - Whoami provides enhanced privacy, anonymity for Debian and Arch based linux distributions.
Video and Audio Conferencing / Alternative clients/modifications of Discord:
- BetterDiscord - A client modification for Discord, also you need to install a DoNotTrack plugin to block trackers.
- Kernel (⭐93) - A super small and fast Electron client mod with the most capability, also you need to install a Discord Utilities (⭐5) package to block trackers.
- WebCord (⭐2.1k) - A Discord and Fosscord API-less client made with the Electron.
38. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Automation
- ydl_api_ng (⭐173) - Simple youtube-dl REST API to launch downloads on a distant server.
Software / Blogging Platforms
- Castopod - A podcast management hosting platform that includes the latest podcast 2.0 standards, an automated Fediverse feed, analytics, an embeddable player, and more. (Source Code)
Software / Communication - Email - Mailing Lists and Newsletters
- Listmonk - High performance, self-hosted newsletter and mailing list manager with a modern dashboard. (Source Code (⭐16k))
Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums
- diaspora* - Distributed social networking server. (Source Code (⭐13k))
Software / File Transfer - Object Storage & File Servers
- GarageHQ - An open-source geo-distributed storage service you can self-host to fulfill many needs - S3 compatible. (Source Code)
Software / Internet of Things (IoT)
- Thingsboard - Open-source IoT Platform - Device management, data collection, processing and visualization. (Demo, Source Code (⭐18k))
Software / Note-taking & Editors
- Livebook - Realtime collaborative notebook app based on Markdown that supports running Elixir code snippets, TeX and Mermaid Diagrams. Easily deployed using Docker or Elixir. (Source Code (⭐5.2k))
Software / Software Development - Localization
- Tolgee - Developer & translator friendly web-based localization platform enabling users to translate directly in the app they develop. (Source Code (⭐2.5k))
Software / Ticketing
- Roundup Issue Tracker - A simple-to-use and -install issue-tracking system with command-line, web, REST, XML-RPC, and e-mail interfaces. Designed with flexibility in mind - not just another bug tracker. (Source Code)
39. Awesome Osint
Code Search
- NerdyData - Search engine for source code.
Social Media Tools / Reddit
- Reddit Comment Lookup - Search for reddit comments by reddit username.
Other Tools / Steam
- Sub3 Suite (⭐536) - A research-grade suite of tools for intelligence gathering & target mapping with both active and passive(100+ modules) intelligence gathering capabilities.
40. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Command-line utilities
- zx (⭐44k) - Write shell scripts JavaScript.
Packages / Job queues
- bullmq (⭐6.6k) - Persistent job and message queue.
41. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Media
- Movies App (⭐192) - A user-friendly interface using themoviedb API by vellt.
42. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Bayesian Modeling / Generative Model
- Latent Space Factorisation and Manipulation via Matrix Subspace Projection - ICML'20, 2020. [All Versions].
Complexity & Information Theory / Visual Complexity
- Image complexity and spatial information - International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience, 2013. [All Versions].
Problem Solving / Reinforcement Learning
- A Generalized Algorithm for Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning and Policy Adaptation - NeurIPS'19, 2019. [All Versions].
Explainability / Explainable Deep Learning
- Individual differences among deep neural network models - Nature Communications, 2020. [All Versions].
Methodologies for Experiments / Scaling Up Behavioral Studies
- Exploring human cognition using large image databases - Topics in Cognitive Sciences, 2016. [All Versions].
Methodologies for Experiments / Human-Machine Comparison
- Humans can decipher adversarial images - Nature Communications. 2019. [All Versions].
Meta-Level Considerations / Meta Learning
- Efficient Off-Policy Meta-Reinforcement Learning via Probabilistic Context Variables - ICML'19, 2019. [All Versions].
- Balancing Constraints and Rewards with Meta-Gradient D4PG - ICLR'21, 2021. [All Versions].
- Metacontrol for Adaptive Imagination-Based Optimization - ICLR'17, 2017. [All Versions].
- On Effective Scheduling of Model-based Reinforcement Learning - NeurIPS'21, 2021. [All Versions].
43. Awesome Yew
- Crabtyper (⭐187) - A speedtyping web app written in Rust.
- axum-yew-setup (⭐142) - A starter project that sets up Axum and Yew for full stack Rust web apps.
- rust-yew-axum-tauri-desktop (⭐138) - Rust + Yew + Axum + Tauri, full-stack Rust development for Desktop apps.
Crates / Component Libraries
- tailyew (⭐18) - Yew wrapper around DaisyUI (tailwindcss based) components.
44. Awesome Embedded Rust
Driver crates / Other
- PAC194X (⭐3) - I2C - Single/multi channel power monitor - Intro blog post -
- Prev: Apr 18 - Apr 24, 2022
- Next: Apr 04 - Apr 10, 2022