Awesome List Updates on Mar 28 - Apr 03, 2022
49 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Entertainment
- Tachidesk-Sorayomi (⭐951) - Frontend for Tachidesk-server, based on Tachiyomi to read manga in desktop by DattatreyaReddy.
Contents / Media
- Stream Music Player (⭐51) - A music player for online content with GetX architecture by vellt.
2. Alternative Front Ends
Overview / YouTube
- OpenVideoDownloader aka jely2002/youtube-dl-gui (⭐5.8k): A cross-platform GUI for youtube-dl made in Electron and node.js
- LibreTube (⭐5.7k): Android frontend for YouTube, based on Piped
- BlackHole (⭐5.8k): Android music player app for YouTube Music and Spotify made with Flutter
Overview / Spotify
- spotube (⭐3.5k): A lightweight and free Spotify crossplatform-client which handles playback manually, streams music using Youtube & no Spotify premium account is needed
- SpotX (⭐7.7k): Modified Spotify Client for Windows (Windows Only) - Blocking ads and updates for the desktop version of Spotify, disabling podcasts and more
- kotify (⭐34): Requires Spotify Account - Multiplatform desktop client for Spotify focused on library organization for power users. Relies on official Spotify client for playback
Overview / Apple Music
- Cider (⭐6.5k): Cross-platform Apple Music experience based on Electron and Vue.js written from scratch with performance in mind
Overview / Twitch
- streamlink-twitch-gui (⭐2.5k): Multi platform browser for Streamlink
- Twire (⭐871): Alternative and open source Twitch client for Android
- Xtra (⭐693): Twitch player and browser for Android
- ElectronPlayer (⭐449): Electron Based Web Video Services Player. Supports Netflix, Youtube, Twitch, Floatplane, Hulu and more
Overview / Google Search
- SearXNG (⭐4.9k): SearXNG is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from various search services and databases. Users are neither tracked nor profiled (SearXNG is a fork of searx)
- LibreX (⭐632): Privacy respecting free meta search engine (free as in freedom)
- Small and simple meta search engine, fetches and anonymizes results from Google only, has API support, allows redirects to Invidious/ Bibliogram/ Nitter/ Libreddit
Overview / Facebook Messenger
- Caprine (⭐6.7k): Unofficial and privacy-focused Facebook Messenger app with many useful features
Overview / Shazam
- SongRec (⭐977): Open-source Shazam client for Linux, written in Rust
Overview / Other services
- Librarian: Alternative frontend for LBRY /
- Public instances:
Related projects / Other services
- Youtube Vanced: Youtube replacement app for the Android platform: YouTube Vanced is the stock Android YouTube app, but better. It includes adblocking, true amoled dark mode and a lot more. Use the Vanced Manager to install YouTube Vanced with ease.
- Official website with install instructions:
- Note: The source code of Youtube Vanced is not available under a free/open-source license.
- For an explanation about the origin of Youtube Vanced see here:
- Vanced was forced to shut down by Google due to legal reasons. The project tries to continue its legacy
3. Awesome Cmake
- Oranges - Ben Vining's library of CMake modules and toolchains
4. Magictools
Engines and Frameworks / Voxel Editors
- 💰 Construct - an HTML5 game maker, meaning you are not actually writing JavaScript. Instead, you use actions, events and conditions to do the heavy lifting.
- 💸 Unreal Engine 4 - the new game engine technology developed by Epic Games.
5. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Database
- kotlin-orm/ktorm (⭐2.2k) - A lightweight ORM Framework for Kotlin. Provides strong-typed and flexible SQL DSL and convenient sequence APIs to reduce our duplicated effort on database operations.
6. Awesome List
- Ansible (⭐1.5k) - A Python-based, open-source IT configuration management and automation platform.
7. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-qrcode (⭐156) - Show QR code on server start.
Apps/Websites / Community
- Preview.js - An IDE extension to instantly preview React, Vue 2 and Vue 3 components.
8. Awesome Executable Packing
📚 Literature / Documentation
- 🌎 Defacto2
📚 Literature / Scientific Research
- 📓 ByteWise: A case study in neural network obfuscation identification (January 2018)
- 📓 A control flow graph-based signature for packer identification (October 2017)
- 📓 Packer identification based on metadata signature (December 2017)
- 📓 Packer identification using byte plot and Markov plot (September 2015)
- 📓 Packer identification using hidden Markov model (November 2017)
- 📰 Sensitive system calls based packed malware variants detection using principal component initialized multilayers neural networks (September 2018)
📑 Datasets / Scientific Research
- Dataset of Packed ELF (⭐18) - Dataset of packed ELF samples.
📦 Packers / Between 2000 and 2010
- HackStop - EXE and COM programs encrypter and protector.
- RSCC - ROSE Super COM Crypt ; polymorph cryptor for files greater than 300-400B and smaller than 60kB.
- RUCC - ROSE Ultra COM Compressor ; COM and EXE compression utility based on 624.
- UPX-Scrambler - Scrambler for files packed with UPX (up to 1.06) so that they cannot be unpacked with the '-d' option.
📦 Packers / Before 2000
- ABK Scrambler - COM file scrambler and protector recoded from ABKprot.
- AEP - Addition Encode-Protective for COM and EXE file.
- BIN-Lock - COM file scrambler for preventing reverse engineering.
- BitLok - COM and EXE file protector.
- C0NtRiVER - COM file encryptor.
- CauseWay Compressor - DOS EXE compressor.
- CC Pro - COM and EXE executable file compression utility.
- COMProtector - Adds a security envelope around DOS .COM files by randomly encrypting it and adding several anti-debugging tricks.
- CrackStop - Tool that creates a security envelope around a DOS EXE file to protect it against crackers.
- ExeGuard - DOS EXE files free protector using anti-debugging ticks to prevent hacking, analysis and unpacking.
- EXELOCK 666 - Utility for protecting .EXE files so no lamers can hack out the copyright.
- FSE - Final Fantasy Security Envelope freeware for protecting COM and EXE progams.
- Gardian Angel - COM and EXE encrypter and protector using a variety of anti-debugging tricks.
- JMCryptExe - DOS EXE encrypter.
- LzExe - MS-DOS executable file compressor.
- Mask - Tool that prevents COM program from being cracked by using encryption and anti-debugging tricks.
- Mess - This tool does the same as HackStop, with the exception that it is freeware for non-commercial use.
- Neolite - Compresses Windows 32-bit EXE files and DLLs.
- PE-Protector - Encrypter/protector for Windows 9x/ME to protect executable files PEagainst reverse engineering or cracking with a very strong protection.
- PKlite - Easy-to-use file compression program for compressing DOS and Windows executable files.
- Scorpion - EXE and COM file encrypter and protector.
- TRAP - EXE and COM files encrypter and protector.
- WWPack - Squeezes EXE files, compresses relocation tables, optimizes headers, protects EXE files from hacking.
- XE - PE32 image file packer and rebuilder.
- XorCopy - COM file XOR-based encrypter.
- XORER - COM file XOR-based encrypter.
- XPack - EXE/COM/SYS executable file compressor.
🔧 Tools / Before 2000
- Angr (⭐7.6k) - Platform-agnostic binary analysis framework.
- COM2EXE - Free tool for converting COM files to EXE format.
- Defacto2 Analyzers Archive - Collection of 60 binary files analysers for MS-DOS and Windows32 from the 1990s and the 2000s.
- Defacto2 Packers Archive - Collection of 460 binary and data file packers for MS-DOS and Windows32 from the 1990s and 2000s.
- Defacto2 Unpackers Archive - Collection of 152 binary files unpackers for MS-DOS and Windows 32 from the 1990s and 2000s.
- ExeScan - Executable file analyzer which detects the most famous EXE/COM Protectors, Packers, Converters and compilers.
- GetTyp - File format detection program for DOS based on special strings and byte code.
- Language 2000 - Ultimate compiler detection utility.
- LIEF (⭐4.5k) - Library to Instrument Executable Formats ; Python package for parsing PE, ELF, Mach-O and DEX formats, modifying and rebuilding executables.
- PCjs - PCjs uses JavaScript to recreate the IBM PC experience, using original ROMs, CPUs running at their original speeds, and early IBM video cards and monitors.
- PEscan - CLI tool to scan PE files to identify how they were constructed.
- PETools (⭐1.1k) - Old-school reverse engineering tool (with a long history since 2002) for manipulating PE files.
- RDG Packer Detector - Packer detection tool.
- Reko (⭐2.2k) - Free decompiler for machine code binaries.
- RetDec (⭐8.1k) - Retargetable machine-code decompiler based on LLVM.
- SAFE - Static Analyzer For Executables (available on demand).
- Triton (⭐3.6k) - Dynamic binary analysis library.
- Tuts 4 You - Non-commercial, independent community dedicated to the sharing of knowledge and information on reverse code engineering.
- UnpacMe - Automated malware unpacking service.
9. Awesome Algorand
Languages / JavaScript & TypeScript
- algo-builder (⭐131) - Framework to automate development of Algorand Assets and Smart Contracts.
- algo-builder-templates (⭐20) - Dapps templates for Algo Builder.
Other Development Tools / Testing
- graviton (⭐17) - Algorand's TEAL blackbox testing toolkit.
- tealer (⭐63) - Static TEAL analyser with a set of vulnerability detectors for quick contracts reviews.
Projects / Wallets
- algofractals (⭐2) - Mint randomly generated mandelbrot fractals with embedded ARC69 tags. (Archived on Dec 31, 2023)
10. Awesome Developer First
Infrastructure as Code
- Pulumi - Developer-first IaC with Python, TypeScript, Go and more languages...
- Terraform - DSL, open-source, and free (paid solution adds team management, policy-as-code...).
11. Awesome Typescript
Web/ReactJS / Playground
- 🐙 Materio Free MUI React NextJS Typescript Admin Template (⭐1.7k) - Most Powerful & Comprehensive Free MUI React NextJS Admin Dashboard Template built for developers. Made With Typecript & JavaScript.
12. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Menu Bar Tools
- Fishing Funds - Display real-time trends of Chinese funds in the menubar.
13. Free for Dev
Translation Management
- Tolgee - Free SaaS offering with limited translations, forever-free self-hosted version
CDN and Protection
- weserv — An image cache & resize service. Manipulate images on the fly with a worldwide cache.
Storage and Media Processing
- - 2 GB storage of files. A file is auto-deleted after one download. REST API to interact with the storage. Rate limit one request/minute.
14. Awesome Deno
Modules / Frontend framework
- ultra (⭐3k) - 💎 Modern Streaming React Framework in Deno.
Modules / Utils
- tryify (⭐7) - Functional style error handling; never throw/try/catch/finally again.
- wasm-gzip (⭐19) - Perform gzip operations for Deno.
Modules / Validation
- zod (⭐34k) - TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference.
Modules / Video
- Fast Forward (⭐48) - An easy to use ffmpeg module for Deno. 🦕
Tools / XML
- dnt (⭐1.2k) - Deno to npm package build tool.
Resources in Other Languages / Chinese
15. Awesome Wagtail
Resources / Recipes
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Wagtail development guide (⭐65) - Unit Testing Django and Wagtail
16. Awesome Userscripts
Scripts / Media
- Image Max URL - Finds larger or original versions of images/videos for thousands of supported websites, including a customizable image popup feature.
17. Awesome Security
Network / Docker Images for Penetration Testing & Security
docker pull jeroenwillemsen/wrongsecrets
- OWASP WrongSecrets
18. Awesome Digital History
Archives and primary sources / Global
- OpenHistoricalMap - A time travel map created by a community of mappers and historians.
- World Historical Gazeteer - Collection of content and services that permit world historians to do spatial and temporal reasoning and visualization in a data rich environment at global and trans-regional scales.
19. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Roles / Engineers
- What Makes A Great Software Engineer? - Doesn't conclude on a definitive answer to the question, but details a model based on 53 attributes (!). Still a good source referencing other papers on the topic.
Motivation / Negotiation
- What Silicon Valley "Gets" about Software Engineers that Traditional Companies Do Not - “1. Autonomy for software engineers; 2. Curious problem solvers, not mindless resources; 3. Internal data, code, and documentation transparency; 4. Exposure to the business and to business metrics; 5. Engineer-to-engineer comms over triangle-communication; 6. Investing in a less frustrating developer experience; 7. Higher leverage --> higher {autonomy, pay}”.
Engineering / Technical Debt
- Goodbye, Clean Code - “My boss invited me for a one-on-one chat where they politely asked me to revert my change. I was aghast. The old code was a mess, and mine was clean! (…) I see now that my 'refactoring' was a disaster in two ways: I didn't talk to the person who wrote it; My code traded the ability to change requirements for reduced duplication”.
Product Management / Product-Market Fit
- I wasted $40k on a fantastic startup idea - A tale of building a product no user want to pay for. “You can't just create value for the user: that's a charity. You also can't just create value for your company: that's a scam. Your goal is to set up some kind of positive-sum exchange, where everyone benefits, including you. A business plan, according to this textbook, starts with this simple question: how will you create value for yourself and the company?”
Product Management / Product Strategy
- Talking about Vista, Microsoft found out following its unsuccessful launch that the #1 bug predictor is not technical, it's organizational complexity.
Agile / Delivery
- Failed #SquadGoals - Spotify doesn't use "the Spotify model" and neither should you - “Why it didn't work? 1. Matrix management solved the wrong problem; 2. It fixated on team autonomy; 3. Collaboration was an assumed competency; 4. Mythology became difficult to change”.
Career / Performance Reviews
- Get your work recognized: write a brag document - There's this idea that, if you do great work at your job, people will (or should!) automatically recognize that work and reward you for it with promotions / increased pay. In practice, it's often more complicated than that.
- Performance review generator - Tired of writing reviews? Automate it!
Compensation / Salary
- L8-L10 salaries at AWS - A reference point to what $M+ compensation packages looks like.
Politics / Equity
- The Rules for Rulers - “Smart key supporters will always watch the balance of power, ready to change allegiance if the ruler look to be the loser in a shifting web of alliances. (…) Buy all the loyalty you can, because loyalty, in dictatorial organizations of all kinds, is everything.”
- 4 Clues to Identify a Destructive Leader - “1. I'm kind of a big deal! 2. None of this is my fault! 3. Just do what I say! 4. Trust me; I'm never wrong.”
20. Awesome Iam
- IAM is hard. It's really hard. - “Overly permissive AWS IAM policies that allowed
(all) resources”, led to $80 million fine for Capital One. The only reason why you can't overlook IAM as a business owner.
Multi-factor auth / Identifiers
- Your Pa$$word doesn't matter - Same conclusion as above from Microsoft: “Based on our studies, your account is more than 99.9% less likely to be compromised if you use MFA.”
Multi-factor auth / SMS-based
Password-less auth / JWT
- JWT, JWS and JWE for Not So Dummies! - A signed JWT is known as a JWS (JSON Web Signature). In fact a JWT does not exist itself — either it has to be a JWS or a JWE (JSON Web Encryption). Its like an abstract class — the JWS and JWE are the concrete implementations.
Authorization / ReBAC frameworks
- Open Policy Administration Layer (⭐5.2k) - Open Source administration layer for OPA, detecting changes to both policy and policy data in realtime and pushing live updates to OPA agents. OPAL brings open-policy up to the speed needed by live applications.
Secret Management / Hardware Security Module (HSM)
- Everybody be cool, this is a robbery! - A case study of vulnerability and exploitability of a HSM (in French, sorry).
Trust & Safety / Moderation
- You either die an MVP or live long enough to build content moderation - “You can think about the solution space for this problem by considering three dimensions: cost, accuracy and speed. And two approaches: human review and machine review. Humans are great in one of these dimensions: accuracy. The downside is that humans are expensive and slow. Machines, or robots, are great at the other two dimensions: cost and speed - they're much cheaper and faster. But the goal is to find a robot solution that is also sufficiently accurate for your needs.”
Blocklists / Hostnames and Subdomains
21. Awesome Billing
Pricing / Usage-based Pricing
- Electropedia: Tariffs for electricity - Before the cloud, there was another metered resource priced by its usage: electricity. Here is a detailed (and multi-lingual) taxonomy of its vocabulary from the International Electrotechnical Commission.
Pricing / Market Research
- Gabor–Granger method - Used in surveys to determine the price for a new product or service. The results can be used to produce a demand chart and a revenue curve.
Coupons and Vouchers / Currencies
- Hacking Scooters: How I Created $100k Worth Of Free Rides - A cautionary tale on how promo codes can be exploited to get unlimited free rides.
History / Cloud providers
- Engineering and Operations in the Bell System - Starting at page #445, the "10.5 Billing Equipment and Systems" section describe the history and technical evolutions of Bell's phone calls metering and pricing.
22. Awesome Regression Testing
Slideshows, talks and videos (a-z↓)
- Cypress in 100 Seconds - Introduction video by Fireship.
23. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Transport-layer defenses / Overlay and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
- OpenZITI - Open source initiative focused on bringing Zero Trust to any application via an overlay network, tunelling applications, and numerous SDKs.
24. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- up-dir (⭐0) - Binds
to navigating up a directory. This makes it very easy to go up a few directories without having to type any commands.
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- bosh (krujos) (⭐2) - Adds BOSH (⭐2k) autocompletion.
- gentoo (⭐37) - Provides ZSH completion support to various Gentoo tools that lack completion scripts upstream.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- clipper (⭐0) - Minimalist ZSH theme with
support. It includes decorations for pwd, last command exit status code andgit
status & branch.
25. Awesome Falsehood
Dates and Time
- Falsehoods about Unix Time - Mind the leap second!
- $26,000 Overcollection by Labor Department - The consequence of wrong calendar accounting.
Human Identity
- XKCD #327: Exploits of a Mom - Funny take on how implementation of a falsehood might lead to security holes.
Phone Numbers
- Google's common Java, C++ and JavaScript library for parsing, formatting, and validating international phone numbers. Also available for C# (⭐807), Objective-C (⭐2.4k), Python (⭐3.6k), Ruby (⭐549) and PHP (⭐4.8k).
Software Engineering
- Hi! My name is… - This talk could have been named falsehoods about usernames (and other identifiers).
- My name causes an issue with any booking! - Old airline reservation systems considers the
suffix asMister
and drops it.
26. Awesome Openstreetmap
Editors / Web Editors
- iD - JavaScript based editor for the web browser with a wide array of presets. (Source Code (⭐3.3k) / Wiki)
- Level0 - Text based editor that's useful in specific corner cases. (Source Code (⭐53) / Wiki)
- OSMyBiz - Website for managing informations about your business. (Source Code / Wiki)
- OnOSM - Allows anyone to submit business information as a note for inclusion into OSM. (Source Code (⭐73) / Wiki)
- Deriviste - Provides a simple interface to add nodes to OpenStreetMap based on what you see in Mapillary street-level imagery. (Source Code (⭐29) / Wiki)
- - An online editor focused on adding and improving data on global health facilities. (Source Code (⭐144) / Wiki)
Editors / Native Editors
- JOSM - Advanced extensible desktop editor. (Source Code / Wiki)
- Potlatch 3 - Native intermediate-level editor built in Adobe AIR. (Source Code (⭐23) / Wiki)
Tools / Web Tools
- OpenMapTiles - Set of tools for self-hosted vector maps and map services with labels in more than 50 languages. (Source Code / Wiki)
- OSMNames - Geocoding tool ranking places according to the corresponding Wikipedia page popularity. (Source Code (⭐346) / Wiki)
- overpass-turbo - Web based data mining tool for OpenStreetMap using Overpass API. (Source Code (⭐910) / Wiki)
- Osmose - QA-tool for fixing problems detected in OpenStreetMap data. (Source Code / Wiki)
- taginfo - Website displaying information on tags and their usage. (Source Code (⭐121) / Wiki)
- ohsome Dashboard - Tool for visualizing changes over a certain time period. (Wiki)
Tools / Mobile Tools
- OSMTracker (⭐494) - Offline GPS tracking tool for recording GPX tracks. (Android / Wiki)
Tasking Managers / Web Services
- MapRoulette - Various challenges for making small edits to achive big tasks. (Source Code (⭐124) / Wiki)
- Pic4Review - Tool for adding objects to OSM by reviewing images. (Source Code / Wiki)
- Map Complete - Tool for mapping in scoped tasks. (Wiki)
- Damn Project - Project for mapping by dividing big areas into small squares mappable by humans. (Source Code / Wiki)
Maps / Web Maps
- Show me the way - Live map showing latest changes on aerial imagery. (Source Code (⭐127) / Wiki)
- OSM In Realtime - Visualization of the changes made to OpenStreetMap as they happen. (Source Code / Wiki)
- F4map Demo - 3D rendering demo of OpenStreetMap data. (Wiki)
- FacilMap - Map with easy possibility to filter for POI types. (Source Code (⭐312) / Wiki)
- Straßenraumkarte Neukölln - High-detail micromap of the district "Neukölln" of Berlin, Germany. (Wiki)
Maps / Mobile Maps
- OsmAnd - Map viewing and navigation (routing) application with offline functionality available for Android and iOS. (Android, iOS / Source Code Android (⭐4.6k) / Source Code iOS (⭐279) / Wiki)
- Organic Maps - A free offline maps app based on OSM. (Android, iOS / Source Code (⭐9.5k) / Wiki)
- Magic Earth - A free turn-by-turn navigation app. (Android, iOS / Wiki)
Maps / Generators
- Field Papers - Generate maps for printing, annotate them, and manage your notes after. (Source Code (⭐87) / Wiki)
Libraries / C/C++
- libosmium (⭐460) - Fast and flexible C++ library for working with OpenStreetMap data. (Wiki)
- OSRM (⭐6.3k) - Routing engine for use in C++ applications. (Wiki)
- mapnik (⭐3.6k) - Combines pixel-perfect image output with lightning-fast cartographic algorithms, and exposes interfaces in C++, Python, and Node. (Wiki)
Libraries / JavaScript
- Leaflet - An open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. (Source Code (⭐41k) / Wiki)
- OpenLayers - A high-performance library for rendering raster and vector maps. (Source Code (⭐11k) / Wiki)
- MapLibre GL JS - A map renderer with GPU-accelerated vector tile rendering. (Source Code (⭐6.3k) / See Related List)
Libraries / Python
- osmapi (⭐210) - Python wrapper for the OpenStreetMap API. (Wiki)
- osmnx (⭐4.8k) - Visualizer for street networks. (Wiki)
Libraries / Java
- OpenTripPlanner (⭐2.1k) - Open source multi-modal trip planner. (Wiki)
- GraphHopper (⭐4.9k) - Open source route planning library and server using OpenStreetMap. (Wiki)
Public APIs / Java
- overpass - Read-only API that serves up custom selected parts of the OSM map data. (Source Code (⭐709) / Wiki)
- planet.osm - Minutely/weekly/yearly/full dumps of osm data. (Wiki)
Miscellaneous / Java
- OpenGeofiction - A completely fictional user-made world map, created using the OSM software platform. (Wiki)
Video / Global
- State of the Map - YouTube channel of the State of the Map conference containing VoDs of talks. (Wiki)
Additional Resources / Websites
- - Extensive beginners' guide to editing OpenStreetMap. (Wiki)
- TeachOSM - Project assisting educators at all levels to introduce open source mapping and OpenStreetMap in the classroom. (Wiki)
Communities / Global Communities
- OpenStreetMap Community - Official forums hosted by the OpenStreetMap Foundation.
- r/openstreetmap - Inofficial Reddit forum dedicated to sharing OSM related links and news.
- “OpenStreetMap World” Discord - OSM related instant messaging and voice chat group.
Related lists / Global Communities
- awesome-maplibre (⭐397) - A collection of awesome things that use or support MapLibre!
27. Awesome Agriculture
Automation and Robotics
- Ant Robotics development from Ecoterra bot
- Acorn Rover precision farming rover, Odrive, Python.
- Earth Rover Ag AGV ROS1 precision farming rover
- EcoTerra Bot Delta & Rover
- FarmBot - Open source precision gardening project.
- Romi project Europe-funded research project
- ROS Agriculture - Open Source community focusing on using Robot Operating System to empower farmers with robotics tools.
- Weedinator Line following weeding robot
Machine Learning and AI / Shapefiles
- agridat (⭐123) - R package providing an extensive collection of datasets from agricultural experiments.
- Crop Yield Prediction (⭐385) - Deep gaussian process for crop yield prediction based on remote sensing data.
- Deep Learning for Biologists with Keras (⭐105) - Tutorials for deep learning based analysis (mainly) on biological relavent themes.
- PlantCV (⭐688) - Plant phenotyping software using computer vision.
28. Awesome Ansible
- Ansible Tutorial for Beginners: Playbook & Examples - Introduction to Ansible for beginners.
- php-ansible Library (⭐205) - OOP-Wrapper for Ansible, making Ansible available in PHP.
- TD4A (⭐213) - Design aid for building and testing jinja2 templates, combines data in yaml format with a jinja2 template and render the output.
- Ansible Playbook Grapher (⭐658) - Command line tool to create a graph representing your Ansible playbook plays, tasks and roles.
Playbooks, Roles and Collections / French
- BlueBanquise (⭐122) - An ansible coherent roles collection to deploy clusters.
29. Awesome Go
Miscellaneous Data Structures and Algorithms
- go-tuple (⭐84) - Generic tuple implementation for Go 1.18+.
Database Tools
- rdb (⭐474) - Redis RDB file parser for secondary development and memory analysis.
SQL Query Builders
- sqlc (⭐14k) - Generate type-safe code from SQL.
- Web-Mercator-Projection (⭐9) A project to easily use and convert LonLat, Point and Tile to display info, markers, etc, in a map using the Web Mercator Projection.
- goradd/html5tag (⭐11) - Library for outputting HTML5 tags.
Dependency Injection
- nject (⭐30) - A type safe, reflective framework for libraries, tests, http endpoints, and service startup.
HTTP Clients
- go-otelroundtripper (⭐83) - Go http.RoundTripper that emits open telemetry metrics for HTTP requests.
- reflectutils (⭐8) - Helpers for working with reflection: struct tag parsing; recursive walking; fill value from string.
- Coraza (⭐2.4k) - Enterprise-ready, modsecurity and OWASP CRS compatible WAF library.
- pointer (⭐42) - Package pointer contains helper routines for simplifying the creation of optional fields of basic type.
Routers / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- nchi (⭐16) - chi-like router built on httprouter with dependency injection based middleware wrappers
DevOps Tools / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- ko (⭐7.8k) - Command line tool for building and deploying Go applications on Kubernetes
30. Awesome Transit
GTFS Realtime Utilities / Rust
- GTFS Data Pipeline for TfNSW Bus Datasets (⭐8) - A data pipeline developed for the TfNSW's GTFS Static and Realtime datasets. The datasets generated using the pipeline have been used to validate the performance of TfNSW's Transit Signal Priority Request via Public Transport Information and Priority System (PTIPS).
31. Awesome Ada
Multimedia / Apache License
- canta - A tool to help to sing in tune.
32. Awesome Nosql Guides
Overview of NoSQL
- 10 NoSQL Misconceptions - Some misconceptions about NoSQL databases relating to topics such as what they are, ACID-compliance, and security.
- 10 Reasons Developers Love NoSQL - A list of ten arguments for why developers like to use NoSQL databases.
- NoSQL vs. SQL: Important Differences & Which One Is Best for Your Project (2021) - Upwork - Explanation comparing SQL and NoSQL databases, along with giving some advice on what database solution is right for your use case.
Data Structures and Modeling
- Data Models For MongoDB - Data modeling help specific to MongoDB, ranging from schema validation and example patterns. However, concepts may carry over to other document NoSQL databases.
33. Awesome Neovim
Utility / Diagnostics
- axieax/urlview.nvim (⭐236) - Browse all URLs in the current buffer.
Preconfigured Configuration / Diagnostics
- jrychn/moduleVim (⭐9) - A very easy to use for backend and frontend, install LSP automatically.
34. Awesome Db Tools
Schema / Changes
- Atlas (⭐6.4k) - Inspect and Apply changes to your database schema.
- Reshape (⭐1.7k) - An easy-to-use, zero-downtime schema migration tool for Postgres.
- sqldef (⭐2k) - Idempotent schema management for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and more.
Schema / Diagrams
- ERAlchemy (⭐1.2k) - Entity Relation Diagrams generation tool.
Schema / Documentations
- dbdocs - Create web-based database documentation using DSL code.
- DBML (⭐3k) - Database Markup Language, designed to define and document database structures.
- SchemaCrawler (⭐1.6k) - A free database schema discovery and comprehension tool.
- Schema Spy (⭐3.3k) - Generating your database to HTML documentation, including Entity Relationship diagrams.
- tbls (⭐3.6k) - CI-Friendly tool for document a database, written in Go.
Schema / Design
- DBDiagram - A free, simple tool to draw ER diagrams by just writing code.
- ERBuilder Data Modeler - Easy-to-use database modeling software for high-quality data models. It's a complete data modeling solution for data modelers and data architects.
- Navicat Data Modeler - A powerful and cost-effective database design tool which helps you build high-quality conceptual, logical and physical data models.
- Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler - Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler is a free graphical tool that enhances productivity and simplifies data modeling tasks.
- pgmodeler (⭐3.2k) - Data modeling tool designed for PostgreSQL.
Schema / Samples
- Oracle Database Sample Schemas (⭐778) - Oracle Database Sample Schemas.
API / Samples
- Datasette (⭐9.8k) - A tool for exploring and publishing data.
Application platforms / Samples
- Budibase (⭐23k) - Low-code platform for creating internal apps in minutes.
- Saltcorn (⭐1.8k) - Open source no-code builder for web datatabase applications. Server and drag-and-drop UI builder, data stored in PostgreSQL or SQLite.
Backup / Samples
- pgcopydb (⭐1.2k) - Copy a Postgres database to a target Postgres server (pg_dump | pg_restore on steroids).
Cloning / Samples
- Database Lab Engine - Instant thin cloning for Postgres to scale the development process.
- clone_schema (⭐180) - Postgres clone schema utility without need of going outside of database.
- Spawn - Cloud service for creating instant database copies for development and CI. No more local db installs, instant recovery to arbitrary save points, isolated copies for each feature branch or test. Instant provisioning regardless of database size.
Monitoring/Statistics/Perfomance / Samples
- pgbadger (⭐24) - A fast PostgreSQL Log Analyzer.
- Promscale (⭐1.3k) - The open-source observability backend for metrics and traces powered by SQL.
Testing / Zabbix
- SQLancer (⭐1.5k) - Automatically test DBMS in order to find logic bugs in their implementation.
HA/Failover/Sharding / Zabbix
- pgslice (⭐1.1k) - Postgres partitioning as easy as pie.
SQL / Über SQL
- CloudQuery (⭐6k) - Extracts, transforms, and loads your cloud assets into normalized PostgreSQL tables.
- csvq (⭐1.5k) - SQL-like query language for CSV.
- dsq (⭐3.8k) - Commandline tool for running SQL queries against JSON, CSV, Excel, Parquet, and more.
- OctoSQL (⭐5k) - Query tool that allows you to join, analyse and transform data from multiple databases and file formats using SQL.
- Resmo - Audit and evaluate resources using SQL.
- Steampipe (⭐7.2k) - Use SQL to instantly query your cloud services (AWS, Azure, GCP and more).
- TextQL (⭐9.1k) - Execute SQL against structured text like CSV or TSV.
- trdsql (⭐2.1k) - CLI tool that can execute SQL queries on CSV, LTSV, JSON and TBLN.
Data / Scripts
- dbt (⭐10k) - Transform your data by simply writing select statements, while dbt handles turning these statements into tables and views in a data warehouse.
Data / Generation/Masking/Subsetting
- Benerator (⭐146) - Generate, obfuscate (anonymize / pseudonymize) and migrate data for development, testing and training purposes.
- dbForge Data Generator for MySQL - Powerful GUI tool for creating massive volumes of realistic test data.
- dbForge Data Generator for Oracle - Small but mighty GUI tool for populating Oracle schemas with tons of realistic test data.
- dbForge Data Generator for SQL Server - Powerful GUI tool for a fast generation of meaningful test data for databases.
- Faker (⭐13k) - Generate massive amounts of fake data in the browser and Node.js.
- Noisia (⭐692) - Harmful workload generator for PostgreSQL.
- SB Data Generator - Simple and powerful tool to generate and populate selected tables or entire databases with realistic test data for your applications. Generate test data for: Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, SQLite, Azure SQL Database, Amazon Redshift and Amazon RDS.
Data / Replication
- dtle (⭐553) - Distributed Data Transfer Service for MySQL.
- Litestream (⭐11k) - Streaming replication for SQLite.
- pgsync (⭐3.2k) - Sync Postgres data between databases.
- pg_chameleon (⭐394) - MySQL to PostgreSQL replica system written in Python 3. The system use the library mysql-replication to pull the row images from MySQL which are stored into PostgreSQL as JSONB.
- PGDeltaStream (⭐254) - A Golang webserver to stream Postgres changes atleast-once over websockets, using Postgres logical decoding feature.
- repmgr (⭐1.6k) - The Most Popular Replication Manager for PostgreSQL.
Papers / Compare
- The "Database as Code" Manifesto (⭐100) - Treat your database as Code.
35. Awesome Fastapi
Utils / Other Tools
- FastAPI FeatureFlags (⭐58) - Simple implementation of feature flags for FastAPI.
36. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / Frameworks
- vue-admin-box (⭐1.8k) - The admin template based on vue3 and element-plus. Live demo
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- FormKit (⭐4.4k) - Vue 3 form development. 10x faster. Form inputs, validation, submission, error handling, generation, accessibility, theming, and more.
37. Awesome React Components
Form Components / Miscellaneous
- react-designer (⭐1.9k) - Easy to configure, lightweight, editable vector graphics in your react components.
Component Collections / Material Design
- lens-ui (⭐7) - docs (⭐7) - A Suit of components focused on simplicity.
38. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Command-line
- Pipeline
- hniksic/rust-subprocess (⭐426) [subprocess] - facilities for interaction with external pipelines
- imp/pager-rs [pager] - pipe your output through an external pager
- oconnor663/ (⭐862) [duct] - A builder for subprocess pipelines and IO redirection
- rust-cli/rexpect (⭐345) [rexpect] - automate interactive applications such as ssh, ftp, passwd, etc
- zhiburt/expectrl (⭐186) [expectrl] - A library for controlling interactive programs in a pseudo-terminal
39. Awesome Open Source Games
Browser-Based / Arcade
- Heal 'em All (⭐50) - Explore old, abandoned graveyard, heal as many zombies as you can, and find your way out. But be careful not to become one of them.
- Hyperspace Garbage Collector (⭐61) - Guide N4n through the dangerous trash-heap caverns to reach the Primary Systems Core and restore compliance to the Trash.
- Jekyll & Hyde Collide (⭐28) - Simple Unity 2d game that is very literally based around the theme of "change" using the classic Jeykll and Hyde story.
- JumpSuit (⭐47) - With your awesome suit, jump from planet to planet to conquer them.
- Mario 5 HTML (⭐490) - Infinite Mario in HTML5 JavaScript using Canvas and Audio elements.
- Mega Girl (⭐57) - The hyper-deluxed-super-mega software that beats back those malicious apps.
- Monster Wants Candy (⭐62) - Monster Wants Candy demo is a simple HTML5 game created with Phaser 2.0.7.
- Octocat Jump (⭐33) - Navigate your ever-jumping Octocat and collect stars for extra points.
- Onslaught Arena (⭐195) - Fight off hordes of classic medieval monsters in this fast paced arcade shooter.
- PolyBranch (⭐169) - Minimalist 3D game. Dodging branches may seem easy at first, let's see how long can you hold up as you approach terminal velocity.
- Save The Forest (⭐19) - Fully canvas based HTML5 game where a player has to extinguish fire on tress using his magical water tank in order to save the Burning Forests.
- Ski Free (⭐519) - Controls a skier on a mountain slope, avoiding obstacles while racing against time or performing stunts for points, depending on the game mode.
- Space-Shooter (⭐17) - Classic shoot'em up space shooter build in HTML5 with multiplayer.
- WPilot (⭐164) - Browser-based remake of the famous XPilot game, built with Node.js and HTML5.
Browser-Based / RPG
- Diablo JavaScript (⭐951) - Isometric minimal-code style game at HTML5 canvas and JavaScript.
- Room for Change (⭐139) - Randomly generated action RPG. You play as a chubby archeologist who is tasked to retrieve three sacred artifacts from the pyramid of the legendary Pharaohs.
Browser-Based / Strategy
- Ancient Beast (⭐1.7k) - Materialize and control beasts in order to defeat your opponents.
- Freeciv-web (⭐2k) - Build cities, collect resources, organize your government, and build an army, with the ultimate goal of creating the best civilization.
- Hexa Battle (⭐70) - Turn based dungeon crawler written with Typescript, using React and SVG.
Browser-Based / Racing
- HexGL (⭐1.6k) - Futuristic HTML5 racing game, challenge your friends on this fast-paced 3D game.
- Trigger Rally Online Edition (⭐327) - Fast arcade rally racing action, play in your browser with WebGL 3D graphics.
Browser-Based / Sandbox
- (⭐1.6k) - Goal was to build a city in 3D to test the performance of WebGL and and Three.js.
- Blk Game (⭐41) - Fully modifiable multiplayer voxel world in JS that can run efficiently in the browser.
- Cube Engine (⭐172) - Resembles that of Minecraft, a popular voxel-type 3D game based on boxes.
Browser-Based / Puzzle
- 2048 (⭐12k) - Clone of 1024, based on Saming's 2048.
- A Dark Room (⭐46) - Dodge and shoot the red targets, grabbing the bombs as you go. Survive as long as possible and try to get a high score.
- Orbium (⭐88) - Modern version of the 90's game Logical.
Frameworks/Engines/Libraries / IOS
- Cocos2d for HTML5 (⭐3.1k) - Cocos2d for Web Browsers. Built using JavaScript.
40. Awesome Json Datasets
41. Awesome Rtc
Server Software / Media Servers
- Jitsi - A collection of RTC open source projects, with a focus on conferencing software.
Operations / Monitoring
- WebRTC Troubleshooter (⭐440) - Self-hosted one stop client-side WebRTC troubleshooter.
Operations / Testing
- sipexer (⭐142) - Modern and flexible SIP command line tool.
Operations / Deployment
- slimswitch (⭐6) - Tooling for creating lean secure FreeSWITCH Docker images.
Operations / Web/API Interfaces
- Eqivo - Open source programmable-voice/telephony API platform.
- Fonoster (⭐5.4k) - Telecommunication stack built with Node.js.
- Wazo - VoIP API platform built on top of Asterisk, Kamailio and RTPEngine.
- jambonz - Open source CPaaS built for communications service providers.
- IVOZ Provider (⭐156) - Multitenant solution for VoIP telephony providers.
Developer Resources / C/C++ Libraries
- Sofia-SIP (⭐141) - Open source SIP library used by FreeSWITCH.
Events / Dart Libraries
- CommCon - Annual conference held in the UK focused on telecommunications in general and WebRTC in particular.
- FOSDEM - Free event for software developers, with a RTC component, held every year in Europe.
- JanusCon - JanusCon is a live event for Janus and RTC implementers.
- TADHack - Global hackathon focused on programmable communications.
Related Lists / Dart Libraries
- SIP Resources (⭐121) - Useful SIP resources curated by Kamailio's head developer.
42. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Booking and Scheduling
- - The open-source online appointment scheduling system. (Demo, Source Code (⭐34k))
43. Web Development Resources
Remote Jobs:
- Website:
44. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
- Android Tutorial - Tutorials Point (HTML, PDF)
C / Non-X86
- C Programming Tutorial - Tutorials Point (HTML, PDF)
Erlang / Phoenix
- Learn You Some Erlang For Great Good - Fred Hebert (HTML)
Flutter / Phoenix
- Flutter in Action - Eric Windmill (HTML) (email address requested, not required)
- Flutter Tutorial - Tutorials Point (HTML, PDF)
Go / Phoenix
- Go Tutorial - Tutorials Point (HTML, PDF)
JavaScript / Express.js
- The Express.js Handbook - Flavio Copes (PDF, EPUB, Kindle) (email address requested)
JavaScript / Next.js
- The Next.js Handbook - Flavio Copes (PDF, EPUB, Kindle) (email address requested)
JavaScript / Node.js
- The Node.js Handbook - Flavio Copes (PDF, EPUB, Kindle) (email address requested)
JavaScript / Vue.js
- The Vue.js Handbook - Flavio Copes (PDF, EPUB, Kindle) (email address requested)
Lua / PicoLisp
- Lua Tutorial - Tutorials Point (HTML, PDF)
MongoDB / PicoLisp
- Introduction to MongoDB - Tutorials Point (HTML, PDF)
Odin / PicoLisp
PostgreSQL / Zend
- PostgreSQL Tutorial - Tutorials Point (HTML, PDF)
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- Python Tutorial - Tutorials Point (HTML, PDF)
Python / Flask
- Python Flask Tutorial - Tutorials Point (HTML, PDF)
Scala / Sinatra
- Scala Tutorial - Tutorials Point (HTML, PDF)
Solidity / Play Scala
- Introductory guide for Solidity - Tutorials Point (HTML)
SQL (implementation agnostic) / Play Scala
- SQLite Tutorial (HTML, PDF)
TypeScript / Deno
- The Deno Handbook - Flavio Copes (PDF, EPUB, Kindle) (email address requested)
45. Awesome Embedded Rust
Community / Community Chat Rooms
- - For discussion of using Embedded Rust on Espressif devices
Books, blogs, and training materials / Free and public materials
- The Rust on ESP Book - This book aims to provide a comprehensive guide on using the Rust programming language with Espressif SoCs and modules.
- Embedded Rust programming playlist Various livestreams with Embedded Rust live coding
Peripheral Access Crates / Espressif
HAL implementation crates / Espressif
- An embedded-hal implementation for Rust on ESP32 microcontrollers and ESP-IDF
- A
Hardware Abstraction Layers for ESP32 microcontrollers
- A
Board support crates / STMicroelectronics
Beginner-oriented support crate for the Nucleo H743ZI and Nucleo H743ZI2
46. Awesome Fiber
⚙️ Middlewares / 🌱 Third Party
- shareed2k/fiber_tracing (⭐12) - Middleware trace requests on Fiber framework with OpenTracing API.
- shareed2k/fiber_limiter (⭐13) - Limiter using redis as store for rate limit with two algorithms for choosing sliding window, gcra leaky bucket.
- ansrivas/fiberprometheus (⭐183) - Prometheus middleware for gofiber.
- sacsand/gofiber-firebaseauth (⭐24) - Fiber Firebase Auth Middleware.
- aschenmaker/fiber-health-check (⭐10) - Health-check middleware support health-check for Fiber️ framework.
- elastic/apmfiber (⭐423) - APM Agent for Go Fiber.
- eozer/fiber_ldapauth (⭐4) - LDAP Authentication Middleware for Fiber.
🚧 Boilerplates / 🌱 Third Party
- gofiber/boilerplate (⭐444) - Official fiber boilerplate.
- fiber-boilerplate (⭐278) - A boilerplate for the Fiber web framework.
- sujit-baniya/fiber-boilerplate (⭐418) - Boilerplate on the top of fiber web framework with many middlewares and features.
- create-go-app/fiber-go-template (⭐995) - Fiber backend template for Create Go App CLI.
- embedmode/fiberseed (⭐39) - Fiber boilerplate api with many middlewares.
📁 Recipes / 🌱 Third Party
- kiyonlin/fiblar-demo (⭐3) - Fiber v1 + angular demo.
- koddr/tutorial-go-fiber-rest-api (⭐385) - Tutorial for building a restful api with fiber.
- firebase007/go-rest-api-with-fiber (⭐56) - Demo project with fiber, logging, basicAuth and postgresql.
- chawk/go_fiber_quickstart (⭐18) - Fiber quick start example project.
- EricLau1/go-fiber-auth-api (⭐53) - Golang Authentication API with Fiber MongoDB and JWT.
🤖 Benchmarks / 🌱 Third Party
- TechEmpower - Project provides performance measures across a wide field of web application frameworks.
- web-frameworks-benchmark - Project aims to measure the differences between the various programming language frameworks.
- go-web-framework-benchmark (⭐2.1k) - This benchmark suite aims to compare the performance of Go web frameworks.
47. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Problem Solving / Reinforcement Learning
- SUNRISE: A Simple Unified Framework for Ensemble Learning in Deep Reinforcement Learning - ICML'21, 2021. [All Versions]. [Code (⭐124)].
- Automatic curriculum learning for deep RL: a short survey - IJCAI'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- TeachMyAgent: a Benchmark for Automatic Curriculum Learning in Deep RL - ICML'21, 2021. [All Versions]. [Project (⭐69)].
48. Awesome Osint
Social Media Tools / Facebook
- Facebook Friend List Scraper (⭐264) - Tool for scraping large Facebook friend lists without being rate-limited.
Web History and Website Capture / Steam
- waybackpy (⭐509) - Python package & CLI tool that interfaces the Wayback Machine APIs.
49. Awesome Quant
Python / Trading & Backtesting
- TA-Lib (⭐10k) - Python wrapper for TA-Lib (
- zipline (⭐18k) - Pythonic algorithmic trading library.
Python / Time Series
- gluon-ts (⭐4.7k) - vProbabilistic time series modeling in Python.
Python / Data Sources
- pystlouisfed (⭐16) - Python client for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis API - FRED, ALFRED, GeoFRED and FRASER.
- python-bcb (⭐84) - Python interface to Brazilian Central Bank web services.
R / Numerical Libraries & Data Structures
- xts (⭐220) - eXtensible Time Series: Provide for uniform handling of R's different time-based data classes by extending zoo, maximizing native format information preservation and allowing for user level customization and extension, while simplifying cross-class interoperability.
- data.table (⭐3.6k) - Extension of data.frame: Fast aggregation of large data (e.g. 100GB in RAM), fast ordered joins, fast add/modify/delete of columns by group using no copies at all, list columns and a fast file reader (fread). Offers a natural and flexible syntax, for faster development.
R / Data Sources
- Rblpapi (⭐167) - An R Interface to 'Bloomberg' is provided via the 'Blp API'.
- Rbitcoin (⭐57) - Unified markets API interface (bitstamp, kraken, btce, bitmarket).
- GetTDData (⭐23) - Downloads and aggregates data for Brazilian government issued bonds directly from the website of Tesouro Direto.
- GetHFData (⭐40) - Downloads and aggregates high frequency trading data for Brazilian instruments directly from Bovespa ftp site.
- Reddit WallstreetBets API - Provides daily top 50 stocks from reddit (subreddit) Wallstreetbets and their sentiments via the API.
- td (⭐16) - Interfaces the 'twelvedata' API for stocks and (digital and standard) currencies.
- rbcb (⭐92) - R interface to Brazilian Central Bank web services.
R / Financial Instruments and Pricing
- portfolio (⭐15) - Analysing equity portfolios.
- credule (⭐6) - Credit Default Swap Functions.
- PortfolioAnalytics (⭐83) - Portfolio Analysis, Including Numerical Methods for Optimizationof Portfolios.
- fmbasics (⭐12) - Financial Market Building Blocks.
- R-fixedincome (⭐54) - Fixed income tools for R.
R / Trading
- TTR (⭐334) - Technical Trading Rules.
R / Risk Analysis
- PerformanceAnalytics (⭐214) - Econometric tools for performance and risk analysis.
R / Time Series
- rugarch (⭐25) - Univariate GARCH Models.
- rmgarch (⭐14) - Multivariate GARCH Models.
R / Calendars
- bizdays (⭐55) - Business days calculations and utilities
Julia / FrameWorks
- Miletus.jl (⭐87) - A financial contract definition, modeling language, and valuation framework.
Reproducing Works, Training & Books / Data Visualization
- Machine-Learning-for-Asset-Managers (⭐499) - Implementation of code snippets, exercises and application to live data from Machine Learning for Asset Managers (Elements in Quantitative Finance) written by Prof. Marcos López de Prado.
- Prev: Apr 04 - Apr 10, 2022
- Next: Mar 21 - Mar 27, 2022