Awesome List Updates on Dec 13, 2022
22 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Mirth
Official Docs & Quickstarts
- 🔧 Docker Images (⭐81) - Official Docker Image.
Client API
- 🔧 Python Interface (⭐5) - A basic async Python interface for Mirth Connect.
- 🔧 C# API (⭐3) - MirthConnect API for mirth 3.8+.
- 🔧 Mirth-Jest-Framework (⭐3) - repository to perform unit-testing for mirth scripts outside/inside mirthconnect tool.
2. Awesome Chatgpt
Using ChatGPT in other apps
3. Awesome Remote Job
Companies with "remote DNA"
- Svix - Open source and hosted webhook service so you can launch webhooks in days, not months.
4. Awesome Cl
- bit-smasher (⭐55) - Common Lisp library for handling bit vectors, bit vector arithmetic, and type conversions. MIT.
- shasht (⭐54) - Common Lisp JSON reading and writing for the Kzinti. MIT.
- " Shasht is one of the two new libraries that I particularly like and is already in quicklisp. It is fast, it handles null correctly, it encodes CLOS objects, structures and hash-tables. It can also do incremental encoding." Sabra Crolleton.
5. Awesome Javascript
Web Worker / Runner
- partytown (⭐13k) - Relocate resource intensive third-party scripts off of the main thread and into a web worker.
- comlink (⭐12k) - Comlink is a tiny library (1.1kB), that removes the mental barrier of thinking about postMessage and hides the fact that you are working with workers.
- greenlet (⭐4.7k) - Move an async function into its own thread.
- workerize (⭐4.4k) - Moves a module into a Web Worker, automatically reflecting exported functions as asynchronous proxies.
- worker-dom (⭐3.2k) - An in-progress implementation of the DOM API intended to run within a Web Worker.
- threads.js (⭐3.4k) - Offload CPU-intensive tasks to worker threads in node.js, web browsers and electron using one uniform API.
- workly (⭐1.9k) - A really simple way to move a function or class to a web worker.
- stockroom (⭐1.8k) - Offload your store management to a worker easily.
- workerpool (⭐2.1k) - Offload tasks to a pool of workers on node.js and in the browser.
- clooney (⭐1.4k) - Clooney is an actor library for the web. Use workers without thinking about workers.
6. Awesome Readme
- dbt-labs/dbt-core (⭐10k) - Project banner, super clear description (friendly to people brand new to the product), screenshot of the docs the tool generates, and concise links to other comprehensive pages explaining Getting Started, Joining the dbt Community, Bug Reports, Code Contribution, and Code of Conduct
- refinedev/refine (⭐30k) - Clean project logo. Brief description at top. Multiple badges. Usage description and examples. Use cases and demo links. Screenshots. Key Features. Contributors. Stargazers. Contribution guidelines.
7. Awesome Vite
Get Started
- create-nx-workspace (⭐25k) - Scaffolding a Nx + React + Vite + Vitest.
Templates / React
- react-vite-template (⭐29) - A react project template.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Transformers
- vite-plugin-optimize-css-modules (⭐38) - Generate the smallest possible CSS-Classes when CSS-Modules are used.
8. Awesome Neovim
Motion / Diagnostics
- cbochs/portal.nvim (⭐353) - Build upon and enhance existing jumplist motions (i.e.
9. Awesome Sitecore
- Sitecore Module Docker Asset Image Creator (⭐9) - A script to handle the auto-creation of a Docker Asset Image for a given Sitecore module
Content Hub
- VS Solution Example for Content Hub (⭐8) - A visual Studio Solution Example to download and base any Content Hub Development on, featuring Intellisense, Sync of scripts, Debugging and Unit-Testing.
XM Cloud
- Play Summit (⭐21) - Play Summit demo featuring XM Cloud, Content Hub DAM, CMP, Next.js with Versel hosting, etc.
- XM Cloud Introduction (⭐48) - A codebase for a series of XM Cloud sites managed by the Technical Marketing Team at Sitecore: new MVP website along with 3 websites of SUGCON events.
- Developer Portal (⭐31) - The Sitecore developer portal built with Next.js, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, and hosted on Vercel, uses static site generation to create all the pages at build time. It also utilizes Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) to automatically update the app when changes to page content are made. With much of the page content written in Markdown and converted to HTML at build time, images are however used and managed in Sitecore DAM and published to a CDN.
- Sitecore Demo Edge (⭐28) - A repository used for the primary Sitecore Edge for Content Hub and Experience Management.
- SVG Images for JSS (⭐0) - Adds support for images rendered by SVG tags in Sitecore JSS.
- Sample (⭐28) - A headless sample TODO
- ASP.NET 2.0 Membership Database as Identity Server User Store (⭐1) - Validate user logins and passwords against an existing ASP.NET 2.0 membership database containing user data for existing systems.
- Terminal DevEx Improvements (⭐9) - A Sitecore branded Windows Terminal and VS Code Theme and Profile to unlock helpful tooling for working with XM Cloud such as autocompletion, command history list and directory improvements.
- Sitecore Services Client Publish (⭐1) - A Web API method to securely trigger a Sitecore publish of an item or tree.
10. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- AIaC (⭐3.6k) - Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure-as-Code Generator
11. Awesome Fuzzing
Papers / The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)
Papers / IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P)
Papers / USENIX Security
Papers / ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS)
Papers / The others
12. Awesome Vehicle Security
- Remote Exploitation of Honda Cars - The Honda Connect app used by Honda City 5th generation used weak security mechanisms in its APIs for access control which would allow a malicious user to perform actions like starting the car, locking/unlocking car etc. remotely by interacting with it's Telematics Control Unit (TCU)
- Automotive Security Research Group - The Automotive Security Research Group (ASRG) is a non-profit initiative to promote the development of security solutions for automotive products.
Libraries and Tools / Python
- canTot (⭐132) - A python-based cli framework based on sploitkit and is easy to use because it similar to working with Metasploit. This similar to an exploit framework but focused on known CAN Bus vulnerabilities or fun CAN Bus hacks.
13. Awesome Eslint
Configs / Configs by Well-Known Companies/Organizations
- Feedzai (⭐8) - Feedzai's shareable config for JavaScript/React projects.
14. Awesome Dos
Development tools
- Open Watcom - Formerly commercial C/C++ development environment for 16- and 32-bit DOS and
Windows. The current official version is 1.9. A GitHub fork is also available. Used for Doom I-II, Warcraft I-II, Duke Nukem 3D, Full Throttle, Dark Forces and Retro City Rampage.
- The documentation is very valuable in order to understand working with both version 1.9 and the V2 fork.
- Arch Wiki page
- Programmer's Heaven (InfoMagic)(March 1997) CD-ROM - Source code and files for the following topics: MS-DOS, networking, C, C++, Pascal, Visual Basic, Delphi, 3D, PC speaker, Soundblaster, Gravis Ultrasound, MIDI and many more.
Sound / SVGA
- Programming Sound Cards CD - A 1995 CD-ROM containing source code for Adlib, Gravis, Pro-Audio, Roland and Sound Blaster sound cards. The description for the folders on the CD-ROM is listed on the back of the CD-ROM case.
Open source DOS games / Homebrew games with source code
- Plutonium Caverns (⭐10) - Overhead puzzle game written in C. Web version uses DOSBox ported to Emscripten (⭐1.2k) to embed DOSBox into HTML5. However, the original executable is also downloadable and buildable with Open Watcom.
15. Awesome Ios
- ScalingHeaderScrollView - A scroll view with a sticky header which shrinks as you scroll. Written with SwiftUI.
- locheck (⭐100) - Validate .strings, .stringsdict, and strings.xml files for correctness to avoid crashes and bad translations.
16. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects / Messaging and social media
- Retrospring, #2, #3 - A social network following the Q/A (question and answer) principle.
17. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Courses and Educational Materials
- Welcome to the 🤗 Deep Reinforcement Learning Course: a Hugging Face Course on Deep Reinforcement Learning
Prompt Engineering / Prompt Engineering for Text-to-image
- Stable Diffusion Prompt Book — Stability.Ai: prompt book for Stable Diffusion v2.0 and v2.1 released by Stability.AI
18. Awesome Quantified Self
Applications and Platforms / Fitness
- OpenTracks - Privacy-respecting offline-capable fitness activity tracker (Android).
Applications and Platforms / Habits
- Emoji Log - Track habits without streaks using emoji.
Applications and Platforms / Wealth
- Lunch Money - Web app to import transactions, categorize, and budget.
19. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Ticketing
- ITFlow - Client IT Documentation, Ticketing, Invoicing and Accounting Web Application for MSPs (Managed Service Providers). (Demo, Source Code (⭐654))
20. Awesome Flame
App Releases / Arcade
- Oh Dash! - Android, iOS - Play a fast paced arcade game by dodging various hazards and try to be top player on the world! - By Davi Bispo
21. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- gus (⭐0) - Hackable transient theme. Includes decorators for conda,
information and current directory.
22. Awesome Social Enterprise
Courses 🎓 / Articles
- Becoming a Social Entrepreneur: Getting Started - By University Of Michigan.
- Prev: Dec 14, 2022
- Next: Dec 12, 2022