Awesome List Updates on Dec 11, 2022
73 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Job Boards
Programming / Python
Programming / Ruby
- RubyOnRemote - Remote jobs for Ruby developers
Remote / TypeScript
- - Remote jobs for people located in France
Various / United Kingdom
- - Greentech related jobs
2. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Concepts / Human Concept Representation
- Structuring Knowledge with Cognitive Maps and Cognitive Graphs - Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2021. [All Versions]. Russel Epstein's review on evidence suggesting that both map-like and graph-like representations exist in the mind/brain that rely on partially overlapping neural systems.
Problem Solving / Reinforcement Learning
- Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning - Nature, 2015. [All Versions]. The original paper on solving Atari games via Deep Q-Network.
- On the Expressivity of Markov Reward - NeurIPS'21, 2021. [All Versions]. A formal treatment of tasks and rewards in reinforcement learning modeling.
System 1 & System 2 / Neural-Symbolic AI
- Bridging Machine Learning and Logical Reasoning by Abductive Learning. - NeurIPS'19, 2019. [All Versions]. [Slides]. [Code (⭐99)]. The original paper on Abductive Learning, a derivative-free approach for neuro-symbolic learning.
- Classification-by-Components: Probabilistic Modeling of Reasoning over a Set of Components - NeurIPS'19, 2019. [All Versions].
- Visual Concept-Metaconcept Learning - NeurIPS'19, 2019. [All Versions].
Explainability / Explainable Deep Learning
- This Looks Like That: Deep Learning for Interpretable Image Recognition - NeurIPS'19, 2019. [All Versions].
Commonsense / Intuitive Physics
- PHYRE: A New Benchmark for Physical Reasoning - NeurIPS'19, 2019. [All Versions]. A benchmark for AI physical reasoning.
Knowledge Representation / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Unsupervised Structure Learning of Stochastic And-Or Grammars - NeurIPS'13, 2013. [All Versions].
Learning with Cognitive Plausibility / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality - NeurIPS'13, 2013. [All Versions].
3. Awesome Cyber Security University
Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 1 - Tools
- IntroSIEM - Introduction to SIEM.
Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 2 - Security Operations, Incident Response & Threat Hunting
- Hunt Conti with Splunk - An Exchange server was compromised with ransomware. Use Splunk to investigate how the attackers compromised the server.
4. Awesome Embedded Rust
Tools / Paid and commercially available materials
- cargo-bloat (⭐2.4k) Find out what takes most of the space in your executable.
- cargo-call-stack Static, whole program stack usage analyzer.
- cargo-dfu Cargo extension for flashing embedded rust programs via DFU.
5. Awesome V
- ssh-config - A V library for parsing SSH config files.
6. Awesome Coq
Resources / Course Material
- Mechanized Semantics (⭐64) - Companion Coq sources for a course on programming language semantics at Collège de France.
7. Awesome Java
Configuration / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Externalized Properties (⭐27) - Lightweight yet powerful configuration library which supports resolution of properties from external sources and an extensible post-processing/conversion mechanism.
Messaging / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Deezpatch (⭐42) - Simple, lightweight, and performant dispatch library for decoupling messages (requests and events) and message handlers.
Miscellaneous / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Svix (⭐2.4k) - Library for the Svix API to send webhooks and verify signatures.
Monitoring / Text-Based User Interfaces
- HertzBeat (⭐5.6k) - Real-time monitoring system with custom-monitor and agentless.
Template Engine / Other
- jstachio (⭐261) - Typesafe Mustache templating engine.
8. Awesome Cpp
- clipp (⭐1.2k) - Easy to use, powerful and expressive command line argument handling for C++11/14/17 contained in a single header file. [MIT]
- Argon2 (⭐4.9k) - The password hash Argon2, winner of PHC. [CC0/Apache2]
9. Awesome Elm
Examples / Other editors
- Conway's Game of Life (⭐0) - Elm implementation of Conway's Game of Life. Elm v.0.19
10. Awesome Ruby
Game Development and Graphics
- Taylor (⭐102) - Taylor is a game engine built using mruby and raylib.
11. Awesome Go
Authentication and OAuth
- jwt-go (⭐7.5k) - A full featured implementation of JSON Web Tokens (JWT). This library supports the parsing and verification as well as the generation and signing of JWTs.
Style Guides / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
12. Awesome Rust
Applications / Audio and Music
- WhatBPM (⭐80) - A daily statically generated information resource for electronic dance music producers. Provides daily analytics on the most frequently used values for each EDM genre: tempos, keys, root notes, and so on, using publicly available data such as Beatport and Spotify.
13. Awesome Python Typing
Articles / Third-party articles
- Python Type Checking (Guide) - In this guide, you will get a look into Python type checking.
14. Awesome Swift
- MediaPicker (⭐333) - SwiftUI customizable media picker - supports camera and gallery with albums
Transition / Barcode
- LiquidSwipe (⭐531) - Liquid navigation animation
15. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Libraries
- Tailwind CSS (⭐1.5k) - Linting rules for Tailwind CSS classnames.
Formatters / Testing Tools
- html (⭐35) - A enhanced ESLint formatter.
16. Awesome Javascript
Storage / Runner
- proxy-web-storage (⭐382) - Keep the type of storage value unchanged and change array and object directly. Supports listening to the changes and setting expires.
17. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Examples
- zed-ros2-examples (⭐23) - Examples and tutorials use the ZED cameras in the ROS2.
- realsense-ros:ros2-branch (⭐2.1k) - ROS2 Wrapper for Intel® RealSense™ Devices
Packages / Ecosystem
- urdfdom (⭐84) - URDF (U-Robot Description Format) library which provides core data structures and a simple XML parser
- urdfdom_headers (⭐24) - Headers for URDF parsers.
Packages / Driver layer
- duro_gps_driver (⭐9) - ROS/ROS2 driver for SwiftNav Duro Inertial GPS / GNSS receivers
18. Awesome Dotnet
- Jodo.Numerics (⭐13) - Provides extra number types (such as fixed-point and non-overflowing numbers) with full support for operators, math, string-parsing etc. Extensively tested, and cross-platform compatible.
19. Awesome Raspberry Pi
Articles / iOS
- 10 Years of Raspberry Pi - collections on 10 Years of Raspberry Pi, showcasing the most popular libraries across hobbyist uses cases, home automation, IoT, OS and utilities.
20. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Command Line Tools
- Warp - Warp is a blazingly fast, rust-based terminal reimagined from the ground up to work like a modern app.
21. Awesome Ebpf
Projects Related to eBPF / Tools
- inspektor-gadget (⭐2.3k) - A collection of eBPF-based tools to debug and inspect Kubernetes resources and applications.
22. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Sigma File Manager (⭐3.8k) - Modern file manager.
23. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Web
- nacular/doodle - A pure Kotlin UI framework for the Web (and Desktop)
Libraries/Frameworks / Multiplatform
- nacular/measured (⭐163) - Type-safe, intuitive units of measure
Projects / Examples
- TobseF/Candy-Crush-Clone (⭐136) - A Kotlin Multiplatform match 3 sample game build to teach, made with KorGE.
24. Awesome Lowcode
- Vertex-AI - Build, deploy, and scale machine learning (ML) models faster, with fully managed ML tools for any use case.
- OneSimpleAPI - A toolbox with all the things you need to get your no-code project to success: PDF generation, Currency Exchange, QR codes, Screenshots, and more.
Flow-based programming
- Pipedream - Connect APIs, remarkably fast with no code. And with code-level control when you need it.
- Runnable - A low-code framework for building user-facing internal workflows.
Visual programming
- AWS Application Composer - Visually design and build serverless applications quickly.
- Linx - General-purpose low-code platform for building custom backends APIs, automations and integrations
25. Awesome Ansible
- Ansible Tutorials for Beginners and Advanced - Workshop on multiple topics with different levels of difficulty.
- Steampunk Spotter - Provides an Assisted Automation Writing tool that analyzes and offers recommendations for your Ansible Playbooks.
Blog posts and opinions / French
- Apprendre et Maitriser Ansible l'outil de gestion de configuration - A large of courses on Ansible in French.
Editor and IDE Integrations / French
- Ansible Language Server (⭐249) - Language Server that adds support for Ansible, to compatible Editors.
- VS Code - official Ansible Extension - Adds language support for Ansible to Visual Studio Code and OpenVSX compatible editors by leveraging ansible-language-server.
26. Awesome Scientific Computing
Basic linear algebra
- BLAS - Standard building blocks for performing basic vector and matrix operations. (Fortran, public domain, GitHub (⭐1.5k))
- LAPACK - Routines for solving systems of linear equations, linear least-squares, eigenvalue problems, etc. (Fortran, BSD, GitHub (⭐1.5k))
Visualization / Mesh tools
- F3D - Cross-platform, fast, and minimalist 3D viewer with scientific visualization tools. (C++, BSD, GitHub (⭐2.9k))
Community / Mesh tools
- Jack Dongarra's software list - List of freely available software for the solution of linear algebra problems.
- NA Digest - Collection of articles on topics related to numerical analysis and those who practice it.
27. Awesome Parasite
- Mammal Diversity Database - Mammal taxonomic authority maintained by American Society of Mammalogists. Versions are updated and recorded on Zenodo. Full desrciption by Burgin et al. (2018).
28. Awesome Jupyter
- hvplot - A familiar and high-level API for data exploration and visualization in Jupyter.
29. Awesome Magento2
Development Utilities
- Dot Env (⭐13) - Magento 2 Environment Variable Component - Implementing Symfony Dotenv.
- Rest Client (⭐11) - Technical Magento 2 module providing simple development pattern, configurations and optimizations to make REST API requests toward external services based on Guzzle Client.
- Disable Search Engine (⭐85) - Disable Elasticsearch and fulltext indexing for category search.
30. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Ethics, Philosophical questions and Discussions about Generative AI
- AI Data Laundering - How Academic and Nonprofit Researchers Shield Tech Companies from Accountability
- [🔥🔥🔥] (1232) The End of Art: An Argument Against Image AIs - YouTube: video essay by Steven Zapata
- [🔥🔥🔥] The End of Art: An Argument Against Image AIs (Public) - Google Docs: transcript of the video essay by Steven Zapata
Courses and Educational Materials
- The Illustrated Stable Diffusion by Jay Alammar: "gentle introduction [on] how Stable Diffusion works"
- [🔥]johnowhitaker/tglcourse (⭐134): The Generative Landscape - a course on generative modelling (currently unfinished)
Inbox: Stable Diffusion / Multi-agents
- InvokeAI: Stable Diffusion Toolkit and application that runs Windows, Mac and Linux machines, and on GPU cards with as little as 4 GB or RAM
- REST API Documentation: service provided by DreamStudio authentication required to access this REST API
Inbox: Stable Diffusion / Stable Diffusion Deployed Web Tools
- free AI art generator that supports Stable Diffusion txt2img and img2img generation, drawing and inpainting
- Playground AI: frontend for Stable Diffusion with 1000 image generations per day
- stable diffusion GUI App
Hypertechniques / DreamBooth
- AI Profile Pictures: paid service for generating profile pictures using AI
31. Awesome Falsehood
- Twenty five thousand dollars of funny money - Same error as above at Google Ads, or the danger of separating your pennies from your dollars, where $250 internal coupons turned into $25,000. My advice: get rid of integers and floats for monetary values. Use decimals. Or fallback to strings and parse them, don't validate.
- Minutiae of company names - How the rules of the State of Delaware and the IRS does not intersects.
Software Engineering
- Falsehoods about Undefined Behavior - Invoking undefined behavior can cause anything to happen, for a much broader definition of "anything" than one might think.
- I am endlessly fascinated with content tagging systems - There are edge-cases even in tagging systems which are supposed to be barebone.
32. Awesome Cheminformatics
Libraries / Machine Learning
- DGL-LifeSci (⭐667) - DGL-LifeSci is a DGL-based package for various applications in life science with graph neural network.
33. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Public Data Resources / Built Environment
- National Structures Inventory - A dataset intended to provide access to consistent, and nationally available point based structure inventories with attribution to support evaluation of consequences from natural and man-made hazards.
Public Data Resources / Climate
- ClimRR - This portal empowers individuals, governments, and organizations to examine simulated future climate conditions at mid- and end-of-century for a range of climate perils.
Vendor Data Resources / Infrastructure
- Cyclomedia - Cyclomedia captures accurate visual data including imagery and LIDAR at street level and transforms it into valuable insights.
Planning Coding Resources / Python
- Peartree (⭐203) - Peartree helps explore GTFS data and their network characteristics.
Planning Coding Resources / R
- r5r (⭐184) - Is an R package for rapid realistic routing on multimodal transport networks (walk, bike, public transport and car) leveraging the Conveyal R5 routing engine.
Educational and Informational Resources / Podcasts
- The Urban Planner's Podcast - This podcast is for urban planners, urban planning students and those interested in the topic of urban planning.
34. Awesome Graphql
Databases / React
- Cube - Headless BI for building data applications with SQL, REST, and GraphQL API. Connect any database or data warehouse and instantly get a GraphQL API with sub-second latency on top of it. - Source Code (⭐18k)
Posts / React
35. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems
- Tiledesk - All-in-one customer engagement platform from lead-gen to post-sales, from WhatsApp to your website. With omni-channel live agents and AI-powered chatbots (alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, and Tidio). (Source Code (⭐190))
Software / Knowledge Management Tools
- TeamMapper (⭐285) - Host and create your own mindmaps. Share your mindmap sessions with your team and collaborate live on mindmaps. (Demo)
Software / Miscellaneous
- Speed Test by OpenSpeedTest™ - Free & Open-Source HTML5 Network Performance Estimation Tool. (Source Code (⭐2.4k))
Software / Pastebins
- Yopass (⭐1.9k) - Secure sharing of secrets, passwords and files. (Demo)
Software / Polls and Events
- docassemble - A free, open-source expert system for guided interviews and document assembly, based on Python, YAML, and Markdown. (Demo, Source Code (⭐802))
36. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- - Collaborative data notebooks that execute script-like and allow to fetch and send data via SQL, API, and many custom blocks, like Slack and Email. Free for small Teams.
Log Management
- — Audit trail management system. Free 1,000 user activity logs per month, 1-month retention, for up to 5 projects.
- - 99% of all the features are free. The free tier lets you have: unlimited forms, unlimited submissions, email notifications, form logic, collect payments, file upload, custom thank you page, and many more.
Web Hosting
- MDB GO - Free hosting for one project with two weeks Container TTL, 500 MB RAM per project, SFTP - 1G disk space.
Storage and Media Processing
- - Accelerate your site's speed on autopilot with complete front-end optimization (caching, images and code optimization, CDN). Free for up to 5,000 pageviews/month
Design and UI
- Lucide - Free customizable and consistent SVG icon toolkit.
Game Development
- Kenney - Free (CC0 1.0 Universal licensed) 2D, 3D, Audio, and UI game assets.
37. Awesome Rest
Querying / Symfony2
- Step CI (⭐1.7k) - Open-source framework for API Quality Assurance, which tests REST, GraphQL and gRPC automated and from Open API spec.
38. Awesome List
Front-End Development
- Master CSS (⭐28) - A virtual CSS language with enhanced syntax.
39. Awesome Geojson
- betterknown (⭐38): convert WKT to GeoJSON (successor to wellknown)
40. Awesome Healthcare
Contents / EHR
- Medplum (⭐1.2k) - Developer platform that enables flexible and rapid development of healthcare apps.
Contents / Specifications
- OHDSI OMOP Common Data Model - Standardized data model for many healthcare concepts, awesome Github presence including scripts for many major relational databases.
Contents / Imaging
- Omero (⭐187) - open source client/server system written in Java for visualizing, managing, and annotating microscope images and metadata
- OpenSlide (⭐383) - is a C library for reading whole slide image files.
- Viv (⭐258) - multiscale visualization of high-resolution multiplexed bioimaging data on the web.
Contents / Libraries
- Rust FHIR (⭐14) - Rust SDK for HL7 FHIR
Contents / Data
- Cedar (⭐8) - Open source tool for testing the strength of Electronic Clinical Quality Measure.
41. Awesome Flame
Articles by YayoCode
- 8. Collisions with animated sprites - (2022-12-02).
42. Awesome Libgdx
Resources / Audio
- TuningFork (⭐31) - Advanced 3D audio features for libGDX desktop users.
- gdx-miniaudio (⭐50) - Advanced Cross Platform Audio Engine for libGDX based on MiniAudio.
- gdx-sfx (⭐20) - Some goodies for better sound effects in libGDX.
- gdx-pd (⭐27) - Pure Data extension for libGDX.
43. Awesome Minecraft
Server Plugins / Building
- Connect - Open shared Minecraft network for advertising public and local host servers.
Softwares / Servers
- Gate (⭐604) - A high performance & paralleled Minecraft proxy written in Go.
44. Awesome Construct
Games Showcase
- Games on - List of games made with the engine.
- Vercel - Platform where to host an exported game as a static website or cloud functions - Free/Paid.
- FrameworkJS for Construct2 - Use Construct 2 to develop apps [in development]
- Chowdren - Blazingly fast runtime for Clickteam Fusion and Scirra Construct.
45. Awesome PICO 8
Contents / Hardware
- PocketChip - A handheld designed for playing and coding anywhere. Officially supported by pico-8. PoketChip version of pico-8
Contents / Clones
- LowRes NX - Fantasy Console available on IOS, MacOS, Windows, Linux, and GameShell (BASIC code support)
46. Awesome Love2d
- loveprofiler (⭐8) - LoveProfiler is an extremely simple logger and profiler.
- Resolution Solution - Scale library, that help you add resolution support to your games!
- ecs-lua (⭐170) - ECS Lua is a fast and easy to use ECS (Entity Component System) engine for game development.
- lua-state-machine (⭐365) - Lua Finite State Machine.
- Scenery (⭐24) - A dead simple scene/state management system.
- Kazari (⭐10) - Multitouch gesture and input library.
- NAniTe (⭐45) - Timeline-based animation system that supports forward and backward update.
- YUI - Declarative UI library for LÖVE.
47. Awesome Ironsworn
Hacks and homebrew / Ironsworn
- Iron Degenerates - Bringing the Dungeon Degenerates setting to Ironsworn
- Your Legends of Iron - Zelda-themed truths for Ironsworn
48. Awesome Game Engine Dev
Game Engines / Commercial
- 💰 AppGameKit - Easy and quick game making by TheGameCreators.
Libraries / Lua
- 📚 Awesome Lua (⭐3.8k) - Awesome Lua packages and resources.
49. Awesome Inertiajs
Resources / Examples
- Ping CRM / Preact (⭐2) - Demonstration application made with Laravel Preact.
50. Awesome Yew
- (⭐100) - Realtime Event/Meetup Q&A Platform. Live at
Crates / Wasm
- tauri-sys (⭐98) - Raw bindings to the Tauri API for projects using wasm-bindgen.
Crates / Frameworks
- stackable (⭐22) - A framework experience for Yew.
Tooling / Frameworks
- Tauri (⭐88k) - Tauri is a framework for building tiny, blazingly fast binaries for all major desktop platforms. Developers can integrate any front-end framework that compiles to HTML, JS and CSS for building their user interface. The backend of the application is a rust-sourced binary with an API that the front-end can interact with.
51. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 💼 Tailiscope.nvim (⭐58) - Tailwind CSS cheat sheet integrated in Neovim.
UI Libraries, Components & Templates
- 📁 Admin One React (⭐493) - Free React.js Tailwind CSS admin template with Next.js & TypeScript.
52. Awesome Blazor
- TodoApi by David Fowler (⭐2.8k) -
Todo application by David Fowler in .NET 7 that features an ASP.NET Core hosted Blazor WASM front end application and an ASP.NET Core REST API backend using minimal APIs.
- Command and Control, by David Fowler (⭐159) -
This is a sample using Blazor server and SignalR to do command and control. Agents connect to the blazor server application which is hosting a SignalR Hub and we can issue various commands against the connected agents (this feature uses client results).
Articles / Others
- Use Keycloak as Identity Provider from Blazor WebAssembly (WASM) applications - December 8, 2022 - Learn how to integrate with Keycloak from Blazor WASM. Create a public client and use built-in capabilities of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication that integrates with OpenId Connect compliant providers. Source code (⭐491)
Brings ChartJs (⭐65k).
- What’s new in the Microsoft Fluent UI library for Blazor version 2.0 - December 5, 2022 - What’s new in the Microsoft Fluent UI library for Blazor version 2.0.
- Build a web app to manage a custom provider in Viva Learning with Blazor - November 29, 2022 - In this post, we're going to reuse the concepts we have learned to build a better experience: a web application, that we can use to manage our custom learning provider and its contents. We'll focus on how to implement in a real application some of the peculiar features we have learned about these APIs, like the fact that a different set of permissions is required based on the type of content you're working with.
- Clean Architecture Solution Template for Blazor WebAssembly - September 30, 2022 - This post shows how to install the new template, create and run a new app using the template, and then I’ll share some recommended resources.
- Implement OpenAPI Support for Blazor WebAssembly - September 2, 2022 - OpenAPI is a language-agnostic specification for documenting RESTful APIs. It allows both humans and computers to understand the capabilities of a service without accessing code, docs, or using other methods. Hosted Blazor WebAssembly apps include an ASP.NET Core backend for file and API access, and so implementing support for OpenAPI provides numerous benefits.
- Containerizing Blazor WASM, ASPNET Core WebApi, NGINX & Let's Encrypt - April 26, 2022 - Guide on containerizing a complex system composed from multiple Blazor WASM apps, ASPNET Core Web Api, NGINX & Let's Encrypt SSL certificates.
Tooling / Others
- LiveSharp (⭐71) -
files and see the updates instantly without reloading the page. Your application state is preserved because there is no need to reload anything.
53. Awesome Jamstack
Serverless / Automation
- TwicPics - Serverless images & videos optimization and transformation service. TwicPics can be plugged into any stack to optimize medias in real-time by giving full control to frontend developers.
54. Awesome Nextjs
- Hands On Next.js - A practical fullstack book on universal (server) rendering for react applications.
- Serverless Web Applications with React and Next.js - Use Next.js serverless features to access databases and authenticate users in your React applications
55. Awesome Vue
Resources / Podcasts
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vuetify-resize-drawer (⭐22) - The vuetify-resize-drawer component extends the functionality of the v-navigation-drawer so that it is resizable by the user.
56. Awesome Emails
Frameworks / React
- React Email - A collection of high-quality, unstyled components for creating beautiful emails using React and TypeScript.
- Mailing - Build emails in React, send from anywhere.
Templates / Misc
- Stripo - Rich set of responsive, interactive beautiful email templates with Stripo.
Tools / Misc
- Can I Email - Can I email… Support tables for HTML and CSS in emails.
- MJML Desktop App - MJML official desktop app.
- MailSpice analytics - Email analytics add-on for all email services that provides deep insights into all of your email campaigns (works with all ESPs).
Self-Hosted Services / Misc
- Mailcow - The mailserver suite with the 'moo'. An easy to use dockerized selfhosted email solution.
57. Webcomponents the Right Way
History / 2019
History / 2018
History / 2017
History / 2016
History / 2015
History / 2014
History / 2013
History / 2012
58. Awesome React
React State Management and Data Fetching
- jotai (⭐19k) - Primitive and flexible state management for React
59. Awesome Css Frameworks
Material Design
- Materialize - Responsive front-end library based on Google's Material Design.
Docs, Repo (⭐922) | #SCSS
- XP.css - CSS library for building interfaces that look like Windows XP.
Repo (⭐2.3k) | #PostCSS
- 7.css - CSS library for building interfaces that look like Windows 7.
Repo (⭐1.7k) | #PostCSS
60. Awesome Typescript
- 📚 TypeScript in 50 Lessons by Stefan Baumgartner
- 📚 Effective TypeScript by Dan Vanderkam
61. Awesome Newsletters
Java / Svelte
- Baeldung Weekly Review. Keep up-to-date with the main developments in the Java world through this weekly guide.
Devops / Svelte
- Learn Kubernetes weekly. Curated articles, tutorials, projects and events with a focus on Kubernetes.
62. Awesome Neovim
Project / Diagnostics
- otavioschwanck/telescope-alternate.nvim (⭐107) - Alternate between common files using telescope.
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- gbprod/nord.nvim (⭐215) - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Neovim theme, based on Nord Palette.
Code Runner / Diagnostics
- Civitasv/cmake-tools.nvim (⭐405) - CMake integration.
Tmux / Diagnostics
- otavioschwanck/tmux-awesome-manager.nvim (⭐75) - Run your workflow commands like yarn install, rails console, yarn add, bundle install, etc.
Preconfigured Configuration / Diagnostics
- otavioschwanck/mood-nvim (⭐99) - Ready to use configuration for Ruby on Rails, JavaScript and Typescript.
- ldelossa/nvim-ide (⭐844) - A full featured IDE layer heavily inspired by VSCode.
63. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- pnpm (leizhenpeng) (⭐5) - Adds useful aliases for common pnpm commands.
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- autorestic (⭐3) - automatically installs Restic (⭐1.4k)'s completions for you, and keeps them up to date as your autorestic version changes.
- kustomize (⭐12) - Adds tab completions for kustomize
- misc-completions (⭐0) - Adds completions for more unix and perl commands.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- alesrosina (⭐0) - Includes decorators for
information, current directory and the last command's return status.
- escape (⭐2) - Includes decorators for
information, username, time, current directory and last command exit status.
- otter (⭐2) - Otter-themed theme with
status, user@host and current directory decorators.
- pog7x (⭐1) - Works with unicode. Includes decorators for
information, current directory, last command exit status & execution time, time, virtualenv, nvm, rvm, rust, go, kubernetes context, and elixir.
- pwn (⭐0) - Includes decorators for user@host,
status, ruby version, python virtualenv and current working directory.
- random-emoji-robbyrussell (⭐2) - Based on random-emoji and
- rwahasugui (⭐0) - Includes decorators for
information, current time, current working directory and active python virtualenv.
64. Awesome Decentralized
- FileLove (⭐54): Minimal p2p file transfer right in the browser, using WebTorrent.
65. Awesome Algorand
Other Development Tools / Testing
- algojig (⭐15) - A tool for testing Algorand smart contracts.
DeFi Platforms / Wallets
- - Decentralized liquidity-as-a-service.
Projects / Wallets
- algorealm (⭐18) - Claim the Crown and the Sceptre of Algorand Realm! Written in Python+PyTEAL by @cusma.
- algorealm-ui (⭐3) - A web CLI Emulator version of algorealm cli game by @aorumbayev.
NFT Marketplaces / Wallets
- ASA cafe - Algorand Standard Asset platform and decentralized marketplace built by @CryptoRUSHGav. ASA cafe lets users mint and trade freely using the most modern standards, such as ARC-19, in Algo, USDC, or one of ASA cafe's expanding list of curated non-network tokens.
66. Awesome Substrate
- polkadot-js-api-ts-template (⭐17) - A template project to kickstart hacking on top of
Client Libraries
- Sub-Api (⭐4) - Friendly wrapper for Polkadot.js API maintained by KodaDot.
- Minimark (⭐4) - Implementation of RMRK NFT v1/v2 protocol maintained by KodaDot.
- Subkey - Command line utility for working with cryptographic keys.
67. Awesome Tdengine
- TDengineGUI (⭐179) - A simple TDengine Desktop Manager(Original).
- TDengineGUI for 2.x & 3.x (⭐40) - A simple TDengine Desktop Manager, adapted to TDengine 3.x.
68. Awesome Db Tools
- Slashbase (⭐1.3k) - The open-source collaborative IDE for your databases. Connect to your database, browse data, run a bunch of SQL commands or share SQL queries with your team, right from your browser.
SQL / Learning
- Learn SQL in a Month of Lunches - A book about how to use SQL to retrieve, filter, and analyze data.
69. Awesome Plone
- (⭐8) - A toolbar that shows a wealth of debug information about a running Plone site and the content you are inspecting. Also includes a interactive python-shell, a TALES-expression evaluator and and code-reload.
70. Awesome Silverstripe Cms
Official Websites
- - S2Hub - European Silverstripe Association.
71. Awesome
72. Static Analysis
Programming Languages / Other
- GCC — The GCC compiler has static analysis capabilities since version 10. This option is only available if GCC was configured with analyzer support enabled. It can also output its diagnostics to a JSON file in the SARIF format (from v13).
73. Awesome Linguistics
Platforms and toolkits
- CLARIN-D web tools - Tools for Analysing Research Data
- CorpusExplorer - Software for corpus linguists and text/data mining enthusiasts. The CorpusExplorer combines over 50 interactive visualizations under a user-friendly interface.
- Snowball - Snowball is a language in which stemming algorithms can be easily represented.
- Mate Tools, webservice via WebLicht
- textblob-de (⭐105) - Nice alternative for spacy (see above).
Data sets
- CEHugeWebCorpus - German corpus based on CommonCrawl
- GC4 Corpus (CommonCrawl)
- IDS Corpora - German Reference Corpus
- Leipzig Corpora Collection - sampled sentences in different languages.
- SdeWaC - big german internet corpus
Deep learning models and transformers
- GermLM (⭐14) (NER exploration)
On Wikipedia
- Natural Language Processing with Python - The book from the NLTK package.
- GitHub topics corpus-linguistics & nlp
- Prev: Dec 12, 2022
- Next: Dec 10, 2022