Awesome List Updates on Nov 17, 2022
18 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Cl
- Cloture (⭐377) - Clojure in Common Lisp.
- cl-oju (⭐19) - a few idioms, mostly relating to sequences, that I miss when writing Common Lisp. MIT.
- clj-con (⭐38) - Clojure-style concurrency operations in Common Lisp. MIT.
- clj-re (⭐10) - Clojure-style regular expression functions.
- typo (⭐39) - A portable type inference library for Common Lisp. MIT.
Others / OpenAPI, OData, OpenRPC
- OpenRPC (⭐28) - OpenRPC implementation for Common Lisp. BSD.
- Automatic OpenRPC spec generation
- Automatic JSON-RPC client building by OpenRPC spec. This includes creation of Common Lisp classes and methods for making RPC requests and returning native CL objects.
- all JSON marshalling is done under the hood.
Apps / Third-party APIs
- trivial-sanitize - clean html strings:
- testieren - a testing utility where tests are included at the top of a
form. They are run when you recompile your functions interactively. With mocking and stubbing support. GPL3.
Macro helpers / Third-party APIs
- easy-macros (⭐21) - an easy way to write 90% of your macros. Apache2.0.
2. Awesome Capacitor
Other plugins
- Dynamsoft
- Barcode Reader (⭐11) - Scan barcodes and QR codes using Dynamsoft Barcode Reader.
- Camera Preview (⭐4) - Access camera using Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer.
- Document Normalizer (⭐1) - Scan documents using Dynamsoft Document Normalizer.
- Label Recognizer (⭐2) - Recognize text on labels like MRZ on passports using Dynamsoft Label Recognizer.
3. Awesome Tmux
Status Bar
- tmux-ludanta (⭐2) - What's playing on an MPD local server.
4. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Meta-Level Considerations / The Aha! Moment
- A computational model of scientific insight - The nature of creativity: Contemporary psychological perspectives, 1988. [All Versions]. A computational account on insights for scientific discovery.
5. Awesome Crystal
Game Development
- SDL-Crystal-Bindings (⭐13) - Direct (unsafe) bindings to SDL2, intended for writing own game libraries
6. Awesome Cpp
- Lithium - Build high performance C++ HTTP servers without being a C++ expert. [MIT]
7. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Developer Utilities
- He3 - Free and Modern Developer Utilities Toolbox.
8. Awesome Lowcode
Visual programming
- SAP Build - Create apps, automate processes, and design business sites with drag-and-drop simplicity.
9. Awesome Naming
Data Structures and Algorithms
- Backtracking - When you explore a search space and you reach a dead end, you follow your tracks back to the last crossroad and try the other way.
- camelCase, snake_case, kebab-case - Different case styles where the name illustrates its appearance.
- Yoda condition - When you write
if ("red" === color) {
instead ofif (color === "red") {
because it reads as, “if red equals the color”, similar to the way the Star Wars character Yoda speaks.
10. Awesome Magento2
- Magento 2 Database Synchronizer (⭐69) - Database synchronizer for Magento 2 (and Wordpress), based on Magerun2. Keeping development, staging and production in sync easily.
- Subodha Magento2 Gulp Integration (⭐76) - Magento 2 Gulp Integration
11. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Vendor Data Resources / Resilience and Natural Hazards
- RiskFactor - Provided by the First Street Foundation, this tool enables users to understand properties' environmental risks from flooding, wildfire and extreme heat. The tool communicates historic events, current risks, and future projections for properties based on peer-reviewed research. Additional Information: Access Census Tract Risk Data, First Street Foundation Website
12. Awesome Flame
App Releases / Casual
- Hyper Hexagon - Android, Web - Hexagonal board game challenge - A classical and futuristic. Inspired by the old classic Hexxagon '90s game. By TheCocce
App Releases / Roguelike
- Geometry Survival Beta - Android - An roguelike game to survival and upgrade weapons to destroy powerful enemies. By HarrisonQI
13. Awesome Love2d
- LÖVE Actions - Build & deploy cross-platform game packages on ALL popular platforms. Supports Android, iOS, Linux, maxOS, Windows.
14. Awesome Svelte
- Layer Cake (⭐1.5k) - A framework for mostly-reusable graphics with svelte
15. Web Development Resources
Learning Platforms:
- Website:
16. Awesome Stacks Chain
Apps / Stacks Web Applications
- Send Many - An application to send STX and other tokens to many recipients in one transaction.
Apps / Blockchain Name System
- - An application for .btc names.
- BNS search - An application to search registered BNS names.
- - An application to create linking page for BNS names.
Apps / DeFi
- Alex Lab - A service platform for DeFi.
- Arkadiko Protocol (⭐62) - Stable coin (USDA) based on self-repaying loans.
- Lydian - A decentralised treasury management protocol (discontinued).
Clarity Resources / Example Contracts
- Source of Clarity - Listing of all deployed Clarity contracts on mainnet with some comments.
App Development / Client Libraries
- Stacks.js (⭐937) - Monorepo for JavaScript libraries for interacting with the Stacks blockchain.
App Development / CLI
- @stacks/cli (⭐937) - Command line interface for interacting with auth, storage, and transactions.
Learning Resources / Documentation
- Hiro documentation - Documentation focused on developers.
Learning Resources / Books
- Clarity of Mind - Writing productive smart contracts that are predictable. CC BY-SA 4.0
17. Awesome Fiber
📖 Articles / 🌱 Third Party
18. Awesome Cakephp
File Manipulation
- FileStorage plugin (⭐4) - Flexible file storage and upload plugin.
- Prev: Nov 18, 2022
- Next: Nov 16, 2022