Awesome List Updates on Nov 15, 2022
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Go
Advanced Console UIs
- bubbletea (⭐30k) - Go framework to build terminal apps, based on The Elm Architecture.
2. Awesome Deno
Modules / Testing
- tepi - A .http Test Runner
3. Awesome Acg
Image Processing
- Anime Segmentation (⭐661) - High-accuracy segmentation for anime character. [English]
4. Awesome Video
Video Players & Playback Libraries / Frameworks & UI Components
- elements/packages/mux-player (⭐284) -
is the official Mux-flavored video player web component. The player UI is built on Media Chrome (⭐2.1k) and<mux-video>
drives the core video logic used to play Mux Video content.
Learning, Tutorials & Documentation / Webinars & Conference Talks
- Demuxed 2020 - 2020 Demuxed talks & presentations
- Demuxed 2021 - 2021 Demuxed talks & presentations
5. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-awesome-sidebar (⭐54) - A modern and fast sidebar menu component for vue(3x) capable with vue-router.
- vue-web-terminal (⭐289) - 💻 A feature-rich and powerful web terminal plugin for vue2 & vue3.(功能强大的网页命令行终端插件)
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- @skirtle/vue-vnode-utils (⭐21) - Helper functions for working with slot VNodes inside render functions in Vue 3
Components & Libraries / Scaffold
- Vue3-SPA-starter-template (⭐69) - A starter kit with Router, Pinia, i18n, Stripe, Event Bus, SEO meta and schema tag handling, and more.
6. Awesome Vscode
Rust / Smarty Template Support
- rust-analyzer - Linting, auto-completion, code formatting, snippets and more
7. Static Analysis
Programming Languages / Other
- cargo-breaking (⭐111) — cargo-breaking compares a crate's public API between two different branches, shows what changed, and suggests the next version according to semver.
- cargo-show-asm (⭐784) — cargo subcommand showing the assembly, LLVM-IR and MIR generated for Rust code
8. Awesome Job Boards
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- AI Jobs – Jobs in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
9. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Science Logology / Philosophy of Science
- The Meaning of "Theory" - Sociological Theory, 2008. [All Versions]. A philosophical account on the definition of "theory" in social science (also can be generalized to natural science).
10. Awesome Micropython
Books / SRAM
- MicroPython for the Raspberry Pi Pico W: A gentle introduction to programming digital circuits with Python - By Miguel Grinberg. ISBN 9798361302710.
11. Awesome Swift
Testing / Barcode
- SBTUITestTunnel (⭐348) - UI testing library for interact with network requests, stub CLLocationManager and UNUserNotificationCenter, and fine grain scrolling in table/collection/scroll views
12. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Image Segmentation / Deforum
- MubertAI/Mubert-Text-to-Music (⭐2.7k): a simple notebook demonstrating prompt-based music generation via Mubert API
13. Awesome Newsletters
Kubernetes / Svelte
- Upcoming Kubernetes Events Newsletter. A weekly newsletter on curated meetups, conferences, training and webinars on Kubernetes.
14. Awesome Mongodb
Resources / Documentation
Libraries / PHP
- PHP Driver (⭐895) - Official PHP driver
Libraries / Scala
- driver-scala (⭐2.6k) - Official Scala driver
Tools / Deployment
- Cluster to cluster sync - MongoDB Inc. solution for continuous data sync between separate clusters
Tools / Development
- C# Analyzer (⭐27) - View the MongoDB Query API equivalents of your builder expressions in Visual Studio
- MongoDB Atlas App Services - MongoDB Inc. solution to run code without the operational overhead
Tools / Shell
- MongoDB Atlas CLI (⭐166) - Official Atlas API command-line client
- mongosh (⭐350) - Official command-line client
15. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Books
- Deep Learning with R, Second Edition - by François Chollet with Tomasz Kalinowski and J. J. Allaire
- Regularization in Deep Learning - by Liu Peng
- Jax in Action - by Grigory Sapunov
Table of Contents / Videos and Lectures
Researchers / Tools
- DVC - DVC is built to make ML models shareable and reproducible. It is designed to handle large files, data sets, machine learning models, and metrics as well as code.
- CML - CML helps you bring your favorite DevOps tools to machine learning.
- MLEM - MLEM is a tool to easily package, deploy and serve Machine Learning models. It seamlessly supports a variety of scenarios like real-time serving and batch processing.
- Prev: Nov 16, 2022
- Next: Nov 14, 2022