Awesome List Updates on Nov 13, 2022
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Privacy
- Youtube-Local (⭐567) - browser-based client for watching Youtube anonymously and with greater page performance.
2. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Others
- texifier - Great LaTeX editor for Mac with auto-update PDF and autocomplete LaTeX commands.
3. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Ethics, Philosophical questions and Discussions about Generative AI
- [🔥🔥🔥] Generative AI: A Creative New World | Sequoia Capital US/Europe: report by Sequoia Capital about the possible applications of Generative AI
Hypertechniques / DreamBooth
- fast-DreamBooth.ipynb - Colaboratory: train custom concepts from input images with this simplified DreamBooth colab
- (1166) Como Criar Artes Incríveis com o seu Próprio Rosto Usando o Dreambooth! DE FORMA FÁCIL E DE GRAÇA! - YouTube: tutorial in Portuguese on how to train DreamBooth with your own face
4. Awesome Bioinformatics
Becoming a Bioinformatician / Tools
- A farewell to bioinformatics - A critical view of the state of bioinformatics.
5. Awesome Billing
Pricing / Usage-based Pricing
- Lago (⭐7.4k) - Open-source metering & usage-based billing in Ruby.
Pricing / Subscription Plans
- Lotus (⭐1.7k) - Open-source project to manage pricing & packaging infrastructure.
Pricing / Strategy
- The Anatomy of SaaS Pricing Strategy - Explain how to articulate the pricing of SaaS businesses around the product strategy.
Accounting / Bookkeeping
- Reconciliation: A game designed to frustrate the player - “Reconciliation is a business process which arises almost entirely because of a lack of structured data in the pipelines that convey money between businesses”. There are some hack to streamline the process, like adding an arbitrary discount to produce unique trailing decimals, or setup a couple of virtual bank accounts as proxy.
Accounting / Software design and implementation
- TigerBeetle (⭐12k) - A distributed financial accounting database to ensure that the money either moves, or doesn't move, that it doesn't get lost somewhere in between.
Invoice / Structure
- Content of EU invoices - The information required on a EU invoice is detailed by Article 226, Section 4 (Content of invoices) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of VAT.
Invoice / Integrity
- Credit note - Because an invoice is immutable, the only way to fully or partially cancel it is to produce a credit note.
Payments / Online Payments
- 20 years of payment processing problems - A huge collection of everything that went wrong, and still is, with payment APIs from the past 2 decades. Any issue exposed in this article that gets unaddressed will end up as stolen money.
Business Intelligence / Customer Lifetime Value
- Survival Analysis For Customer Retention - Illustrates how retention can be better modelled using a survival function like Kaplan–Meier survival curves.
6. Awesome Actionscript3
Multimedia / Image
- BlurHash (⭐8) - A BlurHash encoder/decoder implementation in ActionScript 3.0..
AIR Native Extensions / Analytics ANE
- Devtodev (⭐6) - A full-cycle analytics solution for game developers.
7. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Performance
- pyinstrument (⭐6.9k) - Call stack profiler for Python, Django, Flask, FastAPI.
8. Free for Dev
IDE and Code Editing
- GitPod — Instant, ready-to-code dev environments for GitHub projects. The free tier includes 50 hours/month.
9. Awesome Neovim
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- Wansmer/treesj (⭐1.1k) - Splitting/joining blocks of code like arrays, hashes, statements, objects, dictionaries, etc. Using Tree-sitter. Inspired by greatest splitjoin.vim.
10. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- shell-fns (⭐3) - Includes
extended functionality.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- shrug (⭐4) - Inspired by beer-theme (⭐3), includes
status and current directory decorations.
11. Awesome Courses
Courses / Programming Languages / Compilers
- Corsopl Principles of Programming Languages Politecnico di Milano
- Lecture Notes
- Readings
- This course gives an overview of Scheme, Haskell and Erlang while analyzing the languages' similarities and differences. As a result, many important/prevalent concepts and how they manifest differently in different programming languages are explained. Among these are (purely) functional programming, object orientation, type inference and evaluation order.
- Thorough introduction to functional programming with no preknowledge in any functional language required.
- Prev: Nov 14, 2022
- Next: Nov 12, 2022