Awesome List Updates on Nov 02, 2022
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Privacy
- Libreddit (⭐5.1k) - Private Reddit front-end written in Rust No longer working - Read here (⭐5.1k)
2. Awesome Go
Third-party APIs
- swag (⭐47) - No comments, simple go wrapper to create swagger 2.0 compatible APIs. Support most routing frameworks, such as built-in, gin, chi, mux, echo, httprouter, fasthttp and more.
3. Awesome Fastapi
Databases / ORMs
- Fastapi-SQLA (⭐241) - SQLAlchemy extension for FastAPI with support for pagination, asyncio, and pytest.
Developer Tools / Other Tools
- FastAPI MVC (⭐655) - Developer productivity tool for making high-quality FastAPI production-ready APIs.
Articles / Other Tools
- Why we switched from Flask to FastAPI for production machine learning - In-depth look at why you may want to move from Flask to FastAPI.
PaaS / Other Tools
Serverless / Other Tools
4. Awesome Docker
Development Environment / Other
- DockerDL (⭐79) - Deep Learning Docker Images. Don't waste time setting up a deep learning env when you can get a deep learning environment with everything pre-installed.
5. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Meta-Level Considerations / The Aha! Moment
- Insight - Wikipedia. Wikipedia on insight.
- Epiphany - Wikipedia. Wikipedia on epiphany, the "feeling" when the Aha! moment comes.
6. Awesome Fuzzing
Papers / The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)
7. Awesome Cl
Other DB wrappers
- cl-ndbapi (⭐13) - bindings to the C++ NDB API of RonDB, "the world's fastest key value store", by Dydra. GPLv2.
8. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Remote Access
- RustDesk - Remote Desktop Access software that works out-of-the-box (alternative to TeamViewer). (Source Code (⭐7.4k))
Software / Status / Uptime pages
- Gatus (⭐7.2k) - Automated service health dashboard. (Demo)
9. Awesome Blazor
- Blazor Wasm with ASP.NET Framework 4.x (⭐3) - With some tweaks and limitations you can run Blazor Wasm on Net Framework 4.x or in another environment. Explanation on Medium.
- BlazorServerImageRecognitionApp (⭐12) -
Simple Blazor Server app which uses image recognition to identify and extract text printed in an image file uploaded by the user. Demo.
- FootballBlazorApp (⭐8) -
Simple Football Blazor Server web app displaying fixtures & results, group standings, teams & players and has a player search. Demo.
Component bundles
- Makani (⭐60) -
Lightweight, customizable, and performance oriented component library for Blazor and .NET MAUI Hybrid. Built with TailwindCSS. Demo.
Tools & Utilities / Others
- Blazor.FileSystemAccess (⭐338) -
A Blazor wrapper for the browser File System Access API.
Videos / Others
- MSAL Auth in Blazor Server -
September 22, 2022 - Carl shows how to use MSAL and Azure AD B2C to authenticate users and call a secure API.
Articles / Others
- Resize images before uploading in Blazor Web Assembly - October 31, 2022 - Resize images before uploading in Blazor Web Assembly.
- How to run Blazor project everywhere using Razor Class Library ? - October 29, 2022 - One of the cool features of Blazor is code reusability. Using Razor Class Library, we can use our Razor component in all blazor type project like Blazor Server, WASM and MAUI Hybrid.
Community / Others
- Discord - Blazor channel on the DotNetEvolution discord server.
- I Love DotNet (⭐127) -
- This is a .NET knowledge sharing platform with live demos crafted by developers for developers with love using .NET Blazor.
- Reddit - Blazor subreddit.
10. Awesome Tmux
- tmux-fzf-session-switch (⭐68) Easy way to switch, when you have a ton of sessions.
11. Static Analysis
Other / Other
- klint (⭐42) — A tool that listens to changes in Kubernetes resources and runs linting rules against them. Identify and debug erroneous objects and nudge objects in line with the policies as both change over time. Klint helps us encode checks and proactively alert teams when they need to take action.
12. Awesome Cpp
- CGraph (⭐1.9k) - A cross-platform DAG framework based on C++ without any 3rd-party. [MIT]
13. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Platforms and Software Resources / Environmental and Climate Planning Tools and Platforms
- EPA WARM Model - EPA created the Waste Reduction Model (WARM) to provide high-level estimates of potential greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions, energy savings, and economic impacts from several different waste management practices.
14. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- fancy-completions (⭐15) - Provides various completions tools, libraries and integrations.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- lgbtq (⭐1) - A collection of lgbtq themes for your terminal.
15. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Inbox: Stable Diffusion / Multi-agents
- Atlas KREA Stable Diffusion: An explorable map of KREA AI's Stable Diffusion Search Engine
Inbox: Stable Diffusion / Stable Diffusion Deployed Web Tools
- DiffusionBee: stable diffusion GUI App
- Prev: Nov 03, 2022
- Next: Nov 01, 2022