Awesome List Updates on Oct 31, 2022
17 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Job Boards
- My Web3 Jobs - Find or Post web3 Jobs Today! New web3 Blockchain, Developer, and Designer Jobs handpicked every week
2. Awesome Openstreetmap
Changeset Tools / Web Services
- OSM Inspector - The OSM Inspector (alias OSMI) is a web based debugging tool for advanced OpenStreetMap users offered by Geofabrik. On a map you can see several themed views, each with several layers, showing specific details of the OSM data, often with highlighted errors.
- Nominatim QA - The Nominatim Data Analyser is a QA tool used to scan the nominatim database and extract suspect data from it. These data are then presented to mappers through a visual interface so that they can correct them directly.
3. Awesome Material Ui
Related Projects
- material-ui-theme-editor - A tool to generate themes for your Material UI applications that features live previewing.
- Material palette generator - The official Material Design palette generator can be used to generate a palette for any color you choose.
- Material UI Snippets - VSCode extension providing snippets.
- Material UI Codemorphs - VSCode extension providing codemods.
- Eslint: detect unused classes (⭐31) - ESLint plugin to detect unused styling classes with
- - The official site for Bethesda, publisher of Fallout, DOOM, Dishonored, Skyrim, Wolfenstein, The Elder Scrolls, more.
- Create-react-app-material-ui (⭐22) - Simple Create React App with Material-UI form submit example.
- React-materialui-boilerplate (⭐32) - A starter kit for react and Material-UI.
- Gatsby-starter-material-ui (⭐33) - A starter template for Gatsby using Material-UI.
- Saas (⭐4k) - Boilerplate for building your own SaaS product; built with TypeScript, React, Express, Material-UI.
- Create-react-app-material-typescript-redux (⭐290) - A ready to use boilerplate for starting big react projects.
4. Awesome Neovim
Motion / Diagnostics
- Weissle/easy-action (⭐41) - Easily perform an action on where you can see.
5. Awesome Tdengine
- IoTSharp (⭐678) - IoTSharp is an open-source IoT platform for data collection,It supports storing time series data to TDengine.
- IoTSharp.Data.Taos - TDengine's ADO.Net provider. (.Net Framework 4.6+, .Net Standard2.0+,.Net 5.0+).
- IoTSharp.HealthChecks.Taos - TDengine's HealthChecks provider. (.Net 5.0+).
6. Static Analysis
Programming Languages / Other
- cargo-unused-features (⭐262) — Find potential unused enabled feature flags and prune them. You can generate a simple HTML report from the json to make it easier to inspect results. It removes a feature of a dependency and then compiles the project to see if it still compiles. If it does, the feature flag can possibly be removed, but it can be a false-positive.
7. Awesome Fiber
⚙️ Middlewares / 🌱 Third Party
- vladfr/fiber-servertiming (⭐2) - A middleware to add Server-Timing headers based on the W3C Server-Timing Spec.
8. Awesome Nix
Resources / Discovery
- Home Manager Option Search - Search through all 2000+ Home Manager options and read how to use them.
9. Open Source Mac Os Apps
- utmapp - Virtualization for other operating systems.
10. Awesome Ebpf
Projects Related to eBPF / Observability
- rbperf (⭐119) - Sampling profiler and tracer for Ruby.
11. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- touchlab/KMMBridge (⭐371) - KMMBridge is a set of Gradle tooling that facilitates publishing and consuming pre-built KMM (Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile) Xcode Framework binaries.
12. Awesome Music
Music Programming
- Cane (⭐91) - A small MIDI sequencer DSL designed around vectors and euclidean rhythms.
- Gwion (⭐544) - A strongly-timed programming language aimed at music creation. Heavily inspired by ChucK.
- Tidal - a language built on Haskell for live coding patterns.
13. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Science Logology / Scientific Writing
- A tagmemic approach to paragraph analysis - College Composition and Communication, 1965. [All Versions]. The original paper on analyzing the structure of expository paragraphs, with the two patterns---the Topic-Restriction-Illustration pattern and the Problem-Solution pattern.
- Towards an argument interchange format - The Knowledge Engineering Review, 2006. [All Versions]. The original paper introducing the Argument Interchange Format (AIF) framework for argumentation analysis.
14. Awesome Cpp
- Easy Reflection (⭐99) - Easy and fast reflection + serialization solution like in Rust, Java or Go. [Apache]
15. Awesome Go
Standard CLI
- version (⭐105) - Collects and displays CLI version information in multiple formats along with upgrade notice.
Databases Implemented in Go
- objectbox-go (⭐1.1k) - High-performance embedded Object Database (NoSQL) with Go API.
- Mailpit (⭐6.7k) - Email and SMTP testing tool for developers.
Game Development
- Harfang3D (⭐595) - 3D engine for the Go language, works on Windows and Linux (Harfang on (⭐38)).
- pp (⭐1.9k) - Colored pretty printer for Go language.
- caps (⭐58) - A case conversion library.
Third-party APIs
- GoFreeDB (⭐79) - Golang library providing common and simple database abstractions on top of Google Sheets.
- valix (⭐29) Go package for validating requests
- go-m3u8 (⭐32) - Parser and generator library for Apple m3u8 playlists. Actively maintained version of quangngotan95/go-m3u8 with improvements and latest HLS playlist parsing compatibility.
Web Frameworks
- Atreugo (⭐1.3k) - High performance and extensible micro web framework with zero memory allocations in hot paths.
- Hertz (⭐5.9k) - A high-performance and strong-extensibility Go HTTP framework that helps developers build microservices.
E-books for purchase / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- Black Hat Go - Go programming for hackers and pentesters.
- Creative DIY Microcontroller Project With TinyGo and WebAssembly - An introduction into the TinyGo compiler with projects involving Arduino and WebAssembly.
Free e-books / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- Go AST Book (Chinese) (⭐5.4k) - A book focusing on Go
Tutorials / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- Microservices with Go - Dive deep into building microservices using Go, including gRPC.
16. Awesome Datascience
Comparison / Supervised Learning
Comparison / Unsupervised Learning
17. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Elixir / Non-X86
- Hands-on Elixir & OTP: Cryptocurrency trading bot - Kamil Skowron (HTML)
Erlang / Phoenix
- The Erlang Runtime System - Erik Stenman (HTML)
R / Tornado
- Data Visualization with R - Martin Schweinberger (HTML)
Rust / Sinatra
- Learning Rust Ebook - StackOverflow Contributors (PDF)
TypeScript / Vapor
- TypeScript in 50 Lessons - Stefan Baumgartner (PDF)
- Prev: Nov 01, 2022
- Next: Oct 30, 2022