Awesome List Updates on Oct 29, 2022
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Free Programming Books (English, By Subjects)
Mathematics For Computer Science
- Combinatorial Problems And Exercises (1979) - L. Lovasz
2. Awesome Rust
- SWC (⭐32k) - super-fast TypeScript / JavaScript compiler
Applications / Web Servers
- static-web-server (⭐1.6k) - A blazing fast and asynchronous web server for static files-serving. ⚡
3. Awesome Deno
Docs / Official Docs
Modules / Web framework
- hono (⭐19k) - Ultrafast web framework for Cloudflare Workers, Deno, and Bun. Fast, but not only fast.
Modules / Web utils
- fresh_chart (⭐139) - A server-side-rendered charting library for Fresh.
- squishy_cookies (⭐15) - Easily sign and verify cookies.
Showcases / XML
- Fresh Showcase - The official showcase of Fresh apps.
- The Official Showcase - The official showcase of Deno.
Tools / XML
- denopendabot - Dependabot for Deno projects.
Integrations / XML
- Slack Custom Functions - Build custom Run On Slack functions using Deno.
- Netlify Edge Functions - Edge Functions connect the Netlify platform and workflow.
- Supabase Edge Functions - Edge Functions are server-side TypeScript functions, distributed globally at the edge.
- Astro - Deploy a server-side rendered Astro site to Deno Deploy.
Resources in Other Languages / Japanese
- deno-ja - Deno Japanese User Group.
4. Open Source Mac Os Apps
Menubar / Text
- Monitor Bar (⭐62) - Monitor Bar app supports three modes, compact, normal, extra. It monitors battery, Disk, Memory, CPU, Network bandwidth, Wi-Fi.
Utilities / Text
- Keka (⭐4.8k) - Keka is a full featured file archiver, as easy as it can be.
5. Awesome Ebpf
Projects Related to eBPF / Observability
- parca-agent (⭐577) - eBPF based always-on continuous profiler for analysis of CPU and memory usage, down to the line number and throughout time.
6. Awesome Openstreetmap
Changeset Tools / Web Services
- latest-changes - Visualize latest OSM changesets within a certain geographic boundary. Includes a simple vandalism checker. (Source Code (⭐5))
Maps / Web Maps
- - A Map that shows all available defibrillators in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, also used by emergency dispatch centers and rescue services. (ℹ️ German only)
7. Awesome Neovim
Marks / Diagnostics
- ofirgall/open.nvim (⭐65) - Open the current word with custom openers, GitHub shorthand for example.
8. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Database
- dizitart/nitrite-database (⭐841) - Potassium Nitrite is a kotlin extension of nitrite database, an open source nosql embedded document store with mongodb like api.
Projects / Misc
- Poweranimal/PowerCollections (⭐16) - Powerfull Collections, Sets, Lists and Maps.
- AngryJKirk/familybot (⭐121) - Telegram bot to have some fun with your buddies
- ruslanys/telegraff (⭐146) - Kotlin DSL for Telegram Bots creation.
Projects / Desktop
- datalisk/datalisk - A file sync and storage application with end-to-end encryption and multi-platform support.
- pintowar/sudoscan (⭐7) - Scans and solves Sudoku Puzzles from images using AI
- russellbanks/HashHash (⭐35) - A Multiplatform GUI for Hashing, written in Compose for Desktop.
- ice1000/dev-kt (⭐94) - DevC++-like cross-platform Kotlin IDE.
Projects / Examples
- robfletcher/lazybones-kotlin (⭐1) - The Lazybones app migrated to Kotlin as a learning exercise.
- itmaginationdemos/KMM-Sample-App (⭐5) - A sample app written with the help of KMM (Kotlin Multiplatform). File System access, voice recording, and persistence.
- mkraynov/todomvc-react-kotlin (⭐10) - React Kotlin TodoMVC – example based on create-react-kotlin-app and todomvc-react
- wangjiegulu/KotlinAndroidSample (⭐27) - Android sample with kotlin.
- vicboma1/GettingStartedKotlin (⭐43) - Learn the basics of getting started with kotlin.
- rozkminiacz/KotlinUnitTesting (⭐115) - Kotlin Unit Testing Examples.
- vicboma1/Kotlin-Koans (⭐123) - hese are the simple solutions of the kotlin koans online with intellij project.
- dodyg/Kotlin101 (⭐194) - 101 examples for Kotlin Programming language.
- IvanMwiruki/30-seconds-of-kotlin (⭐251) - Useful Kotlin snippets you can understand quickly, using only the stdlib.
- pakoito/FunctionalAndroidReference (⭐274) - A different Android app showcasing Functional Reactive Programming.
- dkandalov/kotlin-99 (⭐653) - Solve 99 problems with Kotlin!
- bmaslakov/kotlin-algorithm-club (⭐931) - Classic algorithms and data structures in Kotlin.
- JetBrains/swot (⭐1.8k) - Identify email addresses or domains names that belong to colleges or universities. Help automate the process of approving or rejecting academic discounts.
Projects / Idea Plugins
- emedinaa/android-recyclerview (⭐2) - Some samples about the RecyclerView and Adapters using kotlin
- emedinaa/kotlin-viewmodel (⭐3) - Basic samples about ViewModel component
- emedinaa/kotlin-mvp-volley (⭐9) - Example of Android project in Kotlin using MVP(Model View Presenter) pattern and volley library
- roger-yh99/AwesomeKotlinPlugin (⭐12) - AwesomeKotlin plugin for IntelliJ IDEs
- csense-oss/idea-kotlin-checked-exceptions (⭐25) - Plugin to help integrate with java and exceptions (highlights, warns when not catching exceptions and a lot more)
- roger-yh99/Readhub (⭐62) - Readhub is a News Reader plugin for IntelliJ IDEs
- Vektah/CodeGlance (⭐1.1k) - Intelij IDEA plugin for displaying a code mini-map similar to the one found in Sublime.
- izhangzhihao/intellij-rainbow-brackets (⭐4.5k) - Rainbow Brackets / Rainbow Parentheses for IntelliJ IDEA based IDEs.
- intellij-rust/intellij-rust (⭐4.5k) - Rust IDE built using the IntelliJ Platform.
Projects / Playground
- LouisCAD/kotlin-libraries-playground (⭐182) - A playground to gain a wider and deeper knowledge of the libraries in the Kotlin ecosystem. Also the official sample for gradle refreshVersions.
Projects / Android
- [MohsinAli0899/Book Summary App]( Summary App) - BookHub is an Android application that helps users to view books and add them to favorites.
- SimonSchubert/NewsOut (⭐117) - Android and iOS mobile client for Nextcloud News app
- skydoves/themovies (⭐496) - A simple project for The Movie DB based on Kotlin MVVM clean architecture and material design & animations.
- TonnyL/Mango (⭐657) - An Android app for
- SimonSchubert/LinuxCommandBibliotheca (⭐889) - Android app which provides a bunch of useful Linux commands.
- enricocid/Music-Player-GO - Simple yet fully-featured local music player aiming at simplicity and performance.
Android / Libraries
- skydoves/Submarine (⭐474) - Fully customizable floating navigation view for listing items dynamically on Android.
Android / Frameworks
- Miha-x64/Lychee (⭐119) - Data binding and persistence infrastructure for building Android and JavaFX UIs and binding them with data
9. Awesome Electron
For Electron / Other
- pluggable-electron (⭐134) - Build apps that can be extended through plugins.
10. Awesome Tmux
Tools and session management
- tmux-powerline (⭐3.5k) A hackable statusbar for tmux consisting of dynamic & beautiful looking segments, inspired by vim-powerline, written purely in bash.
11. Awesome Yew
- (⭐13) - A website for viz web framework, Live Demo.
12. Awesome Typescript
Libraries / Chrome Extensions
- 🐙 castore (⭐237) - Typescript library to easily implement Event Sourcing in your application
13. Awesome Datascience
Books / Visualization Tools
- Foundations of Data Science Free Download
Datasets / Book Deals (Affiliated)
- ADS-B Exchange - Specific datasets for aircraft and Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) sources.
14. Awesome Developer First
Feature Flags
- GrowthBook - Open-source feature flag and experimentation platform.
15. Awesome Cakephp
- Fluentd + Grafana Loki demo application (⭐1) - A demo application to send CakePHP docker container logs to Grafana Loki via Fluentd.
- Prev: Oct 30, 2022
- Next: Oct 28, 2022