Awesome List Updates on Oct 17, 2022
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Dotnet
Template Engine
- Fluid (⭐1.5k) - Fluid is an open-source .NET template engine based on the Liquid template language.
2. Awesome Go
Authentication and OAuth
- authboss (⭐3.9k) - Modular authentication system for the web. It tries to remove as much boilerplate and "hard things" as possible so that each time you start a new web project in Go, you can plug it in, configure it, and start building your app without having to build an authentication system each time.
- casbin (⭐18k) - Authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, and ABAC.
- cookiestxt (⭐17) - provides a parser of cookies.txt file format.
- go-guardian (⭐571) - Go-Guardian is a golang library that provides a simple, clean, and idiomatic way to create powerful modern API and web authentication that supports LDAP, Basic, Bearer token, and Certificate based authentication.
- jeff (⭐267) - Simple, flexible, secure, and idiomatic web session management with pluggable backends.
- jwt (⭐675) - Safe, simple, and fast JSON Web Tokens for Go.
- oauth2 (⭐5.5k) - Successor of goauth2. Generic OAuth 2.0 package that comes with JWT, Google APIs, Compute Engine, and App Engine support.
Bot Building
- go-sarah (⭐260) - Framework to build a bot for desired chat services including LINE, Slack, Gitter, and more.
- go-tgbot (⭐120) - Pure Golang Telegram Bot API wrapper, generated from swagger file, session-based router, and middleware.
- telebot (⭐4.2k) - Telegram bot framework is written in Go.
Build Automation
- realize (⭐4.5k) - Go build a system with file watchers and live to reload. Run, build and watch file changes with custom paths.
Advanced Console UIs
- aurora (⭐1.4k) - ANSI terminal colors that support fmt.Printf/Sprintf.
- simpletable (⭐533) - Simple tables in a terminal with Go.
- uilive (⭐1.7k) - Library for updating terminal output in real time.
Standard CLI
- acmd (⭐121) - Simple, useful, and opinionated CLI package in Go.
- command-chain (⭐65) - A go library for configure and run command chains - such as pipelining in unix shells.
- go-getoptions (⭐57) - Go option parser inspired by the flexibility of Perl’s GetOpt::Long.
- sflags (⭐159) - Struct based flags generator for flag, urfave/cli, pflag, cobra, kingpin, and other libraries.
- wmenu (⭐222) - Easy to use menu structure for cli applications that prompt users to make choices.
3. Awesome Privacy
Book and web annotations/highlights management
- Hypothesis (⭐3k) - Annotate the web, with anyone, anywhere.
- Kobuddy (⭐157) - Get your Kobo e-reader device bookmarks and annotations in a .txt file.
4. Awesome Flutter
- Flyer Chat (⭐1.7k) - Community-driven chat UI implementation by the Flyer Chat team
5. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- JSON2Video - A video editing API to automate video marketing and social media videos, programmatically or with no code.
Managed Data Services
- - is a platform where you can create two databases with up to 10 MB per database of the following DBMS for free: MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL.
6. Awesome Rails
Jobs / Other external resources
7. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Practices and Specific ES Features
- no-argument-spread (⭐3) - Lints against expressions like
that can lead to a stack overflow for large arrays.
8. Awesome Regression Testing
Tools and frameworks (a-z↓)
- Lost Pixel (⭐1.4k) - Holistic visual regression testing for full pages, components (via Storybook and Ladle integration), and custom shots (e.g. via Cypress).
9. Awesome Openstreetmap
Changeset Tools / Web Services
- osmcha - Detector for suspicious changesets. (Source Code (⭐121) / Wiki)
Public APIs / Java
- OSMCha API - Powerful API that allows to query and retrieve changeset information. (Source Code (⭐35))
10. Awesome Kotlin
Links / Courses
- Server-side with Kotlin Series - Learn how to use Kotlin for a variety of purposes such as Functional Programming, Image Detection, Building Microservices, Developing Backend, etc.
Android / Libraries
- SnowdreamFramework/ToyBricks (⭐33) - Android Library that provide simpler way to achieve modularity.
- rahulchowdhury/Mystique (⭐47) - A generalized adapter for RecyclerView on Android which makes it easy to add heterogeneous items to a list.
- costular/kotlin-android-utils (⭐48) - Android utilities for easier and faster Kotlin programming.
11. Awesome Neovim
Terminal Integration / Diagnostics
- samjwill/nvim-unception (⭐225) - Automatic unnesting of Neovim sessions started from terminal buffers.
12. Awesome Jax
Models and Projects / NumPyro
- lqg (⭐27) - Official implementation of Bayesian inverse optimal control for linear-quadratic Gaussian problems from the paper Putting perception into action with inverse optimal control for continuous psychophysics
13. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
ColdFusion / Non-X86
- Learning coldfusion - Compiled from StackOverflow documentation (PDF)
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- Scientific Visualization: Python + Matplotlib (⭐11k) - Nicolas P. Rougier (PDF)
R / Tornado
- An Introduction to ggplot2 - Ozancan Ozdemir
- Beyond Multiple Linear Regression - Paul Roback, Julie Legler
- Statistical Inference via Data Science - Chester Ismay, Albert Y. Kim
Swift / Play Scala
- The Swift Programming Language (HTML)
- The Swift Programming Language (Swift 5.7) - Apple Inc. (iBook)
- Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C - Apple Inc. (iBook)
- Prev: Oct 18, 2022
- Next: Oct 16, 2022