Awesome List Updates on Oct 16, 2022
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Misc
- Misc (⭐10) - Miscellaneous rules including rules for creating custom checks and wrapping (modifying) third-party rules.
Plugins / Practices and Specific ES Features
- eslint-plugin-hexagonal-architecture (⭐293) - A plugin that helps you to enforce hexagonal architecture best practices.
2. Awesome Elm
Podcasts / Miscellaneous videos
- Elm Town - A podcast about the people in the Elm community (Outdated).
Code generators / Individual Podcast episodes
- Elm Bridge (⭐103) - Generate Elm types from Haskell
- Elm CodeGen (⭐137) - Generate Elm code
- elm-gql (⭐69) - Generate GraphQl client code from GraphQL queries
- elm-graphql (⭐781) - Generate GraphQl client code from GraphQL schemas
- HTML to Elm - Convert HTML to Elm Html. Useful when porting an app to Elm.
- JSON Schema to Elm (⭐88) - Generates Elm types, JSON decoders, JSON encoders and fuzz tests from JSON schema specifications
- OpenApi Generator (⭐23k) - Generate OpenApi types for Elm.
- Quicktype (⭐13k) - Generate JSON decoders and encoders from JSON
- Travelm Agency (⭐47) - Generate typesafe Elm code from translation files
Frameworks / Outdated Boilerplates
- elm-spa - Framework for making single page apps in Elm.
- Elm Land - A framework for building Elm applications.
- Spades (⭐301) - Start an Elm SPA ready to the real world.
Compile and bundle / Outdated Boilerplates
- elm-compiler (⭐7.6k) - The official Elm compiler.
- elm-webpack-loader (⭐533) - Webpack loader Elm.
- Parcel - Bundle Elm using Parcel.
- vite-plugin-elm (⭐201) - Vite plugin for Elm.
Community and Support / Games
- Slack - Elm slack community.
3. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Public Data Resources / Demographic
- Global Human Settlement Layer - This global layer of human population is based on remotely sensed land cover classifications and national censuses of population provided by the European Union.
4. Awesome Appimage
AppImage consumption tools / Package managers
- Bread (⭐35) - Download, update, remove, and run AppImages from GitHub on the command line, and integrate apps into the desktop.
5. Awesome Nix
Command-Line Tools / Discovery
- nix-du (⭐405) - Visualise which gc-roots to delete to free some space in your Nix store.
6. Awesome Rails
Gems / Other external resources
- rails-mermaid_erd (⭐148) - A gem to interactively generate entity-relationship diagram in image or Markdown format. 🔴
7. Awesome Go
Date and Time
- go-anytime (⭐27) - Parse dates/times like "next dec 22nd at 3pm" and ranges like "from today until next thursday" without knowing the format in advance.
Distributed Systems
- Kitex (⭐7.3k) - A high-performance and strong-extensibility Golang RPC framework that helps developers build microservices. If the performance and extensibility are the main concerns when you develop microservices, Kitex can be a good choice.
Embeddable Scripting Languages
- starlark-go (⭐2.4k) - Go implementation of Starlark: Python-like language with deterministic evaluation and hermetic execution.
Tutorials / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- Go in 7 days (⭐144) - Learn everything about Go in 7 days (from a Nodejs developer).
- W3basic Go Tutorials - W3Basic provides an in-depth tutorial and well-organized content to learn Golang programming.
8. Awesome Kotlin
Android / Libraries
- skydoves/balloon (⭐3.8k) - A lightweight popup like tooltips, fully customizable with arrow and animations.
- ChuckerTeam/chucker (⭐4k) - An on-device network inspection tool for Android.
9. PlacesToPostYourStartup
- All My Faves -
- Launching Next -
- Startup Buffer -
10. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Network Analysis
- Apidog - All-in-One workspace for API Design, Documentation, Debug, Mock, Test.
11. Awesome Neovim
Utility / Diagnostics
- folke/noice.nvim (⭐4.8k) - Highly experimental plugin that completely replaces the UI for messages, cmdline and the popupmenu.
- Prev: Oct 17, 2022
- Next: Oct 15, 2022