Awesome List Updates on Oct 15, 2022
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Datascience
- 1000 Data Science Projects you can run on the browser with IPython.
- #tidytuesday (⭐7.2k) A weekly data project aimed at the R ecosystem.
- Realtime deployment Tutorial on Python time-series model deployment.
Free Courses
- AI Expert Roadmap (⭐30k) - Roadmap to becoming an Artificial Intelligence Expert
- Convex Optimization - Convex Optimization (basics of convex analysis; least-squares, linear and quadratic programs, semidefinite programming, minimax, extremal volume, and other problems; optimality conditions, duality theory...)
- Learning from Data - Introduction to machine learning covering basic theory, algorithms and applications
Intensive Programs
Comparison / Supervised Learning
Comparison / Semi-Supervised Learning
- S3VM
Journals, Publications and Magazines / Book Deals (Affiliated)
- ICML - International Conference on Machine Learning
- GECCO - The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO)
- Journal of Data Science - an international journal devoted to applications of statistical methods at large
- - Like Hacker News, but for data
- Medium Data Science Topic - Data Science related publications on medium
- Towards Data Science Genetic Algorithm Topic -Genetic Algorithm related Publications towards Data Science
Newsletters / Book Deals (Affiliated)
- The Analytics Engineering Roundup. A newsletter about data science. Archive.
Podcasts / Book Deals (Affiliated)
Presentations / Book Deals (Affiliated)
YouTube Videos & Channels / Book Deals (Affiliated)
- Data School - Data Science Education
Telegram Channels / Book Deals (Affiliated)
- Loss function porn — Beautiful posts on DS/ML theme with video or graphic visualization.
Hobby / Book Deals (Affiliated)
2. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- fd (⭐7) - Use fzf (⭐68k) to browse directories.
- plenv (⭐1) - Plugin for the perl plenv (⭐519) version manager based on jenv.
- pyenv (twopizza9621536) (⭐0) - Based on the oh-my-zsh pyenv (⭐177k) plugin with modifications from the rbenv and jenv plugins.
3. Awesome Capacitor
- Managed configuration (⭐5) - Capacitor plugin to access managed configuration settings.
4. Awesome Flame
App Releases / Board
- Chinese Checkers - Android, iOS - Play Chinese Checkers (Sternhalma), a popular strategy board game, online with friends/strangers or offline with bots. By Dong Digital.
App Releases / Casual
- Brick Mania - Android, iOS - A fantastic reinvention of the classic Brick Breaker game: relaxing and yet super satisfying. By Dong Digital.
App Releases / Educational
- Sky Academy - Android, iOS - Learn to recognize all the constellations and brightest stars from a gold medal winner of the International Astronomy Olympiad. By Dong Digital.
App Releases / Puzzle Games
- Sorting Puzzle - Android, iOS - Color sorting game reinvented: move and combine to solve puzzles. By Dong Digital.
5. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- nickhristov/krakdown (⭐14) - A native markdown parser written in Kotlin.
6. Free for Dev
Managed Data Services
- — Easy to use JavaScript serverless API/backend and NoSQL database service with functions, Mongdb-ish queries, key/value lookups, a job system, realtime messages, worker queues, a powerful CLI and a web-based data manager. Free plan has 5GB storage and 60/API calls per minute. 2 developers included. No credit-card required.
7. Awesome Github Wiki
8. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
JavaScript / Wicket
- The Code Challenge Book - Daniel Borowski (PDF)
Markdown / PicoLisp
- bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown - Yihui Xie (HTML) [(PDF, EPUB, MOBI)] (
Spark / Play Scala
- Learning Spark: Lightning-Fast Data Analytics - Jules S. Damji, Brooke Wenig, Tathagata Das, Denny Lee (PDF)
YAML / Vulkan
- YAML Tutorial - TutorialsPoint (PDF)
- Prev: Oct 16, 2022
- Next: Oct 14, 2022