Awesome List Updates on Oct 09, 2022
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Free Programming Books (English, By Subjects)
- Introduction to Modern Statistics - Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, Johanna Hardin (HTML, PDF) (email address required for PDF)
2. Awesome Flame
Articles by Happy Makadiya at Simform Solutions
- Build Collision-Based Game Using Flame in Flutter - (2022-10-09).
Tutorials by
- Building Games in Flutter with Flame: Getting Started - By Vincenzo Guzzi - (2021-10-21).
Articles by
- Dart Box2D Fundamentals series - (2020-07-13).
3. Static Analysis
Other / Other
- htmlbeautifier (⭐346) — A normaliser/beautifier for HTML that also understands embedded Ruby. Ideal for tidying up Rails templates.
4. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / Editors
- Atom Community (⭐724) - A fork of atom (⭐60k) A hackable text editor from Github.
5. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Archiving and Digital Preservation (DP)
- Wayback (⭐1.9k) - A self-hosted toolkit for archiving webpages to the Internet Archive,, IPFS, and local file systems.
Software / Media Streaming - Video Streaming
- SRS - A simple, high efficiency and real-time video server, supports RTMP, WebRTC, HLS, HTTP-FLV and SRT. (Source Code (⭐26k))
Software / Software Development - Project Management
- Cgit - A fast lightweight web interface for git repositories. (Source Code)
6. Awesome Privacy
Video and Audio Conferencing / Alternative clients/modifications of Discord:
- Vencord (⭐9.7k) - A Discord client mod that does things differently.
7. Awesome Pleb Projects
3D Printing
- HODLITEMS - hodlitems are bitcoin enthusiasts who want to share their passion for 3D printing with the world
- python-bitcoinlib (⭐1.6k) - This Python3 library provides an easy interface to the bitcoin data structures and protocol
Displays, LED, Tickers
- BitcoinPriceLED (⭐7) - LED-lamp that represents the current Bitcoin price trend
- BTC E-ink Ticker (⭐33) - bitcoin-ticker is a E-ink ticker that shows usefull information about bitcoin
- Bitcoin Kindle Display - Bitcoin Status on an old Kindle
- Citadel (⭐108) - allows you to run your own Bitcoin Lightning node and personal server
- Raspiblitz (⭐2.1k) - Build your own Lightning & Bitcoin Fullnode on a RaspberryPi with a nice Display
Learning Material
Lightning / Tools
- Alby (⭐343) - A browser extension to bring the Bitcoin Lightning Network to the browser
- lnproxy (⭐69) - lnproxy takes a bolt 11 invoice and generates a “wrapped” invoice that can be settled if and only if the original invoice is settled
- Tallycoin Connect (⭐23) - Install Tallycoin Connect on a bitcoin node to allow for the retrieval of lightning invoices via Tallycoin. LND required.
- TARO (⭐233) - Taro Daemon tarod implements the Taro protocol for issuing assets on the Bitcoin blockchain
Lightning / Hardware
- bitcoinSwitch (⭐34) - turn things on with Bitcoin
- LNPoS (⭐28) - Free and open-source bitcoin point-of-sale
- LN-TinyPOS (⭐7) - Small Lightning Network Tiny POS System By @sulfuroid
Lightning / Wallets
- BlueWallet (⭐1.9k) - Thin Bitcoin Wallet. Built with React Native and Electrum.
- Lightning Address (⭐256) - The Lightning Address is an Internet Identifier that allows anyone to send you Bitcoin over the Lightning Network
- Zeus (⭐582) - Zeus is a mobile Bitcoin/Lightning node manager and wallet application for LND, Core Lightning, and Eclair
Telegram Bots / Wallets
- Einundzwanzig Bot (⭐5) - Einundzwanzig Community Bot
Companies & Organizations / Wallets
Podcasts / Community
- Einundzwanzig, der Bitcoin Podcast - Toximalistisches Infotainment für bullishe Bitcoiner
- Pleb's Taverne - Der Bitcoin Stammtisch für toxische Bitcoin Plebs und die, die es noch werden
Podcasts / Creators
- Was Bitcoin bringt - Der Bitcoin-Podcast mit Niko Jilch
8. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- znvm (⭐1) - A Node.js version manager for ZSH similar to (⭐82k) but faster.
9. Awesome React Components
CSS / Style / Mouse Events
- stitches (⭐7.7k) - CSS-in-JS with near-zero runtime, SSR, multi-variant support.
10. Awesome Kotlin
Android / Boilerplate
- bufferapp/clean-architecture-components-boilerplate (⭐1.3k) - A clean architecture boilerplate using andorid architecture components for android written in Kotlin
11. Free for Dev
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- - Real time collaboration & writing tool for markdown format docs/files. Like Google Docs but for markdown files. Free unlimited number of "notes", but the number of collaborators (invitee) for private notes & template will be limited.
Security and PKI
- CyberChef — A simple, intuitive web app for analyzing and decoding/encoding data without dealing with complex tools or programming languages. Like a Swiss army knife of cryptography & encryption. All features are free to use, with no limit. Open source if you wish to self-host.
- CommandBar - Unified Search Bar as-a-service, web-based UI widget/plugin that allows your users to search contents, navigations, features, etc. within your product, which helps discoverability. Free for up to 1,000 Monthly Active Users, unlimited commands.
- Proton Mail - Free secure email account service provider with built-in end-to-end encryption. Free 1GB storage.
Storage and Media Processing
- AndroidFileHost - Free file-sharing platform with unlimited speed, bandwidth, file count, download count, etc. It is mainly aimed for Android dev-related files like APK build, custom ROM & modifications, etc. But seems to accept any other files as well.
- — Free online tools. Convert or edit documents, images, audio, video, and more.
- - Free file sharing and storage platform can be used via web-based UI & also API. unlimited file size, bandwidth, download count, etc. But it will be deleted when a file becomes inactive (no download for more than ten days).
12. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- ray-x/starry.nvim (⭐224) - A collection of modern Neovim colorschemes: material, moonlight, dracula (blood), monokai, mariana, emerald, earlysummer, middlenight_blue, darksolar.
13. Awesome Svelte
- svelte-unicons (⭐3) - Unicons svg icons for Svelte based on @iconscout/unicons.
14. Awesome Yew
Courses / Frameworks
- full-stack-todo-rust-course (⭐249) - Full stack rust course including course for Yew.
15. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking
- Joplin - Cross-platform open-source notepad with markdown support and to-do list management.
- Prev: Oct 10, 2022
- Next: Oct 08, 2022