Awesome List Updates on Oct 05, 2022
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome WSL
Using WSL / CUDA Development on WSL
- CUDA drivers and toolkit are required to be installed on Windows. 11.7 is recommended.
- Section 3 will instruct how to install the CUDA requirements inside WSL. Do not install a driver inside WSL. The Windows driver will be used through the 5.10 kernel.
2. Awesome Neovim
Utility / Diagnostics
- numToStr/BufOnly.nvim (⭐34) - Lua/Neovim port of BufOnly.vim with some changes.
3. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- ddc (⭐23) - Adds tab completions for ddc (⭐688).
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- nt9 (⭐31) - A clean, distraction free and
focused development theme. Shows path relative togit
root (or~
when outsidegit
repo), time since last commit, current SHA, branch and branch state.
4. Awesome Material
- MUI — The React component library of Material Design
5. Awesome Rest
- HATEOAS - Clear explanation on what HATEOAS is, and why you should use it.
- HAL - Simple format that gives a consistent and easy way to hyperlink between resources in your API.
6. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- template-vite-react (⭐175) - A minimal React Vite starter template.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Transformers
- @vituum/vite-plugin-handlebars (⭐6) - Handlebars template engine support, transforms
templates to.html
- @vituum/vite-plugin-pug (⭐9) - Pug template engine support, transforms
templates to.html
- @vituum/vite-plugin-nunjucks (⭐11) - Nunjucks template engine support, transforms
templates to.html
- @vituum/vite-plugin-liquid (⭐12) - Liquid template engine support, transforms
templates to.html
- @vituum/vite-plugin-twig (⭐18) - Twig template engine support, transforms
templates to.html
- @vituum/vite-plugin-latte (⭐1) - Latte template engine support, transforms
templates to.html
- @vituum/vite-plugin-posthtml (⭐9) - PostHTML support, transforms syntax to
- @vituum/vite-plugin-juice (⭐5) - Juice support, transforms
to inline styles in.html
7. Awesome Python Typing
Tools / Helper tools to add annotations to existing code
- PyTypes (⭐11) - Infer Types by Python Tracing.
8. Awesome Vlc
- The Good Parts of LibVLC - The first ebook about the VideoLAN non-profit organization and the opensource LibVLC developer SDK.
9. Awesome Blazor
Articles / Others
- Using .NET 7's Blazor Custom Elements to render dynamic content - October 5, 2022 - Using .NET 7's Blazor Custom Elements to render dynamic content, by Jon Hilton.
10. Static Analysis
Other / Other
- Rezilion ©️ — Discovers vulnerabilities for all components in your environment, filters out 85% non-exploitable vulnerabilities and creates a remediation plan and open tickets to upgrade components that violate your security policy and/or patch automatically in CI.
11. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Static site generation
- Wagtail-Netlify (⭐85) - Easily publish your statically rendered Wagtail site to Netlify.
- wagtail-freezer (⭐13) - Generates static HTML sites from a Wagtail project.
Resources / Articles
- Upgrading to Wagtail 3.0 - General tips to migrate your codebase to Wagtail 3.0.
- Upgrading to Wagtail 3.0 Part 1 & Upgrading to Wagtail 3.0 Part 2 - Two part series in how to migrate to Wagtail 3.0 with specific code examples.
Resources / Presentations
- Wagtail Guide - Getting started - Wagtail Space US 2022 by Coen van der Kamp.
- A New Approach to Multitenant Wagtail - Wagtail Space US 2022 by Stephanie C. Smith and Addison Hardy.
- The Wagtail Ecosystem - Wagtail Space US 2022 by Vince Salvino.
- Wagtail charts and graphs - Wagtail Space US 2022 by Sævar Öfjörð Magnússon & Arnar Tumi Þorsteinsson.
- Adding a GraphQL API to Wagtail - Wagtail Space US 2022 by Patrick Arminio.
- Bringing JSONField into Wagtail Core - Wagtail Space US 2022 by Sage Abdullah.
- Wagtail vs. WordPress - Wagtail Space US 2022 by Kalob Taulien.
- Designing the new page editor - Wagtail Space US 2022 by Phil Dexter and Ben Enright.
- Wagtail Guide - Wagtail Space US 2022 by Coen van der Kamp.
- The state of Wagtail 2022 - Wagtail Space NL 2022 by Tom Dyson.
- Choosers - Wagtail Space NL 2022 by Matthew Westcott.
- Working with Image Filters - Wagtail Space NL 2022 by Arnar Tumi Þorsteinsson.
- Things I learned - Wagtail Space NL 2022 by Dan Braghis.
- Wagtail Roadrunner Beep Beep - Wagtail Space NL 2022 by Lars van de Kerkhof.
- Dockerising wagtail projects in 5 minutes - Wagtail Space NL 2022 by Sævar Öfjörð Magnússon.
- Wagtail in the News Room - Wagtail Space NL 2022 by Sævar Öfjörð Magnússon & Arnar Tumi Þorsteinsson.
- Digital Nomad - Wagtail Space NL 2022 by Maikel Martens.
- Unobtrusive internationalisation - Wagtail Space NL 2022 by Lars van de Kerkhof.
- Moving Wagtail pages - Wagtail Space NL 2022 by Viggo de Vries.
- Wagtail headless and NextJS frontend - Wagtail Space NL 2022 by Lucas Moeskops.
Resources / Books
- The Definitive Guide to Next.js and Wagtail - Build a Jamstack web app with Next.js and Wagtail CMS.
- Build a Blog With Wagtail CMS (3.0.0) - This book will teach you how to build a modern blog with Wagtail CMS.
- Build SPA with React and Wagtail (2.0.0) - This book will teach you how to build a SPA (single-page application) with React and Wagtail CMS.
- Build a Blog with React (SSR) and Wagtail - This book will teach you how to build a blog with React, Wagtail CMS and SSR (Server-Side Rendering).
For editors / Lists
- IoGT Wagtail CMS - User facing documentation for Wagtail by What is the IoGT (Internet of Good Things).
Community / Lists
- Wagtail updates on Telegram - Unofficial Telegram channel for general Wagtail updates.
- Wagtail support on Telegram - Unofficial Telegram channel for support questions and discussions.
Open-source sites / Lists
- Outreachy website (⭐254) - Website for Outreachy, who provide internships in open source and open science.
12. Awesome Privacy
- Deezer - Bad privacy policy. Apps have many trackers. Way too many permissions are required for a streaming app.
- Spotify - Very bad privacy policy. They collect tons of data about you: mood, free time, likes, dislikes, friends... Also, their apps have way too many trackers.
- iVoox - Their apps are filled with trackers. Their website has trackers.
- Audible - Very bad privacy policy. Their app has many trackers.
- Antennapod - A podcast player that is completely open. Subscribe to any RSS feed.
- Castopod - Self-host your podcasts with ease, keep control over what you create and talk to your audience without any middleman. Your podcast and your audience belong to you and you only.
- Funkwhale - A social platform to enjoy and share audio.
13. Web Development Resources
- Website:
- Website:
- Website:
- Website:
- Website:
- Website:
- Website:
- Website:
- Website:
- Website:
- Website:
14. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
- Essential Android - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
Bash / Non-X86
- Essential Bash - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
C / Non-X86
- Essential C - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
C# / Non-X86
- Essential C# - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
C++ / Non-X86
- Essential C++ - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors (CC BY-SA)
Go / Phoenix
- Essential Go - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors (CC BY-SA)
HTML and CSS / Spock Framework
- Essential CSS - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
- Essential HTML - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
- Essential HTML Canvas - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
iOS / Bootstrap
- Essential iOS - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
Java / Bootstrap
- Essential Java - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
JavaScript / Wicket
- Essential Javascript - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
JavaScript / Node.js
- Essential Node.js - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
JavaScript / React
- Essential React - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
JavaScript / React Native
- Essential React Native - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors (CC BY-SA)
Kotlin / Vue.js
- Essential Kotlin - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors (CC BY-SA)
MySQL / PicoLisp
- Essential MySQL - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
.NET Framework / PicoLisp
- Essential .NET Framework - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
- Unit Testing Succinctly - Marc Clifton
Objective-C / PicoLisp
- Essential Objective-C - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
Perl / PicoLisp
PHP / PicoLisp
- Essential PHP - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
PostgreSQL / Zend
- Essential PostgreSQL - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
PowerShell / Zend
- Essential PowerShell - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- Essential Python - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
Ruby / Tornado
- Essential Ruby - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
Ruby / Ruby on Rails
- Essential Ruby on Rails - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
TypeScript / Vapor
- Essential TypeScript - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
- Prev: Oct 06, 2022
- Next: Oct 04, 2022