Awesome List Updates on Oct 04, 2022
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ipfs
- create-ipfs-app (⭐17) - Set up a decentralized web3 app by running one command.
2. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Media
- Wagtail Transcription (⭐7) - Provides a field to automatically creates transcriptions from YouTube videos.
3. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- symfony-complete (⭐7) - Universal completion for Symfony based CLI applications:
and etc. This supports autocompletion for subcommands and GNU-style options (--help
4. Awesome Graphql
PHP / React
- drupal/graphql - Craft and expose a GraphQL schema for Drupal 9 and 10.
5. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- einops (⭐8.7k) - Deep learning operations reinvented (for pytorch, tensorflow, jax and others).
6. Awesome V
- HN-top (⭐22) - A simple command to list most recent news from hacker-news.
- klonol (⭐20) - CLI tool to help you "clone all" git repositories belonging to you. Works with GitHub and Gitea.
- portctl (⭐9) - CLI tool to manage Docker Swarm resources using Portainer API.
- runner (⭐26) - A tool that automates running/compiling code written in various programming languages.
- symlinker (⭐8) - A small Linux tool to manage symlinks.
- vast (⭐27) - A simple tool for vlang, generate v source file to AST json file.
- verve (⭐6) - Simple and fast static file server.
- vinit (⭐16) - A tool to generate v projects.
- vLogQL (⭐17) - A tiny command-line utility to query LogQL APIs.
- vqrcode (⭐26) - CLI for creating QR Codes.
- vspect (⭐2) - A tool to inspect vlang source file. ( Archived )
- text_editor (⭐36k) - Small text editor from the official V examples.
- Boundstone (⭐61) - High Performance / Fast Compilation / Lightweight Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Server.
- Kurarin (⭐53) - osu! beatmap visualizer made in V. Example video.
- minesweeper (⭐38) - A simple Minesweeper game written in vlang.
- v-pong (⭐13) - A classic paddle game brought back to life through the power of V.
- monkey_v (⭐38) - Implementation of Thorsten Ball's Monkey Language in V.
- v (⭐36k) - V itself. Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software.
- vbf (⭐19) - A brainfuck interpreter/compiler.
- vcc (⭐102) - A C compiler written in V.
- Vork (⭐28) - Alternative V compiler/interpreter written in Python.
Operating systems/Kernels
- Vinix (⭐2k) - Small and simple OS in V. Runs bash.
Project management
- Lenra template (⭐3) - The Lenra template to write V app for Lenra platform.
- vset (⭐20) - A project setup and configuration tool for V projects.
- vlang-yaml (⭐25) - A V-native YAML reader, incl. YAML-to-JSON converter.
- vblog (⭐29) - A simple, fast and responsive blogging system.
- Vebview.JS (⭐78) - Electron/Neutralino.JS alternative written in V.
- Vieter (⭐11) - Archlinux repository server & package build system, written in V.
- Vlang Benchmarks Visualization (⭐9) - Fancy statistics and plots for Is V still fast?.
- vorum (⭐220) - Open-source blogging/forum software written in V.
- vss (⭐37) - Easy-to-use static site generator.
- VTik (⭐18) - TikTok and Twitter video downloader app (CLI / Telegram Bot).
- pico.v (⭐112) - A web server in V based on picoev and picohttpparser.
- v-jsonrpc (⭐33) - Basic JSON-RPC 2.0-compliant server written on V.
- validate (⭐21) - A simple library to validate strings in V.
- valval (⭐153) - Web framework written in V, improved by vweb.
- vcurrency (⭐7) - API wrapper (written in V) for
- vex (⭐343) - Web framework written on V inspired by Express and Sinatra.
- vigest (⭐4) - Simple client for digest authentication (written in V).
- vxbloauth (⭐8) - A minimalistic Xbox Live authenticator for vweb.
- vave (⭐40) - A crazy simple library for reading/writing WAV files in V. 🌊
- vspeech (⭐50) - Complete V bindings for Mozilla's DeepSpeech TensorFlow based Speech-to-Text library. 📢📜
- vrobot (⭐52) - Desktop automation for V. Only supports Windows.
Command line interface (CLI) / Terminal / Shell
- spinners (⭐20) - Create spinners in your terminal!
Database clients
- redis (⭐68) - Redis client for V, written in V.
- vmemcached (⭐11) - Memcached client for V, written in V.
- vsql (⭐46) - A sql query builder for V.
- discord.v (⭐120) - User-friendly Discord bot library.
- viscord (⭐22) - Pretty basic library for connecting to the Discord gateway.
- vord (⭐5) - Library for interacting with user account endpoints and gateway (Self-bots, custom clients, etc).
- eventbus (⭐36k) - A simple event bus system for V.
File handling
- v-mime (⭐24) - MIME detection library for V.
- vmon (⭐36) - Asynchronously watch for file changes in a directory. The module is essentially a V wrapper for
. It works for Windows, macOS and Linux.
Game development
- V_ecs (⭐17) - ECS library made in V inspired by Bevy ECS.
- V Earcut (⭐14) - fast (real-time) polygon triangulation library based on mapbox/Earcut (⭐2.3k) to handle holes, twisted polygons, degeneracies and self-intersections.
- V_sokol_gp (⭐4) - A V wrapper for the sokol_gp library for easy and fast 2d graphics.
- viup (⭐46) - V wrapper for the C-based cross-platform UI library, IUP.
- vsdl (⭐12) - V wrapper for the C-based SDL library.
- vsdl2 (⭐46) - A libSDL2 wrapper.
- vitric (⭐4) - A transparent IRC library.
- vmq (⭐19) - V wrapper For ZMQ (aka ZeroMQ, ØMQ, 0MQ: a high-performance asynchronous messaging library).
Operating system
- vlipboard (⭐12) - An easy to use wrapper of clipboard with Wayland and Termux support.
Scientific computing
- vplot (⭐16) - V wrapper for GNU Plot (
Serial Communications
- vi2c (⭐14) - A tiny (wrapper) library for I2C serial communication for Linux written in V.
- vagi (⭐7) - Asterisk FastAGI library in V.
Text processing
- ascii_robot (⭐13) - ASCII Robot generator written in V.
- chalk (⭐22) - Colorize strings in the terminal.
- cjson (⭐12) - Wrap cJSON for vlang.
- crayon (⭐58) - Paint your terminal output like Picasso. 🖍️🎨
- iconv (⭐6) - Wrap iconv for vlang.
- Rosie-RPL (⭐6) - A Rosie Pattern Language (RPL) implementation.
- v-regex (⭐14) - A simple regex library for V.
User Interface toolkits
- mui (⭐110) - A Cross-Platform UI library for Windows, Linux, Android and Web.
- V UI (⭐2.4k) - Integrated cross platform UI toolkit for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS and the web.
- range (⭐33) - Functionality of Python's range() in V.
- vdotenv (⭐40) - Support for .env files which loads environment variables.
- Getting Started with V Programming - Navule Pavan Kumar Rao - Packt 2021 Dec - Introductory book on V.
Editor plugins / Atom
- language-v (⭐7) - V language support for Atom (port of vscode-vlang).
Editor plugins / Emacs
- v-mode (⭐62) - Emacs major mode for the V programming language.
- vlang-mode.el (⭐12) - Emacs major mode for the V programming language.
Editor plugins / Sublime Text 3
- sublime-v (⭐15) - Fully-featured Sublime Text 3 package for the V Programming Language.
- vlang-sublime (⭐18) - Sublime text 3 Support for the Vlang Programming Language.
Editor plugins / Vim
- v-vim (⭐176) - Support for V syntax highlighting in Vim.
- vim-v (⭐25) - Quality syntax highlighting for the V programming language.
- vim-vtools (⭐17) - V tools for Vim, including auto formatting.
Forums / Vim
GitHub actions / Vim
- action-create-v-docs - GitHub action to create documentation for V modules.
- setup-v - GitHub action to install and use V in your workflow.
Operating Systems & OS Development Examples / Vim
- Simple Linux kernel module example (⭐27) - Demonstration & test of writing a very simple Linux kernel module, using V.
Programming contests / Vim
- Advent of Code 2019 (⭐12) - Solution of Advent of Code 2019 in V.
- SoloLearn Coding Challenges (⭐16) - Implementation of the SoloLearn coding challenges in V.
Syntax highlighting / Vim
- kate-syntax-highlight-v (⭐21) - V syntax highlighting for Kate.
- scite-v-support (⭐2) - V syntax highlighting for SciTE.
Tutorials / Vim
- V by Example (⭐170) - V book as GitBook.
- V for Node Devs (⭐28) - Vlang for node js developers.
- V learning notes (⭐171) - Personal learning notes in Chinese.
Videos / Vim
7. Awesome Plotters
Inspiration, Instruction, and Research / Fonts
- Orbis Tertius - An immersive digital installation with plotter output of Martian topography.
8. Awesome Osint
Social Media Tools / Twitter
- ExportData - Data export tool for historical tweets, followers & followings and historical trends.
9. Awesome Privacy
Blogging platforms (Medium)
- Medium - website has Google trackers and ads.
- Blogger - Google owned, has google trackers and ads.
10. Awesome Swift
App Store
- AppReview (⭐113) - A tiny library to request review on the AppStore via SKStoreReviewController.
11. Awesome Neovim
Note Taking / Diagnostics
- jghauser/papis.nvim (⭐163) - Manage your bibliography from within your favourite editor.
12. Awesome Software Architecture
- SOLID - Lend to developing software with considerations for maintaining and extending as the project grows
13. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
- Learn Arduino - Compiled from StackOverflow documentation (PDF)
C / Non-X86
- C Handbook - Flavio Copes (HTML, PDF)
Go / Phoenix
- Go Handbook - Flavio Copes (HTML, PDF)
JavaScript / Wicket
- JavaScript Handbook - Flavio Copes (HTML, PDF)
MATLAB / PicoLisp
- Matlab Programming Fundamentals - Mathworks (PDF)
PHP / PicoLisp
- PHP Handbook - Flavio Copes (HTML, PDF)
Swift / Play Scala
- Swift Handbook - Flavio Copes (HTML, PDF)
14. Web Development Resources
Description: Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative. Start your project with a Postgres Database, Authentication, instant APIs, Realtime
: subscriptions and Storage.
Description: Railway is an infrastructure platform where you can provision infrastructure, develop with that infrastructure locally, and then deploy to the cloud.
- Prev: Oct 05, 2022
- Next: Oct 03, 2022