Awesome List Updates on Oct 02, 2022
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Go
Game Development
- Ebitengine (⭐12k) - dead simple 2D game engine in Go.
- fantasyname (⭐34) - Fantasy names generator.
- xylog (⭐17) - Leveled and structured logging, dynamic fields, high performance, zone management, simple configuration, and readable syntax.
Package Management
- gup (⭐387) - Update binaries installed by "go install".
Third-party APIs
- go-restcountries (⭐3) - Go library for the REST Countries API.
2. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- fd-plugin (⭐8) - Adds aliases for fd (⭐36k), a modern replacement for
3. Awesome Ruby
Date and Time Processing
- date_range_formatter (⭐31) - The simple tool to make work with date ranges in Ruby more enjoyable.
4. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
- Arduino-docs : A beginner's guide - Paramesh Chandra (HTML)
C# / Non-X86
- Xamarin Community Toolkit Succinctly - Alessandro Del Sole
JavaScript / Wicket
- Modern JavaScript - Daniel Rubio
Python / Django
- Django Rest Framework - Compiled from StackOverflow Documentation (PDF)
Python / Pandas
- Best Pandas Tutorial | Learn with 50 Examples - Ekta Aggarwal (HTML)
5. Web Development Resources
Remote Jobs:
- Website:
6. Awesome Micropython
Frameworks / SRAM
- meerkat (⭐9) - I2C Data Acquisition for MicroPython and Raspberry Pi.
7. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums
- qpixel - Q&A-based community knowledge-sharing software. (Source Code (⭐403))
Software / Software Development - Project Management
- Gerrit - A code review and project management tool for Git based projects. (Source Code (⭐1k))
8. Awesome Board Games
The object of Condottiere is to acquire four connected provinces in renaissance Italy. To do this players auction off different provinces on the board and bid on these provinces with a hand of cards representing mercenaries,seasons, scarecrows, and political figures. However, unlike standard auctions, in Condottiere every player loses their bid. Players are, in effect, bidding the number of troops they are willing to lose in order to win a province.
Players | Min. Age | Time |
2 - 6 | 14 | around 45m |
9. Awesome Privacy
File Management and Sharing
- Paperless-ngx (⭐25k) - A community-supported supercharged version of paperless based on paperless-ng
- Quetre (⭐445) - Quetre is an alternative front-end to Quora. It enables you to see answers without ads, trackers, and other such bloat.
10. Awesome WSL
Using WSL / The WSL Shell
- The Bash Academy - The Bash Academy is an initiative to promote the bash shell language and educate people on its use.
Supported Distributions / OpenSUSE / SUSE Enterprise Linux
- Managing Software with Command Line Tools from OpenSUSE.
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Documentation from SUSE.
Supported Distributions / Pengwin
Related Projects / Miscellaneous Tools
- PowerShell - PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management framework from Microsoft, consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language.
Thanks / Miscellaneous Tools
- The Windows 10, WSL, and kernel teams at Microsoft, including but not limited to Tara Raj, Rich Turner, Jessie Frazelle, Jack Hammons, Sarah Cooley, Ben Hillis, Allen Sudbring, Brandon Wilson, John Starks, Russ Alexander, Yosef Durr, Sven Groot, Sunil Muthuswamy, Palkesh Soni, John Starks, Craig Wilhite.
Intellectual Property Notices / Miscellaneous Tools
- Docker® and Docker Hub® are registered trademarks of Docker, Inc. *
11. Free for Dev
CI and CD
- Make — The workflow automation tool lets you connect apps and automate workflows using UI. It supports many apps and the most popular APIs. Free for public GitHub repositories, and free tier with 100 Mb, 1000 Operations, and 15 minutes of minimum interval.
Security and PKI
- Escape GraphQL Quickscan - One-click security scan of your GraphQL endpoints. Free, no login required.
- Prev: Oct 03, 2022
- Next: Oct 01, 2022