Awesome List Updates on Oct 02, 2022

11 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Go

Game Development


Package Management

Third-party APIs

2. Awesome Zsh Plugins

Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only

3. Awesome Ruby

Date and Time Processing

4. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)


C# / Non-X86

JavaScript / Wicket

Python / Django

Python / Pandas

5. Web Development Resources

Remote Jobs:

6. Awesome Micropython

Frameworks / SRAM

7. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums

Software / Software Development - Project Management

8. Awesome Board Games



The object of Condottiere is to acquire four connected provinces in renaissance Italy. To do this players auction off different provinces on the board and bid on these provinces with a hand of cards representing mercenaries,seasons, scarecrows, and political figures. However, unlike standard auctions, in Condottiere every player loses their bid. Players are, in effect, bidding the number of troops they are willing to lose in order to win a province.

Condottiere image

Players Min. Age Time
2 - 6 14 around 45m

9. Awesome Privacy

File Management and Sharing


10. Awesome WSL

Using WSL / The WSL Shell

Supported Distributions / OpenSUSE / SUSE Enterprise Linux

Supported Distributions / Pengwin

Related Projects / Miscellaneous Tools

Thanks / Miscellaneous Tools

Intellectual Property Notices / Miscellaneous Tools

11. Free for Dev

CI and CD

Security and PKI