Awesome List Updates on Mar 07 - Mar 13, 2022
56 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Zig
Algorithms and data structures
- ziglibs/s2s (⭐132) - Binary serialization format and library.
Network / HTTP
- axgdev/telegram_echobot_zig (⭐5) - Telegram echo bot.
Web / Messaging
- batiati/mustache-zig (⭐126) - Mustache implementation.
2. Awesome Appimage
AppImage developer tools / Deployment tools for Electron applications
- electron-forge-maker-appimage (⭐8) - Electron Forge builder for AppImage.
3. Awesome Food
Food-related projects
- Mealie (⭐2.7k) - Mealie is a self hosted recipe manager and meal planner.
4. Awesome Ada
Runtimes / Apache License
- ada-runtime (⭐33) - A downsized Ada runtime which can be adapted to different platforms.
Games / Apache License
- buttons (⭐4) - A simple gtkada (⭐91) Button Mania game.
- play-2048 (⭐4) - Play 2048! is a clone of the popular 2048 game, implemented in Ada using asfml (⭐34) for graphics and ada-toml (⭐32) for saving state.
- bingada (⭐8) - Bingo application in gtkada (⭐91).
Components / Apache License
- gneiss (⭐23) - Gneiss is an interface collection to be used with applications for component based systems. It aims to be easily portable/platform independent and is compatible with the ada-runtime (⭐33).
Graphical User Interface / Apache License
- gnoga - The GNU Omnificent GUI for Ada.
- gtkada (⭐91) - Ada graphical toolkit based on Gtk3 components.
Compression / Apache License
- zip-ada (⭐26) - Zip-Ada is a programming library for dealing with the Zip compressed archive file format.
- dcf-ada (⭐6) - An Ada 2012 library for document container files (Based on zip-ada (⭐26)).
Format Readers, Writers and Checkers / Apache License
- protobuf-ada (⭐18) - Experimental Ada code generation support for Google Protocol Buffers.
- protobuf (⭐36) - A Google Protocol Buffers implementation in Ada, using matreshka (⭐7).
- ada-toml (⭐32) - TOML parser for Ada.
Web / Apache License
- template-parser (⭐7) - AWS templates engine.
Graphics and Multimedia / Apache License
- asfml (⭐34) - Ada binding to the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library.
Utilities / Apache License
- ssprep - An extensible template engine akin to jinja but using template-parser (⭐7) and intended for command line usage.
Office / Apache License
- hunter (⭐21) - Graphical (gtkada (⭐91)) file manager for Linux.
Simulation / Apache License
- eagle-lander (⭐31) - Apollo 11 lunar lander simulator (gtkada (⭐91)/Cairo).
5. Awesome LaTeX
- MikTeX - Most common LaTeX distribution for Windows, but also available for Mac, Linux or as Docker image.
Docker Images
- reitzig/texlive-docker (⭐23) - minimal TeXLive system with package installation possibility
- Island of TeX/texlive - debian-based full TeXLive system
- dante-ev/docker-texlive (⭐89) - debian-based full TeXLive system with additions with pandoc, perl, and python pre-installed
- XeTeX - TeX compiler that provides better unicode and font support than TeX/pdfTeX (i.e. you can use the fonts of your operating system instead of only TeX fonts).
- LuaTeX - (La)TeX compiler that supports Lua code for scripting and has improved unicode and font support than standard TeX/pdfTeX.
- TeXMaker - Pretty good alternative to Kile.
- WinEdt - The LaTeX editor many people swear by. Only for
- TeXnicCenter - Quite old but free and decent editor for LaTeX.
- TeXShop - No-nonsense editor for LaTeX documents which is included in MacTeX.
- BakomaTex - Commercial LaTeX editor that allows to edit your document both using its source code and WYSIWYG.
General purpose text editors
- Atom
- LaTeXTools - Atom port of the Sublime Text package of the same name.
- LaTeXTools - Atom port of the Sublime Text package of the same name.
- Sublime Text
- LaTeXing (⭐80) - Free plug-in to edit LaTeX.
- LaTeXTools (⭐2k) - Free LaTeX plugin for Sublime Text.
- LaTeXing (⭐80) - Free plug-in to edit LaTeX.
- Vim
- Vim-LaTeX
- LaTeX Live Preview (⭐832) - Instantly previews your LaTeX document.
- vimtex (⭐5.3k) - Modern vim plugin for editing LaTeX files. Has a variety of features including live preview and forward search.
- Vim-LaTeX
- IntelliJ
- TeXiFy-IDEA (⭐874) - Free LaTeX plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.
- TeXiFy-IDEA (⭐874) - Free LaTeX plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.
- VS Code
- LaTeX Workshop (⭐10k) - LaTeX extension for Visual Studio Code
- LTeX - LanguageTool grammar/spell checking
- a-nau/latex-devcontainer (⭐13) - Devcontainer setup for easy LaTeX usage without local installation
- LaTeX Workshop (⭐10k) - LaTeX extension for Visual Studio Code
Bibliography tools
- Bibdesk - Great bibliography editor for
- Zotero - Reference manager for your browser that also exports to bibtex and integrates with many LaTeX editors.
Build Tools
- Arara (GitHub repo (⭐397)) - Simple tool that allows you to specify which tools to call inside your document and it can be extended quite easily.
GitHub Actions
- xu-cheng/latex-action (⭐1.1k) - GitHub Action to compile LaTeX documents
- dante-ev/latex-action (⭐173) - DANTE e.V.'s GitHub action to compile LaTeX documents. Offers a full TeXLive and pre-installed perl and python.
Quality Check Tools
- ChkTeX - Linter / code checker for LaTeX documents.
Tools centered around equations
- Codecogs Eqn Editor - Online LaTeX equation editor that allows you to produce figures containing an equation.
- EqualX - Graphical LaTeX formula editor.
- LaTeXEqEdit - LaTeX formula editor for Windows.
LaTeX-compatible GUI tools
- TikzEdt (also: GitHub repo (⭐8)) - WYSIWYG and text-based editor for TikZ pictures.
- IPE - Drawing tool that integrates well with LaTeX commands and documents.
- GeoGebra - Cross-platform geometry tool with output to TikZ.
- csv2latex - Converts CSV files from your favorite programs to LaTeX
Graphics / TikZ
- TeXample - Blog about LaTeX, with a big collection of TikZ figures.
- pgfplots - Truly awesome plotting library on top of and in the style of TikZ/pgf. This library can load in CSV data files, perform some calculations and create beautiful plots.
Source Code / TikZ
- minted - The minted package uses pygments to generate the listings. In this way, LaTeX is able to format more than 300 programming and markup languages and other text formats.
Symbols / TikZ
- Comprehensive LaTeX symbol list - Very extensive list of symbols for LaTeX. Available in A4 and letter sizes.
- Detexify - You draw the symbol and this site/app will tell you the LaTeX command.
Resources / TikZ
- TeXDoc - Online interface to the
utility to browse LaTeX packages and documentation.
- Dickimaw Books: LaTeX resources - Great overview of resources useful for LaTeX.
- LaTeX cookbook - Sibling of TeXample, contains quite a bit of example code.
- Visual FAQ - Typesetting issues and a link to appropriate TeX FAQ answers.
- LaTeX community - Forum about LaTeX.
- BibTeX Style Examples - Example output of common BibTeX styles (BST files).
- TeX World - Websites supported by the TeX Users Group, DANTE, and GUTenberg.
Tutorials / TikZ
- - Browser-based LaTeX tutorial.
- The (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX2e - Very comprehensive introduction to LaTeX.
- Begin LaTeX in minutes (⭐3.3k) - Brief intro to LaTeX for beginners that helps you use LaTeX with ease.
Books / TikZ
- Formatting Information (2020) - This is the HTML5-based online version of the book Formatting Information - An introduction to typesetting with LATEX. It has been continuously updated since the early 2000s.
Blogs / TikZ
- TeXblog - Blog about LaTeX and everything related.
- TeX Talk - Blog for the TeX Stack Exchange site with news and interviews.
6. Web Development Resources
Color Palettes:
- Website:
7. Awesome Linguistics
- Language Science Press - Language Science Press is a born-digital scholar-led open access publisher in linguistics.
8. Awesome Nix
Channel History / Discovery
- Nix Review Tools Reports - Reports showing problematic dependencies (dependencies causing the most failed builds) for major Hydra jobsets.
9. Awesome Graphql
Tools - Miscellaneous / React
- Typetta (⭐114) - Node.js ORM written in TypeScript for type lovers. Typetta is the perfect ORM for the GraphQL + NodeJS + Typescript stack.
10. Awesome Coq
Projects / Type Theory and Mathematics
- Four Color Theorem (⭐182) - Formal proof of the Four Color Theorem, a landmark result of graph theory.
11. Awesome Deno
Modules / Web framework
- faster (⭐49) - A fast and optimized middleware server with a set of useful middlwares.
12. Alternative Front Ends
Overview / YouTube Music
- th-ch/youtube-music (⭐3.7k): YouTube Music desktop app based on Electron bundled with custom plugins (including built-in ad blocker and downloader)
Overview / Reddit
- Dawn (⭐444): Open-source Reddit app
- Available on F-Droid
- Forked from Dank: (⭐819)
- kddit: uWSGI frontend for written in Python
- Official instance:
Overview / Reuters
- Neuters (⭐52): An alternative front-end to It is intented to be lightweight and fast, and was heavily inspired by Nitter
- Official instance:
13. GoBooks
Wasm Cooking with Golang / Why does this book look so different?
- Wasm & Go in your browser
- Wasm & Go with Node.js
- WasmEdge & Go
- Wasm in the Cloud: Do you know Atmo?
14. Awesome Ruby
Code Formatting
- Standard (⭐2.8k) - Ruby Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
15. Awesome Readme
Creating GIFs
- Gifski (⭐7.9k) - FREE - More vivid colors than the rest, but still keeps size low.
- LICEcap - FREE - Less intuitive, but with more features.
- terminalizer (⭐15k) - FREE - Record your terminal and generate animated GIF images or share a web player.
16. Awesome Quant
Python / Financial Instruments and Pricing
- pynance (⭐317) - Lightweight Python library for assembling and analyzing financial data.
17. Awesome Cl
- Allegro's Common Graphics- a library of functions for writing windowized GUIs for Windows, Mac and Linux. Proprietary with a free version.
- since Allegro 10.1 (March, 2022), the IDE and the Common Graphics toolkit runs in the browser.
18. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- cpea2506/one_monokai.nvim (⭐178) - One Monokai theme written in Lua.
Utility / Diagnostics
- jghauser/fold-cycle.nvim (⭐85) - Cycle folds open or closed.
19. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Communications / Pragmatics
- Pragmatic Reasoning through Semantic Inference - Semantics & Pragmatics, 2016. [All Versions].
20. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- atmos (⭐917) - A universal tool that converts deep merged YAML to module inputs. 👽
21. Awesome Humane Tech
Social networks / Wear our badge
- Beatbump
- An alternative front-end for Youtube Music without Ads.
Voice Assistants / Wear our badge
- S.E.P.I.A.
- Your own digital voice-assistant.
22. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Email - Mailing Lists and Newsletters
- Keila - Self-hosted reliable and easy-to-use newsletter tool (alternative to Mailchimp or Sendinblue). (Demo, Source Code (⭐1.6k))
Software / Media Streaming - Audio Streaming
- koel - Personal music streaming server that works. (Demo, Source Code (⭐16k))
23. Awesome Svelte
- svelte-frappe-charts (⭐310) - Svelte bindings for frappe-charts.
24. Magictools
Books / Voxel Editors
25. Awesome Machine Learning
Tools / Misc
- Chaos Genius (⭐749) - ML powered analytics engine for outlier/anomaly detection and root cause analysis.
26. Awesome Yew
Crates / Utils
- yew-style-in-rs (⭐23) - Scoped CSS in Rust for Yew.
27. Public Apis
Description: Get waifu pictures from an archive of over 4000 images and multiple tags
Auth: No
API: WhatJobs
Description: Job search engine
CORS: Unknown
Machine Learning
API: Hirak FaceAPI
Description: Face detection, face recognition with age estimation/gender estimation, accurate, no quota limits
CORS: Unknown
API: Threat Jammer
Description: Risk scoring service from curated threat intelligence data
CORS: Unknown
Text Analysis
API: Hirak Translation
Description: Translate between 21 of most used languages, accurate, unlimited requests
CORS: Unknown
API: Owen Wilson Wow
Description: API for actor Owen Wilson's "wow" exclamations in movies
Auth: No
28. Free for Dev
Code Generation
- — Tabnine helps developers create better software faster by providing insights learned from all the code in the world. Plugin available.
Remote Desktop Tools
- RemSupp — On-demand support and permanent access to devices (2 sessions/day for free)
Other Free Resources
- UseCSV by Layercode — Add CSV and Excel import to your web app in minutes. Give your users an enjoyable and robust data import experience. Get Started for Free without any credit card details, and start integrating UseCSV today. You can create unlimited Importers and upload files up to 100Mb.
29. Awesome Go
Routers / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- goblin (⭐79) - A golang http router based on trie tree.
Go Tools / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- gotestdox (⭐135) - Show Go test results as readable sentences.
30. Awesome Pascal
- jachLog (⭐32).
pure pascal, flexible, extensible and lightweight library to add logging capabilities to your Delphi applications. Multiple log destinations supported. The library supports multithreaded applications and is itself multithreaded to minimize the impact writing the log may have on the performance on mission critical applications.
31. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science
Proof Complexity / Lecture Notes
- Robert Robere. Proof Complexity: Algorithms and Lower Bounds - An introduction to modern proof complexity, emphasizing its connections with computational complexity and algorithms in optimization.
Lecture Notes / Monograph
- Arora. Advanced Algorithm Design - Notably uses ideas such as randomness, approximation, high dimensional geometry. Faces uncertainty, approaches to handle big data, handling intractability, heuristic approaches, ..etc.
Lecture Videos Playlists / Monograph
- O'Donnell. CS Theory Toolkit - It covers a large number of the math/CS topics that you need to know for reading and doing research in Computer Science Theory - alternatively: bilibili
Books / Monograph
- Jukna. Extremal Combinatorics - Combinatorial techniques written largely with an eye to their applications in TCS, and mostly in complexity
Lecture Notes / Lecture Videos Playlist
- Arora. The Computational Universe - Takes us on a broad sweep of scientific knowledge and related technologies: propositional logic of the ancient Greeks (microprocessors); quantum mechanics (silicon chips); network and system phenomena (internet and search engines); computational intractability (secure encryption); and efficient algorithms (genomic sequencing).
Papers / Lecture Videos Playlist
- Building Bridges I, Building Bridges II, Fete of Combinatorics and Computer Science - Collected works in celebration of Laszlo Lovasz, Connecting discrete math with computer science.
Selected Posts and Essays / Lecture Videos Playlist
- Princeton's Companion. Advice to a Young Mathematician - Five contributors draw on their experiences of mathematical life and research, and to offer advice that they might have liked to receive when they were just setting-out on their careers.
32. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 🧬 FormKit (⭐4.4k) - Adds variants for input and form states for FormKit.
33. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Text-related Generative Tools / Multi-agents
34. Nginx Resources
35. Awesome Vite
Templates / Vue 3
- vue3-tailwind3-website-starter - Vue3 / Vite / TailwindCSS website starter template, with guides on each page.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-live-reload (⭐90) - Live reloading.
- vite-plugin-simple-vconsole (⭐7) - A debug console view inside your app to make mobile debugging easier, for both SPA and MPA.
36. Awesome Healthcare
Contents / Libraries
- TorchXRayVision (⭐842) - A library for chest X-ray datasets and models. Including pre-trained models.
37. Awesome Gbdev
Homebrews / Syntax highlighting packages
- Homebrew Hub - A community-led attempt to collect, archive and preserve every unlicensed and homebrew game released for Game Boy. Entries are playable online.
Reverse Engineering / Syntax highlighting packages
- DMA hijacking - A simple technique that allows you to run custom code in most GB/SGB/CGB games, provided you have an ACE exploit.
38. Awesome Lowcode
Flow-based programming
- Bravo Studio - Bravo’s powerful no-code approach to mobile app development.
Online database creator apps
- Rows - The spreadsheet with superpowers.
Visual programming
- Jotform App - Create apps for your business.
39. Awesome Swift
- async+ (⭐200) 🐧 - A chainable interface for Swift 5.5's async/await.
40. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
41. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Books
- Engineering Deep Learning Platforms - by Chi Wang and Donald Szeto
42. Awesome Ai in Finance
Time Series Data
- Chaos Genius (⭐749) - ML powered analytics engine for outlier/anomaly detection and root cause analysis..
43. Awesome Flutter
Image / Image Picker
- Advance Image Picker - Select and edit images from Android/iOS library and capture camera shots from within the same view by WetaVN
Media / Image Picker
- photo_manager (⭐714) - Provides assets (image/video/audio) abstraction management APIs that can be easily integrated with custom UI widgets by CaiJingLong and Alex Li.
44. Awesome Angular
DOM / Google Developer Experts
- ng-let (⭐51) - Structural directive for sharing data as local variable into html component template.
- ng-for-track-by-property (⭐30) - Angular global trackBy property directive with strict type checking.
Additional / Google Developer Experts
- ng-simple-state (⭐40) - Simple state management in Angular with only Services and RxJS.
45. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- AdminAdmin Podcast - A podcast about system administration and (increasingly) DevOps and Cloud operations.
- Hacker Public Radio - Hacker Public Radio (HPR) is an Internet Radio show (podcast) that releases shows every weekday Monday through Friday. HPR is driven entirely by the content provided by it's community - on any subject, at any length, in any quality, as long as it's of "Interest to hackers" (basically anyone with any interest in technology). It is constantly actively looking for content and submissions.
46. Awesome Zsh Plugins
- One Key Linux Setup (⭐19) - Simple setup (ubuntu-only) of
support and other packages.
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- bitwarden (game4move78) (⭐23) - Adds functions to manage bitwarden sessions.
- gitio (denysdovhan) (⭐22) - A ZSH plugin for generating a GitHub short URL using
- gitio (nicolodiamante) (⭐4) - Uses to shorten
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- fly-zsh-autocomplete (⭐1) - Adds autocompletion options for all Concourse CLI commands.
- sfdx-autocomplete (⭐11) - Autocomplete plugin for Salesforce sfdx.
- speedtest (⭐2) - Tab completions for the speedtest cli.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- kalsowerus (⭐3) - Colorful powerline-inspired multi-line theme, includes decorations for
status, directory, last command exit status andnvm
47. Awesome Algorand
Other Development Tools / Docker
- Algorand Sandbox Dev (⭐15) - Docker Hub image for faster local development and CI/CD usage. (Archived on Jan 2, 2024)
48. Awesome Privacy
Mario Kart
- SuperTuxKart - A 3D open-source arcade racer with a variety characters, tracks, and modes to play.
- Minetest - An open source voxel game engine with many features.
- Mineclonia - Survival sandbox game inspired by Minecraft. Fork of MineClone2 with focus on stability, multiplayer performance and features.
- ProxiTok (⭐1.9k) - Open source alternative frontend for TikTok
- Imgin - A minimalist, tor-friendly, read-only Imgur proxy insipired by software like Invidious, Nitter, and Bibliogram.
- rimgo - An alternative frontend for Imgur. Read-only, no-js, Based on rimgu and rewritten in Go.
49. Awesome Security
Threat Intelligence / Forensics
- Threat Jammer - REST API service that allows developers, security engineers, and other IT professionals to access curated threat intelligence data from a variety of sources.
50. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
OCaml / PicoLisp
- Unix System Programming in OCaml - Xavier Leroy, Didier Rémy (HTML, GitHub Repo (⭐288))
Solidity / Play Scala
51. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Functional Programming
- pakoito/Komprehensions (⭐118) - Do comprehensions for Kotlin and 3rd party libraries.
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- evoasm/kasm (⭐43) - x64/x86-64 assembler and execution library
52. Awesome Capacitor
Other plugins
- Print (⭐4) - Print the WebView.
53. Awesome Cli Apps
Files and Directories / File Sync/Sharing
- portal (⭐1.5k) - Send files between computers.
54. Awesome Selenium
Cloud Services / Desktop GUI Automation (non-browser-centric)
- HeadSpin - Test your website for cross browser compatibility on thousands of real device running real browsers. Get instant access to multiple desktop and mobile browsers on the cloud. Get Free Trial.
55. Awesome Ironsworn
Tools / Ironsworn
- Ironsworn for Role - Ironsworn character sheet for Role
Hacks and homebrew / Ironsworn
- Sworn by Ghostlight - Hunt a serial killer in a haunted Victorian era London-like city
56. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Menu Bar Tools
- One Thing - Put a single task or goal in your menu bar.
- Prev: Mar 14 - Mar 20, 2022
- Next: Feb 21 - Feb 27, 2022