Awesome List Updates on Jan 03 - Jan 09, 2022
62 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Indie
Aussie Founders is a free community bringing together & supporting Aussies having a go at their own business.
2. Awesome Graphql
Style Guides / React
- Principled GraphQL - Apollo's 10 GraphQL Principles, broken out into three categories, in a format inspired by the Twelve Factor App.
3. Awesome Research
Static Site Generator / Social Sciences
- Hyperdraft(Written in
): Automatically generate a website as you type plaintext or Markdown.
4. Awesome Datascience
General Machine Learning Packages / Deep Learning architectures
5. Awesome Roadmaps
Programming Language
- Go Developer Roadmap (⭐18k) - Roadmap to becoming a Go developer in 2021
- Java Developer Roadmap (⭐4k) - Roadmap to becoming a Java developer in 2025
- Nodejs Developer Roadmap (⭐4.8k) - Roadmap to becoming a Node.js developer in 2021
- PHP Developer roadmap (⭐3.6k) - Following this path will guarantee to Become a PHP Developer in 2021
- Rust Web Developer Roadmap (⭐1.8k) - Roadmap to becoming a Rust Web developer in 2022
Web Development
- Angular Developer Roadmap (⭐946) - Roadmap to becoming an Angular developer
- Angular Developer Roadmap 2 (⭐145) - Roadmap to becoming an Angular developer in 2024
- ASP.Net Core Developer Roadmap (⭐19k) - Roadmap to becoming an ASP .NET Core developer in 2025
- Developer Roadmap (⭐307k) - Community driven roadmaps, articles and resources for developers
- Vue Developer Roadmap (⭐530) - Roadmap to becoming a Vue.js developer in 2019
Mobile Development
- iOS Developer Roadmap (⭐6.4k) - Roadmap to becoming an iOS developer in 2020
Game Development
- Game Developer Roadmap (⭐5.6k) - Roadmap to becoming a game developer in 2022
AI / Machine Learning / Data Science
- AI Expert Roadmap (⭐29k) - Roadmap to becoming an Artificial Intelligence Expert in 2022
- Data Engineer Roadmap (⭐12k) - Roadmap to becoming a data engineer in 2021
- NLP Roadmap (⭐3.2k) - Roadmap for Natural Language Processing learning in 2019
- System Design Roadmap (⭐394) - Roadmap to learn system design and architecture
- UI/UX Designer Roadmap (⭐2.1k) - Roadmap on becoming a UI/UX designer in 2017
6. Awesome Dart
- Darq - A port of functional LINQ from the .NET library.
- Lakos - Visualize internal library dependencies in Graphviz and detect dependency cycles.
7. Awesome Embedded Rust
Community / Community Chat Rooms
- - For discussions of using Embedded Rust on ATSAMD devices
Peripheral Access Crates / Microchip
Peripheral access API for Microchip (formerly Atmel) SAME53 microcontrollers. This git repo hosts both the peripheral access crate and the hal.
Board support crates / Adafruit
- Board support for the Feather STM32F405 Express.
8. Awesome Geojson
- de9im (⭐29): collection of fast functions for spatial javascript operations
9. Awesome Ethereum
- Hardhat - Ethereum development environment for professionals.
10. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- hcldump (⭐8) - Dump the HCL (v2) abstract syntax tree.
- hclgrep (⭐94) - Syntax based grep for HCL(v2).
11. Awesome Db Tools
- SQLLine (⭐632) - Command-line shell for issuing SQL to relational databases via JDBC.
Backup / Samples
- BaRMan (⭐2.2k) - Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL.
- pgbackrest (⭐2.8k) - Reliable PostgreSQL Backup & Restore.
SQL / Language Server Protocol
- SQLLanguageServer (⭐711) - SQL Language Server.
- sqls (⭐1.1k) - SQL Language Server written in Go.
12. Awesome Capacitor
Other plugins
- Data Storage SQlite (⭐82) - Providing a key-value permanent store for simple data of type string only to SQLite on IOS, Android and Electron platforms and to IndexedDB for the Web platform.
13. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- Vaex (⭐8.3k) - A high performance Python library for lazy Out-of-Core DataFrames (similar to Pandas), to visualize and explore big tabular datasets. Documentation can be found here.
14. Awesome Bash
Command-Line Productivity
- bashhub-server (⭐305) - Privately hosted open source bashhub server.
15. Awesome Developer First
Feature Flags
- Flagsmith - Feature flags-as-a-service platform simplified.
- LaunchDarkly - Feature flags-as-a-service platform.
16. Awesome Productivity
Tools and Apps / Task Management
- Timely - Automatic time tracking software. Get a flawless digital record of all project and team time, all without the hassle of manual timers and note taking.
- Tweek - Super Simple To Do list and Weekly Task Management.
Tools and Apps / Habit Trackers
- Emoji Log - Calm, emoji-based tracker for arbitrary things that doesn't use streaks.
Tools and Apps / Task Automation
- n8n - Open-source workflow automation for connecting web services with an option to self-host.
17. Awesome Playwright
- Demo.Playwright (⭐275) - Various testing scenarios with Playwright, using the official test-runner and scripts authored in TypeScript.
18. Awesome Svelte
- felte - Extensible form library, with built-in Yup, Zod, Vest, and Superstruct validation.
19. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- vest (⭐2.6k) - 🦺 Declarative form validation framework inspired by unit testing.
20. Awesome Magento2
Development Utilities
- bitExpert/phpstan-magento (⭐136) - Magento specific extension for PHPStan
Company Blogs / Progressive Web Application
Learning / Progressive Web Application
- - The simplest way to learn Magento 2 & Adobe Commerce, with video lessons & courses
21. Web Development Resources
Angular UI libraries:
Website: PrimeNG
Description: Angular UI Component Library featuring elegant, high-performance, accessible and fully customizable UI Components.
22. Awesome Sre
- Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud [Sample chapter titled CPUs
23. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Web
- jean79/yested (⭐84) - A Kotlin framework for building web applications in Javascript.
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- consoleau/kassava (⭐115) - This library provides some useful kotlin extension functions for implementing toString() and equals() without all of the boilerplate.
24. Awesome Nix
Overlays / Webinterface
- nixpkgs-firefox-darwin - Automatically updated Firefox binary packages for macOS.
25. Awesome Open Hardware
- Arduino - Arduino is an open-source electronics platform.
- Prusa3D - 3D printer manufacturer who shares their work open online.
- Open Source Ecology - Industrial machines made open.
- SafeCast - Environmental measurements for the public domain.
- WikiHouse - Digital designed open housing.
- OpenBCI - Brain computer interface.
- OpenSPIM - Open Access platform for Three-dimensional (3D) microscopy.
- mesoSPIM - Open-source light-sheet microscopes for imaging in cleared tissue.
- openUC2 (⭐396) - Open-source modular microscopy toolbox.
- OpenFlexure - Open-source, 3D-printed microscope, including a precise mechanical stage.
- How Open Hardware will Take Over the World - TEDx talk by Nathan Seidle.
- Revolution of the open hardware - TEDx talk by Bram Geenen.
- Why do open hardware - Talk by Limor Fried (ladyada).
- Open Hardware Projects to Fight COVID-19 - Collection video from N-O-D-E.
- Designing Open Hardware for 21st century science - Presentation by Andre Maia Chagas.
- Why open source hardware is(n't) working - Presentation by David Cuartielles.
- Open source and the future of hardware - Talk by Neil Gershenfeld.
- Emerging Business Models for Open Source Hardware - Paper by Joshua M. Pearce.
- Fosdem - Open Source event online on 5 & 6 February 2022.
- Open Hardware Summit - Annual conference on open hardware on 22 April 2022.
- Maker Faire - A celebration of the Maker Movement, locally organized.
- Open Hardware Repository - For electronics designers at experimental physics facilities to collaborate on open hardware designs.
- Open Hardware Observatory - Free blueprints for sustainable open hardware.
- - Connecting developers where exploring tomorrow starts today.
- - Tracking amazing open hardware projects.
- - Make open science hardware ubiquitous by 2025.
- Road to Open Science - Episode on open hardware in the Netherlands.
- Physics Worlds - Episode on the global impact of open hardware.
- Command Line Heroes - Episode Makers unite.
- A-podcast - Open source hardware is the future.
- Building open source hardware - Book by Alicia Gibb, on building open source hardware from 2014.
- Open-source Lab - Book by Josua m. Pearce, how to build your own hardware and reduce costs.
- Free to Make - Book by Dale Dougherty, how the maker movement is changing our schools, our jobs, and our minds.
- The bridge - Issue of the national academy of engineering on open source hardware.
Related awesome
- Awesome Open Electronics (⭐482) - List with resources for Electronics Enthusiasts.
- Awesome Open (⭐75) - A list of open companies and communities.
26. Awesome Remote Job
Job boards
- SwissDev Jobs - Filter -> "Remote / Work from home"
- Upwork - Find remote jobs in any category
- Vue.js Jobs Find Vue.js jobs all around the world - Click on "Remote" tab.
- Web3Jobs - Remote Web3 Jobs
- Workana Freelance Job Board in Spanish and Portuguese
27. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-remove-console (⭐169) - A vite plugin that deletes console.log in the production environment.
28. Awesome Humane Tech
- Swetrix
- Privacy-oriented highly customisable & selfhostable analytics service.
29. Awesome Dotnet
Cloud Storage
- Stowage (⭐172) - Bloat-free zero dependency .NET cloud storage kit that supports at minimum THE major cloud providers.
30. Inspire
Concept / These sites are good to get a general idea of possible layouts and style paths to take.
- CodyHouse - Tutorials and showcase of awesome UI elements.
- CSS Winner - Reviewed list of great websites.
- Designer News - The best design / development links from the 'net.
- Dribbble - Snaps of icons, doodles, sites, and more from a talented group of people.
- Httpster - A curated list of the best sites around the Internet.
- OnePageLove - Great influence for one page and general website design.
- SaaS Pages - An inspection of Netlify's page made especially to bring you inspiration.
- Siiimple - Another list of sites, but on the much simpler side.
- SiteInspire - Get inspired.
- TheBestDesigns - General list of hand picked sites from across the web.
Creation / These sites are good for building a basic framework for the site.
- Fonts
- Google Fonts - Tons of free, easy to use webfonts.
- Frameworks
- Bootstrap - Very popular framework for building modern websites and web apps.
- Bootswatch - A list of free themes for Bootstrap.
- Bootstrap - Very popular framework for building modern websites and web apps.
- Icons
- Icon Scout - Get high-quality Icons, Illustrations and Stock photos at one place.
- Iconmonstr - A collection of free, simple icons.
- Ionicons - Another great collection of free icons.
- Resources
- CSS3 Animation Cheat Sheet - A collection of CSS3 animation snippets.
- MDN - Documentation for HTML, CSS, JS, etc
- User Inter Faces - Get ipsum images for user images.
- YMNNJQ - See jQuery functions in natural JS. No libraries.
Tools / Every painter needs a brush. Well... Most do.
- Design Tools
- IDEs
- DevSession - Open a collaborative online IDE from a local directory.
- FileZilla - For those who fear FTP in the terminal
- Taskade [macOS only] - Create beautiful task lists and outlines.
- Text Editors
- Atom - A hackable text editor for the 21st century.
- Brackets - Modern, open source editor with live preview.
- Nova [macOS only] - Gorgeous, native text editor.
- Sublime Text - A very popular text editor for developers.
- Themes
- Flatron (⭐247) - It's flat, purple, and hella sexy.
- Predawn (⭐1.8k) - Gorgeous dark interface and syntax theme.
- Themes
- VSCode - Free text editor
Collaborate / Working with a team? These links are for you.
- Red Pen - Share your design and get feedback seamlessly.
- Scratchpad - A simple, RTC tool for coding and previewing websites.
Backends / Every awesome web app needs an awesome backend.
- DigitalOcean - A cheap and quality VPS hosting company.
- Firebase - A real-time front-end database for your sites.
- Heroku - Cloud application platform; very easy to scale.
Testing / Before you launch, these are good tools to make sure your site is ready for stardom.
- Checkbot - Browser extension that tests your website follows 50+ SEO, speed and security best practices.
- Placehold - Generate custom placeholder images of any size.
- WooRank - A review tool for SEO elements, W3 validation, and numerous other variables. Free basic service.
- Yslow - Tool for analyzing and finding fixes for multiple causes of slow site loading.
Good Reads / Need something to read in your spare time?
- Codrops - Great collection of design techniques for modern web developmers and designers.
- CSS-Tricks - Awesome blog on anything and everything related to CSS
- Insert HTML - A blog covering current and upcoming techniques and technologies for web developers.
- Smashing Magazine - A magazine for all things digital design.
31. Awesome Osint
Main National Search Engines
32. Awesome R Learning Resources
YouTube / Uncategorized
- R Programming 101 - This channel provides teaching videos on data analysis and statistical analysis using R programming. The teaching videos include subjects like data cleaning, data manipulation, data visualization, statistical analysis, and machine learning and AI (artificial intelligence).
33. Awesome Broadcasting
Video Production
- QPrompt Teleprompter App - Convergent teleprompter software that works with studio teleprompters, tablet teleprompters, webcams, and phones.
34. Awesome Cheminformatics
See Also / Books
- awesome-small-molecule-ml (⭐168) - A list of papers, data sets, and other resources for machine learning for small-molecule drug discovery.
35. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Tools
- Blink Comparison (⭐264) - Simplifies comparing photos of tamper-evident seals and patterns using your eyes by Yaroslav Pronin
36. Awesome Cpp
- MADNESS (⭐190) - Multiresolution Adaptive Numerical Environment for Scientific Simulation. [GPL] website (⭐190)
- MPQC (⭐68) - The Massively Parallel Quantum Chemistry program, MPQC, computes properties of atoms and molecules from first principles using the time independent Schrödinger equation. [GPL] website
- ORCA - An ab initio quantum chemistry program package that contains modern electronic structure methods. [Academic] website
- VLD - Visual Leak Detector. A free, robust, open-source memory leak detection system for Visual C++.
37. Awesome Translations
Tools / Automatic translation for end users
- Watson Language Translator - A service on the IBM Cloud that enables dynamically translation news, patents, or conversational documents.
38. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / WARC I/O Libraries
- Unwarcit (⭐10) - Command line interface to unzip WARC and WACZ files (Python).
39. Awesome Lowcode
- - Connect your cloud apps.
40. Awesome Crypto Papers
Specific topics / Cryptanalysis
- Slide Attacks on a Class of Hash Functions - Applying slide attacks (typical cryptanalysis technique for block ciphers) to hash functions, M. Gorski et al.
- Intro to Linear & Differential Cryptanalysis - A beginner-friendly paper explaining and demonstrating techniques for linear and differential cryptanalysis.
Specific topics / Public key cryptography: General and DLP
- How to Share a Secret (⭐8) - A safe method for sharing secrets.
Books / Post-quantum cryptography
- A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography - By Dan Boneh and Victor Shoup. A well-balanced introductory course into cryptography, a bit of cryptanalysis and cryptography-related security.
41. Awesome Privacy
- Authy
- Ackee - Self-hosted website analytics.
- Matomo - Google Analytics alternative that protects your data and your customers' privacy.
- Nullitics - Zero-effort open-source cheap analytics.
- Pirsch - Pirsch is a simple, privacy-friendly, open-source alternative to Google Analytics — lightweight, cookie-free and easily integrated into any website or backend.
- Plausible - Simple and privacy-friendly alternative to Google Analytics.
- Shynet (⭐3k) - Modern, privacy-friendly, and detailed web analytics that works without cookies or JS.
- Umami - A simple, fast, website analytics alternative to Google Analytics.
Android App Store
- F-Droid - F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform.
- Droid-ify (⭐4.5k) - Lightweight F-Droid client with Material UI.
- Aurora Droid - Aurora Droid is a modern FOSS client for F-Droid.
- Foxy Droid (⭐570) - Unofficial F-Droid client in the style of the classic one.
- FossDroid - Fossdroid's aim is to promote free and open source apps on the Android platform: newest, trendiest and the most popular ones.
- SkyDroid - Decentralized App Store for Android
Alternative Google Play Store clients
- Aurora Store - Aurora Store is an open-source alternative Google Play Store frontend client with privacy and modern design in mind.
Android Dialer
- Koler (⭐964) - Uniquely stylized phone app with customizable features.
Android File Manager
- Amaze File Manager (⭐5.5k) - Simple and attractive Material Design file manager for Android.
- Material Files (⭐6.5k) - An open source Material Design file manager, for Android 5.0+.
- Ghost Commander - Dual-panel file manager.
Android Keyboard
- AnySoftKeyboard - The only Android keyboard you'll ever need. Free as in speech and Free as in beer.
- FlorisBoard (⭐6.5k) - FlorisBoard is a free and open-source keyboard for Android 6.0+ devices. It aims at being modern, user-friendly and customizable while fully respecting your privacy. Currently in early-beta state.
- Indic Keyboard - Indic Keyboard is a versatile keyboard for Android users who wish to use Indic and Indian languages to type messages, compose emails and generally prefer to use them in addition to English on their phone.
- Simple Keyboard (⭐1.2k) - Simply keyboard and nothing more.
Android Launcher
- Lawnchair - No clever tagline needed.
- OpenLauncher (⭐1.5k) - Customizable and Open Source Launcher for Android.
- KISS - Lightning fast, open-source, < 200kb Android launcher.
- Olauncher (⭐2.4k) - Minimal AF (ad-free) launcher app for Android.
- Posidon Launcher - Posidon launcher is a minimal, one page homescreen with a vertical scrolling feed.
- Pie Launcher (⭐415) - Android home screen launcher that uses a dynamic pie menu instead of fixed positioned icons.
- Rootless Pixel Launcher (⭐3.9k) - The Launcher3 fork known as "Rootless Pixel Launcher".
- Fawkes (⭐5.3k) - privacy preserving tool against facial recognition systems.
- CloakMe (⭐74) - Web interface for Fawkes algorithm.
- ImageScrubber (⭐955) - A friendly browser-based tool for anonymizing photographs taken at protests (hosted version provided by everestpipkin).
Cloud Storage
- Cryptomator - Cryptomator encrypts your data quickly and easily. Afterwards you upload them protected to your favorite cloud service
- Appwrite - Secure open-source backend server for web, mobile & Flutter developers.
- CondensationDB (⭐443) [Inactive] - Condensation is an open-source zero trust, distributed database enabling to build modern applications while ensuring data ownership and security.
Developer Tools
- Beekeeper Studio - Open Source SQL Editor and Database Manager with a privacy commitment in their mission statement.
- Neovim - Hyperextensible Vim-based text editor.
- VSCodium - Free/Libre Open Source Software Binaries of VSCode. Vscode source code is open source (MIT-licensed), but the product available for download (Visual Studio Code) is licensed under this not-FLOSS license and contains telemetry/tracking.
- GIMP - The Free & Open Source Image Editor.
- Inkscape - Inkscape is a free and open-source vector graphics editor used to create vector images.
- Krita (⭐7.9k) - Krita is a free and open source digital painting application
- Czkawka (⭐22k) - Multi functional app to find duplicates and similar images etc.
Domain Registrar
Download Manager
- Persepolis Download Manager (⭐6.4k) - Persepolis is a download manager & a GUI for Aria2. It's written in Python. Persepolis is a sample of free and open source software. It's developed for GNU/Linux distributions, BSDs, MacOS, and Microsoft Windows.
- uGet Download Manager - uGet is a lightweight yet powerful Open Source download manager for GNU/Linux developed with GTK+, which also comes packaged as a portable Windows app. It is also available for Android.
- Motrix (⭐47k) - A full-featured download manager.
- Xtreme Download Manager (⭐7k) - Xtreme Download Manager (XDM) is a powerful tool to increase download speeds up to 500%, save streaming videos from YouTube, DailyMotion, Facebook, Vimeo, Google Video and 1000+ other websites, resume broken/dead downloads, schedule and convert downloads.
- axel (⭐3.1k) - Lightweight CLI download accelerator. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and FTPS protocols.
File Management and Sharing
- Magic Wormhole (⭐21k) - Get things from one computer to another, safely.
Workout planners
- wger - A free, open source, self-hosted web application that manages your exercises, workouts and nutrition.
- OpenFoodFacts - Open Food Facts is a food products database made by everyone, for everyone. You can use it to make better food choices.
- Nextcloud Phonetrack - Nextcloud app to track location history with an Android app (other apps also supported). Supports caching positions offline and sending them to the server in batches. The first-party app has good battery saving options.
- OwnTracks - Location tracking for displaying the current location only (limited location history functionality).
- Traccar - Location tracking software made for dedicated GPS logging devices.
Find My Device
- Find My Device - Find your Android Device via SMS.
Maps and Navigation
- Google Maps
- Apple Maps
- Yandex Maps
- Bing Maps
- Waze
- Sygic
- Petal Maps
- Open Street Map (OSM) - OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world.
- OSMAnd - Android/iOS Navigation app using OSM. It is a feature-rich app with all you expect.
- Organic Maps - Great offline maps for hikers and cyclists.
Notes and Tasks
- Google Keep
- Google Keep Exporter (⭐298) or Keep To Markdown (⭐106) - Convert your Google Keep notes into a standard markdown + YAML header format.
- Evernote
- Squid
- Notion
- OneNote
- HedgeDoc - Formerly CodiMD (community). An awesome platform to write and share markdown.
- Logseq - A privacy-first alternative to WorkFlowy.
- Vikunja - The open-source to-do app to organize your life.
- LibreOffice - Free and open source offline office.
- OnlyOffice - Free and open source online office for collaboration.
- Cryptpad - Collaboration suite, encrypted and open-source.
- Etherpad - Highly customizable open source online editor providing collaborative editing in really real-time.
Password Managers
- LastPass
- Dashlane
- Bitwarden - An open source cloud based password manager.
- vaultwarden (⭐42k) - Unofficial Bitwarden compatible self-hosted server, formerly known as bitwarden_rs.
- KeepassXC - Securely store passwords using industry standard encryption, no sync just storage.
- Padloc - The last password manager you'll ever want to use.
Photo Editing and Management
- miniPaint (⭐2.8k) - Open Source alternative to Photopea. miniPaint operates directly in the browser. Nothing will be sent to any server. Everything stays in your browser.
- DigiKam - Awesome Professional Photo Management with the Power of Open Source.
- Pocket Paint (⭐399) - The standard image manipulation app for Catroid.
- Scrambled Exif - Remove Exif data from pictures before sharing them.
- ImagePipe - Reduces image size and removes exif-tags when sharing images on android devices.
Photo Storage
- Amazon Photos
- Photoprism - Feature rich server-based application for browsing, organizing and sharing your personal photo collection. The most similar to Google Photos.
- Pigallery2 - A self-hosted directory-first photo gallery website.
- Photoview - Photo gallery for self-hosted personal servers with Facial Recognition.
- Photostructure - Self-hosted photo library that makes browsing and sharing a lifetime of memories delightful.
- - A private and encrypted place for all your photos, documents, notes and more.
Remote Access and Control
- TeamViewer
- AnyDesk
- RustDesk - Open-source remote desktop client software, written in Rust. Works out of the box, full control of your data, with no concerns about security.
- screego - Screen sharing for developers.
- Remmina - Remote access screen and file sharing to your desktop (RDP).
- UltraVNC - UltraVNC is a powerful, easy to use and free - remote pc access softwares - that can display the screen of another computer (via internet or network) on your own screen.
- MeshCentral - The open source, multi-platform, self-hosted, feature packed web site for remote device management.
Search Engines
- Bing
- Whoogle Search (⭐10k) - A self-hosted, ad-free, privacy-respecting Google metasearch engine.
- DuckDuckGo - A privacy respecting search engine.
- Invidious (⭐17k) - Alternative and privacy respecting YouTube frontend.
- ViewTube (⭐1.4k) - ViewTube is an alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend written in Vue.js
Streaming Platforms (Twitch)
- Owncast (⭐9.8k) - Take control over your live stream video by running it yourself. Streaming + chat out of the box.
- livego (⭐9.9k) - Live video streaming server in golang.
Teamworking Tools
- Zulip - Chat for distributed teams.
- Revolt - User-first chat platform built with modern web technologies.
- Twake - Work in a team faster. Twake covers all of your organizational needs through a single platform.
- RocketChat - Control your communication, manage your data, and have your own collaboration platform to improve team productivity.
- Nextcloud Talk - Keep conversations private with Nextcloud Talk.
- Mattermost - Open-source Slack alternative.
- DeepL
- Libretranslate - Open Source Machine Translation - 100% Self-Hosted. No Limits. No Ties to Proprietary Services.
- Apertium - A free/open-source machine translation platform, runs offline on your computer
- Softcatala - Open Source Translation tool - Only Catalan/Spanish/English/French (uses apertium)
- TranslateLocally – Free/open-source neural MT, runs offline on your computer
- Lingva (⭐1.6k) - Alternative front-end for Google Translate. Demo.
- Visited (⭐87) - Locally collect browsing history over browsers.
- Deskreen (⭐18k) - Turn any device into a secondary screen for your computer.
Video and Audio Conferencing
- Clubhouse
- BigBlueButton - BigBlueButton is a web conferencing system designed for online learning.
- Jam (⭐1.3k) - Jam is your own open source Clubhouse for mini conferences, friends, communities.
Desktop / Alternative clients/modifications of Discord:
Browser Sync / Alternative clients/modifications of Discord:
- xBrowserSync - Browser syncing as it should be: secure, anonymous and free!
42. Awesome Conversational Ai
Conversational UX
- Conversation Design Institute - An institute, first of its kind (as far as I know), offering courses, certifications, and an annual conference on Conversational Design.
- Creating AI Conversations Panel Series - Creating AI Conversations is a series of panel discussions that delve into the thinking, research, and process around crafting the personalities, conversations, and interactions of AI entities with people. Organized by Stanford MediaX.
- Chai - Open-source platform for developers to build chatbots using Python and deploy them to the Chai mobile app.
43. Awesome Transit
GTFS Merge Tools / Rust
- combine_gtfs_feeds (⭐7) - A Python tool to combine multiple gtfs feeds into one feed/dataset.
Proprietary (non-standard) vendor APIs / Rust
- Citymapper API - REST API for transit journey planning, realtime transit data and walk, cycle, scooter travel times.
SDKs / Rust
- Citymapper SDK - Allows you to add journey planning and turn-by-turn navigation for walking, cycling, scooting and transit into native iOS and Android apps.
44. Awesome Job Boards
Remote / Aggregator
45. Awesome React Components
Responsive / Syntax Highlight
- CoreUI for React (⭐654) - demo/docs - Open Source UI components library.
46. Awesome Love2d
- hump (⭐81) - Collection of tools for developing games with LÖVE (Gamestates, Timers/Tweens, Vectors, Classes, Signals, Cameras).
47. Awesome Static Website Services
Forms / Really Simple Forms
- HeyForm - Free, easy-to-use drag & drop form maker capable of crafting powerful online forms. Includes 40+ field types, integrations, analytics, and more.
48. Awesome Webxr
- Obscura - Float around and explore a structure inspired by the architecture of Carlo Scarpa.
49. Awesome Devsecops
Secrets Management / Ansible
- Keyscope (⭐381) - Spectral - Keyscope is an open source key and secret workflow tool (validation, invalidation, etc.) built in Rust.
50. Awesome Tmux
Status Bar
- tmux-mullvad (⭐8) - Keep track of Mullvad VPN status.
- tmux-mouse-swipe (⭐14) - Switch Window or Session by clicking right mouse button and swiping.
51. Public Apis
API: Excuser
Description: Get random excuses for various situations
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: Portfolio Optimizer
Description: Portfolio analysis and optimization
Auth: No
API: Stromberg Quotes
Description: Returns Stromberg quotes and more
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
52. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Bayesian Modeling / Generative Model
- Efficient Learning of Sparse Representations with an Energy-Based Model - NeurIPS'06, 2006. [All Versions].
Problem Solving / Inverse Reinforcement Learning
- Inverse Constrained Reinforcement Learning - ICML'21, 2021. [All Versions].
Meta-Level Considerations / Gestalt
- Thoughts beyond words: When language overshadows insight - Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1993. [All Versions].
53. Awesome Tailwindcss
UI Libraries, Components & Templates
- 📚 Svelte Headless UI (⭐1.8k) - Unofficial Svelte port of Headless UI.
54. Awesome Rust
Development tools / Testing
- Code Coverage
- tarpaulin - A code coverage tool
- Continuous Integration
- trust (⭐1.3k) - A Travis CI and AppVeyor template to test your Rust crate on 5 architectures and publish binary releases of it for Linux, macOS and Windows
- Frameworks and Runners
- AlKass/polish (⭐55) - Mini Testing/Test-Driven Framework
- bitfield/cargo-testdox (⭐11) [cargo-testdox] - Turns your Rust tests into docs
- cargo-dinghy - A cargo extension to simplify running library tests and benches on smartphones and other small processor devices.
- cucumber
- An implementation of the Cucumber testing framework for Rust. Fully native, no external test runners or dependencies.
- d-e-s-o/test-log (⭐131) [test-log] - A replacement of the
attribute that initializes logging and/or tracing infrastructure before running tests. - demonstrate - Declarative Testing Framework
- GoogleTest Rust - Powerful test assertion framework based on the C++ test library GoogleTest
- rlt (⭐173) - A universal load testing framework, with real-time tui support.
- rstest - Fixture-based test framework
- speculate - An RSpec inspired minimal testing framework
- AlKass/polish (⭐55) - Mini Testing/Test-Driven Framework
- Mocking and Test Data
- asomers/mockall (⭐1.6k) [mockall] - A powerful mock object library.
- fake-rs (⭐1.1k) - A library for generating fake data
- goldenfile (⭐39) [goldenfile] - A library providing a simple API for goldenfile testing.
- httpmock (⭐565) - HTTP mocking
- mockiato - A strict, yet friendly mocking library for unstable Rust 2018
- mockito - HTTP mocking
- nrxus/faux (⭐453)
- A library to create mocks out of structs.
- synth (⭐1.4k) - Generate database data declaratively.
- asomers/mockall (⭐1.6k) [mockall] - A powerful mock object library.
- Property Testing and Fuzzing
- proptest - property testing framework inspired by the Hypothesis framework for Python
- quickcheck - A Rust implementation of QuickCheck
- rust-fuzz/ (⭐1.7k) - A Rust fuzzer, using AFL
55. Awesome Algorand
Official Resources
- Algorand - Official website.
- Algorand Foundation - Official website of the Foundation.
- Algorand FAQ - FAQ maintained by the Algorand Foundation.
- Algorand Governance - Official website of Algorand Governance program.
- Algorand Developer Portal - Official Algorand developer portal.
Blockchain Explorers
- Algorand Ballet - Algorand accounts' 2D graphs.
- Algorand Multiverse - Algorand accounts' 3D graphs.
- MultiSig with Algorand for Co-operative Groups - Decentralised co-operative unions with Algorand Multisignature Account.
- Adding Notes to Transactions - Read and Write to the Transaction Note Field with Python.
- Create Assets with a Stateful Smart Contract - Using Stateful Smart Contract To Create Algorand Standard Asset.
Languages / Dart
- dart-algorand-sdk - Dart Algorand SDK.
Languages / Go
- go-algorand (⭐1.4k) - Algorand's official implementation in Go.
- go-algorand-sdk (⭐187) - The Algorand Golang SDK.
Languages / PHP
- php-algorand-sdk (⭐21) - Algorand PHP SDK created by @ffsolutions.
- algorand-php (⭐44) - Algorand PHP SDK created by @RootSoft.
Languages / Python
- py-algorand-sdk (⭐272) - The Algorand Python SDK.
- tinyman-py-sdk (⭐119) - Tinyman Python SDK.
Languages / Java
- java-algorand-sdk (⭐69) - The Algorand Java SDK.
Languages / .NET
- dotnet-algorand-sdk (⭐39) - Algorand .NET SDK created by @RileyGe.
- unity-algorand-sdk (⭐31) - An Algorand SDK for Unity. Use the Algorand blockchain in your video game.
Languages / Swift
- algorand-wallet (⭐189) - Algorand wallet official implementation in Swift.
IDEs / vim
- vim-algorand-teal (⭐6) - Minimalistic syntax highlight for Algorand's TEAL Smart Contract language to vim.
IDEs / IntelliJ
- algoDEA - Algorand IntelliJ Plugin.
IDEs / VSCode
- Obsidian Labs/vscode-algorand (⭐12) - Algorand VS Code Extension.
Other Development Tools / Smart Contracts
- pyteal (⭐287) - Algorand Smart Contracts in Python.
- pyteal-utils (⭐28) - PyTEAL utilities library.
Other Development Tools / Docker
- Algorand Sandbox (⭐243) - Fast way to create and configure an Algorand development environment.
DeFi Platforms / Wallets
- Tinyman - A decentralized trading protocol, AMM and platform.
- - Tokenized real estate investing platform.
- - Decentralized capital markets protocol.
- C3 - Cross-margin cross-collateralization clearing engine protocol.
Blockchain Bridges / Wallets
- Algomint - Centralized BTC and ETH bridge to Algorand.
Name Services / Wallets
- NFDomains - Algorand name service and marketplace for Non-Fungible Domains (NFDs) — unique, readable aliases for wallet addresses.
Projects / Wallets
- (⭐22) - Dapp that can be used to mint ARC3 compliant NFTs.
- Auction Demo (⭐57) - On-chain NFT auction using smart contracts.
- Algorand Session Wallet (⭐16) - Session wallet to allow persisted wallet connections across multiple wallets.
- WalletConnect Example DApp (⭐22) - Algorand WalletConnect demo.
- TinyBar App - A tiny macOS menu bar app for tracking ASA prices from TinyMan.
- minter (⭐11) - Bulk mint Algorand NFTs following the ARC-69 community standard. Written in Node.js by @fish.exe.
- galvanity (⭐9) - Galvanity is Algorand vanity address generator written in Go.
NFT Marketplaces / Wallets
- AB2 - decentralized marketplace for crypto art assets secured on the Algorand blockchain created by @ab2_gallery.
- Rand Gallery - Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) explorer and marketplace developed by Chris Antaki.
- AlgoGems - Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) markeplace and trading platform for NFT collectors.
- AlgoWorldExplorer - NFT marketplace, explorer and gallery for AlgoWorld NFTs developed by @aorumbayev.
- AlgoMart (⭐184) - Opensource NFT marketplace whitelabel solution.
- ALGOxNFT - NFT gallery and marketplace.
- Dartroom - Decentralized NFT explorer, minting and trading.
- Alchemon - Monster-collecting NFT card game.
- Otherverse - NFT collections marketplace.
- Musa - Music, Art & Fashion NFT gallery and marketplace.
- Flatter - NFT art and collectible marketplace.
- Aorist - NFT art gallery and marketplace.
56. Awesome Nodered
- openHAB running on openHABian - Install Node-RED using openhab-config from command line, choose it from "Optional Components".
57. Awesome Jax
Tutorials and Blog Posts / NumPyro
- Introduction to JAX by Kevin Murphy - Colab that introduces various aspects of the language and applies them to simple ML problems.
58. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Text-related Generative Tools / Multi-agents
- Authors A.I.: AI-powered text analysis
- Rytr: Rytr is an AI writing assistant that helps creating content
- Charisma: Charisma is a platform for creating interactive stories with believable virtual characters
Artists and Artworks / Deforum
- [🔥] Creep - YouTube by Glenn Marshall Neural Art: how did they translated the images using VQGAN+CLIP? How did they seamlessly wander on the latent space?
- Confluence: a generative art project by Devi Parikh on BrainDrops.
59. Awesome Icons
- VectorLogoZone (⭐379) - Consistently sized/formated SVG logos. (Website)
60. Awesome Neovim
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- booperlv/nvim-gomove (⭐203) - A complete plugin for moving and duplicating blocks and lines, with complete fold handling, reindenting, and undoing in one go.
61. Awesome Icons
Archive of Icons
- - SVG icon search engine with over 76,000 icons indexed.
- - SVG logo search engine with over 200,000 logos indexed.
- VectorLogoZone - Over 3,500 consistently formatted SVG logos.
62. Awesome Javascript
Data Visualization / Runner
- vizzu (⭐2k) - Library for animated data visualizations and data stories.
- Prev: Jan 10 - Jan 16, 2022
- Next: Mar 01 - Mar 07, 2021