Awesome List Updates on Sep 18, 2022
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Go
Tutorials / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- GopherCoding - Collection of code snippets and tutorials to help tackle every day issues.
2. Awesome Elixir
- alf (⭐202) - Flow-based Application Layer Framework.
Algorithms and Data structures
- conrex (⭐55) - An Elixir implementation of the CONREC algorithm for topographic or isochrone maps.
- Igthorn (⭐104) - Cryptocurrecy trading platform / trading bot with admin panel.
- beamchmark (⭐83) - A Tool for measuring EVM performance.
Code Analysis
- int_set (⭐10) - A time- and memory-efficient unordered data structure for positive integers.
- inspector (⭐15) - A simple one-line module that allows a more friendly debugging experience.
- pictionary (⭐32) - A multiplayer guessing and drawing game ( clone).
- rayex (⭐53) - Raylib bindings to Elixir for games programming.
- Rovex (⭐14) - An implementation of the Mars Rover kata in Elixir transformed in a basic multiplayer game.
- SpiderMan (⭐25) - A base-on Broadway fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Elixir.
Instrumenting / Monitoring
- prom_ex (⭐636) - Prometheus metrics and Grafana dashboards for all of your favorite Elixir libraries.
- typed_struct (⭐738) - An Elixir library for defining structs with a type without writing boilerplate code.
- indicado (⭐38) - Technical indicator library for Elixir with no dependencies.
- sise (⭐0) - A simple to use SSDP client.
- faktory_worker (⭐38) - An Elixir library for working with Faktory, a polyglot job processing system made by the author of Sidekiq.
- quicer (⭐232) - QUIC protocol erlang library.
Release Management
- versioce (⭐30) - An extensible version bumping and changelog generation for your mix project.
- elasticlunr (⭐191) - A small, full-text search library for use in the Elixir environment.
- patch (⭐198) - Ergonomic Mocking for Elixir.
- toxiproxy_ex (⭐53) - API client for the resilience testing tool Toxiproxy.
Text and Numbers
- transformer - Flexible type conversion lightweight library.
Third Party APIs
- nacha (⭐15) - Elixir library for generating and parsing NACHA files for US ACH transfers.
Translations and Internationalizations
- free PO editor - A tool for translating PO files.
- Curso de Elixir de 0 a 100 - Complete course of elixir (in spanish) for free.
- Kamil Skowron - YouTube channel dedicated to promote functional programming, publishing "real world" programming videos in Elixir like "Hands-on Elixir & OTP: Cryptocurrency trading bot" series.
- Elixir Online Courses list - Classpert - A list of Elixir Online Courses (some are free) from Classpert Online Course Search.
- ElixirLibs - A curated list of Elixir libraries.
3. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
JavaScript / React
OCaml / PicoLisp
- OCaml from the Very Beginning - John Whitington
4. Awesome Neovim
Neovim Lua Development / Diagnostics
- anuvyklack/animation.nvim (⭐47) - Create animations.
5. Awesome Dotnet
- SystemTextJson.JsonDiffPatch (⭐107) - High-performance, low-allocating JSON object diff and patch extension for System.Text.Json. Support generating patch document in RFC 6902 JSON Patch format.
6. Awesome Github Wiki
Useful links with tips & tricks
7. Alternative Internet
Cloud and storage
- Arweave is permanent and decentralized storage network.
- Handshake is network for decentralized naming and certificate authority, which purposes replacement to old and centralized DNS system in fully decentralized way.
- Elymus (⭐23) is browser and development stack where decentralization is at first place and which is ready to sacrafice every other good for decentralization.
- Bitcoin by Mobile allows Bitcoin newcomers to quickly and easily purchase small sums of Bitcoin using their mobile phone to fund the purchase.
- Prev: Sep 19, 2022
- Next: Sep 17, 2022