Awesome List Updates on Aug 28, 2022
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Javascript
Spreadsheet / Runner
- Frappe Datatable (⭐1.1k) - Frappe DataTable is a simple, modern and interactive datatable library for displaying tabular data.
String / Runner
- url-state-machine (⭐165) - Super fast spec-compliant URL parser state machine for Node.js.
Storage / Runner
- Dexie.js (⭐13k) - Dexie.js is a wrapper library for indexedDB.
2. Awesome Capacitor
Official plugins
- Preferences (⭐546) - Provides a simple key/value persistent store for lightweight data, ex Storage.
Community plugins
- Electron (⭐351) - Support for the Electron platform.
3. Awesome Typescript
Reference Lists
- TypeScript Reference for JS developers - Glossary of keywords, operators, statements and directives
4. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Image Synthesis / Multi-agents
- apple/ml-no-token-left-behind (⭐140): PyTorch Implementation of No Token Left Behind: Explainability-Aided Image Classification and Generation
5. Free for Dev
CDN and Protection
- Gcore Global content delivery network, 1 TB and 1 million requests per month free and free DNS hosting
6. Awesome Neovim
Utility / Diagnostics
- nguyenvukhang/nvim-toggler (⭐159) - Invert text, such as toggling between
Preconfigured Configuration / Diagnostics
- nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim (⭐22k) - A launch point for your personal Neovim configuration.
7. Awesome Esports
Applications & Tools / Tournaments management
- Foldy Sheet (⭐1) - A Python script to determine whether teams can make playoffs or not.
- Prev: Aug 29, 2022
- Next: Aug 27, 2022