Awesome List Updates on Aug 23, 2022
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Frameworks
- Solid (⭐222) - Linting rules for Solid and JSX.
2. Awesome Browser Extensions for Github
Tab Size on GitHub (⭐281) 
Make tab indented code more readable by forcing the tab size to 4 instead of 8.
Installs: 2000 | Stars: 281 | Last update: n/a
3. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- qwy (⭐2) - ZSH fuzzy completion plugin.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- born-in-the-purple (⭐1) - Simple theme with a purple motif. Inspired by Pure (⭐13k).
4. Awesome Web Archiving
- For researchers using web archives:
5. Awesome Newsletters
Security / Svelte
- Shift Security Left. A free biweekly newsletter for security-aware developers covering application security, secure architecture, DevSecOps, cryptography, incidents, etc. that can be useful for builders and (to a lesser extent) for breakers. Get a deeper understanding of causes for security vulnerabilities, designing defences, inventing and implementing security controls—with Felix, an imaginary mascot and a security engineer at @cossacklabs.
6. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- spoptchev/kotlin-preconditions - Precondition error checking in kotlin.
- holgerbrandl/kravis (⭐183) - A Kotlin grammar for scientific data visualization
Libraries/Frameworks / Cryptography
- ionspin/kotlin-multiplatform-libsodium (⭐105) - Kotlin multiplatform wrapper for Libsodium cryptographic library.
7. Awesome Functional Programming
Table of Contents / Books
- Jax in Action - A book about The JAX numerical computing library.
8. Awesome Db Tools
Schema / Design
- Moon Modeler - Data modeling tool for both noSQL and relational databases. Available for Windows, Linux and macOS.
9. Awesome Security
Other Awesome Lists / Other Security Awesome Lists
- Awesome Security Newsletters (⭐787) - A curated list of awesome newsletters to keep up to date on security news via e-mail.
10. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- react-vite-ts-boilerplate (⭐114) - React 18, TypeScript, SCSS, ESLint, Prettier, Vitest.
11. Awesome Dotnet
- NetArchTest (⭐1.4k) - A fluent API for .Net Standard that can enforce architectural rules in unit tests.
12. Awesome Neovim
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- m4xshen/autoclose.nvim (⭐551) - A minimalist autoclose plugin written in Lua.
13. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Snippets.Ninja (⭐114) - Progressive web application for code snippet management. Offline first. Open Source. App uses IndexedDB for local storage.
14. Awesome Opensource Apps
Name: Kopia
Description: Fast and secure open-source backup/restore tool that allows you to create encrypted snapshots of your data and save the snapshots to remote or cloud storage of choice.
15. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Problem Solving / Human-Level Problem Solving
- The successor representation in human reinforcement learning - Nature Human Behavior, 2017. [All Versions].
PKU / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Yixin Zhu - School of AI and Institute for AI, Peking University (PKU), Cognitive Reasoning Lab (CoRe Lab) - PKU.
JHU / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Chaz Firestone - Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Johns Hopkins University (JHU), Hopkins Perception & Mind Lab - JHU.
- Prev: Aug 24, 2022
- Next: Aug 22, 2022