Awesome List Updates on Aug 10, 2022
25 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Linguistics
- Essentials of Linguistics, 2nd edition - An introductory book (2nd edition).
2. Awesome Ci
Name: Tekton
Description: Cloud-native solution for building CI/CD pipelines
Features: It consists of Tekton Pipelines, which provides the building blocks (as Kubernetes Custom Resources you can use to create your pipelines), and of supporting components, such as Tekton CLI and Tekton Catalog, that make Tekton a complete ecosystem
Supported repositories: GitHub, Gitlab, Bitbucket... See triggers-examples (⭐556), but extensible/customizable to support others
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Open Source, Apache 2.0
3. Awesome Jamstack
API / E-commerce
- Astro Snipcart (⭐102) - Astro Snipcart allows developers to build E-Commerce sites using the Astro framework and the Snipcart platform.
4. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Meta-Level Considerations / Meta Learning
- Meta-Q-Learning - ICLR'20, 2020. [All Versions]. The milestone paper on context Meta-RL.
5. Awesome Micropython
Display / LEDs
- micropython-dotstar (⭐22) - A MicroPython port of the Adafruit CircuitPython APA102/DotStar library.
6. Awesome Honeypots
Low interaction honeypot
- Honeyperl - Honeypot software based in Perl with plugins developed for many functions like : wingates, telnet, squid, smtp, etc.
- T-Pot (⭐6.4k) - All in one honeypot appliance from telecom provider T-Mobile
- beelzebub (⭐634) - A secure honeypot framework, extremely easy to configure by yaml 🚀
7. Awesome Alfred Workflows
- Bluetooth Controller (⭐98) - Manage bluetooth status and device connectivity.
8. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Archiving and Digital Preservation (DP)
- Omeka S - Omeka S is a web publication system for universities, galleries, libraries, archives, and museums. It consists of a local network of independently curated exhibits sharing a collaboratively built pool of items, media, and their metadata. (Source Code (⭐423))
Software / Miscellaneous
- Neko - A self hosted virtual browser ( clone) that runs in Docker. (Source Code (⭐9.7k))
- Teleport - Certificate authority and access plane for SSH, Kubernetes, web applications, and databases. (Source Code (⭐18k))
- TeslaMate (⭐6.5k) - A powerful data logger for Tesla vehicles.
9. Awesome Integration
Projects / API Documentation
- SwaggerHub - An integrated API design and documentation hub that enhances team collaboration, version control, and automated testing.
10. Awesome Audit Algorithms
Papers / 2022
- Active Fairness Auditing - (ICML) Studies of query-based auditing algorithms that can estimate the demographic parity of ML models in a query-efficient manner.
Papers / 2021
- Extracting Training Data from Large Language Models - (USENIX Security) Extract verbatim text sequences from the GPT-2 model’s training data.
11. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Files/Images
- django-imagekit (⭐2.3k) - Django app for processing images for thumbnail, black-and-white and sizes.
12. Web Development Resources
Learning Platforms:
- Website:
13. Awesome Lowcode
Online database creator apps
- Amplication - Build production-ready Node.js applications without wasting time on repetitive coding.
14. Awesome Playwright
- playwright-tesults-reporter (⭐3) - A library for uploading test results to Tesults from Playwright.
- monocart-reporter (⭐240) - A playwright test reporter, shows suites/cases/steps in html grid.
- allure-playwright (⭐244) - Allure integration with Playwright Test framework.
15. Awesome Cli Apps
Development / Text Editors
- o (⭐498) - Configuration-free text editor and IDE.
16. Awesome Python Data Science
Probabilistic Graphical Models / Others
- pomegranate (⭐3.4k) - Probabilistic and graphical models for Python.
17. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / Frameworks
- Vitify Admin (⭐152) - Vite 3 + Vuetify 2 + TypeScript, Vue 2.7
18. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / API Development and Analysis
- HTTPie - HTTPie is making APIs simple and intuitive for those building the tools of our time.
19. Awesome Ai in Finance
Time Series Data
- mlforecast (⭐974) - Scalable machine learning based time series forecasting.
20. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Automotive
- mbr/socketcan (⭐157) [socketcan] - Linux SocketCAN library
Libraries / Database
- ORM [orm]
- Brendonovich/prisma-client-rust (⭐1.9k) - An autogenerated query builder that provides simple and fully type-safe database access using the Prisma ecosystem.
- diesel-rs/diesel (⭐13k) - an ORM and Query builder
- ivanceras/rustorm (⭐249) - an ORM
- njord (⭐416) - ⛵ A versatile, feature-rich Rust ORM
- rbatis/rbatis (⭐2.3k) - ORM Framework High Performance(JSON based)
- SeaQL/sea-orm (⭐7.9k) - 🐚 An async & dynamic ORM
- SeaQL/seaography (⭐428) - 🧭 GraphQL framework for SeaORM
- Brendonovich/prisma-client-rust (⭐1.9k) - An autogenerated query builder that provides simple and fully type-safe database access using the Prisma ecosystem.
21. Awesome Vite
Templates / Vue 2
- vitify-admin (⭐152) - Vuetify admin starter template with full TypeScript support and intellisense of Vuetify components.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- vite-plugin-mpa-plus (⭐85) - More flexible MPA (multi-page application) supports html templates, path rewriting.
22. Free for Dev
Game Development
- LoSpec — Online tools for creating pixel art and other restrictive digital art, lots of tutorials/pallet list available to choose from for your games
23. Awesome Game Engine Dev
Specialty Topics / Animation Info
- 📚 Skeletons and Inverse Kinematics - Principles for using skeletons with IK for animation.
Specialty Topics / Color Manipulation
- 📚 How to Choose Colors Procedurally - Procedural palettes and how to generate them.
Specialty Topics / Entity Component Systems
- 📚 A Simple Entity Component System - Basis for an ECS in C++.
24. Awesome Asyncio
- Demystifying Python's Async and Await Keywords - JetBrains TV 2020 (Michael Kennedy)
25. Awesome Gbdev
Cartridges / Opcodes
- GB Flash Cartridges for Sale - A List of available, ready-made Game Boy Flash Cartridges.
- Prev: Aug 11, 2022
- Next: Aug 09, 2022