Awesome List Updates on Aug 07, 2022
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Plone
Content and utilities for content
- collective.documentgenerator (⭐16) - Generate Documents (.odt, .pdf, .doc) from content based on appy framework ( and OpenOffice/LibreOffice.
2. Mind Expanding Books
Startups and Business
Name: Principles: Life and Work
Author: Ray Dalio
Goodreads Rating: 4.07
Year Published: 2017
Name: The Little Prince
Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Goodreads Rating: 4.31
Year Published: 1943
3. Awesome Machine Learning
Java / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Chips-n-Salsa (⭐61) - A Java library for genetic algorithms, evolutionary computation, and stochastic local search, with a focus on self-adaptation / self-tuning, as well as parallel execution.
4. Awesome Opensource Apps
Name: SumatraPDF
Description: Open source PDF, eBook (epub, mobi), comic book (cbz/cbr), DjVu, XPS, CHM, image viewer for Windows.
5. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- alias-finder (⭐16) - Displays an alias when you use a command you have aliased previously. Helpful for remembering aliases you have defined in the past. Written as a pure ZSH script for speed.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- danielparks (⭐1) - Works well on dark backgrounds. Includes decorators for
status, user@host when in anssh
session, success/failure of last command, working directory, python virtualenv, execution time of last command and whether running asroot
6. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 4
- Scene Manager (⭐418) - Make nice and customizable scene transitions in one line of code. (Godot 3 and 4)
7. Awesome Rest
- Adidas REST API Guidelines (⭐383) - Adidas REST API Guidelines define standards and guidelines for building REST APIs at adidas.
- Atlassian REST API design guidelines version 1 - This document provides guidelines to Atlassian developers who are designing REST APIs for Atlassian applications.
- Cisco REST API Guide (⭐113) - Guidelines for designing REST APIs at Cisco.
- Google Cloud API design guide - Guidelines Google follows when designing Cloud APIs and other Google APIs (REST APIs and gRPC APIs).
- Haufe API Style Guide (⭐240) - Guidelines created by Haufe-Lexware CTO team.
- Microsoft REST API Guidelines (⭐23k) - The Microsoft REST API Guidelines, as a design principle, encourages application developers to have resources accessible to them via a RESTful HTTP interface.
- Restful API Guidelines by Zalando (⭐2.8k) - Developing Restful APIs: A Comprehensive Set of Guidelines.
- openapi-generator (⭐23k) - OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3).
8. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science
Books / Monograph
- Lacona. LOGIC: Lecture Notes for Philosophy, Mathematics, and Computer Science - Suitable for undergraduate introductions to logic and early graduate courses on logic.
9. Awesome Open Hardware
- RepRap - Humanity's first general-purpose, self-replicating manufacturing machine.
10. Awesome Graphql
CMS / React
- Apito - A Cloud Based Headless CMS with CDN, Webhooks, Team Collaborations, Content Revision, Cloud Functions.
11. Awesome Jamstack
- Apito - A Cloud Based Headless CMS with CDN, Webhooks, Team Collaborations, Content Revision, Cloud Functions.
12. Awesome Go
- copygen (⭐365) - Generate any code based on Go types, including type-to-type converters (copy code) without reflection by default.
13. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Knowledge Representation / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Concepts in a Probabilistic Language of Thought - Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines MEMO No.010, 2014. [All Versions].
- Prev: Aug 08, 2022
- Next: Aug 06, 2022