Awesome List Updates on Jul 30, 2022
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Arch
Inactive projects / Other
- Arch XFerience - A modern OS based on Arch Linux, built for day-to-day operations with tons of packages & features. (inactive)
- Chakra GNU/Linux - A user-friendly and powerful distribution and live CD originally forked from Arch Linux. (discontinued)
- Archphile - (Raspberry Pi/ARM/Audio) - Yet another linux audio distribution for embedded boards. (inactive)
2. Awesome Neovim
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- keaising/im-select.nvim (⭐221) - Switching and restoring input method automatically depends on Neovim's edit mode.
3. Free for Dev
- - Unlimited forms with 50 monthly submissions, spam protection, email notification, and a drag-and-drop designer that can export HTML. Additional features include custom field rules, teams, and integrations to Google Sheets, Slack, ActiveCampaign, and Zapier.
4. Awesome Rust
Development tools / Testing
- Mutation Testing
- cargo-mutants (⭐677) [cargo-mutants] - Finds inadequately tested code by injecting mutations, no source changes required.
- mutagen (⭐630) [mutagen] - A source-level mutation testing framework (nightly only)
- cargo-mutants (⭐677) [cargo-mutants] - Finds inadequately tested code by injecting mutations, no source changes required.
5. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- pyhack (⭐1) - Works well with dark terminal themes. Shows Python version, Python package version (pyproject.toml) and
current branch information.
6. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- React Starter Kit (⭐23k) - Jamstack, React, React Router, Material UI, Firebase Auth, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, Jest, GitHub Actions.
7. Awesome Flutter
UI / Effect
- Parallax (⭐874) - ViewPager by Iiro Krankka
Game / Redux / ELM / Dependency Injection
- Bonfire (⭐1.3k) - Flame engine based game engine for 2D RPG games
- Zerker (⭐696) - Lightweight and powerful graphic animation library by drawcall.
8. Awesome Cl
Websockets / Isomorphic web frameworks
- clws (⭐73) - websockets server in CL, built on IOlib and libfixposix. No licence specified.
- Hunchensocket (⭐113) - RFC6455 compliant WebSockets for Common Lisp, as an extension to Hunchentoot. MIT.
- websocket-driver (⭐105) - based on Clack.
9. Awesome Svelte
- svelte-icomoon (⭐5) - It makes it very simple to use SVG icons in your Svelte projects.
10. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Planning Coding Resources / Python
- Geemap (⭐3.6k) - A Python package for interactive mapping with Google Earth Engine, ipyleaflet, and ipywidgets.
- Geoplot - Geoplot is a high-level Python geospatial plotting library. It is an extension to cartopy and matplotlib which makes mapping easy: like seaborn for geospatial.
- Urbansprawl (⭐85) - The urbansprawl project provides an open source framework for assessing urban sprawl using open data. It uses OpenStreetMap (OSM) data to calculate its sprawling indices, divided in Accessibility, Land use mix, and Dispersion.
- Xarray-spatial - Xarray-Spatial implements common raster analysis functions using Numba and provides an easy-to-install, easy-to-extend codebase for raster analysis.
- Momepy - Momepy is a library for quantitative analysis of urban form - urban morphometrics. It is part of PySAL (Python Spatial Analysis Library) and is built on top of GeoPandas, other PySAL modules and networkX.
- rasterio (⭐2.3k) - Geographic information systems use GeoTIFF and other formats to organize and store gridded raster datasets such as satellite imagery and terrain models.
Planning Coding Resources / R
- Motif - Describes spatial patterns of categorical raster data for any defined regular and irregular areas. It enables spatial analysis such as search, change detection, and clustering to be performed on spatial patterns.
- Raster - Reading, writing, manipulating, analyzing and modeling of spatial data. The package implements basic and high-level functions for raster data and for vector data operations such as intersections.
- Rgee (⭐713) - Is an R binding package for calling Google Earth Engine API from within R. Various functions are implemented to simplify the connection with the R spatial ecosystem.
- Sfnetworks - Provides a tidy approach to spatial network analysis.
- Stars - Reading, manipulating, writing and plotting spatiotemporal arrays (raster and vector data cubes) in 'R'.
- stplanr - Tools for transport planning with an emphasis on spatial transport data and non-motorized modes including OD data processing and other functions.
- Tmap - Thematic maps are geographical maps in which spatial data distributions are visualized. This package offers a flexible, layer-based, and easy to use approach to create thematic maps, such as choropleths and bubble maps.
11. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- Styra Declarative Authorization Service (DAS) - Provides a managed Open Policy Agent (OPA) platform for Application and Infrastructure use cases, including Terraform, Terraform Cloud, and Kubernetes. Enforce policy guardrails during development, in CI/CD pipelines, and at deploy time. Styra DAS Free provides multiple systems and users, policy impact analysis, decision logging and replay, and access to Styra's Terraform policy library.
12. Awesome Wagtail
Resources / Books
- Wagtail CMS in Action - Book about creating powerful, simple web applications using the Wagtail content management system.
- Prev: Jul 31, 2022
- Next: Jul 29, 2022