Awesome List Updates on Jul 29, 2022
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Security
Terminal / Development
- shellclear (⭐213) - It helps you to Secure your shell history commands by finding sensitive commands in your all history commands and allowing you to clean them.
2. Engineering Blogs
Companies / G companies
Companies / S companies
- Shopify
3. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Testing
- sokomishalov/skraper (⭐256) - Kotlin/Java library, cli tool and telegram-bot for scraping posts and media from various sources with neither authorization nor full page rendering (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Tiktok, Telegram, Twitch, Reddit, Pinterest, Flickr, Tumblr, etc.)
Libraries/Frameworks / Multiplatform
- petertrr/kotlin-multiplatform-diff (⭐91) - Multiplatform kotlin library for calculating text differences. Based on java-diff-utils.
4. Awesome Lit
Design Systems
- AXA Pattern Library (⭐125) - AXA CH UI components library built with LitElement.
- Carbon Web Components (⭐476) - Carbon Design System variant on top of Web Components.
- Clarity Core Web Components (⭐163) - Suite of web components for Clarity Design System.
- Momentum UI Web Components (⭐195) - Set of UI components based on Momentum Design.
- Red Hat Design System (⭐92) - Web components for building uniform experiences with the Red Hat brand.
5. Awesome Micropython
Shells / On Host
- mpremote (⭐20k) - Powerful official shell that supports mounting the host's current directory on the target. Run code without changing the target's filesystem.
6. Awesome Python Data Science
Deep Learning / PyTorch
- ChemicalX (⭐727) - A PyTorch-based deep learning library for drug pair scoring.
Time Series / Others
- darts (⭐8.3k) - A python library for easy manipulation and forecasting of time series.
- statsforecast (⭐4.1k) - Lightning fast forecasting with statistical and econometric models.
- mlforecast (⭐961) - Scalable machine learning-based time series forecasting.
- neuralforecast (⭐3.3k) - Scalable machine learning-based time series forecasting.
- greykite (⭐1.8k) - A flexible, intuitive, and fast forecasting library next.
- Chaos Genius (⭐749) - ML powered analytics engine for outlier/anomaly detection and root cause analysis
Experimentation / Synthetic Data
- envd (⭐2.1k) - 🏕️ machine learning development environment for data science and AI/ML engineering teams.
7. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- vite-plugin-browser-sync (⭐75) - BrowserSync.
8. Awesome Go
- marshmallow (⭐378) - Performant JSON unmarshalling for flexible use cases.
9. Awesome Datascience
- Recommender Systems Specialization from University of Minnesota is an intermediate/advanced level specialization focused on Recommender System on the Coursera platform.
10. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Configuration
- dynaconf - Dynaconf loads django settings from multiple sources (multiple file formats, env vars, redis, vault, etcd), manages secrets, and allows for different merging strategies all following the twelve-factor app.
Third-Party Packages / Task Queues
- django-dramatiq (⭐358) - Task processing library with a focus on simplicity, reliability, and performance.
Projects / Open Source Projects
- Flagsmith (⭐5.4k) - Open-source Feature Flagging, Remote Config, and AB testing.
11. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Tools
- Airdash (⭐581) - Share files to any device by Simon Bengtsson
- Prev: Jul 30, 2022
- Next: Jul 28, 2022