Awesome List Updates on Jul 28, 2022
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Privacy
VPNs / Alternative clients/modifications of Discord:
- Closed source VPN apps such as Surfshark or NordVPN may be less trustworthy as nobody can be sure how they handle your data. Also, paying with Credit Card will get you identified on the payment. Furthermore, if you need to give your email it will also identify you if this same email has been used in other services.
2. Awesome Lit
- Lean and simple global State management for Lit 2.
3. Awesome Security
Other Awesome Lists / Other Security Awesome Lists
- Awesome Privacy (⭐6k) - A curated list of privacy-respecting software and services.
4. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- jq (⭐323) - Interactively build jq expressions. Also supports gojq (⭐3.4k). Requires fzf (⭐68k).
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- jnooree (⭐0) - Minimalist theme with colors adapted from the robbyrussell (⭐177k) theme. Includes decorators for
status, whether running as non-default user and current working directory.
5. Awesome Deno
Modules / Logging
- sentry_deno (⭐11) - Unofficial port of the Sentry SDK for JavaScript to Deno.
6. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / DSL
- h0tk3y/regex-dsl (⭐87) - A Kotlin DSL for regular expressions
7. Awesome Blazor
- BlazorViz interop wrapper for Viz.js (⭐6) -
A sample of generating Graphviz DOT language files and visualising tree data structures. Demo.
Articles / Others
- ClassFly UI - XAML vs Blazor - Part 1 - XAML - July 23, 2022 - This serie of article compares the approaches of XAML vs Blazor. The same application will be create using XAML and Blazor to discover the pros and cons. The part 1 focuses on XAML.
- Dependency Injection Scopes in Blazor - May 31, 2022 - The dependency injection system is a big part of how modern ASP.NET Core works internally: It provides a flexible solution for developers to structure their projects, decouple their dependencies, and control the lifetimes of the components within an application. In Blazor - a new part of ASP.NET Core - however, the DI system feels a bit odd, and things seem to work a bit differently than expected. This article will explain why this is not only a feeling but indeed the case in the first place and how to handle the differences in order to not run into problems later on.
8. Awesome Zig
Editor plugins
- MarioAriasC/zig-support (⭐79) - Language support for JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ, CLion and others)
9. Awesome Micropython
- MicroPython-NeuralNetwork - Neural Network for MicroPython.
Communications / Authentication
- micropython-firebase-auth (⭐8) - Firebase Auth implementation for MicroPython.
Mathematics / Waveform Generator
- MicroPython-Matrix - MicroPython basic matrix operations.
Sensors / Gaseous
- MICS6814-Micropython-driver - ESP32 MicroPython driver for the Pimoroni MICS6814 breakout board.
Storage / Databases
- micropython-firebase-firestore (⭐8) - Firebase Firestore implementation for MicroPython.
Tutorials / SRAM
- Asynchronous drivers (⭐771) - Tutorial and code for asynchronous interfaces to switches, pushbuttons, encoders and ADCs.
- Pyboard micropower (⭐45) - Tutorial and code for low power applications on Pyboard 1.x and Pyboard D.
- 3D rotation with quaternions (⭐489) - Tutorial and code for the easy way to do 3D rotation.
- Miguel Grinberg - MicroPython and the Internet of Things.
- Bhavesh Kakwani - MicroPython videos + written tutorials.
Books / SRAM
- MicroPython for the Internet of Things: A Beginner's Guide to Programming with Python on Microcontrollers - By Charles Bell. ISBN 9781484231227.
- Beginning MicroPython with the Raspberry Pi Pico: Build Electronics and IoT Projects - By Charles Bell. ISBN 9781484281345.
10. Awesome Cross Platform Nodejs
Libraries / Filesystem
- global-cache-dir (⭐4) - Get the global OS-specific cache directory.
11. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking
- AppFlowy - Open-source alternative to Notion.
Audio and Video Tools / File Sharing
- YouTube Music Desktop - Free cross platform Desktop Player for YouTube Music.
Utilities / General Tools
- NextDNS - The new firewall for the modern Internet.
12. Awesome Devsecops
Supply Chain Security / Ruby
- Harden Runner GitHub Action (⭐550) - StepSecurity - installs a security agent on the GitHub-hosted runner (Ubuntu VM) to prevent exfiltration of credentials, detect compromised dependencies and build tools, and detect tampering of source code during the build.
- Prev: Jul 29, 2022
- Next: Jul 27, 2022