Awesome List Updates on Jul 21, 2022
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome React Components
- tabler-icons-react - A set of over 450 free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons.
Communication with server / Mouse Events
- query (⭐41k) - docs Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for TS/JS, React, Solid, Svelte and Vue.
Integrations with Third Party Services / Mouse Events
- react-firebase-hooks (⭐3.5k) - Hooks to integrate firebase in your application.
2. Awesome Osint
Social Media Tools / Facebook
- haveibeenzuckered - A large dataset containing 533 million Facebook accounts was made available for download. The data was obtained by exploiting a vulnerability that was, according to Facebook, corrected in August 2019. Check if a telephone number is present within the Facebook data breach.
Video Search and Other Video Tools / Steam
- Filmot - Search within YouTube subtitles. Indexing over 573 million captions across 528 million videos and 45 million channels.
Maritime / Steam
- VesselFinder - a FREE AIS vessel tracking web site. VesselFinder displays real time ship positions and marine traffic detected by global AIS network.
3. Awesome Go
Authentication and OAuth
- keto (⭐4.9k) - Open Source (Go) implementation of "Zanzibar: Google's Consistent, Global Authorization System". Ships gRPC, REST APIs, newSQL, and an easy and granular permission language. Supports ACL, RBAC, and other access models.
4. Free for Dev
Major Cloud Providers
- Google Cloud Platform
- App Engine - 28 frontend instance hours per day, nine backend instance hours per day
- Cloud Firestore - 1GB storage, 50,000 reads, 20,000 writes, 20,000 deletes per day
- Compute Engine - 1 non-preemptible e2-micro, 30GB HDD, 5GB snapshot storage (restricted to certain regions), 1 GB network egress from North America to all region destinations (excluding China and Australia) per month
- Cloud Storage - 5GB, 1GB network egress
- Cloud Shell - Web-based Linux shell/primary IDE with 5GB of persistent storage. 60 hours limit per week
- Cloud Pub/Sub - 10GB of messages per month
- Cloud Functions - 2 million invocations per month (includes both background and HTTP invocations)
- Cloud Run - 2 million requests per month, 360,000 GB-seconds memory, 180,000 vCPU-seconds of compute time, 1 GB network egress from North America per month
- Google Kubernetes Engine - No cluster management fee for one zonal cluster. Each user node is charged at standard Compute Engine pricing
- BigQuery - 1 TB of querying per month, 10 GB of storage each month
- Cloud Build - 120 build-minutes per day
- Cloud Source Repositories - Up to 5 Users, 50 GB Storage, 50 GB Egress
- Google Colab - Free Jupyter Notebooks development environment.
- Google Project IDX. Online VSCode running on Google Cloud.
- Full, detailed list -
5. Awesome Blazor
Videos / Others
- Making Blazor work with everything, plus WebAssembly on the server -
May 13, 2022 - Talk by Steve Sanderson at the NDC London 2022. Real-world software projects often involve combining many technologies. So, is modern Blazor powerful and flexible enough for your team's needs? In this demo-heavy talk, Steve will show how Blazor WebAssembly/Server can seamlessly embed libraries and logic written in other languages such as Rust or C/C++, how Blazor WebAssembly/Server components can be used inside other SPA frameworks such as React or Angular (or vice-versa) and how Blazor components can be used not only for web projects, but also shared with native apps for macOS, iOS, Android, and Windows (including WPF and WinForms) These capabilities should equip your team to take on the most ambitious projects with confidence. We'll then look further into the future and consider how WebAssembly is moving beyond the browser and is pitched to become a foundational element of cloud-native server apps. You'll be among the first to see an experimental new approach to compiling .NET applications into WASI-compliant universal binaries that can run on any OS or processor, robustly sandboxed and with great performance.
- Building apps for Teams in .NET & Blazor -
May 11, 2022 - John Miller joins James on this week's On .NET to chat about how .NET developers can build Microsoft Teams apps and bots completely with C#, .NET, and Blazor! John walks us through everything we need to know to get started and how to even publish apps for Teams.
- State management in Blazor -
April 29, 2022 - State management in Blazor, at the NDC Porto 2022. When developing a Single Page Application, a very important aspect is state management. Since Blazer is a component-based UI framework, how do we manage to update the UI when the state of the application changes.
- Streaming three ways with Blazor: REST, gRPC, and SignalR -
April 29, 2022 - Streaming three ways with Blazor: REST, gRPC, and SignalR, by Carl Franklin at the NDC Porto 2022. Learn how to stream data from server to client to improve perceived performance and increase scalability. Carl shows how streaming works in general, and then how to implement using each of these three transports.
Articles / Others
- Share Blazor components using dependency injection - July 19, 2022 - Share Blazor components using dependency injection.
- Using IAsyncEnumerable in a Razor component - July 18, 2022 - Using IAsyncEnumerable in a Razor component.
6. Awesome Micropython
Display / GUI
- micropython-nextion (⭐13) - Control Nextion displays using MicroPython.
7. Awesome Privacy
Plugins for Minecraft
- No-Chat-Reports (⭐957) - A spigot plugin strips cryptographic signatures from player messages, but it breaks any chat plugin by design.
- Jetispot (⭐365) - Experimental UNOFFICIAL Spotify client for Android built on librespot-java + Jetpack Compose
8. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / Frameworks
- ant-design-vue (⭐21k) - An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue 3.2.0
9. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Paper Reading / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- It's not just you: science papers are getting harder to read - Nature, 2017. [All Versions]. Nature perspective on reading scientific papers.
10. Awesome Chrome Devtools
The big two automation libraries
- Puppeteer (⭐89k) - Node.js offering a high-level API to control headless Chrome over the DevTools Protocol. See also awesome-puppeteer (⭐2.4k).
- Playwright (⭐68k) - Library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API. Available for Node.js, Python, .Net, Java. See also awesome-playwright (⭐985).
Libraries for driving the protocol (or a layer above)
- JavaScript/Node.js: chrome-remote-interface (⭐4.3k)
- TypeScript/Node.js: chrome-debugging-client (⭐133)
- Typescript/Node.js: Taiko (⭐3.6k)
- Python: pyppeteer (⭐3.7k) - puppeteer port
- Ruby: Ferrum (⭐1.8k) - high-level API to control Chrome in Ruby
- Clojure: cuic (⭐37) - Providing a high-level API for UI test automation over the DevTools Protocol.
- PHP: PuPHPeteer (⭐1.3k) - php bridge to node puppeteer
Browser Adapters
- Inspect - Use devtools against iOS and Android, easily. Browser and Webviews. (closed source)
Using DevTools frontend with other platforms / Ruby
- ruby/debug (⭐1.2k) - Debugging functionality for Ruby.
Workflow / Ruby
- Web Component DevTools - Inspect, modify and observe Web Components on page.
Alumni / Ruby
- Remote Debug Gateway (⭐92) - Allows you to connect a client to multiple browsers at once.
- Multiuser DevTools: DevTools Remote (⭐687) - Remotely debug someone else's browser.
- DevTools Backend (⭐143) - Standalone implementation of the Chrome DevTools backend to debug arbitrary web environments.
- Python CDP driver: pychrome (⭐620) - low level CDP transport handler
- ios-webkit-debug-proxy (⭐6k) - Exposes Mobile Safari & UIWebView instances via the CDP.
- Remote Debug iOS WebKit adapter (⭐2.7k) - Builts upon ios-webkit-debug-proxy and translates WebKit's Remote Debugging Protocol API to the CDP.
- IE Diagnostics Adapter (⭐574) - Protocol adaptor for Microsoft IE 11 to CDP.
- Prev: Jul 22, 2022
- Next: Jul 20, 2022