Awesome List Updates on Jul 18, 2022
16 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Embedded Rust
no-std crates / WIP
- moonboot (⭐27): OTA Bootloader Construction Framework for Rust no_std environments, especially embedded devices without an OS
2. Awesome Zig
Parser / Package managers
- goto-bus-stop/ziguid (⭐7) - GUID parsing/stringifying.
- sam701/zig-cli (⭐232) - Package for building command line apps.
3. Awesome Capacitor
Other plugins
- Google
- Auth (⭐291) - Google auth plugin for Capacitor.
- Availability (⭐2) - Verifies that Google Play services is installed and enabled, and request enabling Google Play services on device.
- Fit (⭐22) - Retrieve data from Google Fit.
- MlKit Language (⭐3) - Identify the language of a string of text.
- MlKit Vision (⭐13) - Detect faces in an image, identify key facial features, and get the contours of detected faces.
4. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Rust / Sinatra
- From JavaScript to Rust ebook (⭐1.4k) - Jarrod Overson (PDF)
5. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Automation
- µTask (⭐1.2k) - Automation engine that models and executes business processes declared in yaml.
Software / Communication - IRC
- Quassel IRC - Distributed IRC client, meaning that one (or multiple) client(s) can attach to and detach from a central core. (Source Code (⭐735))
Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums
- - Self-Hosted, Twitter™-like Decentralised micro-logging platform. No ads, no tracking, your content, your data. (Source Code)
Software / Conference Management
- frab - Web-based conference planning and management system. It helps to collect submissions, to manage talks and speakers and to create a schedule. (Source Code (⭐722))
Software / Content Management Systems (CMS)
- Roadiz - Modern CMS based on a node system which can handle many types of services. (Source Code (⭐374))
Software / Feed Readers
- RSS-Bridge (⭐7.8k) - Generate RSS/ATOM feeds for websites which don't have one.
Software / Internet of Things (IoT)
- OpenRemote - Open-Source IoT Platform - IoT Asset management, Flow Rules and WHEN-THEN rules, Data visualization, Edge Gateway. (Demo, Source Code (⭐1.3k))
Software / Media Streaming - Multimedia Streaming
- Icecast 2 - Streaming audio/video server which can be used to create an Internet radio station or a privately running jukebox and many things in between. (Source Code, Clients)
- üWave
- Self-hosted collaborative listening platform. Users take turns playing media—songs, talks, gameplay videos, or anything else—from a variety of media sources like YouTube and SoundCloud. (Demo, Source Code)MIT
Software / Media Streaming - Video Streaming
- Tube - Youtube-like (without censorship and features you don't need!) video sharing app written in Go which also supports automatic transcoding to MP4 H.265 AAC, multiple collections and RSS feed. (Demo)
Software / Miscellaneous
- OpenZiti - Fully-featured, self-hostable, zero trust, full mesh overlay network. Includes a 2FA support out of the box, clients for all major desktop/mobile OS'es. (Source Code (⭐3.1k))
Software / Pastebins
- bin (⭐496) - A paste bin that's actually minimalist.
- dpaste - Simple pastebin with multiple text and code option, with short url result easy to remember. (Source Code (⭐560))
Software / URL Shorteners
- Lstu (⭐211) - Lightweight URL shortener.
6. Awesome Blazor
Videos / Others
- Securing SPAs and Blazor Applications using the BFF Pattern -
April 29, 2022 - Securing SPAs and Blazor Applications using the BFF (Backend for Frontend) Pattern at the NDC Porto, by Dominick Baier.
7. Awesome Jupyter
JupyterLab Extensions
- jupyterlab-tensorboard-pro (⭐83) - TensorBoard support for JupyterLab.
8. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- vendelieu/telegram-bot (⭐196) - A lightweight, feature-rich wrapper for the Telegram Bot API
9. Free for Dev
- Idrive e2 - S3 compatibility object storage. 10 GB free storage and 10 GB download bandwidth per month.
10. Awesome Magento2
- n98-magerun2 (⭐887) - The CLI Swiss Army Knife for Magento 2.
- nl_NL (⭐7) 🇳🇱 - Dutch Language Package.
11. Awesome Cl
Changing the syntax
- clamp (⭐73) - Arc language's brevity and conciseness to Common Lisp. Artistic License 2.0.
- also arc-compat (⭐14) - Arc compatible package. Perl Foundation's Artistic Licence 2.0.
Websockets / Isomorphic web frameworks
- Portal (⭐29) - Portable websockets for Common Lisp, using usocket. LLGPL.
12. Awesome Ai in Finance
Courses & Books & Blogs
- 🌟 QuantResearch (⭐2.4k) - Quantitative analysis, strategies and backtests
Visualizing / Plugins
- KLineChart (⭐2.7k) - Highly customizable professional lightweight financial charts
13. Awesome Digital History
Archives and primary sources / Germany
- Computerarchiv Muenchen - South German Museum for History of Digital Development.
14. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Knowledge Management / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- The Zettelkasten Method - Bielefeld University. Relating ideas in graphs and multi-labels.
- Niklas Luhmann's Card Index: Thinking Tool, Communication Partner, Publication Machine - Forgetting Machines: Knowledge Management Evolution in Early Modern Europe, Brill, 2016. [All Versions].
15. Awesome Yew
- Yew HTTP Starter (⭐4) - Yew template with a simple HTTP message & useful helper comments.
16. Awesome Mac
Audio and Video Tools / File Sharing
- Museeks - A simple, clean and cross-platform music player.
- Nuclear - Streaming music player that finds free music for you.
- Prev: Jul 19, 2022
- Next: Jul 17, 2022