Awesome List Updates on Jul 16, 2022
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Dotnet
- Moq.Contrib.HttpClient (⭐188) - A set of extension methods for mocking HttpClient and IHttpClientFactory with Moq.
2. Awesome React Components
- react-table-library (⭐717) - demo - React Table Library -- an almost headless table library -- for building better tables.
3. Awesome Quantum Computing
- Introduction to Classical and Quantum Computing - Introductory quantum computing textbook. The only prerequisite is trigonometry, and it teaches the math along the way.
4. Awesome Blazor
Articles / Others
- Blazor Sticker Giveaway - July 15, 2022 - Try the new Blazor Guide in Visual Studio. Read on to learn about how to give it a try and for a chance to receive a sticker.
5. Awesome Docker
Terminal / Terminal UI
- docui (⭐2.3k) - 💀 An interactive shell UI for managing Docker containers. Also works in Windows. By @skanehira
6. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Methodologies for Experiments / Virtual Reality
- Virtual reality: A survival guide for the social scientist - Journal of Media Psychology, 2009. [All Versions].
Stanford / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Jeremy Bailenson - Department of Communication, Stanford, Virtual Human Interaction Lab (VHIL) - Stanford.
- Prev: Jul 17, 2022
- Next: Jul 15, 2022