Awesome List Updates on Jul 15, 2022
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Game Engine Dev
Libraries / Python
- 🌎 - Programming language that lets you work quickly. [Docs]
Open Source Games / C
- 🔒 Doom (⭐13k) - The original 1993 3D masterpiece by id Software.
Specialty Topics / AI / Pathfinding
- 📚 Intro to AI - Intro to AI Programming for Games at
2. Awesome Cl
- 👍 mito (⭐302) - An ORM for Common Lisp with migrations, relationships and PostgreSQL support BSD_3Clause.
- mitho-auth (⭐19), a mixin class for use authorization
- mito-attachment (⭐14), a mixin class for file management outside of RDBMS.
Websockets / Isomorphic web frameworks
- 👍 usocket (⭐229) - A portable TCP and UDP socket interface. Expat.
Web development utilities / Assets management
- Rock (⭐47) - an asset manager for Common Lisp. It's basically a combination of Bower and webassets. MIT.
Web development utilities / Browser tests
- cl-webdriver-client (⭐25) - a binding library to WebDriver (supports Selenium 4.0).
Web development utilities / Form handling
- 👍 cl-forms (⭐44) - Web forms handling library for Common lisp. MIT.
Web development utilities / User login and password management
- cl-authentic (⭐7) - Password management for Common Lisp (web) applications. LLGPL.
- safe password storage: cleartext-free, using your choice of hash algorithm through ironclad, storage in an SQL database,
- password reset mechanism with one-time tokens (suitable for mailing to users for confirmation),
- user creation optionally with confirmation tokens (suitable for mailing to users),
- mito-email-auth (⭐5) - Helper to authenticate a website's users by sending them unique code by email.
Others / Email
- trivial-imap (⭐3) - tries to make easy some common cases of working with IMAP servers, like reading emails from the server. A thin wrapper over post-office library (which is a fork of Franz's cl-imap). BSD.
- cl-smtp - CL-SMTP is a simple lisp smtp client.
- mailgun (⭐12) - A thin wrapper to post HTML emails through unlicence.
- cl-ses (⭐15) - Library for AWS SES. Expat.
Others / Static site generators
- coleslaw (⭐568) and its coleslaw-cli (⭐6) - Flexible Lisp Blogware similar to Frog, Jekyll, or Hakyll. BSD.
Others / Third-party APIs
- Aws-sign4 (⭐19) - Common Lisp library for Amazon Web Services signing version 4. GNU GPL3.
- zs3 (⭐39) - A library for working with Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) and CloudFront service. BSD.
- north - The successor to the South (Simple OaUTH) library, implementing the full oAuth 1.0a protocol, both client and server sides. Using North you can easily become an oAuth provider or consumer. zlib.
- avatar-api (⭐9) - Get avatars from Google+, Gravatar and others. Expat.
- chirp (⭐68) - A Twitter client library. zlib.
- tooter (⭐43) - a client library implementing the full v1 REST API protocol for Mastodon. zlib.
- cl-mediawiki (⭐18) - a wrapper around the MediaWiki api. MIT.
- cl-openid (⭐4) - An implementation of OpenID. LLGPL.
- cl-pushover (⭐2) - Common Lisp bindings to Pushover. MIT.
- humbler (⭐11) - A Tumblr API interface. zlib.
- multiposter (⭐13) - post to multiple services simultaneously. zlib.
3. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Software Development - Testing
- Sorry Cypress - Alternative open-source dashboard for the Cypress browser automation framework, featuring unlimited parallelization, recording and debugging of tests. (Source Code (⭐2.7k))
4. Awesome Translations
Articles / Introductions to internationalization
- Internationalization vs. Localization: The Difference Between l10n and I18n - Blog post about the difference between l10n and I18n from Crowdin.
5. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- Tiny Python Projects - Ken Youens-Clark(PDF)
6. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Abduction / Rationalization
- Rationalizing constraints on the capacity for cognitive control - Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2021. [All Versions]. Humans are remarkably limited in: (i) how many control-dependent tasks they can execute simultaneously, and (ii) how intensely they can focus on a single task. These limitations are universal assumptions of most theories of cognition. Yet, a rationale for why humans are subject to these constraints remains elusive. This feature review draws on recent insights from psychology, neuroscience, and machine learning, to suggest that constraints on cognitive control may result from a rational adaptation to fundamental, computational dilemmas in neural architectures. The reviewed literature implies that limitations in multitasking may result from a trade-off between learning efficacy and processing efficiency and that limitations in the intensity of commitment to a single task may reflect a trade-off between cognitive stability and flexibility.
7. Awesome Cryptography
Go / Git
- kyber (⭐639) - Advanced crypto library for the Go language.
8. Awesome Vite
Official Resources
Templates / React
- Viterts (⭐37) - React + TypeScript + Redux + React Router + Jest + ESLint + Airbnb + Prettier + SASS.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Loaders
- vite-plugin-glsl (⭐346) - Import shader file chunks.
Apps/Websites / Community
- pointer-lock-movement (⭐22) - A pointer lock movement manager for customizing your own creative UI.
- Prev: Jul 16, 2022
- Next: Jul 14, 2022