Awesome List Updates on Jul 12, 2022
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Graphql
Tools - Security / React
- GraphCrawler - The all-in-one GraphQL Security toolkit (⭐312) - The all-in-one automated penetration tester toolkit for GraphQL, written in Python
2. Awesome Browser Extensions for Github
Gifhub Pull Request (⭐22) 
Find the best GIFs for your awesome pull requests.
Installs: 136 | Stars: 22 | Last update: n/a
3. Awesome Bioie
Tools, Platforms, and Services / Annotation Tools
- brat - paper - code (⭐1.8k) - The brat rapid annotation tool. Supports producing text annotations visually, through the browser. Not subject specific; appropriate for many annotation projects. Visualization is based on that of the stav tool.
- MedTator - paper - code (⭐47) - An annotation tool designed to have minimal dependencies.
Datasets / Annotated Text Data
4. Awesome Prisma
👾 Projects Using Prisma / Tutorials with NestJS
- Wasp (⭐12k) Wasp is a declarative domain-specific language for developing, building, and deploying modern Javascript full-stack web apps with less code.
5. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Markdown Tools
- Obsidian - A second brain, for you, forever.
6. Awesome Haskell
- Wasp - a simple language for developing full-stack Javascript web apps with less code (built with Haskell)
7. Free for Dev
- C2 Object Storage - S3 compatibility object storage. 15 GB free storage and 15 GB downloads per month.
8. Awesome Blazor
Videos / Others
- Securing Blazor & Web APIs with AAD -
July 11, 2022 - This video shows how to secure your Blazor application and a Web API using Azure Active Directory (AAD).
9. Vertx Awesome
- vertx-values (⭐3) - Send immutable and persistent JSON from json-values (⭐2) across the event bus.
10. Awesome Neovim
Debugging / Diagnostics
- Weissle/persistent-breakpoints.nvim (⭐210) - Persistent breakpoints for nvim-dap.
11. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / Monitoring
- Scrutiny (⭐4.8k) - Web UI for hard drive S.M.A.R.T monitoring, historical trends & real-world failure thresholds.
12. Awesome Yew
- Rust Audio (⭐50) - Realtime audio processing / synthesis using Rust/WASM in the browser, Live Demo.
13. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- vite-plugin-multi-pages (⭐32) - Multi Pages Support,can build src/pages anyPage,can set prefixName.
- vite-plugin-html-template-mpa (⭐26) - Multi Pages Common template support.
- vite-plugin-vconsole-mpa (⭐5) - Multi Pages Vconsole supports,simple config.
- Prev: Jul 13, 2022
- Next: Jul 11, 2022