Awesome List Updates on Jul 11, 2022
18 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Go
Advanced Console UIs
- crab-config-files-templating (⭐7) - Dynamic configuration file templating tool for kubernetes manifest or general configuration files.
2. Awesome React Components
- react-local-toast (⭐127) - demo - docs - show feedback linked to particular component instead of app-wide toasts.
3. Awesome Healthcare
Contents / Libraries
- Python 835 Parser (⭐67) - A simple-to-use Python interface to EDI 835 Health Care Claim Payment and Remittance Advice files.
4. Awesome Security
DevOps / Development
- cve-ape (⭐3) - A non-intrusive CVE scanner for embedding in test and CI environments that can scan package lists and individual packages for existing CVEs via locally stored CVE database. Can also be used as an offline CVE scanner for e.g. OT/ICS.
5. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Developer Utilities
- CubicBezier (⭐158) - CubicBezier Generator for macOS.
6. Awesome Plotters
Inspiration, Instruction, and Research / Fonts
- What is a pen plotter 2022? - Nice video introduction to modern plotters in 2022.
Manuals, Ephemera, Papers, and Patents / Ephemera
- CalComp Plotters in 1968 - Promotional video showing a flatbed CalComp plotter and its output.
7. Awesome Cl
- ⭐ SBCL - Steel Bank Common Lisp. A fork of CMUCL; compiles to efficient machine code. Standard compliance. Public domain, with some parts under Expat and 3-clause BSD.
- see also: sbcl-librarian (⭐100) - Dynamic library delivery tools for SBCL. Create shared libraries that can be called from C or Python. MIT. Blog post. Tutorial.
- SBCL-GOODIES (⭐36) - Distributing binaries with Common Lisp and foreign libraries: libssl, libcrypto and libfixposix are statically baked in. MIT.
- Nightly Windows builds of SBCL (⭐1) - Nightly builds of SBCL using MSYS2 UCRT64. See also Roswell's SBCL MSI builds (⭐9).
- SBCL on Chocolatey for Windows (unofficial)
- [WIP, 2021] Static Executables with SBCL.
- SBCL Windows builds supporting Windows 7+ (⭐4), packaged into NSIS installer and updated monthly (unofficial)
Changing the syntax
- ⭐ cl-interpol (⭐63) - A set of reader modifications to allow string interpolation. BSD.
- mstrings - a reader macro to provide visually appealing multiline blocks. An M-string trims leading whitespace, concatenates lines together, etc. BSD_3Clause.
- pythonic-string-reader (⭐20) - A simple and unobtrusive read table modification inspired by Python's three quote strings. BSD_3Clause.
- cl-heredoc (⭐15) - a "heredocs" (⭐15) dispatcher. GPL3. Allows to write:
#>eof>Write whatever (you) "want", no matter what characters, until the magic end sequence has been reached.eof
HTTP Servers / Hunchentoot plugins
- cl-tbnl-gserver-tmgr (⭐23) - Hunchentoot Gserver-based taskmanager. cl-gserver is an actor-like message-passing library (see below in "Actors pattern"). Experimental.
8. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-web-update-notification (⭐520) - Detect webpage updates and notify user to reload. support vite and umijs.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Testing
- vitest (⭐14k) - A Vite-native test framework.
9. Awesome Scala
Company Blogs / Devops
- 47 Degrees - Functional Programming news, updates, and more.
Communities / Devops
- Scala Ukraine - Telegram chat of Ukrainian Scala Community
10. Free for Dev
- Supabase — The Open Source Firebase Alternative to build backends. Free Plan offers Authentication, Realtime Database & Object Storage.
Design and UI
- Canva - Free online design tool to create visual content.
IDE and Code Editing
- Visual Studio Code - Code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications. Developed by Microsoft.
11. Awesome Cli Apps
Utilities / Weather
12. Awesome Blazor
Videos / Others
- What’s next for Blazor, and .NET on WASI - July 7, 2022 - What’s next for Blazor, and .NET on WASI, talk by Steve Sanderson at the NDC Porto. In this demo-centric talk, Microsoft developer/architect Steve will show the current state-of-the-art in Blazor for building rich web-based UI for browsers and native apps. This will include powerful new features shipped in .NET 6, as well as upcoming enhancements under development for .NET 7 and .NET MAUI. We’ll also look at more experimental future possibilities, including running .NET Core on WASI (WebAssembly on the server) which creates entirely new cloud and edge hosting options and lets you bring .NET code to places it’s never been before.
13. Awesome Privacy
- Pocketbase - Open Source backend in 1 file written in Go.
Search Engines
- SearX - Privacy-respecting metasearch engine.
- SearxNG (⭐15k) - Free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from various search services and databases.
14. Awesome Groovy
Build tools, setup and CI
- Android Groovy Shell - code and execute groovy scripts directly on your smartphone
- Hyperpoet (⭐5) - Easy-to-use and customizable HTTP client for Groovy
15. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Commonsense / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Open Mind Common Sense: Knowledge Acquisition from the General Public - OTM Confederated International Conferences'02, 2002. [All Versions]..
16. Awesome Minecraft
Websites / Mod Libraries
- Modrinth - Open source Minecraft mod library with powerful filtering.
- CurseForge - The largest repository for Minecraft mods.
17. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In Spanish
- Devtalles - Día a día como profesional en tecnologías de información.
18. Awesome Yew
- CubeShuffle (⭐24) - Card game shuffling utility built with Rust, Yew, Bulma and Tauri.
- Prev: Jul 12, 2022
- Next: Jul 10, 2022