Awesome List Updates on Jun 23, 2022
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Go
- slog (⭐423) - Lightweight, configurable, extensible logger for Go.
Third-party APIs
- goagi (⭐10) - Go library to build Asterisk PBX agi/fastagi applications.
Tutorials / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- CodeCrafters Golang Track - Achieve mastery in advanced Go by building your own Redis, Docker, Git, and SQLite. Featuring goroutines, systems programming, file I/O, and more.
2. Awesome Mysql
- data-diff (⭐3k) - Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
3. Awesome Blazor
Videos / Others
- Should I Focus on Blazor or ASP.NET Core? -
June 16, 2022 - Should I learn Blazor in more depth or should I better understand ASP.NET Core? Which one is the better one to learn well first? Should I bounce back and forth or specialize in one?
Articles / Others
- Implementing RavenDB time series in a Blazor project - June 21, 2022 - Implementing RavenDB time series in a Blazor project.
4. Awesome Electronics
Other Lists / Help
- delftopenhardware/awesome-open-hardware (⭐480) - Helpful items for making and learning about open source hardware projects.
5. Awesome Neovim
Motion / Diagnostics
- abecodes/tabout.nvim (⭐781) - Jump out of brackets, quotes, objects, etc.
6. Awesome Open Hardware
- Get your open hardware manufactured - Tips by Ian of Dangerous Prototypes.
- Haves and have nots must find a better way: The case for open scientific hardware - Paper by Andre Maia Chagas
- Open Labware: 3-D Printing Your Own Lab Equipment - Paper by Tom Baden, Andre Maia Chagas, Greg Gage, Timothy Marzullo, Lucia L. Prieto-Godino, Thomas Euler
- - A place to build and share electronics projects.
Training programs
7. Awesome Acg
Data Sources
- anime-streaming (⭐78) - A curated list of worldwide legal anime streaming. [English]
- manga-platform (⭐29) - A curated list of worldwide legal manga reading site. [English]
- ojosama-web (⭐41) - テキストを壱百満天原サロメお嬢様風の口調に変換するWebアプリ. [日本語]
- marine_button (⭐47) - Play 宝鐘マリン's voice on web. [日本語]
8. Awesome Yew
- mb2 - A poker server with a Yew client. Click the
button and thenStart
to see the client.
- Puzzle Cube (⭐9) - Rubix Cube solver using Rust and Yew, Live Demo.
9. Awesome Mac
Utilities / System Related Tools
- Time Machine Inspector (⭐94) - Find out what's hogging up your Time Machine backups.
- Prev: Jun 24, 2022
- Next: Jun 22, 2022