Awesome List Updates on Jun 22, 2022
18 awesome lists updated today.
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- Pufferfish (⭐229) - Text Expansions for Fish
2. Awesome Algorand
Nodes & Consensus Participation / Wallets
- Algorand Node UI (⭐27) - Terminal UI for remote Algorand node management.
3. Awesome Tailwindcss
Starters & Themes
- 🚀 Vite + Lit + Tailwind Starter (⭐33) - Boilerplate using Vite, Lit and Tailwind CSS.
4. Awesome Humane Tech
- Ungoogled Chromium (⭐15k) - Chromium without Google integration, enhancing privacy, control, transparency
5. Free for Dev
Design and UI
- - Free tool to quickly generate custom cross-browser CSS gradients. In RGB and HEX format.
6. Awesome Inertiajs
Resources / Packages
- Page loader (⭐28) - Unplugin for loading Inertia pages from configured namespaces.
- Flash (⭐21) - Laravel package for sharing properties from anywhere.
- Dry requests (⭐206) - Generic Laravel package for real-time form validation.
7. Awesome Blazor
2D/3D Rendering engines / Modal, Toast & Notifications
- Blazor.Sidepanel (⭐45) -
A powerful and customizable Sidepanel implementation for Blazor applications.
8. Awesome Free Software
Software / Web Applications
- Healthchecks - Cron job monitoring service. (BSD 3-clause (⭐6.3k))
9. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- ls (twopizza9621536) (⭐0) - Adds some more aliases for
- ls (zpm-zsh) (⭐100) - Colorizes the output of
10. Awesome Vite
Vue / Transformers
vite-plugin-md-preview (⭐178) - Markdown code preview.
11. Awesome React Components
UI Animation / Syntax Highlight
- react-ts-typewriter (⭐35) - demo - Easy to use and customizable typewriter effect for any text.
12. Awesome D3
- britecharts (⭐3.7k) - Client-side reusable charting library [bar, line, donut, sparkline, step]
13. Awesome Openstreetmap
Maps / Web Maps
- OpenLevelUp! - An OSM based indoor viewer.(Wiki)
- AccessMap - A web map project to enable accessible, safe sidewalk trip planning for people with limited mobility. Currently rendering senveral cities in Washington State. (Source Code)
Maps / Mobile Maps
- Komoot - A route planner and navigation app specializing in hiking and cycling. (Android, iOS / Wiki)
14. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Content Management Systems (CMS)
- Bludit
- Simple application to build a site or blog in seconds. Bludit uses flat-files (text files in JSON format) to store posts and pages. (Demo, Source Code (⭐1.3k))MIT
15. Awesome Dotnet
- gRPC UI (⭐5.3k) - gRPC UI is a command-line tool that lets you interact with gRPC servers via a browser. It's sort of like Postman, but for gRPC APIs instead of REST.
16. Awesome Typescript
Libraries / Chrome Extensions
- 🐙 Typetta (⭐112) - Typescript ORM for Node.js that uses GraphQL as schema definition language | Supports all main SQL databases and MongoDB.
17. Awesome Neovim
Formatting / Diagnostics
- cappyzawa/trim.nvim (⭐138) - This plugin trims trailing whitespace and lines.
18. Awesome Game Remakes
- OpenNox (⭐462) - Collaboration project extending the Nox engine.
- Prev: Jun 23, 2022
- Next: Jun 21, 2022