Awesome List Updates on Jun 16, 2022
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Game Engine Dev
Learning / Engine Development
- Education Portals
- 📚 3D Game Engine Programming - Articles on graphics, physics, AI, I/O and more.
Learning / Game Development
- Awesome Collections
- 📚 Awesome Gamedev (⭐2.3k) - Collection of free resources for making games.
- 📚 GameDev-Resources (⭐3.8k) - Wonderful list of game development resources.
- 📚 Magictools (⭐13k) - List of game development resources to make magic happen.
- 🌎 Web Game Dev - Resources on techniques and tools around JavaScript game development.
Learning / Graphical User Interface
- 📚 List of Widget Toolkits - Gui frameworks across all platforms and languages.
Learning / Programming
- 📚 Big-O Cheat Sheet - Big-O complexities of algorithms used in computer science.
2. Awesome Ruby
- Fingerprinter (⭐257) - CMS/LMS/Library etc versions fingerprinter.
- haiti (⭐843) - Hash type identifier (CLI & lib).
- Pipal (⭐638) - Password analyser and statistics generator
- WhatWeb (⭐5.7k) - Website Fingerprinter.
- WPscan - WordPress vulnerability scanner.
3. Awesome React Components
Photo / Image
- react-photo-album (⭐471) - demo - docs - Responsive React Photo Gallery.
4. Awesome Readme
- httpie/httpie (⭐35k) - Description of what the project does. Demo screenshots. Project logo. TOC for easy navigation. Build badges. Quick and simple installation and usage sections. Includes an examples section.
- "Art of Readme - Learn the art of writing quality READMEs." (⭐7k) - Stephen Whitmore
- Common Readme (⭐392) - A common readme style for Node. Includes a guide and a readme generator.
5. Awesome Machine Learning
Clojure / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- (⭐221) - A idiomatic Clojure machine learning library based on with a unique approach for immutable data processing pipelines.
6. Awesome Vehicle Security
Research Papers
7. Awesome Home Assistant
Dashboards / Icon packs
- simpleicons (⭐79) - Use the free icons from the simpleicons set.
Custom Integrations / Alternative Dashboards
- Sonoff LAN (⭐1.8k) - Control Sonoff devices with eWeLink (original) firmware over LAN and/or Cloud.
- Spotcast (⭐440) - Start Spotify playback on an idle Chromecast device as well as control Spotify connect devices.
8. Awesome Vite
Open Source / Community
- Nhost (⭐8.2k) - Nhost is an Open Source Firebase Alternative with GraphQL.
9. Awesome Go
- go-email-normalizer (⭐66) - Golang library for providing a canonical representation of email address.
Go Tools / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- - Online tool to preview
templates live.
10. Awesome Roadmaps
Programming Language
- C++ Developer Roadmap (⭐3k) - Roadmap focuses on general competencies and skills about C++ in 2024
- Awesome Quality Assurance Roadmap (⭐1.9k) - Roadmap for QA and software testing learning curve which you might need to start the journey
- Prev: Jun 17, 2022
- Next: Jun 15, 2022