Awesome List Updates on Jun 10, 2022
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Logging
- InsanusMokrassar/KSLog (⭐10) - Simple Kotlin Logging
2. Awesome Graphql
Tools - Editors & IDEs & Explorers / React
- gqt (⭐467) - Build and execute GraphQL queries in the terminal.
3. Awesome Esp
- ESP3D (⭐1.4k) - An experimental firmware for 3D Printers, both the ESP32 and 8266.
4. Awesome Blazor
- Css in Blazor presentation's source code (⭐18) -
Source code of a presentation by Ed Charbeneau about Blazor and CSS.
2D/3D Rendering engines / Others
- BlazorCurrentDevice (⭐26) -
Device detection for blazor using current-device.js.
- BlazorStyledTextArea (⭐18) -
A textarea with style. This component essentially remains and works as a textarea but can have any of the text styled based on your application needs. Its simplicity is purposefully designed to avoid the complexities and issues that come with rich text editors.
Others / Others
- Fun.Blazor (⭐198) -
This is a project to make F# developer to write blazor easier - Use F# for Blazor, Computation expression (CE) style DSL for internal and third party blazor libraries, Dependency injection, Adaptive and Elmish models, Giraffe style routing, Type safe style.
- Blazor.DownloadFileFast (⭐35) -
Fast download of files to the browser from Blazor without any javascript library reference or dependency. (Demo).
- Blazor.DynamicJavascriptRuntime.Evaluator (⭐18) -
Execute dynamic object expressions as Javascript in Blazor client-side apps.
Books / Others
- Learning Blazor - Build Single-Page Apps with WebAssembly and C# (By David Pine via O'Reilly Early Release February 3rd, 2022).
5. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- fastcache (⭐36) - Caches command output to improve shell startup time.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- link (⭐1) - Minimalist. Includes
status and last command exit decorations.
6. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
PHP / PicoLisp
- An Introduction to the PHP Programming Language - CodeAhoy (HTML)
7. Awesome PICO 8
Contents / Tools
- TS-PICO-8 (⭐41) - Create PICO-8 games using TypeScript.
8. Awesome Go
Conferences / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- GopherCon Europe - Berlin, Germany.
Free e-books / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
9. Awesome Ebpf
Projects Related to eBPF / Networking
- merbridge (⭐767) - Use eBPF to speed up your Service Mesh. Merbridge replaces iptables rules with eBPF to intercept traffic. It also combines msg_redirect to reduce latency with a shortened datapath between sidecars and services.
10. Free for Dev
- — Free DNS service that when queried with a hostname with an embedded IP address returns that IP address.
11. Awesome Plotters
Hardware / Motor Controllers
- EBB Driver Board - USB-based dual stepper motor controller board, originally designed for the EggBot.
Hardware / Pens
- Parametric 3d-Printable Plotter Pen Adapter - Adjustable model to print adapters for various pens.
12. Awesome Typescript
Standalone apps / Chrome Extensions
- lc-mate (⭐1) - Extension that adds contest rating to usernames in LC
- Prev: Jun 11, 2022
- Next: Jun 09, 2022