Awesome List Updates on Jun 08, 2022
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Newsletters
Awesome news / Svelte
- Future Crunch. A fortnightly newsletter with all the good news you don't get to hear about, in science, the environment, and across the world. You can see a feed of their good news here.
2. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- myincr (⭐0) - Speeds up pasting with autosuggest and incr.
3. Awesome Preact
Contents / Components
- Preact Compat (⭐950) - Use any React library with Preact (full example (⭐52)).
- Preact Render To String (⭐629) - Universal rendering.
- Preact Markup (⭐201) - Render HTML & Custom Elements as JSX & Components.
- Preact Portal (⭐179) - Render Preact components into (a) SPACE.
- Preact Richtextarea (⭐40) - Simple HTML editor component.
- Preact Cycle (⭐134) - Functional-reactive paradigm for Preact.
- Preact MUI (⭐37) - The MUI CSS Preact library.
- Preact MDL (⭐187) - Use MDL as Preact components.
- Preact Photon (⭐172) - Build beautiful desktop UI with photon.
Contents / Testing Utils
- Preact JSX Chai (⭐56) - JSX assertion testing (no DOM, right in Node).
4. Awesome Ebpf
Projects Related to eBPF / Observability
- SkyWalking Rover (⭐214) - Apache SkyWalking is an open-source Application Performance Monitoring (APM) platform specially designed for distributed systems with microservices, cloud-native and container-based (Kubernetes) architectures. SkyWalking Rover is an eBPF-based profiler and metrics collector for C, C++, Golang, and Rust applications.
5. Awesome Rest
Querying / Symfony2
- Schemathesis (⭐2.4k) - Property-based testing tool for web applications built with Open API and GraphQL specifications.
6. Awesome Testing
Software / UI & End-to-End Testing
- BugBug - No-code test automation tool for web applications.
7. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Content Management Systems (CMS)
- Apostrophe - CMS with a focus on extensible in-context editing tools. (Demo, Source Code (⭐4.4k))
- KeystoneJS - CMS and Web Application Platform. (Source Code (⭐9.4k))
Software / Self-hosting Solutions
- NextCloudPi (⭐2.7k) - Nextcloud preinstalled and preconfigured, with a text and web management interface and all the tools needed to self host private data. With installation images for Raspberry Pi, Odroid, Rock64, Docker, and a curl installer for Armbian/Debian.
Software / Software Development - Localization
- Traduora - Translation management platform for teams. (Source Code (⭐2k))
Software / Task Management & To-do Lists
- Kanboard - Simple and open source visual task board. (Source Code (⭐8.7k))
8. Awesome Free Software
Software / File Management
- WinSCP (⭐1.9k) - SFTP and FTP client for Windows (GNU GPLv3 (⭐1.9k))
Software / Utilities
- Espanso (⭐7.7k) - A cross-playform text expander (GNU GPLv3 (⭐7.7k))
9. Awesome Open Source Games
Browser-Based / Arcade
- ExecutiveMan (⭐82) - Clone of NES game MegaMan, written in JavaScript.
- Snake (⭐27) - Simple clone of the snake game, using canvas and JavaScript.
Browser-Based / Strategy
- Command & Conquer (⭐778) - Recreation of the original Command and Conquer, Real Time Strategy game entirely in HTML5 and JavaScript.
10. Awesome Cyber Security University
Introduction and Pre-Security / Level 1 - Intro
- OpenVPN - Learn how to connect to a virtual private network using OpenVPN.
- Osint - Intro to Open Source Intelligence.
- - Learn about and how to use it for device enumeration.
Free Beginner Red Team Path / Level 2 - Tooling
- Simple CTF - Beginner level CTF.
- Bounty Hacker - A space cowboy-themed boot to root machine.
Free Beginner Red Team Path / Level 3 - Crypto & Hashes with CTF practice
- Basic Pentesting - This is a machine that allows you to practice web app hacking and privilege escalation.
Free Beginner Red Team Path / Level 4 - Web
- Inclusion - A beginner-level LFI challenge.
- Juiceshop - This room uses the OWASP juice shop vulnerable web application to learn how to identify and exploit common web application vulnerabilities.
- Jack of all trades - Boot-to-root originally designed for Securi-Tay 2020.
- Bolt - Bolt themed machine to root into.
Free Beginner Red Team Path / Level 5 - Reverse Engineering & Pwn
- CC Ghidra - This room teaches the basics of ghidra.
- CC Radare2 - This room teaches the basics of radare2.
Free Beginner Red Team Path / Level 6 - PrivEsc
- Blaster - Metasploit Framework to get a foothold.
- Ignite - A new start-up has a few security issues with its web server.
- Capture the flag - Another beginner-level CTF challenge.
Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 1 - Tools
- Windows Fundamentals - Intro to Windows.
- Red Line - Learn how to use Redline to perform memory analysis and scan for IOCs on an endpoint.
Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 2 - Security Operations, Incident Response & Threat Hunting
- Investigating Windows - Investigating Windows.
- Squid Game - Squid game-themed CTF.
Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 3 - Beginner Forensics, Threat Intel & Cryptography
- The Glory of the Garden - Beginner image analysis challenge.
- Emo - Medium level forensics challenge.
- Obsecure - Medium level forensics challenge.
Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 4 - Memory & Disk Forensics
- Reminiscent - Medium level disk forensics challenge.
- Detect Log4J - Medium level disk forensics challenge.
Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 5 - Malware and Reverse Engineering
- Get PDF (Malicious Document) - Reversing PDF malware.
Bonus CTF practice and Latest CVEs / Level 5 - Malware and Reverse Engineering
- Smag Grotto - An obsecure boot to root machine.
- Buffer Overflow Prep - Practice stack-based buffer overflows.
- Break out the cage - Help Cage bring back his acting career and investigate the nefarious going on of his agent.
- Lian Yu - A beginner-level security challenge.
Bonus Windows / Level 5 - Malware and Reverse Engineering
- Retro - Breaking out of the retro-themed box.
- Anthem - Exploit a Windows machine in this beginner-level challenge.
Extremely Hard Rooms to do / Level 5 - Malware and Reverse Engineering
- Carpe Diem 1 - Recover your client's encrypted files before the ransomware timer runs out.
- EnterPrize - Enterprise-themed network to hack into.
- Prev: Jun 09, 2022
- Next: Jun 07, 2022