Awesome List Updates on Jun 02, 2022
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Web Development Resources
2. Awesome Transit
GTFS Converters / Rust
- NeTEx-to-GTFS Converter Java (⭐7) - Converts NeTEX datasets into GTFS datasets. The input NeTEx datasets are required to follow the Nordic NeTEx Profile.
Community / General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations
- MobilityData Slack chat - Chatroom that includes channels #gtfs, #gtfs-validators #mobility-database #gtfs-realtime #gtfs_best-practices #gtfs-pathways #gtfs-fares #gtfs-flex #trb-transit-data.
3. Awesome Incident Response
IR Tools Collection / Log Analysis Tools
- Hayabusa (⭐1.9k) - Hayabusa is a Windows event log fast forensics timeline generator and threat hunting tool created by the Yamato Security group in Japan.
- WELA (⭐672) - Windows Event Log Analyzer aims to be the Swiss Army knife for Windows event logs.
4. Awesome Db Tools
Monitoring/Statistics/Perfomance / Prometheus
- pg_exporter (⭐192) - Fully customizable Prometheus exporter for PostgreSQL & Pgbouncer with fine-grained execution control.
Distributions / Zabbix
- Pigsty (⭐3.7k) - Battery-Included Open-Source Distribution for PostgreSQL with ultimate observability & Database-as-Code toolbox for developers.
5. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Content Management Systems (CMS)
- Concrete5 - A CMS targeting users with a minimum of technical skills.
- Pico CMS - A stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
Table of Contents / Components
- Aura - Independent components, fully decoupled from each other and from any framework.
Table of Contents / Static Site Generators
- Jigsaw - Simple static sites with Laravel's Blade.
Table of Contents / HTTP
- Requests (⭐3.6k) - A simple HTTP library.
Table of Contents / Email
- Stampie (⭐293) - A library for email services such as SendGrid, PostMark, MailGun and MailChimp.
Table of Contents / Testing
- Mink - Web acceptance testing.
- Phake (⭐476) - Another mock object library for testing.
Table of Contents / Continuous Integration
- Shippable - A Docker based continuous integration platform for open source and private projects.
Table of Contents / Documentation
- phpDox - A documentation generator for PHP projects (that is not limited to API documentation).
Table of Contents / Static Analysis
- Deptrac (⭐0) - A static code analysis tool that helps to enforce rules for dependencies between software layers.
Table of Contents / Architectural
- Design Patterns PHP (⭐22k) - A repository of software patterns implemented in PHP.
Table of Contents / Asset Management
- Laravel Mix (⭐5.3k) - An elegant wrapper around Webpack for the 80% use case.
Table of Contents / Database
- Doctrine Extensions (⭐4.1k) - A collection of Doctrine behavioural extensions.
Table of Contents / Search
Table of Contents / Serverless
- OpenWhisk - An open-source serverless cloud platform.
- Serverless Framework - An open-source framework for building serverless applications.
Configuration / Extensions
- Zephir (⭐3.3k) - A compiled language between PHP and C++ for developing PHP extensions.
Configuration / Infrastructure
- RoadRunner (⭐8k) - High-performance PHP application server, load-balancer and process manager.
Configuration / PHP Websites
- PHP Annotated Monthly - A monthly digest of PHP news.
Configuration / PHP Newsletters
- PHP Weekly - A weekly newsletter about PHP.
Configuration / PHP Internals Reading
- PHP Internals Book - An online book about PHP internals, written by three core developers.
6. Awesome Directus
Examples / Showcases / Personal
- Official Examples (⭐257) - Integration examples with Directus.
7. Awesome List
- Capacitor (⭐519) - Cross-platform open source runtime for building Web Native apps.
Programming Languages
- Zig (⭐424) - General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software.
Computer Science
- Conversational AI (⭐208) - Build awesome chatbots and digital assistants.
- Audit Algorithms (⭐99) - Algorithmic audits of algorithms.
Content Management Systems
- Directus (⭐581) - A real-time API and app dashboard for managing SQL database content.
8. Awesome Cl
- ⭐ ltk - A binding for the Tk toolkit. LLGPL or GNU LGPL2.1.
- LTk Examples - Provides LTk examples for the tkdocs tutorial.
- LTk Plotchart - A wrapper around the tklib/plotchart library to work with LTk. This includes over 20 different chart types (xy-plots, gantt charts, 3d-bar charts etc...).
9. Awesome Go
- gio - Gio is a library for writing cross-platform immediate mode GUI-s in Go. Gio supports all the major platforms: Linux, macOS, Windows, Android, iOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and WebAssembly.
10. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Validation
- konform-kt/konform (⭐683) - Multiplatform validations for Kotlin data classes
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- vjames19/kotlin-futures (⭐83) - A collections of extension functions to make the JVM Future, CompletableFuture, ListenableFuture API more functional and Kotlin like.
11. Awesome Css Learning
Layout / Grid
- CSS Grid - Learn CSS grid with Wes Bos - Free 4 hours video course, 25 Videos.
12. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Frameworks
- Astro (⭐307) - Plugin for Astro components.
13. Awesome Plotters
Software / Vector Creation
- linedraw (⭐784) - Python tool to convert images to sketchy vector line drawings.
Manuals, Ephemera, Papers, and Patents / Manuals
- Atari 1020 Color Printer Owner's Guide (1982) - A higher-quality scan is also available as a PDF on
- Prev: Jun 03, 2022
- Next: Jun 01, 2022