Awesome List Updates on May 22, 2022
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Executable Packing
📚 Literature / Scientific Research
- 📓 Towards paving the way for large-scale Windows malware analysis: Generic binary unpacking with orders-of-magnitude performance boost (October 2018) ⭐
- 📰 x64Unpack: Hybrid emulation unpacker for 64-bit Windows Environments and detailed analysis results on VMProtect 3.4 (July 2020) ⭐
🔧 Tools / Before 2000
- DynamoRIO - Runtime code manipulation system that supports code transformations on any part of a program, while it executes.
- Pin - Dynamic binary instrumentation framework for the IA-32, x86-64 and MIC instruction-set architectures that enables the creation of dynamic program analysis tools.
2. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- nova (⭐0) - Includes
status decroations. OverridesLS_COLORS
3. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems
- Soketi - Simple, fast, and resilient open-source WebSockets server (drop-in alternative to Pusher). (Source Code (⭐5k))
4. Awesome Cl
Matrix libraries / Third-party APIs
- magicl (⭐240) - Matrix Algebra proGrams In Common Lisp based on BLAS/LAPACK and Expokit, by Rigetti Computing. BSD_3Clause.
5. Awesome Open Hardware
- OpenMV (⭐2.2k) - Open-source, low-cost machine vision platform.
6. Free for Dev
- DNSExit - Up to 2 Email addresses under your domain for free with 100MB of storage space. IMAP, POP3, SMTP, SPF/DKIM support.
7. Awesome Yew
Crates / Components
- yew-oauth2 (⭐45) - A plain Yew OAuth2/OpenIDConnect component, not tied to any CSS framework.
8. Awesome Go
Standard CLI
- carapace-spec (⭐20) - Define simple completions using a spec file.
- valor (⭐17) - Generic option and result types that optionally contain a value.
- async-job (⭐11) - AsyncJob is an asynchronous queue job manager with light code, clear and speed.
9. Awesome Cyber Security University
Introduction and Pre-Security / Level 1 - Intro
- Welcome - Learn how to use a TryHackMe room to start your upskilling in cyber security.
- Intro to Researching - A brief introduction to research skills for pentesting.
- Linux Fundamentals 1 - Embark on the journey of learning the fundamentals of Linux. Learn to run some of the first essential commands on an interactive terminal.
- Linux Fundamentals 2 - Embark on the journey of learning the fundamentals of Linux. Learn to run some of the first essential commands on an interactive terminal.
- Linux Fundamentals 3 - Embark on the journey of learning the fundamentals of Linux. Learn to run some of the first essential commands on an interactive terminal.
- Pentesting fundamentals - Fundamentals of penetration testing.
- Principles of security - Principles of security.
- Red Team Engagements - Intro to red team engagements.
- Google Dorking - Explaining how Search Engines work and leveraging them into finding hidden content!
Free Beginner Red Team Path / Level 2 - Tooling
- Tmux - Learn to use tmux, one of the most powerful multi-tasking tools on linux.
- Sublist3r - Learn how to find subdomains with Sublist3r.
- Hydra - Learn about and use Hydra, a fast network logon cracker, to bruteforce and obtain a website's credentials.
- Linux Privesc - Practice your Linux Privilege Escalation skills on an intentionally misconfigured Debian VM with multiple ways to get root! SSH is available.
- Red Team Fundamentals - Learn about the basics of a red engagement, the main components and stakeholders involved, and how red teaming differs from other cyber security engagements.
- Red Team Recon - Learn how to use DNS, advanced searching, Recon-ng, and Maltego to collect information about your target.
- Vulnversity - Learn about active recon, web app attacks and privilege escalation.
- Blue - Deploy & hack into a Windows machine, leveraging common misconfigurations issues.
Free Beginner Red Team Path / Level 3 - Crypto & Hashes with CTF practice
- Crack the hash - Cracking hash challenges.
- Agent Sudo - You found a secret server located under the deep sea. Your task is to hack inside the server and reveal the truth.
- The Cod Caper - A guided room taking you through infiltrating and exploiting a Linux system.
- Ice - Deploy & hack into a Windows machine, exploiting a very poorly secured media server.
- Lazy Admin - Easy linux machine to practice your skills.
Free Beginner Red Team Path / Level 4 - Web
- OWASP top 10 - Learn about and exploit each of the OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities; the 10 most critical web security risks.
- Injection - Walkthrough of OS Command Injection. Demonstrate OS Command Injection and explain how to prevent it on your servers.
- Overpass - What happens when some broke CompSci students make a password manager.
- Year of the Rabbit - Can you hack into the Year of the Rabbit box without falling down a hole.
- DevelPy - Boot2root machine for FIT and bsides Guatemala CTF.
Free Beginner Red Team Path / Level 5 - Reverse Engineering & Pwn
- Intro to x86 64 - This room teaches the basics of x86-64 assembly language.
- Reverse Engineering - This room focuses on teaching the basics of assembly through reverse engineering.
- Reversing ELF - Room for beginner Reverse Engineering CTF players.
- Dumping Router Firmware - Reverse engineering router firmware.
- Intro to pwntools - Introduction to popular pwn tools framework.
- Pwnkit: CVE-2021-4034 - Interactive lab for exploiting and remediating Pwnkit (CVE-2021-4034) in the Polkit package.
Free Beginner Red Team Path / Level 6 - PrivEsc
- Sudo Security Bypass - A tutorial room exploring CVE-2019-14287 in the Unix Sudo Program. Room One in the SudoVulns Series.
- Sudo Buffer Overflow - A tutorial room exploring CVE-2019-18634 in the Unix Sudo Program. Room Two in the SudoVulns Series.
- Windows Privesc Arena - Students will learn how to escalate privileges using a very vulnerable Windows 7 VM.
- Linux Privesc Arena - Students will learn how to escalate privileges using a very vulnerable Linux VM.
- Windows Privesc - Students will learn how to escalate privileges using a very vulnerable Windows 7 VM.
- Kenobi - Walkthrough on exploiting a Linux machine. Enumerate Samba for shares, manipulate a vulnerable version of proftpd and escalate your privileges with path variable manipulation.
- Pickle Rick - Rick and Morty themed LFI challenge.
Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 1 - Tools
- Nessus - Intro to nessus scan.
- Mitre - Intro to Mitre attack framework.
- Yara - Intro to yara for malware analysis.
- OpenVAS - Intro to openvas.
- Intro to Honeypots - Intro to honeypots.
- Autopsy - Use Autopsy to investigate artifacts from a disk image.
Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 2 - Security Operations, Incident Response & Threat Hunting
- Juicy Details - A popular juice shop has been breached! Analyze the logs to see what had happened.
- Carnage - Apply your analytical skills to analyze the malicious network traffic using Wireshark.
- Splunk Boss of the SOC V1 - Part of the Blue Primer series, learn how to use Splunk to search through massive amounts of information.
- Splunk Boss of the SOC V2 - Splunk analysis vol 2.
- Splunk Boss of the SOC V3 - Splunk analysis vol 3.
Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 3 - Beginner Forensics, Threat Intel & Cryptography
- Martryohka doll - Beginner file analysis challenge.
- Packets Primer - Beginner packet analysis challenge.
- Wireshark doo doo doo - Beginner packet analysis challenge.
- Wireshark two two two - Beginner packet analysis challenge.
- Trivial flag transfer protocol - Beginner packet analysis challenge.
- What Lies within - Beginner decoding analysis challenge.
- Illumination - Medium level forensics challenge.
- Introduction to Cryptohack - Medium level cryptography challenge.
Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 4 - Memory & Disk Forensics
- Sleuthkit Intro - Medium level disk forensics challenge.
- Hunter - Windows Disk Image Forensics - Medium level disk forensics challenge.
- Spotlight - Mac Disk Image Forensics - Medium level disk forensics challenge.
- Ulysses - Linux Disk Image Forensics - Medium level disk forensics challenge.
- Banking Troubles - Windows Memory Image Forensics - Medium level memory forensics challenge.
Free Beginner Blue Team Path / Level 5 - Malware and Reverse Engineering
- History of Malware - Intro to malware history.
- Malware Introduction - Intro to malware.
- Basic Malware Reverse Engineering - Intro to malware RE.
- Intro Windows Reversing - Intro to Windows RE.
- Windows x64 Assembly - Introduction to x64 Assembly on Windows.
- JVM reverse engineering - Learn Reverse Engineering for Java Virtual Machine bytecode.
Bonus CTF practice and Latest CVEs / Level 5 - Malware and Reverse Engineering
- Bandit - Aimed at absolute beginners and teaches the basics of remote server access.
- Natas - Teaches the basics of serverside web-security.
- Post Exploitation Basics - Learn the basics of post-exploitation and maintaining access with mimikatz, bloodhound, powerview and msfvenom.
- Dogcat - I made a website where you can look at pictures of dogs and/or cats! Exploit a PHP application via LFI and break out of a docker container.
- Insecure Kubernetes - Exploiting Kubernetes by leveraging a Grafana LFI vulnerability.
- The Great Escape (docker) - Escaping docker container.
- Solr Exploiting Log4j - Explore CVE-2021-44228, a vulnerability in log4j affecting almost all software under the sun.
- Spring4Shell - Interactive lab for exploiting Spring4Shell (CVE-2022-22965) in the Java Spring Framework.
- Most Recent threats - Learn about the latest industry threats. Get hands-on experience identifying, exploiting, and mitigating critical vulnerabilities.
Bonus Windows / Level 5 - Malware and Reverse Engineering
- Attacktive Directory - Learn about 99% of Corporate networks that run off of AD.
- Blue Print - Hack into this Windows machine and escalate your privileges to Administrator.
- Relevant - Penetration Testing Challenge.
Extremely Hard Rooms to do / Level 5 - Malware and Reverse Engineering
- Ra - You have found WindCorp's internal network and their Domain Controller. Pwn the network.
- CCT2019 - Legacy challenges from the US Navy Cyber Competition Team 2019 Assessment sponsored by US TENTH Fleet.
- Theseus - The first installment of the SuitGuy series of very hard challenges.
- IronCorp - Get access to Iron Corp's system.
- Borderlands - Compromise a perimeter host and pivot through this network.
- Jeff - Hack into Jeff's web server.
- Anonymous Playground - Want to become part of Anonymous? They have a challenge for you.
- Racetrack Bank - It's time for another heist.
- Python Playground - Use python to pwn this room.
10. Awesome Osint
- Prev: May 23, 2022
- Next: May 21, 2022