Awesome List Updates on May 19, 2022
16 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Web Development Resources
Coding Challenge Platforms:
- Website:
Freelancing platforms:
- Website:
HTML/CSS/JavaScript templates:
- Website:
2. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science
Lecture Notes / Monograph
- Blum. An Introduction to the Theory of Machine Learning. TTIC - The basic theory underlying machine learning and the process of generalizing from data.
- Tim Roughgarden. Complexity Theory, Game Theory, and Economics: The Barbados Lectures - A mini-course notes of two-fold goals: mini-course is twofold: (i) Explain how complexity theory has helped illuminate several barriers in economics and game theory; and (ii) Illustrate how game-theoretic questions have led to new and interesting complexity theory, including recent several breakthroughs.
- Eva Tardos. Algorithmic Game Theory - It combines algorithmic thinking with game-theoretic, or, more generally, economic concepts. The course will study a range of topics at this interface. The only prerequisite to the course is mathematical thinking.
- Chekuri. Topics in Algorithms: Algorithmic Game Theory - A broad graduate-level introduction to: auctions, existence and computation of equilibria in games and markets, algorithmic mechanism design, price of anarchy and price of stability, games relevant to networks and e-commerce. The emphasis will be on conceptual ideas and algorithmic aspects. No familiarity with game theory or economics will be assumed.
- Penna. Algorithmic Game Theory - The course discusses algorithmic aspects of game theory, such as a general introduction to game theory, auctions, mechanisms, the costs of a central control optimum versus those of an equilibrium under selfish agents, and algorithms and complexity of computing equilibria.
- Brown. Resources list for game theory - TAs based these notes in large part on the lecture notes and accompanying videos of Tim Roughgarden's CS 364A and CS 364B courses at Stanford, and Jason Hartline's Mechanism Design and Approximation textbook.
- Fang. Advanced Topics in Machine Learning and Game Theory - A graduate-level course covering the topics at the intersection of machine learning and game theory.
- Xu. Topics in Learning and Game Theory - A graduate level course covering topics at the interface between machine learning and game theory.
Other / Monograph
Books / Monograph
- Apt & Grädel. Lectures in Game Theory for Computer Scientists - Games provide mathematical models for interaction, and numerous tasks in computer science can be formulated in game-theoretic terms.
Workshops / Monograph
- Simons Institute. Economics and Computation Program - The intersection is motivated by applications such as large-scale digital auctions and markets, and fundamental questions such as the computational complexity of Nash equilibria and complexity and approximation in mechanism design. Also, To productively model and study the Internet and its novel computational phenomena, Models and insights can be gained from from game theory and economic theory. The computational point of view, on the other hand, is essential to understand a world in which markets are networked and the default platforms of economic transactions are algorithmic.
- Simons Institute. Learning and Games Program - The intersection is manifested by (1) Data input to machine learning algorithms are generated by self-interested parties, (2) Machine learning is used to optimize economic systems or acts, (3) Machine learning models used in critical systems are becoming prone to adversarial attacks, and (4) Several machine learning approaches can be framed as finding the equilibrium of a game.
- Eva Tardos. Learning and Efficiency in Games - How to quantify the impact of strategic user behavior on overall performance in games including traffic routing as well as online auctions.
3. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- @formkit/auto-animate (⭐13k) Add motion to your apps with a single line of code
4. Awesome Blazor
Articles / Others
- Q&A: Deep Dive on Blazor - May 9, 2022 - Q&A: Deep Dive on Blazor, on Visual Studio Magazine.
- Syncfusion Essential Studio Release Enhances .NET MAUI, WinUI, Blazor and More - May 6, 2022 - Syncfusion Essential Studio Release Enhances .NET MAUI, WinUI, Blazor and More, on Visual Studio Magazine.
- What's Coming for Blazor Hybrid in .NET 7 - February 10, 2022 - What's Coming for Blazor Hybrid in .NET 7, Visual Studio Magazine.
5. Awesome React Components
Responsive / Syntax Highlight
- ant-design (⭐91k) - demo/docs - A UI Design Language from China. Individual components available.
- ChatUI (⭐2.5k) - demo/docs - The UI design language and React library for Conversational UI
- fluentui (⭐18k) - UX frameworks for creating beautiful, cross-platform apps that share code, design, and interaction behavior.
- geist-ui (⭐4.3k) - Modern and minimalist React UI library.
- grommet (⭐8.3k) - The most advanced UX framework for enterprise applications.
- Mantine (⭐25k) - demo/docs - A fully featured library with 100+ hooks and components with native dark theme support
- orbit (⭐1.4k) - Components for building travel oriented projects.
- radix-ui - Unstyled, accessible components for building high‑quality design systems and web apps.
- react-foundation (⭐602) - Foundation as React components.
- reakit (⭐7.7k) - demo/docs Toolkit for building accessible rich web apps
- semi-design (⭐8k) - demo/docs - A modern, comprehensive, flexible design system.
- shineout (⭐915) - demo - Chinese-friendly set of components: form elements, navigation, table, tree, tree select drop-down etc.
6. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- git-clean-branch (⭐2) - Cleans up dead
7. Awesome Privacy
- TypeBot - Open-source conversational forms.
- CryptPad Forms - Part of the Cryptpad end-to-end encrypted and open-source collaboration suite.
- FramaForms - Design your online surveys easily while respecting your audience.
8. Awesome Love2d
- nativefs (⭐43) - Read and write files outside of LÖVE's allowed paths.
9. Awesome Plone
Content and utilities for content
- collective.folderishtraverse (⭐3) - Traverse to first item in folder.
- collective.folderishtypes (⭐2) - Provides the types "Folderish Event", "Folderish News Item" and "Folderish Document" as replacements for default types. Those types are able to hold any other content, like a Folder.
- collective.restrictportlets (⭐0) - Allows you to restrict the available portlets that non-Managers can add.
- zopyx.ipsumplone (⭐1) - Creates demo content and demo images for Plone.
- collective.easyformplugin.registration (⭐3) - Add a behavior to collective.easyform to manage registration forms for events.
- collective.fullcalendar (⭐2) - Display events in a nice calendar UI using
- collective.venue (⭐3) - Venue type with geolocation support for use with events or any other location specific content.
- collective.easyform (⭐13) - EasyForm provides a Plone form builder through-the-web using fields, widgets, actions and validators. Form input can be saved or emailed. A simple and user-friendly interface allows non-programmers to create custom forms.
- collective.fieldedit (⭐3) - A flexible form to edit selected fields of a content type.
- collective.honeypot (⭐5) - Honeypot protection for forms.
- collective.z3cform.datagridfield (⭐8) - A field with a datagrid (table), where each row is a sub form.
- collective.z3cform.norobots (⭐5) - A "human" captcha widget based on a list of questions/answers.
- plone.formwidgets.hcaptcha (⭐1) - HCaptcha widget to protect Plone from bots, spam, and other forms of automated abuse.
- yafowil.plone (⭐3) - Yafowil is a form library for Python. This is its Plone Integration package.
- collective.linguatags (⭐0) - Multilingual Tags for Plone.
- (⭐2) - Indexes optimized to query multilingual content made with
- collective.autoscaling (⭐1) - Automatic scaling of large images. Useful to reduce your database size when editors upload too large images.
- collective.behavior.banner (⭐3) - A behavior to create banners and sliders from banners.
- collective.lazysizes (⭐6) - Integration of lazysizes, a lightweight lazy loader, into Plone.
- collective.wavesurfer (⭐0) - Implementation of audio player for Plone.
- (⭐2) - Adds a gallery view with a carousel made with slick.
- collective.explicitacquisition (⭐1) - Disallow access to acquired content outside the current path.
- collective.geotransform (⭐2) - Graceful E-mail Obfuscation for Plone.
- bda.plone.gtm (⭐2) - Google Tag Manager Integration.
- collective.behavior.seo (⭐3) - Adds extra fields used for SEO optimisation.
- iw.rejectanonymous (⭐4) - Reject unconditionnally anonymous users from a Plone site, without any change in your security policy matrix or workflows. The basic use case is an extranet, where all visitors must be authenticated.
- pas.plugins.headers (⭐2) - Reads request headers and uses them for authentication. Think SAML headers that are set by a front web server like Apache or nginx.
- dm.zope.saml2 - Supports SAML2 based Single Sign-On.
- collective.impersonate (⭐6) - Allow administrators to impersonate another user. Useful for verifying workflow/permission set up on real content.
- collective.pwexpiry (⭐1) - Provideds methods for stronger user passwords in Plone and password attack protection.
Export, Import and Migrations
- collective.exportimport (⭐15) - Export and import content and a lot of other data from and to Plone. The main solution for all kinds of migrations based on plone.restapi.
- collective.migrationhelpers (⭐14) - Helpers and examples to use during migrations.
- collective.jsonify (⭐12) - Export Plone content to JSON.
- collective.transmogrifier (⭐5) - A configurable pipeline, aimed at transforming content for import and export.
- (⭐6) - Tokyo Theme for Plone implements Bootstrap 4 into Plone, with an emphasis on keeping things as close to "default" as possible.
- plonetheme.grueezibuesi (⭐1) - A kitten inspired theme for Plone 6.
- collective.sidebar (⭐6) - A sidebar that consolidates toolbar and navigation.
- collective.editablemenu (⭐3) - A customizable navigation menu for Plone.
- collective.catalogcleanup (⭐4) - Removes data from the catalog that no longer belong to an actual object.
- collective.ifttt (⭐2) - Enables any Plone site to play in the IFTTT ecosystem. For example when a news item is published, then tweet about it or post it on Facebook.
- dm.historical - Access any historical state of your database. Can be useful to find out what happened to objects in the past and to restore accidentally deleted or modified objects.
10. Awesome Newsletters
Open Source / Svelte
- Console Weekly. Discover cool open-source projects and an interview with one of the developers every week.
11. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- amrbashir/nvim-docs-view (⭐155) - Display LSP hover documentation in a side panel.
Snippet / Diagnostics
- smjonas/snippet-converter.nvim (⭐179) - Convert snippets between the most common snippet formats and modify them using a few lines of Lua code.
Formatting / Diagnostics
- lukas-reineke/lsp-format.nvim (⭐587) - A wrapper around Neovims native LSP formatting.
12. Awesome Security
Web / Development
- Security Checklist by OWASP - A checklist by OWASP for testing web applications based on assurance level. Covers multiple topics like Architecture, IAM, Sanitization, Cryptography and Secure Configuration.
13. Awesome Machine Learning
Tools / Misc
- Qdrant – Qdrant is open source (⭐22k) vector similarity search engine with extended filtering support, written in Rust.
14. Awesome Rust
Applications / Database
- Qdrant (⭐22k) - An open source vector similarity search engine with extended filtering support
15. Awesome Swift
Utility / Barcode
- SwiftBoost (⭐208) - Collection of Swift-extensions to boost development process.
16. Awesome Graphql
Tools - Miscellaneous / React
- microfiber (⭐34) - Query and manipulate GraphQL introspection query results in useful ways.
- Prev: May 20, 2022
- Next: May 18, 2022