Awesome List Updates on May 18, 2022
18 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Computational Biology
Databases / Compound
- ChEBI - Chemical database focused on small chemical compounds.
Databases / Protein
- PROTEIN DATA BANK - Database of the 3D shapes of proteins, nucleic acids, and complex assemblies.
2. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 3
- AutoColliders (⭐10) - Allows the automatic generation of colliders for Sprites, with planned expansion to handle 3D meshes in the future.
3. Awesome Math
Numerical Analysis / Stochastic processes
- 📝 Introduction to Numerical Analysis - Doron Levy (University of Maryland)
- 📝 Numerical Analysis for Engineers - Douglas Wilhelm Harder
4. Awesome Terraform
Providers / Hashicorp supported providers
- terraform-provider-aws (⭐10k) - Provider for Amazon Web Services.
- terraform-provider-azurerm (⭐4.7k) - Provider for Azure.
- terraform-provider-docker (⭐132) - Provider for Docker. 💀
- terraform-provider-google (⭐2.4k) - Provider for Google Cloud Platform.
- terraform-provider-helm (⭐1k) - Provider for Helm.
- terraform-provider-kubernetes (⭐1.6k) - Provider for Kubernetes.
- terraform-provider-vsphere (⭐634) - Provider for VMware vSphere.
Providers / Vendor supported providers
- terraform-provider-alicloud (⭐602) - Provider for Alibaba Cloud.
- terraform-provider-atlas (⭐58) - Provider for Atlas.
- terraform-provider-buildkite (⭐56) - Provider for Buildkite.
- terraform-provider-datadog (⭐411) - Provider for Datadog.
- terraform-provider-digitalocean (⭐516) - Provider for DigitalOcean.
- terraform-provider-github - Provider for GitHub.
- terraform-provider-gitlab (⭐402) - Provider for GitLab.
- terraform-provider-graphql (⭐55) - Provider for GraphQL queries and mutations.
- terraform-provider-hcloud (⭐550) - Provider for Hetzner Cloud.
- terraform-provider-heroku (⭐100) - Provider for Heroku.
- terraform-provider-ibm (⭐342) - Provider for IBM Cloud.
- terraform-provider-linode (⭐72) - Provider for Linode.
- terraform-provider-spinnaker (⭐143) - Provider for Spinnaker.
- terraform-provider-spotinst (⭐63) - Provider for spotinst.
5. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Driver layer
- Universal Robots (⭐254) - ROS2 drivers for UR CB3 and e-Series.
6. Awesome Executable Packing
📚 Literature / Documentation
📑 Datasets / Scientific Research
- FFRI Dataset Scripts (⭐10) - Make datasets like FFRI Dataset.
- RCE Lab (⭐42) - Crackme's, keygenme's, serialme's ; the "tuts4you" folder contains many packed binaries.
📦 Packers / Before 2000
- Morphine (⭐289) - Application for PE files encryption.
7. Awesome Ada
Terminal User Interface / Apache License
- linenoise-ada - Bindings to the Linenoise line-editing library (patched to support UTF-8).
Format Readers, Writers and Checkers / Apache License
- uri-ada - URI and MIME parser & manipulation library.
Networking and Communication Middleware / Apache License
- tlsada - Bindings to the libtls TLS/SSL library.
Utilities / Apache License
- getopt-ada - Portable implementation of getopt(3) in Ada.
8. Public Apis
Cloud Storage & File Sharing
API: Filestack
Description: Filestack File Uploader & File Upload API
CORS: Unknown
9. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- promptor (⭐1) - Powerline-inspired. Includes decorators for
status, username, hostname, working directory and time.
10. Awesome Machine Learning
C++ / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- N2D2 (⭐152) - CEA-List's CAD framework for designing and simulating Deep Neural Network, and building full DNN-based applications on embedded platforms
11. Awesome Plone
Content and utilities for content
- collective.a11ycheck (⭐0) - Reports accessibility issues to your site editors when a page is saved.
- collective.bbcodesnippets (⭐1) - Provides generic and extensible BBCode markup integration for Plone.
- collective.consent (⭐1) - Ask users for consent to different topics, before they can continue.
- collective.dexteritytextindexer (⭐9) - Dynamic SearchableText index for dexterity content types. For Plone 6 this was merged into Plone core.
- collective.documentviewer (⭐21) - Very nice document viewer that integrates DocumentCloud viewer and PDF processing into Plone.
- collective.easyformplugin.createdx (⭐5) - Creates Plone content objects from EasyForm submissions.
- collective.geolocationbehavior (⭐2) - Geotagging for Plone content using LeafletJS.
- collective.glossary (⭐4) - Content type to define a glossary and its terms.
- collective.immediatecreate (⭐0) - Create content immediatly and skip the add form.
- collective.lineage (⭐12) - Subsites: Turns subfolders of a Plone site to appear as autonomous Plone sites. There is also a whole ecosystem off addons specific to subsites.
- collective.mailchimp (⭐5) - MailChimp newsletter integration for Plone.
- collective.mirror (⭐1) - A content type that mirrors the content of any other container.
- collective.mustread (⭐0) - Tracking user views on content that are marked as must-read.
- collective.remoteproxy (⭐1) - Proxy for remote content. All remote URLs for which a local proxy was created are replaced in the resulting content.
- collective.richdescription (⭐1) - Formatable description field for Plone.
- collective.workspace (⭐7) - Easily manage 'membership' in specific areas of a Plone Site. It allows to grant people access to areas of content using a membership group rather than local roles for each user, and to delegate control over that group to people who don't have access to the site-wide user/group control panel.
- plone.pdfexport (⭐3) - Generic PDF export functionality for Plone content.
- Products.EasyNewsletter (⭐28) - Powerful newsletter/mailing product for Plone.
Searching and Categorizing
- cioppino.twothumbs (⭐14) - Rate content using up- and down-thumbs.
- collective.bookmarks (⭐2) - Bookmarks/ favorites/ wish-list for Plone.
- collective.collectionfilter (⭐9) - Faceted navigation filter for collection or contentlisting tiles.
- collective.elastic.plone (⭐3) - ElasticSearch Integration for Plone content.
- collective.searchandreplace (⭐6) - Find and replace text in Plone content objects.
- collective.solr (⭐22) - Solr search engine integration for Plone.
- collective.taxonomy (⭐19) - Create, edit and use hierarchical taxonomies to categorize content.
- eea.facetednavigation (⭐4) - Very powerful interface to improve search without programming skills. Configuration is done through-the-web and lets you gradually select and explore different facets (metadata/properties) of the content and narrow down you search quickly and dynamically.
- Products.PloneKeywordManager (⭐4) - Change, merge and delete keywords/tags/subjects).
- (⭐9) - Crops Images in Plone manually using cropper JS library.
- (⭐5) - Photo gallery view for Plone.
- pas.plugins.ldap (⭐13) - Provides users and groups from a LDAP directory.
- bda.plone.productshop (⭐7) - Flexible and modular e-commerce solution for Plone.
- Products.PDBDebugMode (⭐2) - Post-mortem debugging: open a pdb session whenever an exception occurs so you you can find out what is going wrong. Plus: By adding /pdb to a url you end up you in a pdb session on the current context. A killer tool for developers.
- plone.reload (⭐10) - Code and configuration reload without server restarts.
- Products.PrintingMailHost (⭐2) - Log mail messages instead of sending mail.
- experimental.gracefulblobmissing (⭐2) - Gracefully handle missing binary files in Plone.
- collective.relationhelpers (⭐7) - Helpers to manage, create, export and rebuild relations in Plone 5.x. For Plone 6 this was merged into Plone core.
- collective.fingerpointing (⭐5) - Keeps track of different events and write them down to an audit log.
- collective.recipe.backup (⭐5) - Powerful and flexible backup/restore solution for Plone.
- collective.revisionmanager (⭐6) - Manage Products.CMFEditions histories that can bloat your database.
- collective.sentry (⭐7) - Sentry integration to aggregate errors and help finding their causes.
- haufe.requestmonitoring (⭐5) - Detailed request logging functionality on top of the publication events. Useful to find out what takes longer than it should.
Official resources
- Discord chat - Discord is the best way to chat with members of the Plone community.
- Plone support - Where to find help.
12. Awesome Cmake
- version-from-git (⭐4) - Bake git information into your binary.
13. Awesome Preact
Contents / Testing Utils
- Preact Island (⭐210) - Render your Preact component as a widget on any web page with ease.
14. Awesome Blazor
Videos / Others
- ASP.NET Community Standup - Let's build an app with .NET MAUI and Blazor -
May 17, 2022 - Showcasing migrating a Blazor WASM PWA to .NET MAUI and Blazor Hybrid. Community links.
15. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Geekflare API - Geekflare API lets you take screenshots, audit websites, TLS scan, DNS lookup, test TTFB, and more. The free plan offers 3,000 API requests.
16. Awesome Cl
Javascript / Isomorphic web frameworks
- sigil (⭐3) - A Parenscript to Javascript command line compiler and REPL. MIT.
- cl-react (⭐69) - Common Lisp (Parenscript) utilities for building web apps in ReactJs. MIT.
- Panic (⭐43), a Parenscript library for React. Not in Quicklisp. MIT. Its TodoMVC example (⭐7).
- Parenscriptx (⭐25) - Parenscript Macros to aid generating react code. MIT.
- jscl-react (⭐17) - A web framework for writing react components in common lisp using jscl. No license specified.
XML / Third-party APIs
- CXML - XML parser and serializer, with a range of extension libraries. LLGPL.
- 👍 has an incremental parser, allowing to parse big files.
- see the FXML (⭐32) fork, with fixes and new features. You should use it if your are parsing potentially ill-formed or malicious XML, or if you need to use Klacks with namespaces.
17. Awesome Open Source Games
Native / Strategy
- Stone Kingdoms - Real-time strategy based on the original Stronghold series.
- Zero-K (⭐701) - Open source RTS game with physical projectiles and smart units.
18. Awesome Go
Workflow Frameworks / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- Dagu (⭐1.9k) - No-code workflow executor. it executes DAGs defined in a simple YAML format.
- Prev: May 19, 2022
- Next: May 17, 2022