Awesome List Updates on May 17, 2022
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Terraform
Providers / Vendor supported providers
- terraform-provider-env0 (⭐41) - Provider for env0
- terraform-provider-scalr (⭐19) - Provider for Scalr
2. Awesome Substrate
- Polkadot PANIC (⭐38) - Monitoring and alerting solution for Polkadot nodes by Simply VC, compatible with many Substrate chains.
3. Awesome Gatling
Distributed Testing
4. Awesome Circuitpython
5. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- simple-chack (⭐0) - Works well with solarized terminal color scheme. Includes
status decorations.
6. Awesome Blazor
Videos / Others
- Securing SPAs and Blazor Applications using the BFF (Backend for Frontend) Pattern -
May 10, 2022 - Modern web development means that more and more application code is running in the browser. Traditionally this has been JavaScript but more recently there has been the trend to use C#/WASM with Blazor. These modern applications typically also need authentication and single-sign-on as well as token-based security for calling APIs – in other words OpenID Connect and OAuth 2. There are different patterns for securing such applications and this session covers some of the pitfalls of the various approaches, especially given the ever-changing browser landscape. We will conclude with the “backend for frontend” (or BFF) pattern which has become the most secure and stable of these approaches.
Articles / Others
- Use the Query String to pass an array of selected values between Blazor Pages - April 28, 2022 - Use the Query String to pass an array of selected values between Blazor Pages.
- Conditional Blazor Styles (without the if statements) - March 24, 2022 - Conditional Blazor Styles (without the if statements).
- Use Tailwind's new JIT mode when developing Blazor applications - January 19, 2022 - Use Tailwind's new JIT mode when developing Blazor applications.
7. Awesome Deno
Modules / Machine learning
- netsaur (⭐228) - Powerful machine learning, accelerated by WebGPU
- synaptic (⭐14) - Dependency-less neural network library ported to deno
Modules / Math
- neo (⭐67) - Matrix and other math, accelerated by WebGPU
8. Awesome Tailwindcss
UI Libraries, Components & Templates
- 📚 Xtend UI - Tailwind CSS components with advanced interactions and animations.
- 📚 Headless UI Float - Floating UI integration for Headless UI.
9. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- v-route-generate (⭐13) - A tool to generate routes for vue-router 4.x.
10. Awesome Emails
Services / Misc
- Mailchimp - MailChimp provides email marketing for more than 15 million people globally.
Resources / Misc
- Mailchimp - Mailchimp Email Design Reference.
Statistics / Misc
- Mailchimp Research - Mailchimp's researchers are constantly analyzing data to help you make the most of your email campaigns.
11. Awesome Svelte
- svelte-formly (⭐254) - A good solution to generate and control a dynamic forms using core and custom rules with customize styles. (pre-v5)
12. Awesome Fastapi
Open Source Projects / Other Tools
- Bali (⭐268) - Simplify Cloud Native Microservices development base on FastAPI and gRPC.
13. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects / Open Source Art
- Alexandre Prokoudine, #2 - GIMP contributor, editor of Libre Graphics World online magazine.
- Andrea Ferrero - Developer of PhotoFlow image editor, maintains various Appimage packages.
- Duduf - Tools for animations and motion pictures production.
- Inochi2D - Opensource editor and libraries for realtime 2D puppet animation and rendering, e.g. VTubers.
- Marc Jeanmougin - Inkscape contributor.
- Morevna Project - Various contributions to open source animation tools and animated shorts sources released under CC.
- Øyvind Kolås, #2 - Lead developer of babl & GEGL libraries used in the graphics editor GIMP.
- Pablo Dobarro - Sculpting improvements for Blender.
- Tavmjong Bah - Working on Inkscape vector graphics editor.
- ZeMarmot, #2, #3 - 2D animation film project to be released under CC. GIMP contributions from Jehan Pagès, art and direction by Aryeom Han.
Open Source Projects / Hardware related
- Damien Maguire - Electric vehicle projects.
- Espruino - JavaScript interpreter for microcontrollers.
- Frank Buss - FPGA and other hardware projects.
- GitClear - Improved Linux support for touchpads.
- Hector Martin "marcan", #2 - Asahi, Linux support for Apple Silicon Macs.
- Nefarius Software Solutions - Windows drivers for the Sony DualShock controller and others.
- - Pinout diagrams for various microcontrollers.
- Professor Abrasive - Retro gaming.
People Doing Open Source Work / Hardware related
- Luke Dashjr - Author of bfgminer and other substantial contributions to Bitcoin.
14. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Methodologies for Experiments / Quantitative Analysis
- Two lines: A valid alternative to the invalid testing of U-shaped relationships with quadratic regressions - Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2018. [All Versions]. An alternative method to test the statistical significance of U-shaped relationships.
- Prev: May 18, 2022
- Next: May 16, 2022